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AII replecements end aldidana ehalt alr�o be coverod by this Secueiry <br /> Iusut�»ent.A�1 of Uw fura�oi��g ts ecferred eo in this Srcurity[nstrt�ment aa tho "Prope»y." �. <br /> BORROWBR COVBNANTS that Bamnwer ta IawfuUy sciscd af tho estate heneby conveyai und haa the right tn g►�nt end <br /> convey the Propert� and that the Fmperty [s unencumbered.exapt for encucnbranees of t+ccord. Bormwer wam,nts end will <br /> dofend genorally tho t1Ue w tho Property aSninst all cluims and denumds,�ubJect to eny encumbmr►oes of record. _ <br /> THIS S�CURITY INS'fRUMSPi7'�wmbirws unfform covenants for natlona)ure and non-unit'orm covenant�with Itmitod <br /> • �s....w..i.�.iw11M7wu!A mpnf�fNLw O��f1}f�rm cnr��rltv instrumetYt COVeIIt1C tct�l OiODCtiY. <br /> ::.i.a...,.n.«)�w.�............._ —.. <br /> UMFORM COVSNANTS.Barrower and Lender coveuant and ngra ns follows: <br /> l.Payment of Pr[ndpai �nd lnteresh, Pre�yment ond I.xto Chor�ee:�.Honnwar sh�ll pmmptty pay when due thc <br /> principal of und inurest on the dabt evidenced by the Note and tu►y prepayment su�d late chazges due under the Note. <br /> 2.Funds�ur Tiuces and Iret�rance.Subject to applicuble taw or to o wrlttcn waiver by I.ender. Borrower shall pay to <br /> L,ender an tbe clay manthly paymenW are due under the Note.untll the Note le pafd in fWl.a sum("Punds")for:(a)yearly taues <br /> end assessments which may attala priorlty over this Security Instrument us a Ilen on the Property;(b)yearlY leasehold payments <br /> ur ground rents on the Property.if any:(c)Yearly hazard or property insurance prcmiums;(d)yeady tlood insuranco pnmiwns, <br /> if any:(e)yeacly mortgage ins�uancc premiuma.if eny;and(�any sum� p�yable by l3orrowcr tr�Lendcr.ia accordanco c�nth <br /> the provisions of paragraph S,in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurenoo prem{ums•These Itema ere called "Bscrow Items." <br /> L.ender aoy time, collect and hoid Funds in en amoaut aot to exaed the maujmum amount a leader for a fcderaily <br /> relatod mortgsgc loatt may require f�r Borrower's escmw account w�der the federal Real�state Settlement Pc�dures Act of <br /> 1974 es amended from time to time. 12 U.S.C. Sxtnon 2601 er seq. ('RPSPA").unless another law that epplt�s to the Fhnda <br /> seta a tesser aru�aunt.If so. L.ender any dme. collect and hold Funds in un omow�t noi to exaed the lesser emount. <br /> I.ender may estjmat�the azcwunt of Fwtds due on the basis of current data artd reasonable estimates of eapenditures of future <br /> Escrnw Items or otherw[se in auxordanx wIth appllcable law. • <br /> The Funds shap bo held tn an lastitution whose deposita ere insured by a federal agency. instiumentatity, or entity <br /> (including Lemder.if[.eader is such an institution)or in any Foderal Home Losn Bank.l.ender shell apply the Fw�ds W E►ay tha <br /> Escrow Items. Lender rney not charge Bomower for holdIng and epplying the Funds.annually analyzing We escrow acxouat,or <br /> verit"ying the�LSCrow Iums.anless t.ender pays Horrower intcia;t�ttte I�suds atsd agpli�alsla law�SSito�iss��s <br /> a charge. Howaver. Lendos may requirc Borrower to pay a ono-time charge for an iadependeat real estate tex reporting servra <br /> used by I.ender in connection wFth this loan, nnless applicabte law pmvides otherwise. Unless sa agreement Ls ms�de or . <br /> applicable law;equires intenst to be paid.Lender shall not be required to pay Bomower any Intenst ar earnings on Wo Funds. <br /> Bomower and Lcnder�usy agree in wrlting. however,that inurast shall be paid on the Funda. Lender shall givo w Borrower. <br /> ��Ithout ch3rge. an annual acoount�ng of the Fw�ds, showing credits as�d debite w the Funds and the purposs for which eash <br /> d,bit to tho Fw�ds was made.'fhe Funds are pledged as additional secudty fa ail swna secucrd by tttis Soeurity Listrumen� <br /> If the Funds held by►der eaceed th�araounnts permitted to ba held by apQlicable law,Lender shall axount to Borrower <br /> for the excess�wnds ia accordance witt►We reqWrements of applicable law.lf the amount of the Ftu�ds held by I.ender et any • <br /> tim�is not su�cient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notity Bor�nwer in wrlting�end.In such case Borrower <br /> st�l1 pay to Lender the amount neassary to make up ihe deficiency. Borrower shail make up ttte defi�tency in no more than <br /> twclve monthl�' Lender's sole discredon. <br /> Upon psyn�nt in full of ail sums secuned by th�s Security Instrument, l,ender shell promptly nzfund to Borrower any <br /> Fund9 held by•�;ender. If,under paragr�ph 21. Lender shall aoquire or selt the Property,I�cr�der,prlor to the acquisition or aale <br /> of the Property,shali appIy any Funds held by L�ender at the time of acqutsi8on or sate as a cradit agutnst the sums sa:ured by <br /> thiS'�ocurity lnshlunent. <br /> 3,ApplkatMn of Payme�ite.Uuless applicable law provIdes atherwise,oli{wymenta reaived by L�nder under paragraphs <br /> 1 anc!2 shal!t+�applied:first, to any prepnymea�t charges due uader the Note: amouata payable under patag�aph 2; <br /> third�to interest due;fourth,to principal dua;'and Isst.w any late cherges due under the Note. <br /> 4.Chae�e.s;Liens.Bomower shall pay a!1 taxes.assessments, char8a�fines and imposidons amibuteble w the Property <br /> which tnay attain priority over this Sccudty Instument, and leasehold psymtnts or ground rcnta, if any.Borrow�r shall pay <br /> thtse obligations in the manner provlded in paragraph 2,or if not patd in.that manner.Borrower ahall pay th�m on time di�xlly <br /> to the person owed payment.Borrower shall promptiy farnish to L.ender ull notices of nmounts to be paid uader this paragcapl�: <br /> If Borrower makes Rhese payments direcdy,�orrower shall pmmptly furnish to IR�nder c�aceipts evirlencjng the payments. <br /> Borrower�hsill promptly discharge any lien which hav prior�ty over tt+ic Securlty Instcurnent unless Borrower:(a)�in <br /> , writ�ng to the payment of tt►e obligation secured by the licn in a ma�uier acoeptable to I.ender;(b)oontests in goad faith the lien <br /> by. or defends aguinst enforccment of the lien in, legal procecdings w�ich in the[.ender's opinion operate ta prevent the <br /> enforcem.ent of the lien;or(c) serures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinattng the lien to <br /> this Saur�ry instrument. [f Lender detemdnrs that any part of the Property Is subject ta a lten which may attafn prioriry over <br /> this Saurity Instrument,Lender may give Horrower a notice identlfytng thc tien.Bomower shall satisfy the lien or take one or <br /> more of the aciiona set forth above within 10 dssys of tha gtving of notioe. . <br /> • Fam 362�8 9/80 <br /> , Ppu 4 ot 6 <br />- _ -i <br />