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<br /> Tho urtderaignM Tnutore hercby acknowledgo u�Q undersUnd thu(y Uro sewdty document bclow M be execuud Es s Trust Deed
<br /> �c►d not a a�ort�o,(b)tho pawar otate ptovided for tn tho Ttust DaC pmvtda subswiddly dltfercnt eights md oblliatiom ta the Tnntnrn
<br /> ttw�a tnortB�e in tho ovent of�dotwlt or brcach of oElfittion.(t►o 7tuswta flutder aDrcsent tnd agree thrt tAl�arNticaUon hn 6can nad ��� �
<br /> �nd execuud in oonnectloA witA,but prior w.tho Trusto�a'aoecudon of tha followtn4lturt Deod.
<br /> on�n����ember 28 ,i�s. � _
<br /> ���� �� �
<br /> sateot Nebreske � �
<br /> Cor�ty at Hell t
<br /> 7tie tbtegolny Instrument waz�cknowledged,subsctibtd Qnd awom w�efom me thts 2�_d�y of Se�flmbB��:
<br /> J�y L Ripp. Jr� en utnar3sd pez'san end
<br /> 19 95 .by�� ������1��NeDraska.
<br /> i�iii�ii Cws� �z��' � .-w�-2�- �
<br /> OYWIpR00F1AAEN xoa►Y Pubiia
<br /> � My01�w,E�IYr.1,U9t
<br /> D OFTRUST on Seotem6er .19 9STheTnurona+e Jea:v L Raop. .�c• a��.rrnear3ad
<br /> pm�on erd Temy l.�i.�an oecso�. l�eonower).rt,o�i,raee�s saa n.en�eaweaa'►uomer�
<br /> I,zw,('Yhntee`).1Tie brneflciary i�the Qr�d tal�ad Area Housin�Co�porWion.309 W.lnd Strat�Cir�nd lalnd.Nebratiu� 68E01.
<br /> (`l.ender). Rarowera owe Lendsr Me pinelp�t am or
<br /> (�4.5�•� TwentV-Fa�Tha�send Five H�th�ed Oo1Lus eRd No/?m- -- - - - --.tnb eeee b ovteanoea by Baaowee�
<br /> �au d�ted the sn+no d�te a tsis SeeuritY 1nsCuma�t("Nde'.whFch ptovtda tbr a Axed prymeat Elve ye�s from tbo d�EO l�aeo£'!he SxurltS'
<br /> ��uu�eent aepn�w Laidere: (�)tho apayment of tEe deDt ovidawed by tdo Note,with int�aat. �d all c�¢w�s,oxteasbm�d
<br /> ma�lBcWians:(b)tl�e PsYment of dt other eunu,witd Intcrent.drmaed�mder p��pD 7 0o protcct the tavrity ot thb Sca�Nry Imuumenk
<br /> �ad(c)We pMam�nce of Bo�sowcn'coveants md a�rarnents.Fa this p�rp�tso,Bortowen Ineaoeabiy pmi r►d aonveyr W Tnutea.lu wq.
<br /> witb power of pla�fotlosvtns descdbed ptopxcq�:
<br /> Lot Seven (7), 81a�k Four (4)� George Loan's Subdivision tc the City of Grand
<br /> Islend� Hell Caunty� Nebraske.
<br /> �n,em,utngaaarossor�nebomowerob 916 E 12th Street. Grand Islartd. NE 68801-2616 .
<br /> ' 'l�OOH7��HR VYCCI�+dl the imp�oremmta�w or 6aeotter e�ected on tRo property,md di u�qna�b,ri�ts.��pw�a�,tmU
<br /> md iixtures�a p�rt of thn pmperiy.Ail cepl�amenb md�dditlom ahill�lso bo cove�ed by thts Sec�a�tyr InnnmttnL A11 of 160
<br /> t�egoing fs re�end w in thia Seauity Uatrument w tho'Pcoperty".
