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<br /> ��a.,�l�►rri� �� ' . -__—.
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<br /> �1. �n.Exsmpt 4or a�es.damanda,�sts,or other commu�+kmton9�epulr�d und�r appttcabl�Imw to b�pivsn in anath�ma►• .
<br /> �sr,wMn�ver 89nefiehxy a Trusta�iv�s or:�rves any natk�(fn�l�rp.withaut I�mltotion,notk��f default and notk�of sola),dama►ds r�•
<br /> qursts or ottwr co�n�x�nkation wilh��sp�et to tAia OMd o1`T►ust.�ach wch eot�i,d�rtiad,rpwst a ottMt co�nwnieatian tholl b�in writinp
<br /> and thotl M�ff�etiv�only if th�sart»is d�liv��d br po►wial sKVk�a mall�d by sKtifi�d moil.Dastap�Pr�gad.�turn rec�ipt�sWest�d,ad-
<br /> drossb to th�oddnss c�set fonh at tt►�b�pkw�tnp of Mis ONd ot Tro�t.Trustor Mr�by nqiasts thot o capp of any notk�of defauM,ar►►r .
<br /> notin o1 sab.�puind a p�mi�ted to 6�gtwn tM TrustahK��,b�moli�ro it at the addras s�t fnrM at 1fif.MpYninD of this ONd af
<br /> Yrust.Aay�iy�oy aP a�y tk�w d�-�i4s aCdzcsa fcr:uch aatEc4s by�cllderin�a meilinp to tfie othw parti�s hir�to,a�afor�soid,a natke _
<br /> o�such cha�g*.An�notie�Ihreund�r shall#�e dNm�d to how b�en qtv�n to Trustor or&�r�fkiary,wlNn qirm in th�mor�r d�sipnot�d lMnki.
<br /> 22. O�weN�4�w.This OMd of Tnnt sholl b�pov�rtNd b�th�laws of th�Stat�of N�brat(co.
<br /> 43. frea�Nn w�l A��.This ONd of Trost ard all►mns,cortdit!ons and cblipmtla�s i�:in oPP��ro and inur�to 1M b�rMfit of and birrd
<br /> �. -• �.«..�. .uor.b.s.. �.M,,:.�, err�tw.,�eonol raor�s�ntativ�s.su�eossars aad assipns.11�t�rm"9mefkbry��s�all m�n oh�r
<br /> ....�....�,..-..., ...... .._... ._.- -
<br /> owmr ard holdrr of the Hot�,wtNtlwror oot r�aned ns BaNHciarl►heroin. -
<br /> 44. J�W Mi S�wM{WMfy.AII cam�r+antt ond apree+�e+ts of Trustor sbo�l be�oint and severol.
<br /> ZS, Sswriltl�.in the�vn»on�ons or mor�of the prorisWns wrtairnd ie fhis deed of Tnist,or ths Note or an1►minr security irKtn�naat
<br /> �iwn in ca�ction with this tranwetion shatl�far my reason bo Mid to b�imolid,iltpaf a wMnfur�in a�►nsp�et,such invalidity,il-
<br /> Ipnlity,or unanforc�ability shnll,at the option of Beoefkiary.�ot affec�a►Y p'ovision of tfiis Qead of Trost,but t�is Deed of Trust sho!!M con-
<br /> stn�d as if such Invalid,ilipvl,or urienforcead�le provision hod nerer bNn caitaic�ed hefein a tM�rein.If the Iten of this DMd of Trust is invatid
<br /> or umnfa+nabitas to amt pat of tt�d�6t,or if ths Iwn is tmolid a u+enforc�abM cs to aq+port af Ma Prop�rfY.f!w uns�cu�e�a Pa't�«Y
<br /> secured patton of t1N d�bt sha11 be completely pafd p►ior t0 the pulrmer►t of ttM remainwp and sataed or paAially suured pation of thQ d�bt.
<br /> and nti paymemta mnd�on the debt,wM1Mr votimtbY�y or un�iK fonctowre or oti�er enfa�reirtem acNan or ptaa.�slu�+e.sh4l1 M cortsiAered to _
<br /> hov�been flrst paid on ond applied to the futl paymer�t of that pafion of the debt whkh is not secured or not fu11y secured by the lien of this
<br /> Oeed of Trust.
<br /> 26. 11►�K�A Q�MKt vN1�•��ver used herefn. the sinpular number siwll includs the plural.tha ptural,tAa sinpular,and the use
<br /> of a►y qend�r sholi be oppticoble to all Qerders.The coptioes and heodinps of the paragrapbs of this�eed of Trust are for co�v�nc�o�h►and
<br /> ore roatr iro ia used to int�prat or deflne tt�e provisions henof.
<br /> 27, AaMtww w Tw�tK,liustee acepts this Trost whan this Oeod of TNSt;dul�executed and ecknow�edBed. is made pyblic record us
<br /> provided b�law.
<br /> IN W{TY�ESS WNEREOF,Trustor hos executed this Oeed of Trust as of th�dc�►and Yew'first ab�re written.
<br /> X
<br /> �►S� x
<br /> STATBOf� !
<br /> • �OIINTY OF �- � ss. . `•.
<br /> On thls 1 Stt�y ap� September 1995 .befae me ths si ned,o Not Publ dut c rh�r�i siaMd and �fI�A for� �
<br /> said c . II came ����G�'.�'�r���$'�IY���1?�I��fi ��'� .,
<br /> �Y P�s� Y
<br /> to me known to be the ideMkal persoe�s idas�nan�s ar�subscribrd to th�farpoing instrun�t and aknowt�d�d tt�ex�cut3or•th�reot to be
<br /> , tMi�voluntary act wid dtid. ,
<br /> Y�tness my hcnd ad notaiol swl at ���' in soid county,the Eate ofa�esaid. �
<br /> n - �1��
<br /> . . fu6lic
<br /> D b D nvastmant . A Parraesahip .
<br /> . Mp commissian exPires= . �EAALNOIAAIf�1E1ef MeM�
<br /> TERRY K,��AMWN terogtka, Partnar
<br /> �h0o�.E�.Od.�I�iMf
<br /> :.t .
<br /> • y tar tka. Par er
<br /> ���i�n� ._�� ,s�.,`t:.y'-.��,3
<br /> • Christine tarogtika, Partner Janet Staaoatiut. Pek�aer
<br /> .�O�j.r,,,� - ( �JI�'.,t Yl,�.,,���,A�l�.t �
<br /> �� ���
<br /> "�Uavid 3tarostkae Indiv. Chrietine Staroetka• Tndiv.
<br /> • Daany etoatka, Indiv. Janei Staroatka, Inr�iv.
<br /> (sas
<br /> CoOn tihis �S� day of �Pt�r , 19q5 before me, the undersigned. g Ntoary Public dnly
<br /> commiseioned and qualified for sa3d county, pereonally came David Starostka,D�vmy Stati+oetka,
<br /> Jmnet Stamstka. es1H R�ristit�e stmvsti�a. inQivid�is �
<br /> to me taaown to be the identical persons whoae namea as� subacribad to the foregoing instru-
<br /> � ment and ackaowledged the execution ther.eof to be their voluntaty act aad deed.
<br /> Witness my hand and no�arial seal c;t � �� in said county,
<br /> tbe date aforesaid. ������
<br /> � IryOoc�ExFO��M� ,
<br /> Nota Public
<br /> My commissiou expiress _
<br /> �
<br />`i
<br />