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<br /> 7�OO�iTHHR W[TH dl¢he lmprovnment�now or heroaRer arected oa the pmperty,�ad dl e�someAte��ppucten�nces�and
<br /> °_.._�;�-• `. fixturea aow or heroaitor a Qirt of the propeity. AU r�pl�cemente utd �utditiona ehAll aleo ba covcr�d 6y ttzia Sccueity �:_
<br /> �H�.;�;�z.�� . Icsteumw�All of tke to�oln�b refomed to ia tWs Secwity Iaatnunent ts the"Properiy." �,
<br /> 'il' � BORItOW�R CQVBNANTS th�t Borrc+wer ie lawtLUy ecfeed of the esute hereby coaveyed wd h�s the right to gaat and ��_.
<br /> ;: � .,. _
<br />-t�.�'� : convey the Ptopeety uid th�t the Propnrty ie uneacumbered.oxapt for encumbr�aces of rocord. Sorrower warnate �nd wUl -�
<br />=-=7`'-'. daf�nd Qenerallv the dtle to the Pror�=h►�nst�Il oldme�ad dera�ade.subjxt w any encuaabrancea of ee�cord. 4
<br /> ' :��� THI3 SHCUR.`TY IN3TRUMBNT co�rtbinee uniform cuven�mts for aatioaal use tnd non-um�form covan�ate wiib iunii�i �
<br />-..;K"'{�'=-�'S" vxrludoae by jurledicdon to coastiwte s t�aiform eecurity inetiumeat covering ral pmpesty. -
<br />-..__�q y..�v�a� UMFORM COVBNANTS.Bomnwar ac�d Lendter r,4vanm►t and agoee�e follows: -
<br /><;,x��,`',:• � 1. Payment of Principftl�nd intaYSk Pe�nent and Lt�te Chsuges. 8ormwer shaU prcmPUY P�►Y whea due the
<br /> ���•�-° princ[pal of end intenst on thu debt evldeaced by the Note+ind aay prepayment and late chuges due under the Note.
<br /> -`'`•'.`�'-� Z. FYmds[or Twces and Insurxr►ea Subject to spplicable lsw or to a wriuen w�iver by I�eader, Borrower ebaU psy to
<br /> '�"�_� Lender on the day monthlY WY�ta ue due under the Nose.trattl tha Note is pa�d in tWl�a sum('Funda")for.(a)yeuiy taxw
<br /> '} nnd asse�smente whicb a�y�tdiin priorl4y ovar this SeaurIry Instnuneat as t llen on the Pmpetty:N)Yearly tea�ehold p�yme,�te
<br /> �.. . or ground reate on the Property�if anyi<a)Y�Y 6aurd or pmperty lnaurnn�e premtums:(d)Yearly tlood Jasurance pmmiums�
<br />-_� � i4 any:(e)Y�uIY mortgage inauniace premiums�if an,y:�nd(4+�Y�WY�Io by Bonower to Lea,der�in accordaaca wItb
<br />",w�°.�� the provieions of p�ua,graph 8, la liw of the p�yment of morsgage insurence pramiums.These itams are called"Bsarow Itame.•
<br />__��;
<br /> I�aader may, at aay time,collect aad hold Funde ia m�mount not w exceed the ma�dmwa anaount a laader for s fodenlly
<br />:_Y---'��� related mortgage loan may requlre for Borrower's escrow eccouat nnder the fedaral Real Bstate SeWoment Proce,durea Act of
<br /> �_—
<br /> -=��:� 1994 as amended from tIme to time. 12 U.B.C.Sectioa Z601 a seq. ('RBSPA•).unlea��notber law tbat appll�W the Punde
<br />=�::�� eete a lwser amoun�If eo.Lendar msy.at aW't�we� coAect md hold Funds in ta amount not to exceed We lesser Amouu�
<br />-':,,k`s.'�';_a� _� i,ender mry estimate the amount of Funds due on ttie b�sts of eun+ent d�ta and reasonable esWnttes of expaadIwres of Poture
<br /> �—� Bsarow Ytems or otharwise ia aceoidanae wiW applleable 4w.
<br />_""_.'��i � The l7uads ebaU be held tn aa inst[tutton who4e deposits am iusured by a federal agenay. lnsaumentalitY� or eatity
<br /> -=a'"at�i �including I�ender,If I.eader is eucls tn instltution)or tn any Federd Home Lo�a Bwk.Liadar ehatl apply the Fuads w pay the .
