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<br /> �� ` •' � 15th SE�'1'CF1RG��� �;
<br /> ' . � THIS TRUST DEED,made thls de!►af
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<br /> :,;;;;,,.�.
<br /> --�-�-------._____.__., _.. . .. .
<br /> -' " `'�` 2250 N. Webb Rond Grc+nd Islund Nli 68Bq3
<br /> '�`,"°n whose mallinp addreee le �_ �..._..........,..�..,�...a._...._....-._.,..
<br />:;f�Ar., �,� u n. �� » u u ,:.
<br />,,,;,�-�,.,� (hereU Tru� )�a�d Ilr�MNN IIlO,whot�mtltinp�ddrKS w P.O.Box 487,Wood RNK.(�Nbr�ka 88E��(herNn TNtte�� �tnd t4�oe11ci�u�► ►�
<br /> _`"�""g FOlt VAlUS6lE CONSIDERAttON.�nctudlnp tM ird�bt�dnns indentifl�d hK�in and th�tru:t l�dn cr�atad,tM nc�ipt a}wAkA b M►�y
<br />_�d�::� adcnow{�dp�.Ttus9or irrQVOtnbly yPanri, transters,ccmey�,er�assf�m to T�dstN. IN TRUST,WITN 1A���QSlotlow�M�fll and �`
<br /> Y� saurlt�of Benefkiary.wwler a�d 6u�e�to tM t�rtns and eonditions of thl�DNd of T�uftt,lM�rol propuh►
<br /> i.��r`, � .
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<br /> � , r•;,, 70G£TNER WITH,al{reMS,profits,royatties,incane and other berwfits darived from tiw nai prop�r'ry, ai1 ieai:c�i�s�!hs `
<br /> ---�'r�` real praperty a any portion thHeof, now a herecR�r existinp or e�tKed into,ond a!1 ripht,titN and Int�nst of t�ustor tMirNn�►:all in�
<br />�,�,,;t-�;:r propNip�all ws�menn,
<br /> �-�;� terests.ei[ate or other elaims,bofh in law and in eQuity,whkh Trostor now Ms or may Mnaft�►ac4�k�in th�ral
<br /> _ - ri�Ms•of-rray.tenementa,hereditarnents aod oppwt�r�ances ther�ot and tMnto►all oil ond gas�ipht�and prafMs,wotK ripMs and wota
<br /> __= staks a11�tgM.tiNe c►�d interest of T►ustor,�ow ownad or Mreoft�r acquired,tn and to an�tond Ivirp wifhin the rqht�of-woy of eny dtr�t a
<br /> _ _-- hiphYra6►odioininp the reol propKtt►, any and all buikiirps.fixturn. improer�nri,ond ap�urtt�mrces now or Mr�cftar Kected tMr�on a
<br /> -- beionginp thereto,(herein roferred to as"ImprovartKnY'or"improv��")r o�d cn�and a��awa�ds��tM tokinp by�mtn�nt domoin
<br /> _ ��y 4�y proceedinq or purchaso in Itev tMreof.of fhs whob or ony port of iM reol prop�rty
<br /> - �Itl o#�tl�r forepoinp�state.property and fntereat hereby caw�y�d to Tnnte�hK�in cotbetiwl�r�i�d to os t�'`FropertY"•
<br /> (c)Tt»poymertt of indebtedness eviderKed by Trustor's nota of even dat�hK�with in tM principol sum of 19.�a0.00 __),
<br /> N�neteen Thouaand and no1100-----�-----------------"-------""- Dolbrs I1
<br /> - togetFier with interest at the rate or nnss p�dvtded thereiA,(hKein,top�thK with my and all nnewck,modifkotkns,ond�xtemton�thereot,
<br /> refart�ed to as the"Note"t both p�ineipoi and int�rest on the Not�bthg po1►abM in otca►dax�with th�temis pt forth tMr�in.r�fKenc�40
<br /> whicN il.�iereby mcde,the fina�PaY�"t�P►�^��01�intenst,if aot soom►poid and if rw nr�wat�,moditkatbns ar�xtmsioni ar�mod�,
<br /> due ond payoble o October��1 002 or an renewals or exteneions thereoP i
<br /> - {b)the perfor+ripnce of Qah apreement and cov�nont of Trustor Mr�in ea�taineda and
<br /> (e)Tfie poymaM of any sum or sums of money with IMerest thenon whtch malr b�h�+r�okef Pojd a odvonnd und�t►�terms of this C�d of
<br /> TfU51.
