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<br /> TooBT�R w1Tx aU the tmRovana►ta now oe�xeatt�erectat an the pra�aty�ona�u aumonu,.ppunaw�.�
<br /> 6aA.�ms,►ww or hereaftar a part of tha propexty.AU ceplscenxnta rnd�ddidone ehatl tiso bo wvcrod by Ihi�Sa�Uty in�ln�tr�oal. L
<br /> All of th�far�e8oing Is refeired t�in this Sectuiry LiaGVmant a�the"i�opaty"
<br /> BORROWAIt CO�BNANTS t1�at Bomnwa la lawti�Uy eeised ai the eau�e haeby oonveyod�nd lu�Ihe rl�ht b�nnt md
<br /> canvay ths lfioperty and tbat the Pmpeety is uneacumbored�exapt for encumbrtmces oi reoord.Bnrtowcr w�cnnu�nd wiq
<br /> dafend�enerally tha dde to the Propesty+�ainat all cLima ad da�unds�subjecl to�ny encumbrmoes oi ra.�ocd.
<br /> �c ew�mrrv nJC�gin�tr�t�'i'cc�ml,tnrs nniform coven�nt�for nsd�on8 uec and non-unitarm covcr�tt�with Iimltod
<br /> var�dona by juriedtcdo'o w conatiWte a unifotat aac�rtq►ivaWm�ait oovain8 real prapeetY, c
<br /> UNI�'ORM COV�VAN7CS.Harowa and Leadsc covawnt�agree�fol3ows: wha� duo tha
<br /> !.Ppyment o!�'jndPsl�ad Intiercdi�W�ent and L:�te C6�tr�a. SoerowEt ehtJl P�AaY I�Y
<br /> : . prl�t�}►al of and interostoa thadebtavlda�cedby the Noto�nd anY P�Y�tend We cbr�esQub unda tlieNote.
<br /> �.Fanda for Taxes ond Iasurwaa Subjxt oo�pplkxbb taw a W�wdtta�w�lvu by Lenda� Bararwor�11 p�y b .
<br /> Le�.r nn tbe d�►Y monQdY PaY�ng aro due undar�he KcNa undl tho Noto is poid in tiill.a wm("Funds")far:(a)Yar�y tu�
<br /> and assessmeuta whic�may atmin p�ialty ova this SacudtY Inatnun��a�a lia�oa tha R�opatyt��Y����
<br /> or 8�'our�d ra►ts at H►a ProparlY.if aay:(e?Ya�ly hz�d a poopaty lnant�e{t�etniume;(d)Y�Y .
<br /> aDY+(a)Y.�jY��g�°P���if�ny;enQ(�anY aums l�aYsbb by Bamv�a�w LaWler.i��oo�dr�ce with�he
<br /> � � provlsiarls of p�P1t 8� �liw of the paysseat of moitg�ge ina� P�� 'lt�de itans�re cdfed"Eaaow Ioenu:
<br /> Laadex tnaY•ac eay dma collxc ard hold Funda in en emount not to exc�e����amount s kada for s falaraUy c�elMad
<br /> • �ge loan msy nequin fa Barowa'a escnow aa�ount nada tho fadecal Rea1 BsWe Sd�dnent�roondun+Act d 1974 a
<br /> �n�end�ftoau dme tp dme.12 U.S.C.Sacdon 26U1 et s�q. ("RB3PA'�.nn3ess aiotha 4w th�t�ppikt td the Funds�s a la�aa
<br /> �� aa,oune;�If so.t�nder a�y.et any m�ao.coneae�aa twld Funas in w cmount na co e�ceeed�e ta�er�mount rreoaer mar
<br /> eat,im�tt����tha aa�ount of Funda due on tha bagis oi curcu►t data aud res�orubb esdm�tea ct expatdiwna of Pouue Bwcrow Itatu at
<br /> oth�ai3ss�i in�aadance wlth epplicablo 4w.
