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<br /> ' 1�.7'rAnyfer uf tho 1'roperty or A HcneQclAl Interest in Ilorrowcr.If ull nr any purt oF thc Pra�xrty cn uny intcrc.rt in it
<br /> ix Rald ur transferreci(or If�benet7ciul interest ie i�rri�wer is tiold nr tn�nyferrcd und Hc►rmwcr ie nut a naturul perxan) withaut
<br /> l.cnder's priur writtr.n cnnxent, Lencter m�y. �u itK�►ption. �cquire immediute p�yment in Ibll af i�ll hunis Kecured by thie
<br /> � Sccurity lasteument.Hawever,thi»aption shnll n�i ho cxercir�ed by I..cnder if exercise ix pr��hibited by fcdcral luw a3 ot'tho date
<br /> of thiy Security Instrument.
<br /> If l.ender exercises thia aptian,l.endec shall Bive Eiarrower notice of accalomtian.The notice Shall provide u pertod af nai
<br /> • less thun 3d daps from the dute the notice is delivered ar mnilecl within which Barrower mu�t pay ull Kums secured by th{s
<br /> Serurity Instrument. If Borrawer fuilx to puy thesa suma priar ta the cxpiration of thia perlod,Lcndcr may invnke any r+emedies
<br /> nnrmine.d hv this Securirir l�strament wlthaut further notice or df:mand on Borrowec.
<br /> ..�._o �...... M.. .s..M� • �iw:� -
<br /> IS. Borrower's Right to Belnstate. lt lsonower meets ceruu�� cu�cui�io,w. :wa�.�»�� r��a� .�R.. :.... ��e�•• •�
<br /> enforeement of this Security lnfitumCnt discantinued at any time prior to the earller af: (a) 5 daya (or such other petlod as
<br /> applicable law may specify for re'�statement) before sale uf the Pmperty pursuant to any �wwer of sale containad in thls
<br /> Securlty Instrument;ur(b)entry of a judgcnent enfarcing this Security Instrument.Thase conditlons are chat Horrower: (a)pays
<br /> I.ender alt sums which then would be due under this Secuc3ty Instrament end the Nate oa if no acceleration had occurred: (b)
<br /> cures any default af uny ather covenanta or agretments;(c)pa e ail expenses lncuned in enforciag thia Serurity Instrument.
<br /> including.but not limited to.reasonabla aaorneys' fees;and(d�takes such action es I.ender may rea�sonably require to assure
<br /> that the lien ot this Securtty Insuument, Lender's rights in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by
<br /> this Sscur[ty Insuument shsd! eontinue unchenge�d. Upon reinstetement by Borrower, this Security Insttument and the _
<br /> obligations secuc�ed hereby sb.ell remain fully effective as if no acceleration had occurred. However,this d�ht to reinstate ahall
<br /> not apply in the case of ncceleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale of Note; Change oi Loan Servicer. The Note or a partial interest jn tha Notc (together with this Security
<br /> Inst�uraent)may be sold one or more times without prIor aotice to�iorrower. A sale may result M a change in the endry(known
<br /> as the"Loan Servicer")that callects monthly payments due under the Note and this Secudty Instniment.There also may ba one
<br /> or more changes of the Loan 5ervicer unrelated to a sale uf the Note.If there is A change of the Loan Servicer.Borrower w1U be
<br /> given written notice of the change In axordance wIth paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The notice wilt stste the name and
<br />' adde�ess of the new L,oan Servicer and the eddress to whtch paymenta should be made.The nc►tice will also contain any other
<br /> information required by applicable lsw.
<br /> 2p. Hazerduus S�bstannces. Borrower shall not cause or permlt the presence. use, disposal,storage. or release af any
<br /> " Hozardous Substances on or in the Prope�ty. Horroaer shall nut dn. nor allow anyone else to do. anqthing affecang the
<br /> Property that is in viofation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the ptesence. use.or
<br /> niOl&$�8n iJiB af srs�a!!qu�dd�af Hszardous Substanz�s tl�at am gcnpr!�Ily t�'Eni�w be eppropriate to nornta{
<br /> residentlal uses an to maiateaance of the Property.
