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<br /> . . . ' �. . ��..v�W M�MM1I.tlR�- .
<br /> . -.--.______._........_.. ...�. ...__-----------..__...�.. .. . . .. ... .. ,. .... 9� 1t��5�iA � � ' � .
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<br /> �- � � �
<br /> ..:�.�'::�y P�Y���Y no longer bo iequirad,at tho aptbn oi Irendesr If RIOl�Y$O(AS{1ia1100 COV�Jit$0(�II Ul0 lNRO11RL Y11d�OT�!0 Q� ,f.:.,,;
<br /> � � that Leadu requie�es)Provlded by en lnsw�er appmvod by Lendcr again becomes avatlable and ia obtsinod.Hormwea eluiU pay the .
<br /> ;;.1�,;•l;y, 4 � pmrniwns roquimd to nwintaia martgage Inauc��co In eftc,�1.at to provtdo n lass nessrve.uadl tl�o re�t�ireament for mortgage
<br /> . ° insuranoe a►ds in ac�admoe wlth any writm►a�eement betweea Bocrowu md La�dcr a q�plkablo law. �:.�F�
<br /> -- ,, . 9.Inspectlos. La►da er its ageut mey melca reasonmbla eatrlos upun and tnspecdflns of 1he ProPatY. L�aidar sheU g[vo _
<br /> �.��`���^�:' Samwer notire at tbe dme oi ar print to an inspoction speclfyin8�onabb cause far tho inspecdan. � ,.
<br />_ _;��__. 10.Condemnatt�on. Z1t0 pIO�C�e Of 811y ew8[d 01 C181IR1(Or dS1R1a$E9�dIrOCI Ot CO1ISP.Qt1Cit�i81► iA C�AIIECIIOA wlih aAy � o
<br /> — , p•••.�s.......r.. ...��W w,..ww��.tn tiwn e�f o�k.*n n a t i n n;are h c r e by A r l t i g n e t l e n d ----
<br /> ��;,�--°�,'"� OOAtlQ11A3COZ!0!t1{[IR Yuuif�y us 6uj ywav. Yw...�..v�-» •-�---- o�
<br /> _- � z` g�il f10�LO Lt�tf�Ct. :�.:,�
<br /> ����� Ia tho event of e totel taldn8 of tha Proputy.the prooada sbeU be applied w the sums aocnrad by this SecurIry Inswmeat, ;;:,,:,
<br /> � , � �"� � ahethu�aot tben dtu.wlth eny e�ccess paW to Barrowa.In ttu eveut of a patdat ta�inS of the Properiy in wt�ktt tbe fair me�let ___�'_,
<br />-.,,:,:._ . vatue of the Propeity imme�lauly bcfoi+e thc taldr►g is equat to a g�than dio amount of tbo sama securcd by this sec�uity ==°-
<br /> -:�,�.t. ,,, , <` ..��...
<br />;;'�,`�,`.T'�,� Yas�ument immediately 6efom the taldng.uatas B�ower and Leader othe�vlsa agrca in wridn8.tbe sivas sacwred by this =
<br />.;;'�,,{,;, t.•.i Security 1a�u�t sball be red�oed by the amount of tho psoccads muldpliod by the folbwiag freciion:(t) dre to1a1 atnount ai ���
<br />-';,�'':.��,,� • the sums� im�nediately befora tbe talcing� dividcd by(b)the fair market vatuo of tho Pro1�Y ��Y befom tLe ---
<br />��;�;' :t�:;°,�F':..��'';
<br />_ tsking.Any bnl�ce sdaU be gai�m Boirowc.fn the aveat of a pactial talch►8 of d�e Prenaty ia wl�&thse fefe a�t veine of tt�e °---
<br />-:��?:`.":�;;'.; �'� P�ropaty immedisuly befom tbe teldng is less tt�an t1��aountof tha sums sociacd jmmedlately befor� dte nilc�ng� unles� ----
<br />= `'�� Bomower aad Lender olhcrwIse e�ea in writjng or unless applicabla law otheervise pnnvtdes,the P�s sh�11 ba aPDlied to t�e n-
<br /> . "'�` '�E $UAl.4 SEC4'[Od by t�3$OC�IIZY IASliWACAt PJhC�IET O!AOt th0 S111C13 A!B 1�1G1 dUC. �r�-
<br /> `'-`�x�;�i;..
<br /> , ��,. ,, ,� If the properiy ls abandonod by Brnmwea�or if.aftei aodoe by Leuda w Bonowea dmt the oondemnor offera to make an ---
<br />�;:r:� y awacd or seala a cleim fa�damages.Bo�mwer faits to�pond to Leader vvuhin 30 daya aft�7 tbe date dce aouioe is gtveA,Lenda _
<br /> `' � ., is aud�ad o0 oollxt and epply tbe prooeafs.at its option,eitha to res�den or rcp�ir of the Pr�peny a to the suma sec�red
<br /> ``,:�� by t6is Saaaltp Iasuumeat,whaher or not thea dua
<br />��'- � Uniess L.ender and B�mwa othavvlse a�ee jn arridn8,aay application of pi000eda ta prIndpal shell aot extead or postp000
<br />';:o-'!,.
