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<br /> 17.Tra�sier of the Property or a Beneficial Intcrest in Barrower.If ull ar uny pnrt of the Propeny or c►ny interest in it
<br /> la sold ar transfermd (or if a beneftci�l interest in aanawer is sold ar trunsfcrnd nnd Horrower l�nat a natural pcnson)without
<br /> Lender's prior wrftt�n consent, l.ender muy. at its aption. reqaire immediate payment in full of ell sums secured by this
<br /> Secudty Instrutnent. However.thia option shatt tmt be exercise�i f�y I.ender if exercine is�rohiblted by federnl law us of the date �--
<br /> of this Sec:urity lnstrument.
<br /> If Lender exercisea thia aptton,Lender shall givc Barrower nottoe of acc�leratian.The notice shnll provide a period of not
<br /> less thun 30 duys ftam the date the notice is delivere� or muiled within which Borcowcr must pay ull sums secuced by this
<br /> 3ecuriry Instcument. Tf&�rrower fufla to pay these sums prior to the explration af thia pedod,Lender may tnvoke any remedies
<br /> .,,..„,i„,ut t+��t+Is cecuricv lnstrument without fucther notice or demand on Bonower. � �� �.",_ i4� �w�. •w ��•,w
<br /> r'•._....--
<br /> 1�. �OM'+QWeY�B RI$�ft �O Relastate. If Botrowet meets certain condiiwcw, DvUUwr� aua� �wr�, u��. ..p... w �«...
<br /> enforcement of this Secudty lnsuument discontinued at any time prFor to the earlicr of: (s►)S duys (or such ottter perlod as
<br /> applicable Inw may specify for reinstatement) before sale of the Propc�ty pucsuant to any power of sale contained in th3s
<br /> Ser udty Instrument; ar(b)entry of a judgment enforcin�thls Security Instrument.Those conditions are that Borrower:(e)pays
<br /> I,ender uil sums which then would be due under this Security[nstrument and the Note as if no acceleradon had occurred;(b)
<br /> cure.v tu�y default of any other covenants or ag�eements;(c) pays all �xpenses incucred in enforcing this Stxurity Instnimeat,
<br /> including.but a�ot limtted to. reasflnable sttarneys' fees; and(d)tekes such action�s Lender rnay reasonably require w assure
<br /> that the lien of thts Security Instrument. I.ender's r�Bhts in the Property aad Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by
<br /> this Secwity instrument shall contInue unchanged Upon re�nstctemeat by Borrower. this Securlty Instrument and the
<br /> obligattons secured herelry shaU remain fully effective as If no acceteration had occurc�ed.However,this dglU to reinstate sheli -
<br /> not apply in the case of acceleratton under paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale af Note; Chaage of Loan Secvtcer.The Note or a paKial iaterest in the Note(Wgether with this Setudty
<br /> Insuument)may be sold one or more times without pdor notice to Borrower. A snle may�esult ln a change in the enttty(known
<br /> as We°Loan Servicer')that collects mon�hly payments due under the Note and this Secudty Instrument.There also may be one
<br /> or more chenges of the Loan Servicer unrelatod to a sale of the Nate.If there is a chunge of the I.oan Servicer,Borrower will be
<br /> given written notice of the change in accordance wlth paragraph 14 abave aad epplicable law.The nouce will state the ntimE and
<br /> address of the new Loan Servicer and the address W wtach payments should be mxde.The notice will also contaia any other
<br /> infonnation required by applicable law.
<br /> 2p. Hazardous Substt�nccs. Bormwer shell not cause or pemut the presence. use. dlsposal. storage,or release of eny
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in ths Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else w do. an thIng affecting the
<br /> property that 1s in viol of smalt�yuenti ies of Hazsrdous Subsptances that are�e erally s�1 not a �ly�to p roPr�e �.��
<br /> �tarsge un ihe Pm�K}' 4 .
