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. ypz���. �.�y�y�y,.,... � _ i5 � ��� .�. . . e�rqf�y".`'(ir'f" ° . !r. . y,i _ <br /> f yi �ti2.�7�i, 4 ��e,'}�>4���. . ,•�!r...4+%ir.l�ixtq �a �'�:��Srv�n : <br /> ��{f;;S t�a. �t'�'�:' r r i---r:ecr.,�s,.,�,.e.„•!/ �+� <br /> � �; �'���, . . <br /> . ��.���.,.. ���Y� .__ <br /> � . _ er:,�Mr, *�� .-,,'.�;,;.�:Ki'' -= _..�a - — <br /> ,F��� . . , . ..::,::_. - ���" .,:._ •..�—_- ___=— <br /> .. � .._... <br /> � ,,,_�—.. .._ <br /> � .... ___ ._� <br /> .._ <br /> .�..,..�;W..,.....�...a,,.�.4 A�d�C;..�.. . .•�---�W:.. ----R- _.-, _ __ <br /> -_-- ,�-*-r-='�_ _ z_.._...__�....,._.��.� <br /> %_• a,�,� — -- _-� <br /> _ _ _ _.. _ _ _ <br /> � <br /> s�_ ������ - <br /> 7. CondemnAtton. 7tie proceeda o�ar►y aw+ad or clnim for damoges,direct ar canr,equontlul.ln cnnnecdon with any <br /> condemnatton or other takIng af nny part oY the Property,or for conveynnc�e in pluce of candemnatian,aro hereby axafgned <br /> and Ahall ba puid ta l,ender to the extent oP tho tbll amaunt aY tho IndeMrdnesa that remains unpnid under thc Noto and thla <br /> Sccurity Instru��en� �nder shall upply s�RCh pre►�ecdx to�ho re,�fuc�lon��f ths inde6tednew►ander tha Nc�to i►rtd thix Security G <br /> Inauurnent, flr�t to any deAnquent amountx applied in tho ordcr provtded in Purugroph :1. and then to prcpuymcnt uf <br /> e monthl <br /> p�inclp�l. Any applicadan of tha procced9 ta tho princtpal ehall nat oxtcrtd or pastpano tho duo duto af th y <br /> paymenu�. which nre rcfernd to inpnru�raph 2, or chungo tho anuunt af such puymenu+. Any E.'%CC9A pniccedR over an <br /> wiwunt nequircd to puy aU outatand�ng inJebtcdnesa under tha Note ehull bo paid ta the entiry tcgally endUed thcrcta. <br /> 8. Feea. Lendu may sollut feev and churges by tho Secretury. <br /> 9. �:�..-r-._�ar:!�cs°�»r!� <br /> (a)Detrulf. Lender mny.except av IEmitod by reguledona ienue�by Iha Secceuuy in the case of ppyment defaolt�. <br /> require immediate payment in fuU of aU aumv secured by thix Sexurlty Inatrument!f: <br /> (t)Borrower defaults by faUing to pay In futl any monthly pnyment required by this Securlty Ineuument prior <br /> to or oa tha due dau of the next mont�ly payment,or __ <br /> (ii)Hormwer defaults by feillt�g.for a perIod of thiriy duys,to perfoim enY ather obligadona contaiacd in this <br /> Secutity Instrument <br /> (1�)SAk VYlthout Credit Appmval. Lender ahWl,If pennicted bYapplla►bla law nnd witb the prior appr�vnl of tha <br /> �ecretary.ra9ui�o lmn�diau pnyment in tbll of all the sucns secured by thia SecurIty Inswment if: <br /> (i)All or part of the Propesty.or a beneficial interest in a uust owning all or pa�t of the Froperty.ts sold at <br /> otkeTwise uansfemcd(od►er thap 6y devise or descent)by tha Bomovra.aud �- <br /> (i�)Ths Property is not ac�upied by the purc baser�ors gtaa��credit hes not�ban spprnd��Ia e��x <br /> or grenue das so acxupy the PropertY <br /> uv�td the requirements of the S <br /> (c)No WaWer. If cinvmstaz►as�at would t I.ender w cequire immediate payment in fuU,but L,ender <br /> daes rtot uire suchpayments,lxnder daes aot w ve its rlg6ts with respect tn subsaquent events. <br /> (d)R�tNL�ns of HUD�w+etne7'. Ia many clrcumsmuces regulations issued by the SocretazY wiq Umit Lende�s <br /> dghts,-jn the cese of payment defaults. to raquiro I�amedIate paya�ent in fuU and foreclose if not paid 'I�s <br /> Suurity Iasmuaent does not autharize acaleratloa or foreclosure if not peraaitted by regulaSons of