<br /> `r' � � �te due dato of the monldlY PaYmeats refeaod to ia pata,gcaphs 1 aad 2 or cGange the amount of such P�Y��
<br />`�''"�- il.Bon+aWer Not Beleased3 Farbearana By I.enda No!a Wstke�. B�ctwsion of tbe dme for paymcnt a modlf"jcattoa
<br /> �-='=�,,�� of amoid�on of tbe sums se�aed by tAis�ry Iasuamu►t grnud iry I�ender to mry s� in fit�a-�af Baa�r�s�al! , _
<br /> ;- — aot operat�e to r¢lea�s tbe liabiticy of the arlg�nal Homower or Bommw�r's s�axssors ia inmest I�ender s1m11 not be roquired to
<br />``�`; ' ' c�u�marce P�aedin8s�nst eay suooassor ia iAterest ot refusa b e�W�d tlme faa payment or oti►esvv�se modifY�aocti�oa of
<br /> .;�`��y k� the s�cns�ued by t6is Sec�rlry Instnunau by reason of any damand�aada by tha orlgtnal Barrowu or Barrov�a•s suooessore
<br />`=;`?�`��.��;' .
<br /> � �=; in jataest Any fabemcanoe by Lender in atercfsing any rIght or tanedy st�all not be a waiva of or ptecl�the e�e�lso of any
<br /> - ''=�i�_ :.
<br /> -;���-�:�� rjght a�rmedy.
<br /> ,��,�� Ia.3roeeaora and Aesi�Boundi Jo3nt aad 3everal Lia6�Co�na�s.'lt�e w�ea�us ac� 4��affi of tt�
<br />—_---, Secutity Instromau shail biad end bm�fit the snooessars and assigas of Leader end �arnwa. subjat�o tha proviabons of
<br /> _ ,r��� peeag[aph 17. Somnwa's eovaiants aad egreamaits shall ba joint and eeveeaL Any Bocmwer who co-sigos this Secariry
<br /> =.--� Loauummt but doa aot a��cnte tha Nota (a)is oo-s�in8 this S�itY lasnumeat�ly w awetg�g�+.8raut aod oaavay tba
<br /> ---_'_� Boaowa•s inkn�t in tha Ptupaty uadar ohe mm�s of this Seautty Imsa�umeax(6)is not P�sonallY�v8��P�Y d�o s�cro
<br />-,-°----�_— aecured by tids Sarorlty L�mnm�and(a)�d�at Lzndar and miy other Barowa may ag�ae m e�cta�,modafY.fac6ar.a
<br /> -�_---= m�iCe�ay a000mrood�tions wlth regacd w tbe t�ams of tt+ia Socuriiy I�t ar tl�o Nae avlthout that Bo�mwa's oonsent
<br /> -----=�=-- 13.Loa�Cdar�es. If t6o ln�m sean+ed by tWs SASiaity In�ut is subject ou a laa wbich s�ts maximum 1o�n ch�rgr� .
<br /> �` '�� = aad th�t la�v ia firWly intapcatod s�thst tho intes�est a o�ha lomo ct�uges oallected ar w!xs oollocted in oonnocuaa w�1L tt�lotn
<br /> axooed d�e pamiuod 1imlts,thar(s)aay such loan charge shall be xeduad by tt�o aroount�Y t�taduoe the c,l�rgo t�the
<br /> -- peimiued 13�ana(b).ny aums atnaay ooltec,�a fi�sa�rowa wr�ioh ex000aed pa�aiand limiffi ww t�e te�rwoded m soROwe�.
<br /> _____-- Le,�dor may cibo�e to matca this rdvnd by ted�cing are�princlpnl owed nada the No�e ar by m�lCinB s d3rxt paYmait to
<br /> -- lBon+owa.If a refuad raduces princi�l.the cedtxtion will be tcaated a4 a�etial P'�P�Y�t wltbout�riy p�ymeat ch�sBa
<br /> - - undc the Nota.
<br /> --=-=--- 14.Notloe�. My ootjce to Bonoaar p�ovWed fa ia diis Seatrlty Ias�wnmt aball be glven by deliva�ng it a by mailing It
<br /> ._ by�rst clags meil unks�applic�ble law toquires use of anotl�er m�thod.'[�n�tioe st�l1 bo dfroct+ed to tDe Pc�cpaty Ad�a
<br /> -"�"AV_""—..� anq pthcr addresa Bonvwer d�tes bY�wtioe W Leader.Any rcdbe to Leadu shsll ba given by Srat c1�aiail�o I�nder's
<br /> --_ ,addie,cs sta�ed bereie or wny dh�eddnss Lasder desigaates by aotioe to Baruwa.Aay notioe provi�led for in this Saxtriry =.
<br /> _- --R°,y Inst�meat shall ba doeaxd oo hava beea gi��t�Baumwrr or L�ecder whea glven as providAd ia d�is pa�a��.
<br /> '_'-�::s i l�Govemin8 L�si 3lvera6iY� 'ltiis Sectuity Inst�un�ut s'hall 6e govat�e�t by fodaal laa aad tb law of We
<br /> ":;r� j�ui�don �n wt�ieh the Propaty is locatod.Ip �he evwt that eoy�p�vLsion�eluue of this Sec�►ios�eump�t a the Noto _.
<br /> " .-� _
<br /> =--�:����� �onfliqs arith Applicabb law.such oontl3et sdall aot affect othe�p�oviv�s of d�is Saudty Insw�nt or t�ue NWa ahich can be R.
<br />,-�-_u';.,'�,�, givea e8'ect w3thottt tha amflkdng provlsla�.'Ib dds mA the plova.sbns of d�is SawritY Iasteumeat and ihe Note am doclared to __
<br /> -°�`''' be srsver�ble. - --
<br /> __•"iY`f'.... • .t.� - -
<br /> , . ., Fo�m ao�e�no �
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