<br /> ,-�=�.w.��� Asamw/.tems.Y�ender mry not charge Borrower for holding aad applyIng the Funde�aanually tnalyalag the esat�nw accormt,or
<br /> _.��°`� verlfjrtng the&�ct+ow Items�unless Lcader paye Borrower interest on the Fonds and applicable law petmite L�ender to u�ke euch
<br /> �-�.� a c'hiurge.I�Iawevar. Irender anay reqnt[e Borrower to psy a onatIme ohuge for�n iadepeadent real estate tuc raporting setvlce
<br /> -*_rr:�-�,_. - uaed by Larder in connxtlon arlth this loan� unleas appHaable law pravI�s otheraise. Unless an agreement te made or
<br />-- -�_='�"•� �PPllcable law reguires intarest to be paid.Lender ehall not 6e e+equired to psy Bon+oaer any Interest or a�minge on tbe Pfunds.
<br /> .._.__.--_ Sorrower aad Lwdet may agcee ia writtng.howevet.thit intareet eL�ll be paid oa the Funde.Leadar s1ia11 give w Borrowa�
<br /> without charge,m annual accounting of the Fuade.ehowing cstedIte aad debita w the Fuads�nd the putpose for which each
<br /> - deblt to the Fu+ade was mide.'Ihe Fuads are pladged�e addltlonal secudty for aII auma exured by tl�ie Sacudty Iaehutnm�
<br /> If the Fuads held by Lender excad the amounte permitted w be held by appllcable law.I.ender ehall accouat to Borrower
<br /> for the escess Funde in+tceerdanee with the miutrementa oP appllcable law.If t�a�ount�af the Prmds held by Leader at a�y
<br /> -: time is not eufftclent to psy tho Secrow Itaaoa when due.Lender may so notify Borrower in wrldng,and.ia such ca�a Borrower
<br /> - - -- - !.�l4�y t��!7 th�e+�t��t e�ece�+u►�y to malce up the deRcienay. Borrower shill mtke ttp the deRciatay in no mo�th�n
<br /> ______ avelve monthly psymente,at Lender's eole diearetion.
<br /> _ Upoa paymeat ia ftdl of all s�ma secured by tl�is SecurIty Insteument. La►der ehall promptly refaad to Borrower Wy
<br /> Fuads held isy Leader.If�vader paragcsgh 21.Lender eh�U�eqnic+s er aeU tha Pmperh'�I�der.Pdmr w the acquietflon or e�le
<br /> of t6e Propatty,ahall apply+�ay Funda held by Lettder at the tfine of sa(ui�Ition or sale ts a ctedtt ageinat the auma eecured by.
<br /> thia Socurity Yosti�tmont.
<br /> _ - 3.Applic�do�n of P�meats.Ualesa app)tc�ble law prnvides otherwlse�all psymenta raceived by I.eader undar paragrapha
<br /> 1 aad 2 ahall be appHal:flM.to anY PrepaYment ch�rgee due under the Note�eecond.to amouatx payable uadar puagraph 2;
<br /> third.to interb�t due;fowW�to prinoipsl due:and tast,to tn,y late char8es due uader tho Noie. �
<br /> 4.Ch�rges;I.ims.Borrower ehdl pay all ta�cav�assea�mente.aharges.fines and imposlNone auributable to tho prapesay
<br />_ � wbieh m�y attain priorlty over this Security Tasduan�t�end la�ehold paymaats or ground rents� if any.Bonrower ehall pr►yy
<br /> ° theao oblig�Nons in the m�nner provIded L►paragraph 2.or if not paid In that m�nnar.Borrower ahall psy thsm on time dimotly
<br /> � ta the gereon owed payiaent. Borrower aha11 pmmptly futntsh w Lender all notioes of amounta to be pa[d undar thia patagaph.
<br /> - = If Borrower m�ces these p�ymonts dira:tly►Boxower elwll promptty tt�mish to Leader recaipta evidenctng the payments.
<br /> = 8orr�wer ahall pramptiy dIeeW�rge Aoy Hen wl�ich lus priorlty over thie Seeurity Insttttment ualess Borrower:(s)agrees in
<br /> - ---' wrIting to tha paymatt of the obli�atiea seeured by the lien in a mnnnar acceprtablo to Lender(b)contesta in good fa[th tba ltea -
<br /> ---_=��� by,or defende ag,ainet enforcemeat of the lien in. legel proceailn8s which in the Lander's opinion operate to pmveat tho
<br /> _==� enforcement of.the IIen;or(e)secures from the holder of the llon aa agreement setiefactory W Lender subordtnsttng the tien to _
<br />-= �� thi�Seoudty Iaehumaa�If Lender dctormines tbst aW►pArt of the Yroperty ie subject to a lien which may atta�n priorlty over
<br />_ -��''�.-'.'�': thie Securlty Inehument,Laadar may give Borrawer a nodce idendfying the lien.Bo*rower shaU satisfj►ehe Uen or take one or
<br /> _�����°� � more of the actiona set forth above within 10 daye of tho gtving of notice.
<br />- .rr.
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