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<br /> PAIITI�it Thls Qsad�Tru�t Is medr an , ,amonp tha Orarrcor, Ra,a�.n � .+�A•�++�. c
<br /> t•Borrowor•}.
<br /> d
<br /> �na� n �u►�ac�..,ll�'i'TA�+*TM'�r
<br /> whou ntid�na�ddnt�it,�fl�px�i.�is•* *•�■^0, u,,, _—Coumy.Nabrooka t'Truaee•1.and tha 8�neflaiWy, �
<br /> ,s corpontlon orpmi:f►d `
<br /> �nd�xqtlnp an�Mt tM t�ws of �n*1KA whos�addraa it_B21,aerrt�t T,A�tT� Ah}RS�F.T� �
<br /> i...�ii
<br /> ..,...���g.a.r� 6AAA4_ieeo . !•umier•1.
<br /> CONVdYANClf Fa vtJw na�lv�d,6arrow�r ir�evoo�bty yranta end aonvaya to Tniatco.In uust,wKN Puwer of eaie,the roat prop�rty,of whtah ._
<br /> �ortawa i� t�wtuhl NI�M�d�serlb�d abw and dl 6ulldlnp�l,flxture�, and sxistinp snd fuwre tmprovements thereoo and aU Hphts�ot•w�y,
<br /> �N�np, nM�, N�tN�, proflU, Inaom�, t�Mm��. hareditament�, privfie4�s and any appurte�enaoa therouMO betonpinp 1a11 ealNd tIM
<br /> �appNty�) �on� nose� . •�nw•,•, rf1T.aNA .Ne0►anke �apei
<br /> 'i101�11'(V ADD11El��, wwrannn nr.vn
<br /> LEGAL DE�C111M1'IONt �°"u ��M ab eoa)
<br /> baud N — no;.*m saLe�an� u►� Goumy.Neb►atu.
<br /> TITL�:BorrowK oownant�and w�rr�nt�41ti�to th�propertY.oxc�pt for
<br /> •[C{N�6 O�T:Thl�dNd of ttwt Naua to t,�nd�r r�D��irtNnt ot tha s�cured debt md Uw�pertormanee of ths eovsn�MS and a�reem�Ms
<br /> �N��d,�q�dMd o�trwt�InA In�ny oth�►docwn�nt ineorpastad 9»tsin.Sscund d�tR.�s uoed i�this desd of trurt,inoludes ary�mounts
<br /> oomavwr ovws to LMfdK und�►thN dNd of trwt a und�t�ny intt►WrfeM acund by d�ts dNd of trust�md�II modfiioatiorn,uMmbns�nd
<br /> ��wak tMnof. �
<br /> Tih eecured dsgt hs�vM�nc�d hy(l4�t e!!Metr�.:m!nte•_�xt�NmN+o�s�ound by thit dMd of vutt ux!tM d�t�s thK�ot.ls _
<br /> � s vnc�.TaaeQV ti�_�_paeRmi�r nrsu�ern�snsr n Tr+.� a�tir�ax� �e. _s9��.
<br /> ���Nfd YviN b�NGYfb�tM��M1M�M�mids on thi d�s Wi d�Nd o!L'�ust�exlCUt�d.• Ftltut�advanG� K�
<br /> ❑R�vo1YM1011M Of Of�dit iOt�MNf1R dK�d .with IniU�t�nnuu Intwart rate�ot 16.
<br /> AI!�mow�U ow�d undp thlip ran+�nt�r�wcwsd even thouph ail�mouMs may not yst Os adwnced.Future�dvanch under
<br /> ���M��apM�nplat�d�nd w1U pe toaur�d to ths s�me extsM as M m�d�on thb drt�this dead of trutt i�sx�cut�d.
<br /> YM ebow obltp�tion is du��nd p�Ya�o� e��-'L. ioo� tf not p�id�arllar.
<br /> Ths tpt�l ur��id aN�nc�ueund by thN dwd of uutt�t�ny otu dnw thall not�xceed a m�ximum prineipal�mouM of
<br /> �rr�vt� �nvnn��ve »n��+ee _ Doll�n(/3�nnn_nA 1,Dius 1Menst.
<br /> pt�s�ny�cnaunts dl�bur�0 undK tho tKm�of thb dMd of trua to protsot the�eaurhlr ot thts dsed of trwrt or to perform any of ths
<br /> eowomn coM�irwd In thli dMd of tru�t,wiM k�t�ntt on�ueh dl�b�xtemena,
<br /> ❑ VuWrW RK�t Ths IiK�ra!nt�an t{w obWp�tbn��ctx�d Dy thts dNd ot tru�t may v�ry accordlnp to th�t�tms of thet oblipAtion.
<br /> [�A aopY of tM b�n ptNm�rit eartutnlnp ths t�rm�unde whioh t�e Ir►tsrea��t�m�y vary 1�atachsd to thia desd ot tru�t and :
<br /> mado o P�Mnot. .
<br /> RIDElI�i a Comm�rclat �.�8=a_�i?�' �l.8�'a ❑
<br /> � QtR10NAT10N OP IiOMElITGD .
<br /> punwnt to th�F�rm Momun�d P�ot�mion Aat,dwiprntbn of f�ort�msd I� h atucMd ta thl�dad of wst�nd m�d�a part hsreof
<br /> ❑Ras bNn dlscl�Mn�fi th�dbcl�hnK N�tt�cMd to 1AN dMd ot tru�t and m��Dm fisnof.
<br /> _ 81� ����,4��br prp �� t�mt�nd aor�nfnb ao�l►�d in this dNd of tru�t.tnctu�ng thos�on pep�Z.�nd in
<br /> � � 1� /.� �.� �� /�/L_ .-f�/p11�".:.
<br /> - / � c�+cR«y� - '
<br /> _ � _ ._._..
<br /> m ACKNOWLED�MENTs BTATB OP NHBRASKA, Q�s*n+y,�. *A�. �—**m. "°' _County s�� _.
<br /> � TM fonpoinp Instrum�M w���okrawNdp�d b�trx�tn�on this �a'�—.--- day of A�•n'►'a���?,. '+QQ�
<br /> ' �Y �Ov.�� f xmnru� �xe ��r Jp,.b�py„i�l uer._._ 8��+�+� �I�m attme
<br /> � f RItuG)1
<br /> �� O1 - ----- .,,�� It�Nm�W Corpornim a 7btrwnMO1 �
<br />•� �w„�„y�,,,M � on behait of the corporation or partnerehip.
<br /> - My eommi�don:xpiraf //
<br />�' tRNU ,_&N�ve ft aut err ,. ,e�iC ���tu°''"•'►uEIk1
<br /> lhls imt►ument wat Preptred bY_CI�aBYi.Y�9�C8t...._.- . �.-.._.._._ _�.._...... • _
<br /> o�ose��x�+r svsse�+s.u�c.,sr.caue,!w eeao�n��oaan•t�•�•ronM ocnM�o�u+en+ m+$�{{oi , NEB�iASKA
<br /> ApPLH 00012314 �+� ,�,� y�,�
<br /> ,� CCAH 0100448138
<br />