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<br /> 17.Tnnsier af the Property or o BeneAcial Interest in Borrower.If all or any part of the Property or nny interest in it
<br /> is sotd ur u�nttsfernd ior if u treneBcinl interest in Borrower ia sold ar transferr�d and Barrawer is nat n natuml persan)without
<br /> I.ender'a �prlor written consent. Lender may. at ita option. requirc immediute payment in fuit af uit sums �ocured by this "
<br /> Security Inst►vrr�nt.However.thie opiion ahaU not be exercisd by l,ender if exercIso is prahibited by federal law ag of Ihe date
<br /> af this Secudty Instn�ment.
<br /> If Lender exercises thi»option.Lender shall give 19ormwer notice of eccelerxtion. The notice shull provide a pertod of not
<br /> less thun 3Q duye trom the dato the noticc i�delivercd ar m�iled wltiiin which Borrower must pay all sums secured by tl�is
<br /> ���►in�t..nea�moat [g Rnrmwa►f�ila tn n�u thwca cuma �vinr to Iles czn:ratln»of tMie t�icrl: �vtutAr�ttiu+y iovnicn anv n.mArtins
<br /> pemtitted by this Stxudry[nstrument wttliout furiher notico or demnnd an PJarrower. �
<br /> 18. Borroe•er'et Ittght to R2lnst�te. If 8urruwcr mcete certuin conditIor�s, Borrowcr shafl have the right to have
<br /> enforcement af this 5ecurlty Instrument discontinued at any time pdor to the earlter of: (a)S duys(or such other pedod as
<br /> nppllcable !aw muy specify for reinstatement) before sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sale contained ia this
<br /> Secur�ty Instrument:or(b)entry of a Judgment enfoming thia Securlty Instcument.Those conditions ere that Borrower:(a)pays
<br /> L,ertder al! hums which then woutd be due under thls Securlty Instniraent end the Nate as if no ncceleradon had occurred;(b)
<br /> cures c�ny defuult of a�y other covenants or age+eements:(c)pa a ull expenses incurred in enforcing this Sea�rity Instrument,
<br /> including. but nat limited to.reasonable attomays' fees: and(d�takes such actIon as i..ender may reasonably require to assure
<br /> thnt ths Iicn of this Socwiry Iastrument,I.ender's dghts in the Property cu�d Borrower's obligation to pay the sums sec�rod by .
<br /> this Secudty Instrument shell continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower. this SecurIty Iastrument ead t�e
<br /> obUgat�ons secured hereby ahull rems�in fully effective as if no acceleration had oscurred.However. this right w reinstau shall
<br /> not apply in the case of accelernUon under pzrAgraph 17.
<br /> t9. Ssle oi Note= Chaatge oA Loat� Servlcer. The Note or a parttal interest in the Note (together with this Sacwlty
<br /> Insuument)may be sold one or more times without prior notIce to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in the entiry(knowu
<br /> as the "Loan Servicer")thnt oottecta monthly payments due under tt►e Note and this Securtty Inswmenc.There also muy bc one
<br /> or more changesti of the Loan Servjcer un�alutcd to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servtcer,Borrower will b� '
<br /> given wdtten not�ce of the change in aooerdance with paragraph f4 ubove and applicable law.'Phe nodce wUl stnte the name aad
<br /> address of the new Loan Serviccr and the nddress W which paymenta should be made. The notice wfil also oontuin any other
<br /> informad�m requtred by applicuble law.
<br /> ?A. H�rdons Snbstances. Borrower shall not cause or pennit the presence,use. disposal. storuge.or rclease of any
<br /> I�Sawrdous Substanc�.w ou or in the Property. Borrower shali aot do� aor allow anyone clse to do, anythir►� affxHng the
<br /> pl��y t��4 ia;�vi�att��f any F.nviranmental I,aw. The Qm�ing two sentenoes shall aotap�!v W the prese.nae.use.or =_
<br /> sta�ege on the Property of smatl quantIties of HazuMous Substartoes that are generally recognized to be appmprIau to nonmal
<br /> residendal uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> Bomower�sh�ll pmmptly give I,ender wrltten nodce of eny investigation,claim, daaund. lawsuit or other action by anx
<br /> governmenta!or regulaWry pgency or privtue party involving the Pruperty and any Hatandous Substance or Savimnmental Law
<br /> of which Borrowcr has actual kaowledge. If Borrower leams,or Is notified by any govemmental or ngulawry authority, that
<br /> ar�r removal or other nemzdindon of any lia�dqus Substenx affecung the Ptoperty is ne�essary.Bo�rower shaLl promptly take
<br /> a!I nec�csary remedia!actions in axordence with Snvironmental Law.
