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. s, . r:� . .�,� �. _(M':,nuer _... . <br /> ii,. .. �I <br /> � <br /> u�l „ - . . .. –y.,.—.— ------... <br /> . 1',. ,:__..._.:.___. <br /> .. . ' _ -iiiu��� - <br /> �. �: <br /> .. . �.. <br /> � .... ,. ' .. <br /> . . ,_--_ — _ _— . <br /> - . " .:.r.� '' .*�S¢G�=�3�oP...,.-.�,._"_____._ -- . <br /> -- '- _ "__ ' " —__ �]�aln•.r. .,�e..v— —..o� <br /> S�It1U1RD HJ1t18lN liBVRRLY HAN88N 100139 09/ZZ/�495� <br /> � UNIFORM COVaNANTS. &muwer un�Leuder coven�►t uid Apr�c us follaws; =- <br /> � 1. Payma�t at Princlpsl �nd [nterest. Ranawer st�il pmmptly pay when due th� prhx:lpal ��ui interest� <br /> indoMalnesa evldecwed by tUo Notc u i d l�te c h s r�es�s pm v i d e d i m t h e N o t o. <br /> 9.��or Toxa�nd laawae�ee. Subjat ta applicabl�luw ur s wdtten vv�iver by Lenfe�. Bormwtr sh�ll psY wt71 <br /> l�erwler an the day moatblY PRYmenta o!pdaclpwt aad interest ue pyable un�kr tbe Nate.uMil tbe Noto Is Fstd in fyill.a�/ <br /> sum IGet�ela"Fw7da")ait�l tu omtwelRh af tho yarly wces aod asreasnxnte(includlay condominlnra and planned uni� <br /> developme�nt�a�es�ments.if�tny)wh�cb tt�y atdiia ptlorlty aver thls Dad af�'nnct.wd�ccxuid reu1�uu die Peo�:rty.� �- <br /> h: <br /> suy.plas one�tweltih of yt�rly pnmipm ia�Utaeats far l�aurd lt�surnnc�.plua o�twtlflh ai yarly prcmiwa <br /> for enortj�e iawnu�. if any. all as raisombty esdin�ted inidatly ani t�om drae W dmc by Lender on the basia o _ <br /> a�ssments and bllls aad reison�ble esdm�us thoreof. Bormwer s1n11 aat bo obli�tted to aa�ke such psyaeats af F <br /> •��.•,�+..m�ta R9�x r�nc Bnrmwer m�kes sucb asvmenta to tde boWer of a prtor mortya�e ar dad oY uust if sucd holde _ _ <br /> is w IaSdtudoual lender. _ <br /> IP Borrovrrr psys Fwda to Ltnder� ttw Fucds sball6e held(a an tt�lwdon tlu depoa�its or accoums of whid�are <br /> insuted or gutruMeod by�Federat or stwte a�ency(inciudln8 Lct�dcr lf Lcnder is sucd an l�titudon).Lend�s1uU�p�lY <br /> tLe Funds to p�y satd�sments�insutance Premi►�ms nnd grow�d�ems. Letrder may not chu8�for so boldin�and <br /> +PP�Y�u� the Funds.amly�ng satd aocount ar verlfying wd campUing r�id a�eats aAd bWs.unless Irender pa�Ys <br /> Bonuwtr intenst on tLe Funds aad�pplicable!aw pem�fts Lender N mdce auch A cLarge.Bomower aad L.ender maY� <br /> in wtidn�at t6e time of p�ecudan of this Deed of 1ltust t6at iqtenst on tUe Funds sh�l1 be Pdd te'BonoweT.�nd ua�e� <br /> axb�greement is�nde or apptt�ble Iww r�quires sucb iat�t to be pe3d.i.ender st�aU mt be[equ�red t0�f t6e Funds . <br /> �ny intecest or arain�s oa tLe Funds. Lender shall�Ive rofor w6tcb�e�c�t it�tLe Fuads w�s m�de.7Le Funds ue <br /> s6ov�ring etodits md debits w the Fuu�ds and t6e putpaso <br /> plaf�od��ddidocwl security far the suma sccund tiy th[s Dexd of Tnut. <br /> If the amonnt of We Funds heid by I.