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<br /> 'C�fiTit[iP.�VITH all the impmvement�nQw or hereafter erected oa the pmperiy.nnd al!eusert��nta.appurtenences, -
<br /> � pl!re lac�tnents and addidoas ehWl also be covered by this Security
<br /> and 8xtures aow or hemafter a pait of the pmperty. P
<br /> Ins�irumenG All of the faregoing is refem�d w ia this Securtty Iastrument as the"Property."
<br /> BORR0IN�R rUV�NANTS Wat Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and hns tt�a dght to gratm
<br /> and convey the Property�ncl tiias ilte P[opertY 1�����and depm n�dsesubject W y encumbrances f recoWU�'snnts and
<br /> wjU dofend�encrally tho dtle to t�e Property a8atn � ���o� „�, ,� ,�,-�gorm wvenaaus wltt►
<br /> TkIIS SF.CLJR1'Y'Y INSTRUMBN'1' wmbines uaiiuru� w:GU�a .�. " _ __
<br /> W�ited varladons by jurisdlcdon to constttuta a uniform security insuument coveriug mal pmPei'tY• -
<br /> UNlFORM COVENAN7'S.aBn�d�►i���Y��nt�nd La C�liarges. Bonower shall promptiy pay when due the
<br /> 1. Payment of PrindpW a ,ent and late charges due uader tt►e Nate.
<br /> priacipal of and inurest on the debt evidenced by We Note and say prep yn►
<br /> 2. F�n�ts ta�'lbxes a�d Insnrana� Subje�t to applicable law or to a written weivcr by I.endcr.Borrower shall paY w
<br /> Lender en the day moathly payatenta ure due wtdet the Note.untll the Note is paid in full,a sum("Fumis")ef�ol l8easehold
<br /> taxes end assessmeats which may attein pdoritY over this Secwity� or nt as a Uen o�n�Pture��N)<d) Y�ly flood
<br /> paymenta or gcuuad reata:on the PmperiY. If at�i t��YremIums. if any�a d (� any sums payable by Horrower ta �
<br /> insu�ar►ce premlums. if a�►y:<e)Yesu1Y arortSaB nt of mortgage inswazace praruums. '1'hese
<br /> i.ender.In accordmtce wlth the provlsIons of paragraph 8.in lieu of the�yme
<br /> items ara called"Escrow Items." I.eader may.at any dme.coUse�for Borrowers esc,mw acco�uit under the�federal Reat
<br /> arnount a lender for a federaUy related mort8a8e loan u�ay re9
<br /> Estate Settlement Procedw+es Act of 1974 as amended from dme to Hme.12 U.S.C.§2601 et seq.("RESPA"),unless aaother
<br /> la:r that applies to the Funds sets u lesser amauaw If so.L,eader may.et any dme.collect and hold Funds in an a¢naani�ot to ,
<br /> exce�d the lesser amaun� L.ender maY esdmate tbe amount of Funds due on the basis of cunenC data u►d masonabla
<br /> estimates of axpenditures of futtue Esemw Items ot othen�vise in accordance wttb apP�cable law.
<br /> 'I9�e pY�ads shall l�i�eld in nn Institation whose deposits are insured by a federal agency. iostzumentallty.or endty
<br /> (including I.ender,if Lender is such an iasdtudon)or in any Federal Home Loan B�ank.�nd���PP�����w
<br /> the Fsseaw Items. I.ender may aot charge Bomower for holding and applyiog g�ble law ta
<br /> ��,„r verifyIng the Bscrow Items.unlesa la�adet pays Bomnwer interest on the E�►nds and app P�� z
<br /> L.ender w maks such a charge. However,L.ender ma�t s+e4wre Bonvwer tv pay a o�sc-�Se�e fsx aa in!��!+�mal
<br /> atate tax�eporeing service used by Lender ta cormesbton with Wis loan,unless appucable law provides othecwise. Unless an
<br /> agcament ia inade or applicable law requires interest w be Raid,I.ender shall not be c�equired to pay Bunawer sny inuerest or
<br /> '� oamings on the Funds. Hon+nwer and E.ender may agt+ce in writin&however.that iaterest shall be paid oa the F1►nds• I.eader
<br /> shall gtve t���h deti t to the�Funds was made�. 1tte�Fuads are pl�ged as addidonat�security fortall sum�a�d bY -
<br /> putpose for
<br /> ab�is 3ecurity Insuument
<br /> If die ii�nds l�etd by Lender axceed the amounts peca�ttted to be held by applicable l�w,Lender sh acoouat to
<br /> � gorrower for the excass F�nds in accordauce with the t�quire�ent�of applicable law. If the amouut of the fi�nds held by
<br /> Leader at auy tirne is not sufficieat w pay the Escmw Items when due.Leadcr may so notify Boirower in w=iHng,end.In
<br /> such case Borrower sha11 pay w Lender W�amow►�aeoessarY t0�e up the deflciency. Borrower shall make up the
<br /> defic�ency in no raore than tvvelve monthiy paynaents,at i.eader's sole discn�ion.
