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<br /> o?saie,s�usl tho c�tr,iusludiaji 4ha!s� nt of the 7tustee'�tees actuoliy tacurr+n�i,aat to exsced f��e `�� c
<br /> sa
<br /> the pdndp�l�ount ot t6e pote at date ot tLe d�ratloa of defnnlb snd reasonabk auaraeys'Qeea�a�:.ru�L
<br /> by faw;(b)to WI sunus�curcd by thie Se�arity In�nenli and(c)a�►9 exoeae to tlte person or peraot�e kgd19 entitled
<br /> to IR.
<br /> �2. Rtconveyana. Upnn payment of aU suma secured by thia Securlty Insaun►ent,Lender ahali request'Itustee t�
<br /> ceconvey the Property tu►d shall surnender this Securlty Insuument und all aotes evidencing debt secumd by this SecuritY
<br /> t.,a...,,r.,.,.► .��n'.�ar�, '1t��stee s6a11 reccsnvey the PropeKY wlthout wananry and without charge to the peisoa or person�
<br /> legaUy endlled to i� Such peason or persons shali pay eny nxordauon costs.
<br /> 23. gs�pstttute'iYqatee. Leader.at its opdon�may from dme to time nmove 7lvatee and appolnt a successor tnistee to
<br /> Wiythw�it nv y�unco�of We Propec y�the successor truetce shall�su caxed�W all the fl�8power atyad du�conferred up�on -
<br /> 'hustee herein and by appItcable law.
<br /> ?A. Requeat for No�tces. Boirower requests that c4pies of tha nodces of default and sale be sent to Borrower s add�cess
<br /> which is the Praperly Address.
<br /> �. ������ecudty Tamtr�men� Tf one or more r�ders aro executed by Borrower aad recorded wgether wIth
<br /> thla Securdty Inatrumeab the wvenanta end a$ceemen�►of each snch ddar shaU 6e IacorE+orRted into ead�hall�wasnd and -
<br /> aupplemeat tbe covenants and ag�eemeats of tWa Secarity I�►suanaent as if tha dder(s)wer$e Part of thia Secutity Instnunec►�
<br /> [Chcek appl�cable box(es)] '
<br /> aAdjustaWa��te Rider ��'Coadominium Ridet �1-4 Facnily Rider `,
<br /> , . :.
<br /> ❑CrnBuated Pu3�eat.Rider �Planned Unit Development Rider �Biwe�k}y Payme�4 Ridcr
<br /> �Htilloon Rider . �Rate ImProvemeat Rider �Second Home Ridor
<br /> �Other(s)[sPec►fY)
<br /> BY Sxt3MN(3 BELAW.Bormwer accepts and ag�c��tn�the temis and covenaau con�ai�►ed in tt�is�ocnmY� �
<br /> and in any rider(s)executad 6y�orrower end recorded wfth i�.
<br /> Wimesa: ' wmess:
<br /> • � , .
<br /> (�)
<br /> , �tI1Qs A NIQ�ItAN -ao�i DIAIVE L RII.EY' -�"0"'�
<br /> (Seal) ,�?
<br /> -aarower
<br /> STATE OF NEBRAS�CA. • Cannty ss:
<br /> NA1.I,
<br /> ' On this 2(f th day of Septerber� 1985 .before me.tho undersigsed,a Notety Publlc
<br /> d�ly commissioRed and�ualified for said connty.personally came IYIYKE A 'NIClQNAN A SINGI.E P1�S�'� AND
<br /> AtAN� L RILEY A SINGd� F6t.`�ON ,wmeknowatobotha
<br /> id�eaHcal persous(s}whose name(s>are Rubsciibed to tha;F�r;going inst�vment und aclrnowledged the execution thercof to
<br /> � h volunmry act an�i doed. � in said county�tho
<br /> Wlutess myTian�and nottuSisl seal at ISLATVD
<br /> dau afoc+eseid � •
<br /> My('_ommission explres:
<br /> �ElIE�AI Ii01N1Y•Sltle�i Ke0tula
<br /> � A L R�EU NocarrPubt�;
<br /> f:F1�11�.1991
<br /> � ���nr. s e holder of the noto or notes secttred by tLls Dced of'IIust. Said aote or notes.together with all
<br /> other inde6tedn�es3 secumd by this Deed of'th�st,ha�e been paid in tU1L You are hereby dlrected to cancel es+id note or notcs
<br /> and this�xd cq'IIvst,which are delivered hercby.and to reconvey,witiwut warranty.all the esmte now held by you undsr
<br /> th;s Dxd of'Iiust to the person or parsone legaUy entided ttieneto.
<br /> �ate:
<br /> Fony30Zg g�90 (pn�e6qf6pogct)
<br /> ��' . -.
<br /> --..._._. -._..�����.�..�___
<br />