�nder. together wlth tLe fuWce moadily iasalla�etks of Funds PiY�Ptio:W <br /> t6e due d�tes of tues. �cssmems. iusuriu�ce Prc�iumg ud�rnund�ll a�seod the amount a4uirod to PaY s�d <br /> w�es. as�eds. [asunncY premiu�an�!gtotiund rents as ttky fi�U due. such excYSS sWtU be. at Bormwer'a opdon, <br /> ettLet ptamptlY repaid w eorrower oa cndtted to Burrawcr an n�ontWy i�ullments of Fwds. If tbe s�nount of the Fands <br /> beld by I.tndcr shall not be suf8cfc�w p�y nxes.�s.�sessu�ents. i�ututce Premiums aod 8nound cents ag tisey fall due. <br /> Bonawer stnll p►y W Lender any amount rovessuY co�uP ti�ee deRdenci►ia oae or mone psyments�s Lsnder�y <br /> � �P�Y�in tWC or ait s�soca�od To�r r�i�t af T�sc.Lsada�41��u1Y�fimd to Borcow�w►F�nds r <br /> l�eld by ixnder.If under patagraph 17 hereof tde Pcoperty ie sold or the PmpertY is oth�naise+c�t�d bY��•�� <br /> sbaU apply. �luer duw immodluely prlor to the s�le of tbe Pmperts►or its ncquls3don by Y�unds lreld bY <br /> I�der at tbe dme af appliquton ts a cndit�the sum9 secured by tbis Dad of Tnut. �vod bY 1.entkr under tLe <br /> 3.Appfk�tNoa n�!lryments. UNass appilcable isw pmvtdes othe�dse.all payments k to Lender b Bomawa <br /> Note and au�g�pLs 1 atd 2 hereof shaU ba applied by Lenckt firet in payment of amnunts i�Y�. y <br /> wider par�rapb 2 heteot.then to 9ntecest paSra6le un the�then w the principat of thc Not�. <br /> 4. Ptior Moetp�sed Dee�at Tn�sti C4�� �•Homawer s6wll perfarm all af Borrower's oblipdoffi <br /> nader wy morty�ge� de�d of aust or other sxurIty a�rceaxnt with a Iten wbich 4av pdorlty over th�s ID�d oi TnW, <br /> tncluding Bormwer's cavemnts W mwlce psYmeats wbe�due.Bormvutt sLtU pay or cause ta be psW dl taa;es.�mepls <br /> wd aber d�u�es. 6nea�und impostdous utrtbutsble W tGo Progeily which msy atnia a p�tox�ty anrer tlil�Dad of TYUSt. <br /> wd lpisebold�yments or�roa�od t�ents.if any. <br /> S.�iLiaard Qna�e. Bomower s6�ll keeP ihe ia�tavements�►w cxist�g or heta�fttc erated on tbe PcopeetY .� <br /> inwred s�tia�t laas by ttre.h�ruds{ucludcd within tt�e term'r.xtendcd caveraBe�.�1 such other luwr�rds as Lender nyy . <br /> cequire and in suc��mounts�ad for such periods ns Lentkr msy require. b Le�der <br /> The in�u�noe carrta provldln�the i�urinee stall be chosen by Bonower subject to�gpxoval Y P�. <br /> that sach sppsoval shall aot be unraisonably wid�held. A11 iacuau�ce Policies ux!re�oew�ls theroof shli be in a l�ataR. <br /> �ucept�Me w Lecider iwd sha�l inlude���rt�8a c�use ia hvor of a�rd ia s fonn�b1e to Lemler. LeodFt� <br /> ehatl have tbe dght to lald the poltc[es and rentwals tbereof.subjx�t w tt�e ternB af tny mortg�e.deod of tntst or odier <br /> saurity q�ament wlth a lien wldtch Ins prloriry over tLia Dood of Zliust. <br /> In the event of lass.Bomower sl�q give