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Condemnatton� 'llie prooeeds of any award or ctaim fap dnmage�.direct or consequendol in connect on w�any <br /> condemnadon or other taking of any pnrt of thu Property.ur for conveyonce In place af condemnut�on.are hereby agsigned <br /> and shail bc paid to I.ender to thc eatent of the tLU amount of th�indebtedness that remalna unpuid under tho Nou und this <br /> 5eettrity inqtn�mev�t. [�.m�er Rhall upply such pra�ds to the reductlon of the indcbtedness urtder the Noto and thia Sccudty <br /> Inat�umen� first to any deti�quent nmaunts appUect in the order ptavided ln Purugruph 3. und then to prcpaymcnt of � <br /> principat, pny appllcudon of tha pmcads w ttse pdncipul ehall not extead or postpona the due dute of the monthly <br /> pnymenta which are referred to in purub*mph 2,ar chunge the a�nount of such pnymentx. Any exce.�.w pmcceds over an <br /> erao�t Fe��Ilnder�mnv cuo�u df��and ch�ar8 g authodzed b�the Sec�m�to the endry legully enNtted thereto. <br /> 9. Gm�nds for Aei�eteradon of Uebt� � <br /> (a)pet�nt� I.ender may,exapt na limiceQ by nguladons tasued by the Secretary!n tho cuse of payme�t defnulu+. <br /> require imme:iiate pa nt In tull of all sums secured by tl�s Securl m nt�uired by this Serurity Ingwmeat pnor � <br /> (t)Borrower de ault�by faiUng to pay_in fuU any montblY P�►Y �4 <br /> to or on die due dau of tho next montbly pnymenG or <br /> (ii)Borrower defaulta by failing.for a period of thirty dQys,ro perform nny other obllgadons wnta{ned in tbis <br /> S��ry�"s�'�A1' ap llcable law and with the or n roval of the <br /> (b)SAIe Wlthout Credit Approv�l. Lender shaU,if pem�itted by p P� PP <br /> Sxn;tary,requine immedlate payment In full of ull the sums stcured by this Secudry Inswment if: <br /> oi��rwtsa�sf�(otha t6aa�bY de�se rn de�.scxntj by dte Aorta��d or p�rt of We P¢ suid ur 4 <br /> (ii)The Propecty is not accupie�by the purc baser�s a�ha�credit rdes rtot been approv� in ac�rdaaca <br /> or grantee does so occupy the ProPeriY <br /> with the nqnirementa of the 5ec�mry <br /> (c)No Wairea If ctc�cumstances axur that would pennit I.ender w t+oguire inunecUate payment in fui4 but Lender <br /> does aotteqWte such�ayments.Lender does not waive its righta with respect to subsequeat events. <br /> (d)Re�ulstMna ot EiUD Secntxr�'. In meny circumstaztces tr.guledons issued by the SecrctazY wW Utnjt�endet s <br /> dgd �n the case of payment defaults. w cequice imme�inte PaYment in full atd fareclose if not paid. 'It�s <br /> �ty Instivment does not author�Ze acceleration or foreclosure if aot pera�iuod by regulationa of Ihe Sa7etary. <br /> (e)MortgAge Not Insored. Boirower agrees that should this Security Instrument and the nou sxun,d W�m a�ot� <br /> be ellgible for insurance under the Nadonal Housing Act wtt6in g �� <br /> date hereof,Lender Ib option and aotwithstanding anytbing ja PtuagraPh 9.re4uire�nunedIate payment ln <br /> full of ell swns secured by this Securiry Ins4vment A wrlaen statemec►t of eny authorized ageat of the Scccetary <br /> dated subsoquent w 8 �oAtt�s fmm the ctnio t��oF,deciitsiag ta f�shi°S�uiiy . <br /> Insuument and tbe note secured thenby.ahall be deemed oonclusive proof of such ineligibiliry. Noiwtttismnding <br /> the foregoing,this opdon may not be eaercised by Lender when the unevailsbil►ry of fnsuranoe is solely due w <br /> I.ender's ftdture to re�nit a mortgage�nsuranoe pmmium to the Secretary. <br /> 10. Rdasfatanenf. Boaower hag a right to be reinstated if Lender hAS reguired�to payment in full because of <br /> gd�tpwre�a failure to pay an amouat due under the Note or this SecurIry lnstsutttent 'Il�is ti$t►t epPlles aven efter focexlosure <br /> c�coedings are insdtuud. To relnstate tha Security Instrument,Boirowet shalt tender in a luatp sum aU smounts roquired to <br /> pr coe <br /> bHng Bomower's axouat cu:rent fncluding,W the eaunt they ere obllgationa of Bormwer under thia S ry 1. <br /> ' forcctosuce costs md rensona6le and customary�aroomeys' fxs and ea�penses prape�'�Y nssocIated wlth tha faroclosure <br /> pmceading. Upon reinstaument by Bo:rowa.this Secunty Inst:umeat nnd the obBgottoas thut It secures shaU remain in <br /> effect as if I.euder had not[equired immediau paymeat in fall. However.Lender is not e+equic+ed co permit reinstateaient if: <br /> (�? i,ender h�s acapted ninstatement after the commencenunt of forcclosure pmoeedings wld�in two yeara immed[ately <br /> the commencement of a curcent foreclosure pr000ed�ng,(ii)reir►stazement w�U Pr�lude foreclosure on different <br /> gnou�the fuwre,or(ii�)reidstatemeat will adveisely afPe�ct the prIorlty of the Uen e�wted b thfs Socuri Instaumen� <br /> w y <br /> ii. Bon+ower Not Relwe�D; Forbeanance by Lender Not o