the Sea+etary. <br /> (e)Mortgage Not Iosured. Bor�ower ag�re8s thet should this Se�urIty Instn�ment end the note secu�d the�ym tn�oe <br /> be elisible for insurance under tho National Havsing Act within 8 iowntl� <br /> dete hereof,Leader may,at ita opHon and notwlthstanding enyihing in Parag�aph 9.ccquire immediaoe Paya►ent in <br /> ��p�f alt su�us secured by this SecuritY Instnimen� A wdaen statement of any suthorircd eIIent of th�Secretary <br /> date�subsequent w 8 000ntlls from t6e date det+eaf.decllning W insure tAis�ocurity <br /> Inau�uaent aad the note secured thereby.shaL be deemed conclusive proof of such ineliglbidity. Notwithstandiag <br /> the fongoing.this optlon �nay not be exercised by Lender when the unavellability of insurance is solely due w <br /> I.eadec's fallure to�+emit a mortgage iasurance premium to the Socoetary. <br /> 10. ItdastAtanen� Bor�ower has a rt�ht to be reinstated if Lender has required immediata pa�yment in fuU because of <br /> Borrowe�'s faiture w pay an amouat due under tha Nota or,this Securiry Ins�xn� 'mis rlght applies even after foreclosuro <br /> vrooaodings ete insdtuted. To reinstaoe the Sec�tIry Iustiumen�Borrower sbeU tender ia a lump suru aU amounts toquired to <br /> 6r�ng Borrowei's acoouat curnnt including,to the exteat they ere obligacioes of Bomower unda tdis Secudry Insnurrent, <br /> foreclosure cosb and reasonable and custom�uy�auomeXa' foes and e�cpenses properlY associated with the foroclosiu+e <br /> eff�g Upon reiastatement by Bomnwer, thls Secunty Instrument nnd the obllgadona that it sxures shail e�emain ia <br /> if Lendtr hed not raqulred immediate payment in full. glowever,I.tnder is not requized to permit reinstatement if: <br /> (;) I.ender has accepud m.instatemeut aRer the cammence�dent of fonclosure prnceedings wtthia two years 9mmedtetely <br /> , ; pneoeding the oommenament of a cume�►t foreclosure prooading,(ii)e+einsmteuxnt a'Ul Prmcludc forecloaure on different <br /> grounda in the fuwre.or(iii)re�statement will adversely affect We prioiity of tho lien a�eaced by thls Sxurit�►Insuument . . <br /> 11. Born►Ner No! Reka4ed; Forba�ranca by I.eader Not • W'�iver. Ex�eension of the eime of pa ment or <br /> n <br /> modificatioa of amortizadon of the suma sxured by this Securi Iastiument granted by Lender oo any sucassor inte�+est <br /> of Bo�rower shiill not operate ro releaso the Iiability of the ori�nci Botmwer or Bonrower'a successor ftt inunst. Lender <br /> ahaU not bo uind to commence pmoeedings against any suocassor la iaurest or rbfuse to exte�td dn�e for pa nt or <br /> otheswise ar�r emort�atIon oF tAe sums secured by this Seciuity Insuument by nason of any demand o by the <br /> originel Bomower or Boicowe�'s suocessors in inoenest. Any foibesiance by Lender in a;erciaing eny right or remcdy st�all <br /> not be a vveiver ag or preclude the exadso of any right or cemedy. ��vens�nts and�e meats of this <br /> 12. Sucoee6ors and A�Boundi Joiat and SeverW Lia6Wtyi Co-S�ce. <br /> Secwriry Instcuu}ent shall bind and benefit the suoce.vsors and agsigna of Lratder und Bosrower�subjcct to the pmvisions of <br /> Parngr�ph 91bD. Borcower's covenaats and meats shall be joiat and severel. Aay Bomnwa who co-signs this SocuritY <br /> Insuument b�t dves not execute the Note: (a is oo-s this Saurity Iastcument only to moitgag�.grant end oon�rey that <br /> Boirower'a intenzst in the Property under tha terms of�di�L�s�urr�enC,(b)is not personalfy abligeDed to the sums <br /> sccured by this Socurity Instrument;and(c)agrees thnt Leader end eny other Bomower maysg�to e�ctend,mo�d�y.tatbent <br /> or malro any scaommodadons with regard to the terms af thts Securiry Insuument or the Note wlthout that 8orrowe-'� <br /> consent <br /> 13. Notieea. My aoflee to Bomnwer prov�da!for in this Securlty instcument shall bo given by deHveiing it or by <br /> mailing it by fust class mail unlesa eppticable law i+aquir�es use of another c�sthod. 