<br /> UP�P�Y�nt in fiill uf all sums secnred 6y this Security Inswmen�l.ender ahall piompdy refund w Sorcower any
<br /> Funds held by I,ender. If.under pa�ag�aph 21.L.ender shall aoquite or sell the PropertY.L.end�r.prior to the acqulsition ot
<br /> sale o!'the Propecty.shall apply any Funds held by L.ender at the ame of aoquisition or sale as u credit agsinst the sums
<br /> secured by this Security Insavmen�
<br /> 3. Applkkattton�ot PMym�b� Unless applicable law provides othenvise. all payments noeived by Lendtr under
<br /> pa�agraphs I amd 2 s6all be•applied:fust,w anY Pc�p�y'c�ent charges due under the Note:seoond,ta atteounts Payable nader
<br /> paragraph 2;third.to�ntenzvt due:fourth.to principal�;ead last,to any iate charBes due under tl�Kote.
<br /> _ 4� ��t; Lip�s, Hoaower shali pay nll taxes, assessmenta, charBes. fines aad impositions ata�ibutabie w the
<br /> pruperty which msy attain p�Iority over thls Secunly Iastcument,en�leasehol.i paYments or ground rents.if any. Bo�mwer
<br /> shallpay dxse obligaHoQS W the menner providcd ia paiagruPh Z,ar�if n�t paid in that mumer.Boirower shall pay them on
<br /> time diiocdy to tl�o persoti owed payment Bomower shall pmmptly fumish w Len�rs aU not�ces of aiaio�u�ts to be paid unda
<br /> thia parag,rnph. If Bom�wEr makes these paYments dlrecdY.Bornower shall prompily fumisb to Lender teoeipts evidenctn8
<br /> the pay�nenta.
<br /> — Sorrower shadl promptly discharge any lien whic6 das prlority aver this Security Iasuument unl�ss Bomower.(e agrees
<br /> ia writing to the payment of tha obligation secured by We lten in a manner aooepteWe to Y�ender.(fl►)oonte�ta in gaod faith the
<br /> - lien by.or dofends aga�nst ent'orcement of the I�en in.legal proceudinLts w'1�i�l�in the Lender's opia[on opetate to pievent the
<br /> enforcement of the liea;dr(c)sec+�ces from the holdes of the Iien an agreement satisfectory to Lend�r snbordin�tin8 the lien
<br /> -- to thls S�xudty Insocuu�eat If Lender detemnines thnt any part of tha PcapertY is subject w a Qen wlrich mny ettain priorlty
<br /> — over�his Securiry InstTnmem�i.ender may give Bon+nwer A nodce identifyfying the lien. Borrower sha11 satisfy d�e lien or taka
<br /> ons or more of the actions set forth ebove v�ntl�in 10 ds►ya of the giving ot norice.
<br />--� S. yazard or pe�opertyr In�uranc! Borrowcr sball keep the impmvementa now caistic�g or bereafter erected on the
<br /> property insured agninst loss by fue.hazards included within tt�e tetm'extended covezage"and any other hnzards.Licluding
<br /> _,� fioods or flooding.for which Lender requires insurance• This iasuranoa shall be ma[ntainod in tfie amounts and for die
<br /> — Pxv�3�23 9ll1 fP�►de2of6pa8eal
<br /> _�
<br /> .�
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