Waiver. Bxtensloa of the time o Paym�t�ot <br /> modifcadon of simordr.atlon of the sums secured by this Securtty Insuument granted by Lender to nn 'suocessor in <br /> of Borrower shalt aot operata to release the liabiiiry of the orlginal Bonower or Borrower'e successdr in ineerest Lender <br /> shall net bercqu�imd w onmmence proceodings against anY sucoessor in intaest or nfltse ta exuad'�ne for pa nt or <br /> othq�wIse modffy emortiaadon of the sums secured by ttus SecuritY Inswment by s+eason of eny dsmend�Y�a <br /> orlginal Bormwer or gomowe�s suoxssora in inuresG Any forbearance by Ler.der in e:cercIsing any right or�+emody shall <br /> nat be a waiver of or preclude We ea�acLse of any dght or remcdy. <br /> 12. Suoa�sons�nd A�Boundi Joint�un1 Several LLtLnIb';CaSignee's. 'tlee covenaats and agroements af dde <br /> Securlty Instrument shell bind aad ben�t the successors end assigna of Lender aad Boirower.subkct to tho provisions of <br /> Psregicaph 9(b). Borrowei's oovenanta und a ments shall be jfliat and several. Any Bon+owu w�o casigns this Sxurity <br /> Insuuruent but das not�acec�u the Nou: (a ta casigning dile Soc�rtty Ynst�ument only to mort8age.Brant and convey that <br /> Bormwer's interest in the Propealy under the tetms of thts Security L►sttumen�(b)is nat personaUy obligaud w pay the swns <br /> securod by this Seauicy Inst�ument;and(c)a�s that I.enda end any atteer Hon+ower mayag�to�xtend.'jnodify.farbear <br /> or make eny a�comrnodadoas with regard to the oexms of this Secudty Iasuument or the Note witi�out that Hoirower's <br /> consent , <br /> 13. No�. Any noti�oo Boaower provtded for in this Securlty Instn�ment sha11 be given by delivering it or by <br /> meiling it by Stst class mail unlessappurable law requires nse of another method. "t1►e notia shall be dL+ectod to the <br /> P�+operty Address or eny other address Horrower designates by noHoe to Lender. Any noflca to Lenfler ehall be given by fust <br /> class mail to L.ender's address stated herein or any address Lender desigaates by nottoe to Bomower. Any nodce� provtded <br /> for in thls 5ecurity Instrument shall be dcemed te have been given to 8orrower or Leader when glven es pmvidod �n this <br /> p��14. �Governtng Luw; Severabtlity. This Security lnstrument shall be govemed b�y Fedetgl law artd the law of the <br />_ jurisdic6on in w6ich the Property i�located. In she event that auy provieion or clausa of thta Security I�isnument or the Note <br /> - conti�cta wfth appllcable lew.sueh conflict ehall not affoct otha pmvisions of this Secudty Insaument or the Nooe which can <br /> be�Iven effect without the eonflicdng provtaion. To this end tha pmvisions of this Securiry Iastrument and the Note iue <br /> • decTFU+ed to be severable. <br /> iS. BUil�V/C!'B COD9. Bomoa�er shall be ven one conformed capy of this Securi Insuument <br /> � __�_...L____.__...._. ..c�� <br /> 16. As4igntnent olRerta Homower uaoonaitionauy assi8�s and iranaicia i��...�, d,w�..,..�a.........��...� <br /> = Borrower authorizes Lender or Ixnder's agenta to coIIect t!►e rents and revenues and hereby directs each teunat of <br /> - the�pe.cty t,o pay the rents to Lca►der or Lender's a$ente. However,prior w Lender's notice to Bomowet nf Boirowers <br /> ' bieach of any wvenent or e,gc+eement in the Sec�uity Insaument,Borrower shatl collect and raceive all rents end revenues of <br /> the pic+operty ss ttustee for dte benefit of Lender aad Borrower. This assignn►ct►t of rents consdtutes un absolute nssibrnment <br /> - and not en assignmem for uddidonal securlty only. <br /> If Leader gives nofloe of breach to Borrower. (a)uU rents received by Borrower shaU be held by Borrower as tiustee <br /> for benetit of Ixnder only. tn be appUed co die sums secured by the Security Insuument; (b) Lender shall be endtled w <br /> '" collect and reoeive�Il of the rents of the Property;and(c)each tenant of the Property shNl pay all cents due and unpaid to <br />� Lender or Lende�s agent on Lende�'s written demend to the tenan� <br /> - Botmwer has not executed any prior essignment nf the rents and has not and will nut perform anY act that would <br /> == prevent I.ender from exerc�sing its dghts under this taragrnph 16. <br />-- Lender shell not be requtred W enter upon,mtce conuol of or mafnu�tn the Property before or after glving naflce of <br /> breach w Borrower. However.Lender or a judicially uppotnted reoeiver mny do so ut any time there�s u�bteac�t: An.y <br />- applicadon of reata shall not cure or waive any defautt or�nvaiidate any other right or recnedy of Lender. This ass3gnment of <br /> .� rents of the Propefty shaU terminate when the debt aecumd by tha Secusity Instrument is p�id in t1�11. <br /> (Page 3v�4 partesl. <br />�7 <br /> � _ _ ._��. <br />