pmmpt nodce to the it�sur+�ce csrrter tnd Leader. I.ender may m�Ce proof <br /> ef Ioss if aot m�de Pn►mpt1Y by Horrower. W Lender wlthin 30 d�ys from the due .,. <br /> If tbe PrnpeAy is tb�ndo�d by Bonow�et. ar If Bonovrec fiils w�pund <br /> uotice is meiled by Lender to Bnrmwer that the insutanco c�ier offers to s�et6le a cl�irn for incur�nca beaef�ts�Letrlet is <br /> wth�rized to collcct and apply the instmnca Prnceeds tt Lender's opdon eitber to c+estotadon or npa�r of d�e Property ar <br /> to th�auas�ecu�+al by this Doal of'["QUSt. <br /> 6. Pt+ptanation aM Mlafnta�ana ot Propatyi 1��; Coeido�Nui�ne3 PUnned Unit ,�• <br /> t i mocnt or det�'Iortt[on of tLe <br /> Harmwer s6aU kap ehe rmyfetty in�and rep�ir and siWl oot cammit wsste or permt mai r <br /> Pmpertp�ad s6a11 comply with the pmvislong af nny lease if tLis Deed of T�ust is on a la�sehold.If this Ooed of Trust ts <br /> on�unit ia a oondomintum or a plannal untt developmept.Bomower sLaU parform stl of Bomower's ablfgadom uider the <br /> cEeclandon or wvenants crating or goveming tLc oondominium or pWmed untt develo�mnent.t6e by-Isws an�d re�nistioms <br /> of the condominium or planned unit dsvelopmend.ud consdtuent docwnents. ms oontelned ia this <br /> - 7. Pt+oteeNo�a of Laider'e Sewrity. If Bonovrer filla ea perform the aoventnts and agreeax <br /> Dml of 1'eust.or if at�+action or Droceedin8 ia coma�eaced which o�terialty affects L�ender's iate�est In ths Pmperty.thea <br /> .. - �L _..� ��.:....::m <br /> - Lender. at lknder's opdon. uPon aotice to Banovrer. maY ma�e sucn aPI�• '°aO1'°� °��'�°'°'°� °----'� <br /> re�so�ble atcomeys' fas.and take such acdon as is oecesstry w P�tect Len�kr's intenes� If Y�e�1er rcqutred mongtge <br /> — insuru�ca os s eoadidon of m�idng the iwn sxured by chis Dood nf Tn�st�Homowar sls�ll p�Y dM Premiums requira!to <br /> iroinhin snch iaweaure in effxt uadl such time as tLe requirement fior sucb jnsurai�x termin�tes in acaord��x�� <br /> - Borrower's�nd Lenckr's wriuen agcoement or appli.�ble iaw. 7.wlth tnteres3 thcreon.xt the Note ratc.s1a11 beoome <br /> � Any a�ounts disbursed by Le�ler pursusnt to tbia puag�aph <br /> _ adQidon�l tadebtednesg of Bomower secured by th6s�cod of Tiust.Unless Boroov►sr atd Lender�S t6ereaf. NathtcMg <br /> i�+Y� such amounts s6a11 be payabie upon nodce fe�om Lender to Horruwer rcquasdn8 PiY�� <br /> contataod in diis ptrageaph 7 slu�q requt[e i�ender w incur a�r eucpeme or t�lce any acdon hereunder. <br /> a. I�pecttaa. l.enler imy nwke ar ctuse ta be m�de rcasonablr enMes upun�i��pxduse then atatad to <br /> pmvldod t6�t I.ender sfnll give Bamnwer nodce pdor to nny such impccdnn spccifyin8 <br /> Lretxler'e interest in tbe Prnperty. <br /> �� <br /> � <br /> r� taeenata 2�7�1 sps OriQinai(&�aord�d) Copy t8zanah) CopY«ustoisrl P.�c 2 or� <br /> :� <br />