'lt�e no�ce shall bo dirxted to the <br /> Property.Addres�or any ott�ad�Bomovv!r�i matrx hy nntins tn 1 pnrtr.r. Any ttot[ce tn Lender shell bc Riven DV litst = <br /> ciass mail w Lender's eddress atat�ed herein or eny addc+ess Lender des�nates by notice w Boaovver. Any aonoa pmvided <br /> for in tbis Security I�soruraeat shall be daraed to have be�n given to�otmwer or Lznder when gtven es provided in this <br /> parag�aph. <br /> � 14. Goveretng I,swi SeverabWty. 11ns Savrlty Instcument shall be govemed by Federal law end the law of the <br /> jurisdicdon W which the Pnoperty is locaud. In the event that any pmviaion or clause of thIB SCC11IYtfl Ill9itt1ri1Ei1L Qf tI1C NOtC <br /> oontiicts with nppllcable luw.such wnflict RhaU not ePfcct other pzovisions of thts Securlty Instrumatt or the Nota which can <br /> bep�ven�ffcet wIthout the confliping provlsion. To this end the pravistons of this Socurtty inst►vment sind the Note are <br /> decIared to be severabie. <br /> •t n ��n n....,....w o3an11 t�n oivwr�nru�cnnfnrtnPll cNfv nf thla SecLL141V LIShUmlIIL <br /> s�n wi�v...a o..�r . ............�......�o..�_^"-•----'.'- '.•. -- <br /> 16. Aaslgnment of l�ettts. Bor[ower uncondidonally ussigns und trunafers to I,ender Wl the mnts and ravenues of the <br /> property. Borrower authorizes[.ender or Lender's ugents to collect the rents und revenues and 1►ereby directs each te�wnt of <br /> thePiv}erty to pay the rents to I.cnder or Lender's ngents. However.prinr to Lertder's noitce ta Bormwer of Bo�tvwer's _ <br /> breach of any e�venent or agroement in the Security Insttumenb Horrower shall collxt und reaiva ell rents and revenues oi _ <br /> 1he�nperty es tivstee for thc bene8t of Lender and Botrov+►er. 'iUia ussignment of renta rnnsdmtes nn absolute ossIgnment _ <br /> ond rtot on e.csignment for addidonal seciuity oniy. _. <br /> If I.ender gives notice of breach oo Bomower: (o)ull rents rtceived by Borrower ahail be held by Bomower as uustee <br /> for benefit of Lender onty,to benpplied to the aums secured by the Sxurity Instrumenr. (b) Lender shall be endded to <br /> collect nnd nealve ali of the rents o�the Property;and(c)euch tenant of the Property shatl pay�11 renta due und unp�id to = <br /> L�nder or Lender'a ugent on Lender's written demand to the tenunt = <br />- Bomnwer has not executed uny pdor oss'►gnment of the cents and hag not and will not perform any act that woutd - <br /> prevent I.ender fsom exeicising its dghts under this Puragrnph l6. <br /> Lender shuU not be requirrd w enur upon,take control of or mniam[n the Property before or eifter giving nodoe of <br /> breuch w Borrower. However. Lender or a judlci�llyappointed recelver may do so at nny dme there ix a bresch. My _ <br /> applic�tion of rents shall not cure or waive ony default or invultd�te any other right or remedy of Lender. This assignment of _ <br /> = rents of the Property shull tertt�inate whes:the debt secured by the Securicy Instrument is paid in fuU. _ <br />= (Page 3 aJa�wgesl , p <br /> � _. <br /> � _ <br />