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<br /> ti.A89IalVl�ENT oF�EASEB. vpon Lratda•s t+equau,sarowa st�aU assi�to I�ender all kates of t�e
<br /> Propetty and a11 eecnrity depos�t+mede in�onnetdon with kax.s of tAe I�roperty.UFon d�s dtslg�unent, Lenda
<br /> ahaU Mva tua daht tn modifv.eatebd ar tnmin�te the a�islinII lrsxs and 6o azexvto new lea9e,9.it�Lender'e sob _
<br /> discretbn.Au e�eWW ia thie pnegraph 0.the word"ka�e"shall meau"subka�e"if tbe Socarlty Iasaun►eat ia on a
<br /> {ea�el�old. _
<br /> H. ASQItiNNllsTTl' OF ttENT3i A��N'P OF REC6R►Bttf LENDER 1N POg3ESSION.
<br /> Bore+oker�olutely aad uncoadiliontlly a�ns aud tran�fus to Lander all die rsats end revatues("Rsnts")ot ttrsc
<br /> prnpaty, regaidiess of to whom tbe Rents of d�e Pmperty are pa�y�ble.Bo�mwu authosizas Ltades�L�enda's
<br /> �gents to colleoi tha Ren1a.�ad a�raes tlut wch ta�nt ot tl�e Fm�aty ahaU pay the Reuts to I.eader a Lraida's
<br /> egean.Hoxava�Bamower ahal�reoeive d�e Reata tuttil(i)I.eader tut givea Bon�uwa noti�oo of dcfinit pursuaut to
<br /> �21 ot Ue�Secuslty►IQSSUrne�nt nnA(iq�ha4 8wm aodoe m Um t�mant(s)eL�t the lta►ts a:e oo bc . .
<br /> p� W I.ender ar Leadet's ageat Zhia as�gama►t cf Rea� constuu0es an absolute essignmeat and aot an
<br /> ass�nreat for addidonal sexutity only.
<br /> If 1.a�der gtvrs notice of breaeh to Bamower:(�all Renfe reoeived by B�rowu shall bo held by Barowa as
<br /> truatee fo�tbe 6a�a6t of I�eada a�ly,m be applied to tha aums eecured by the Seauity Ia�drumea�(ii�I.ra�da slWl
<br /> ba endtied to Gollnct ond rxeive eU of tbe ReAts of tba Propaty;(iii)Souower a��xs that eacb oea�at of tGe
<br /> �Y �WY�I Reata due atW w�pdd w L.eader or I.eade:'a egears upon I.andet's wriuea deawad to tho
<br /> ta�anx Cav)nnleas �pplicabb 4w provldes othawi�e. all Reata collxted by La�der a L�er�da's aganta siull be
<br /> applied f�rat t�o tbe c�of nl�ing control af and a�giog the Frapacy ead collecd�ug the Rente.inci�din8,but not
<br /> limited to�at0aracys'fees.raxiva•s few.Premiums on reee�Iva's iw�ds,cepAir and maiau�snoe cos�s.inauc�noa
<br /> Pn�ad►uas.�es,agsessmaats and othar cLarBes ea the Propaty.a►d dien W tbo sums secuced by tbe Sacurlty
<br /> ����.►2 L�,Le.nd�x•s agmts or anY Judiciatty ap�ointad noeiver shatl ba liabk tm a000wtt for on1Y diose .
<br /> Reata�ctwlly recxived:and(vn La►drr s6at1 be eadtlad to dxva a rooeiver appoinud to nika poas�ssioo of wd
<br /> mtw,ge a,e Psopaty am aollecx afe R�ab a�a pmfitR aerlvea rs�ea�the P�opeaty wtmout any showjog as to a�e
<br /> L�sdaqoac.y of the Propaty a4�xaulty►.
<br /> Ii the Raus of Qhe Prop�rty m not�t m cova tho oosts of taidng coa�ol of aod mao�iag tha
<br /> Pmsaty aad of collxdng tha Rwts my fiu�ds axpa►ded Dy I.aidrs for such piuposes shall b000me indebt�dness of
<br /> Boeto�W Lpidor aec�aed by Hie Securlty 1as�umait piususat ta Unifam Ceve�at 7.
<br /> Bamxer r�ta md w�rmta t6et BaaoNer t�not�cacubd�oY Pria�mdat of the Reota aod hr
<br /> noc aoa ww nocp�f«cn eoy.cc thac wonla praveat Lmaar lran exa�iatng its rlghtn unaar u�peragnpb.
<br /> Le�da.a Leader'a ageata or a judZcLlly q�peintsd reodver.s6all not bo mquirod to eater�poa.tata oontrol
<br /> of a mainaia d�e Aonaty 6afore a aRer glvlag a�tioe of defauult w Ba�mwar.Howavex.Laxta.qr I.andoPs
<br /> qgean ar a judidnuy appoin�ed n+�eiva.a�y cb so at any dma w6ea a defivlc oocnrs.Any�pplic�ioa af Rems
<br /> a6all nc�e coce a waive any defa�ilt a i�ivuid�my otMi right�cemedy of Ireader.`lbis�xne of Rents of
<br /> tha Property si�all�aminaw wha►sll the suans seeured by the Soanity Inswmait tro paid in tiill.
<br /> L CROBS�DEFAULT P80ViSION. Baroaa's dttault or breach under my not�e or ageeemait in
<br /> which LraWer lu�s aa inmrest s1W1 be a breach under tha Sawdty Instnunent and laader may invoka my of t6e
<br /> � �paminea by a�e Sa�riry insaument
<br /> BY SIONATC�BBtAW,Boaower aooepts emd a�ees to Ihe te�ms aod provlslons coaWnotl Ln dils 1�4 Famil�►
<br /> � �c«.
<br /> (1.��� P1dQ�� — es�) rseal) ..
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