<br /> As used in thia patag�aph 20. "Hazardous Substac�ces" ere thosa substances defiaed as to�cic or ht�srdous substances by
<br /> Hnvironmental Law ami the following substences: gasoliae. kerusene. other flacamable or toxlc petrolwm pralucts. to�lc
<br /> pesdctdes end he�bicldes.volatile salvents. materials aotuaining asbestos or formaldehyde.ancl radloactive cnaterials.As used in
<br /> this paragtaph 20. "Env�ronmental Law" raeans federal Iaws and laws of the jurisdtctlon whero the Property Is lacx►ted that
<br /> relate to heatth.safety or environntenutl prniection.
<br /> NON-IJNIFQRM COVENANTS.Bormwer end Lender further ooveaant az►d a�Cee as follows:
<br /> 21.Aoceieradoni Remalles.Latder shall give aoNoe to Borrovar pcior to aocderatbn fdlowiug Bore+ovrer•e b�ae6
<br /> 04�ny oovenant or agnednent in thts Security L�strumeat (but uot prtor to �ooderatton undsr p�eagrap6 17 udless
<br /> applicab�e taw prnvtdes othervrise).The notioe slv�U specify: (a)the defAdk (b)the odion e+e�aired to cuc+e t6e defaut�
<br /> tc)o d�te,not less than 30 daye tl+nm the dstte the nottoe ts given to Bon+ower.,by whkh tbe detault must be cvred;and ;
<br /> (d)that taflure to cure the deUWlt oa or betone the date spedilcd ta�t6e nottce may.r�ult tn accelentbn oi tl�su�s �. ;
<br /> �ec�u�ed tny tWs Security Im-tivmpit ond saAe ot the Pmpe�ty.T6e notke stwll fWrt6er inform Bormwer of tbe right tu
<br /> e+eiaai�ir atter saoeleratlon and the r�gtat to 6rL�g a ¢ouit adton to a�ert the noaextstenoe o!A default or any other
<br /> ddensc,of Bormwer to aooelvatton and s�te.V the default Ia not wred on or be�one t6e date speMtted in tbc nMtae,
<br /> Lender,d Its optio�a,tnAy�+equtre tmmedistte payment in fWl of all sume secared by�his Securtty Instrament wItl�t
<br /> s [urther de�nnnd and�msy invoke the power of snle and nny other re�nedtes perm[tted by applkaMe law.Lender sha11 be
<br /> � entitted to mltax all expease9 Encurred[n pue sWng the r�edies provided tn tbis paragr�ph 21,tnciwiipg,bat not tlmitcd
<br /> � to,r��sonable atta.rnteys'te�s and.00sta oi dtle evtdence.
<br /> � It thepower of sAle is im+o�,Trustee s�ait�+ecoM a notia of defaadt in eac6 county tn whkh�ny part of th�
<br /> P�operiy is I�ted mnd shall mspil oopies of sude ttotia tn the manaer pe+�ibed by appllcaMe!aw to Borrower and ta
<br /> the offia�pe�sons prescribed by applicable law.ARa the Wne requirai by applkaMe taw,Tiustce shall g[ve publk notice
<br /> of sale to t6e peisoiJS pnd in f�6s manner prescr[bcd by npplicable taw,T�wtee,without dcmand on Botrovrer,shall sd1
<br /> the Peroperty nt pn!►13c attctlon to t6e hlghest bidder at the dme and place�ad under the terms desfgnated in tlie nottce ot
<br /> sole In one or�nore parcels and ln w�y order T�vstee dete�iues.Tnistee may postpone s�le of ell or any pwrcel oi the
<br /> Paoprrty by public announoe�ment at the time and plaoe oi any previousiy scheduld isale.Lend�or tts dGS'figaee mny
<br /> ��s�r��cy at�y�u�.
<br /> Fartn 3028 9IB0
<br /> Pege 8 ot 0
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