<br /> Borrower shatl prompdy give Lender wdtten notice of any investigatton,claim.demand, lswsuit or other actinn by any
<br /> govemmentel or�+egulatory agency or prlvate perty Involving the Property and auy Hezardous Substance or Envlt+nnmsntal Law
<br /> , of which Borrower hes actual knowledge. If Harrower learns, or is notified by eny governmental or regulatory authorlry.that
<br /> aay�+emoval or other remedlat[un of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Pr�operty is necessary,Borrower shall pmmptly take
<br /> all necessary remedisl actions in acrordance wlth Emlronmertal Law.
<br /> As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazardovs Substances"are those subatsnces defiaed as toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> Environmentel L.aw and the following substnnces: gasoline, kerosene. other flammable or tozic petroleum products. toxic
<br /> pcsticides su�d herbicides.volatile solvents.materlals containing esbestos or formaldehyde.and radioac.Kive matedals.As used in
<br /> thia parngraph 20. "Environmental L.nw" means federal laws and Iaws of the judsdtction where the Praperty is locatal that
<br /> nelate to health.safety or envimnmental protectioa�.
<br /> NON-UIVIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and L.ender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 21.AsxelerAtlon;Re.medles.Lender shWi gtve noUce to Bon+ower prlor to aa�cleration following Borrower's bn�cb
<br /> of�riy ��vPr�pnt nr agrerment in thLs 3ecuritv instntme.t (but nat prio� to aoccleratEan uader pYrpgropi� 17 unlma
<br /> � a plicable Iaw provtdes otherwise). The notIee shaq specifys (a)the defautt; (�)the actton required W curP the defxuitt
<br /> (c�a date,not less than 3Q d�y�s from the date the nottce is given to Borrower,by which the det'ault must be cursd;am!
<br /> (t3)thai failure to cure the default on or before the dstte specifted in ihe notice may result la acceteradon of the sums
<br /> . secvrcd by thia Securtty Instrumeat and eale of the Property.The nottce shall further iatorm BoROwer oi We dght to
<br /> relnstate after acceleratlon end the rOgdt W bring a conrt acU�on to essert t6e non-existence of a default or aay other
<br /> �. defense oi liorrawer to aoceleration ancl sale. If the dei�ult Is not cured on or before the date spec.ltied tn We uottce,
<br /> . Lender,aR its optton�, mayrequire tmmediste payment ta fuU of ait suma secured by thts Security Instrument w[thout
<br /> iWrther demand and may invoke the power of sate and any oWer remedies permitted by applicable iaw.Lender shall be
<br /> emNtled to collect all expenses incura+ed ia pursuing the eencedies pruvlded in thi�paragruph 21,including,but no!Itmtted
<br /> . to,reasonAb[e attorneys'tees and costs of title evidence.
<br /> It thepo wer of eale ts Ipvoked,Tn�stee shall reoord a notice of detaWt in each county in w6tch any part of the
<br /> ' Property ts l�cated and ahall mall coptes oi such notice in the manner prespibed by ppplteabfe taw to Bon+ower and to
<br /> � the other persons prescribed by epplicabte laa.t�fter the dme required by appltcable law,Tivstee shsdl give pubfic aotioe
<br /> of sale to the pemons and in the manner prescribed by applicable law.Tr�stee,without demand on Borrower,shnU sell
<br /> the Prope�ty st public euctton w We highest bidder at the ttme and Qlac�and under the terms deslgnated in We notfce oi
<br /> ' sale in one or more parcels end in ony order Trustee determtnes.Trustee may postpone sale o!all or any parcel of the
<br /> . Property by publtc announcemeM at tlte tlme and place of any pr�v[ously srheduleel sale. Lender or its deslgnee may
<br /> purc6ase the Property at any snte. '
<br /> ,
<br /> Form 3028 8180
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