<br /> residential uses and to maiatenance of the Property.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly give I.ender wrltten notice of any investigation,claim,demwtd. lawstait or other actlon by sny
<br /> govemmental or regulaWry agency or prlvute party involving the Prope�ty and any Hazardous SubstBnce or Environmental[.aw
<br /> of which Horrower hes actaal knowlodgo. If Borrower leams,or is nodfied by any governmentat or regulatory authodty.that
<br /> aay remaval or other remediation of any Hazardous Subatance affecting tde Property is necessery.Borro�ver shall prompdy take
<br /> all aecessnry remedial actions in accordance with Eavirc�nmental L.aw.
<br /> As used in this paragraph 20. "Hazardous Substanocs" are those substances de�ined as wxic or hazatdous substences by
<br /> Environmental Law and the followin� substances: gasoline, kerosena, other flanunable ar toxic petroleum products. to�cic
<br /> pesdctdes and herbicides.volatile solventa. materials oonteining asbestos or forrtialdehyde.and radioactive materials. As use�in
<br /> this paragrnph 20. "Environmentel Law" means federal laws and lawa of the jurisdicdon where the Pmperty is tocatc�t1�A�
<br /> relate to health,safery or environmental protection.
<br /> NON-UI�iFORM COVENANTS.Borrower end i.ender further covenssnt end ugree as follows:
<br /> 21.Ao��eleratlon;Remedies•Lender shall gtve nottce to Barrower prtor to aaaleratton[ollowing Bormwerl'br�eacb
<br /> of auv wvenant or ngreement in this Secudty Iastn►m�at Nut not prtor to�oceteratlon uader �ragraph
<br /> applicable!aw provtdes otherwise).The notfce shalA sp�cil'y: (a)t6e deiaWt;(b) the adtos�required to cure the deiautt;
<br /> (c)a�1ate,no!less than 30 days Prom tde date the notice is gfven to Borrower.by wWch We default mas4 be cured;aud
<br /> (d)that tnilure to cure the defAWt on or betore the date specifled in the notioe may cesult in sooeteratton of the sums
<br /> reiastate atter acoderAtion and the rip�6t toebdnhg��eou�adi n toassed the��xi�stence ot���tulfL or�ny�other
<br /> ddense oi Bore+ower to acceleration ond sate. If tbie defaWt is aot cured on or before the date specified in the notEce,
<br /> I.ender,pt its option,m�y requlce immedlate paym�t in tiilt of ali snms sec�rcd by this Secur[ty Iestrnment withaut
<br /> {�rthe�.danAnd and may invoke the power of sale and eny.other remedies pem�itted by eppl3cable taw.Lender shall be
<br /> entiUed to colled�Il expenses 4acnrr�d in p�usui�tl�e remedies�mvided in tinls parag�stph Zl,including,but nat timited
<br /> w,reasonable attomeys'fe¢s end oosts o!title evidence.
<br /> It thepo wer oi sale is invoked,Tn�stee sfwll r�eoord a aotice oi defaeilt[n each wunty in w61ch any part of tUe
<br /> property is l�cated and ahail m�U copies oi such nodce in the manne�prtscrlbed by epplicable!aw to Borrower end to
<br /> the other persuns pt�scr[bed bY aPP�icable law.ARer the tlme required by applicabte law,Tnutee shaU gfee public notice
<br /> of s4le to the per�ons�►d in the manner pe+escrlbed by eppUcmble law.Tnistee, w[thoat demand on Borrower�stwll sell
<br /> the property ut pu611c auctton to ttoe highcs�t bfdder at the time and plece and under the tera�s deslgnated In the notiae o!
<br /> sale in one or more parcels end In any order Trustce determines.Tr�stee may postpoae sale of all or nny parcet of thc
<br /> ptoperiy by publtc ennouncement at the Nme and pince of any previously schedWed sale. Lender or its destgnee mny
<br /> �e�tcftase the Pro�erty nt eny sale.
<br /> Wm.5028 9/90
<br /> Pepe 6 of 8
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