<br /> (d)Si�e pp�mettf of arql future odv�tes necessaty to proteet tM tsturit�►�any tutt�e advonct mad�at tM optlat o}t1w port(�s,ad
<br /> (e)The ptrfamon�e of an oWipotion of cnr other peraon aortwd in this Trust bKd to a Mn�fkbry.
<br /> - 1,f�t of�e�w�t�mn�t.Trostnr shali promptly pa�r wlbn dw tM principol of ard int�rat on tf�irdsbtedrnss tvwene�d b�tlN
<br /> - Note,ond all other cAaqea and fees os pro�ided in the Note,and the principal of ad tnterest on ony W1un Advances c�cured b�this Oeed af
<br /> ---= Trust.
<br /> —= 4.WrrrMM of Yitl�.Trostor is iawfully sei:ed and possessad of�ood cnd ind�f�csible titte nnd eitot�to thQ PropMy herrby eonvayed and
<br /> �; has the right ta grant and convay tt►e Prapertyr t���ioilcloinu and de��sti��s and encwnbroncas�xt�pYUens no�r af reto►di nnd
<br /> -�- Trosta wtl{warant and defend the titk to the Prope�tY opa
<br />_=-.-:�,� 3.�an/C�a�itY Wwa.Trustor shall keeD the P►operfY in 9ood condltEon and repofr and tlioll not tommit wast�or p�►mit
<br />--'°"''E�� impoitm�M a dotedorotioe of tim P+'cPe+'�Y and s���eomply with the provittons of amr leau if thia O�ed of Trust Is on o leas�otd.No improv�•
<br />-:��-=�����° ment now or hereafter ereeted upon the Propertp ahall be alterod.remeved or domolish�d wlthout tM prior writtan consent of B�fkiar�.
<br /> _�....
<br /> :';:�N� Trustor ahal)compiy with all lawa,ordinences,repulotions.covenarRs,coedittons ard rest�i�ttons aftectln0 th�P�optrty ad not tommit.wff�r,
<br />-ti�:;:�- :
<br /> ;-;f~ or permN any act to be�one in or upon the Property in viotatlon of any low,ordlnanee.regulotion,cova+onf.caidition or nstrktion. rusta
<br /> . ,._..,�....,.,�•�,�e,�etw a,�d in nood workmanlike manner any improvan�nt on the Rroptrty�rhtch mo�Ee domop�d or destro�ed and
<br />�_� _- �..r.....P...... ._-•-•-�.-.._ -
<br /> a � poY,when due,ail claims for labor performeA ond materials fumished therefore and tor anY etttration�tnareot.
<br /> =��`��, 4. l�ttar�ct.Trustor,at its expanse,wili maiMain with insuras approved br Beneftciary,insuranc�with resp�et to 4M Improv�mmri and
<br /> personal propereY,constituting the Properly,against loss by f(re.Ilphtnlnp,tomado,and other p�rits and ha:ardi covared b�etandord�xttnded
<br /> ,�''.,�'�:��' co�erope e�xiorsement,in a�t amouM equa�to at ieast one hundred percent of tM full�epioewnertt value thereof and Insurann oqeinst sueh
<br /> �::_.,�..,s. �
<br />_�<.�.�•
<br /> - r�-�+ other h�ards and In such anrrour►ts es is customorily carried by owners and operators of s(mular propMlQS or os 8at�tklary moy�e�u ro or tt
<br /> �:�t`'�.;' protectlon.Trostor vrili compty vrith su.h other requiremeMs os 8enefieiary moy from tim�to tim�reqwst far the pnot�etion by imuro�xe of the
<br /> '-"�°'`: � interosta of the respectire port+es. All imurance pofictet mofMalrtnd punuent to this DKd of Trust shnll nanea Trustor end B�ficiaryr at In-
<br /> � '�? � auroda.os their respective iMerests may appeer,and provide that there shoil Ee no cantellotion or moditicotEonwithout no I��t thon 1 S doyt
<br />'. r�,;:A , prior written notiflcation to 8ene�ciory.In the eveM any poiicy hereunder Is not ron�wed on or befae 1 S d�n p►lor to its�xplratian date,
<br />:, ;�;,� ,. 8eneficiary moy procure such insurance in actordance with the provisfons of parapru�h 7 Mrtof.Tsustor shali d�Gr�r to 8entfieloryr the oripinul
<br /> :�'�'�: poifeies of Inwrnnce and renewuis thereof ar memo eoptes of such polki�s and renewots tlanot.kflu�t to fumi�h tuch insurax�b�Trustor,or
<br /> .,.. `�'�"'' renewcis as requirod herounder sholl,ot the optlon of 8eneffelary,�onstitute o defauit.
<br />