<br /> BORROWERS COVENANT tAet Bortowen uo t�wt�ity seized of tho esqto hueby aom�eyed�d�tve Wo eiEM to ennt�ad
<br /> convoy the Prope��y�nd 1Lnt�to Pro�naty i�unmcumbaed.exapt fot enauabronoa of cacord.Hocrowent warmt�od wtll defend gen�rdly
<br /> Ne Htle w the Property ayAtnst a11 clu�and demutda.aubJutw my encumbranoq of teoocd.
<br /> COVENANIB.Hotrowent end Lendeta covenmt�nd�teo av fbltowa:
<br /> 1. Payment of Pcincipat aad Intecack Aepaynteat u►d fate C3��rgp.Boaowe�e 6Ae11 promPtly pay when duo tho pri�►clput of tAo
<br /> deM evideaad Oy tLe Noro�nd ury pnpaymeat and I�o charga due under tLe Nota.
<br /> 2.Funda tbt Tats and insut�►ae.All rcai e.ctete tmces�nd inswutoe aEail�e pald by Beirowaa when dua
<br /> 3.Chrgea:Liens.Horrowrn shdl p�y�tl ta�ce.a,nu�.ss�nent�,eAvga,6nes aad imposttiau amibntaDle m thc Fmperty wfiicb mq
<br /> smin prtorHy over 16;a Seciuity Instrumen4+�t��td pq�rtrcnts or gcound renb,if aiq+.Batrowe�a tluit p�yr Ihaso oDltgatbns in the
<br /> macma pmvided[n p�uagmph 2,os 1f not Qaid in Uut mswer.Borroweca shall pay ffiem on time dicatty to t6e peesan owed ptyment
<br /> Botmaero uhail prompUy fl�mtsh to Lendera dt nodces oFam�wnb w Eo pud under tlds patognph.Ifl3oaoae�s mako theso paynxnb diroct�.
<br /> Boaowtra sRdt prcompUy tWmiah w L+mde�s teaipLs ovidertclog tho paymrnts.
<br /> _.._u.._�,s.....�. • ......u.c.....w�..........�.,,.,i.�atm.e�tam.r..a.,t c..�l
<br /> - mmVtR1D aim�pw�=ru���w..�p.�y��.0..�..w...�r.....y�.�....����.��_._�------v—v_^_'_ "_—.� _.
<br />__ unless gottoprae:(a)a�eo ta wttdng to Uu pnyment ofitte oD�IgaUon secuad try tAe lten in�mfnner ao�ept�Dlo to Lettder;(b)aontest In good
<br /> littA the line by.or defrnd agniast enfuraanent of the lisa in,legel pmceedinga whlch ln the l.endera'opinion opente to prevent tho
<br /> enfota,ment of Ne Itrn or forfeiwm aY eny part of ffio Propc�ty:ot(o)secvie 8om tho Rolder of tde itm�n agreemeat sadst�►cUOry to lxndaa
<br /> subotdin�dng tAo itrn w tRb SewWty tnstcumeM.If Lenders detertnine tMd a�r put ot the Property is w�ject W n 13en whlch m�y atmin
<br /> prtodty oru t�b Stcurity taswmeaf.Lcndas mey giva Botrmvere a noifeo tdentitylag the itrn.Bom�waa s�ll amtsfji the lien ar t�ke ora or
<br /> morc of thc acNons ut tbRh eLove wltAln l0 deya of tho�iving of noUoo.
<br /> 4.Ha�aM Insusanx. Bomotivcrs ehall kcep the improvements now existtng or hercnfter erected on the Property insu�ed egainst loss _"
<br /> Dy Itte.Anzarde Iacludcd w(thin Ne tertn•extcnded ooverogo•and any other haurds for whtch Lendere cequim insumnee.7bfs insuranw shall _
<br /> be maintnined{n tAe amoant9 and for the pedod�thnt Lenders requim.thc iasurencc cortia pmvidtng the insucance chall Do chosen Dy ,.
<br />� Hortowera suD}ect to Isnders'npprovN which shall not be unrenconubiy withheld.
<br /> ��
<br /> # �
<br /> ,�
<br /> � �
<br />