<br /> 7ha F�unda shaU.be heW In en iastiWti�m whoaa dep�its ao itwued 6y a fades�l�eacy.insuutnaiulity.ar aidty(includini
<br /> Lendec�i�I�eud�x �S sach aa InsBtudoa)a in aay Fedatl Hane Lo�n Bn�k.Lader td�ll tbe aaow�ount,a vertJ'Y�t
<br /> Itams,I.atc�s ssr�y uc3t c�sr�R�xr�v�'a��1�&��PP�tbe Flmds.�at►wllY�Y�S _
<br /> the Bsc�r'ow Tteu�s.iailoss Le�uier paYs Bonower iamrest on d�e Fuads�od appfkable law pamitit L�ee�det 1n mi�e�x a cinr�a. .
<br /> Hawe�+er�i�enda m�,Y re4u�ra Bamwa m pey a awthne ehu8e fa�an indepa�dent soal at�a mc retpoNn�savbe wed by
<br /> I�ndei is�conncction wUh tbis 1aen.w�s aDPl�bb law peov�des othawlse.UNas�n�reaneat is mde a�li�ble t�iv
<br /> roclulres�ttaKSt w bo paW,Laader stctll na be m4u�rad to paY Barowa wy iat�eat a arnfng,�on ttre Ftud�.Hoerower md
<br /> Leadu.a�Y a�r�oO�!�8.t�wava.tbat 1nt�st ab�U ba pai�d oa dxi Funds.Le�ider aull�ivo�o�an�wer.��iMouit cl�rja m
<br /> eanual accoundn8 of�tba Ftiuids,ahowla8 credita eaA debits w the Fursda md d�e p�upae fa whict�ach deb�t eo tAe�w�
<br /> mndo..'i'�e P�ud�ara plcdgal es addidon�t eeanrlry fa dt snms eecured bY thi�SecurityY inthunw►t
<br /> Ii tba F�ads hold by I�ender exceod the amounts pamito�ed oo be Ix�d by�pPlic�bb 4w.Lawa�tWl a000unt m Bano�►ar fa
<br /> the�cesa�ada iii inceorAauee wuh t6e eequi�ts of applk�bb�M.It the�mount vf tDe Funda hotd by LRnder�t aty dme ic
<br /> �ot s�t to p�y the 8se.raw Iteoo�tss wba�due.IRttder tnty so uotlfy Baem�vet In wtldn�.�nd.in such pre B�rre�rar ttull p�b►
<br /> t�o I.a�da�tho amourie a�ece�ry a m�e uP �►e ae8�a�►. sano�r stutt rte�e�m ihe dei�axy �n no more tben tivelve
<br /> raoat�ly.paymeats.at I�dar's sola dixcedon. �'�ro HaroNCr�ny Puadt ,
<br /> ZTpcin.�ne�t in tuli of all sUms sxtmd by this SoeurltY faa�ua�ai�1.a�dac�rto tde aequi�fon a�le ot die
<br /> deld by Lender.If,.itipder imra�reph 21,x.mrder ahsll noq�a ec11 tde Propaty. .
<br /> pie�operty�sba11 oppiy!aay Fut�ds held by I.aida at d�e tirae of acquta�tjat or salo�s a erndit�atnst t�e wms�oemted by thlt
<br /> Sec�rity IuaWnaea�L�
<br /> 3.App1i�'altbn of Y+��nncnta U�1ese�pplicabb Isw pcovWes othaw�s0.�11 pymwts[oeaived by I�mdei undet pr�W�phe
<br /> 1 eod 2 abalT be eppiiodt tiest, fi�enY P�Y�t�B�due unda Wa Note;e000nd�m�onaa p�ys�►b uada po[Ke�ph�:
<br /> ti�Cd.m iaoerest due.:��oueth.a porLicipal d��nd 1ist.to any late chxBes due mda the Naa
<br /> 4.Cb�ar�ess Ue�da� Har[ower sl�all puy all�es.�c0.c�ar8es.N�and impos�ons Mttibutabb m tbe P�+ope�►y
<br /> which msy amia priculq►ova this 3ea�rtty Inswmmt,and 1e�dwld p4ymmu a ginw�d reats.if any.eamwa ehdl p►Y thae
<br /> obligaflona in tbe m�u►er tmovid�tl in parag�p6 2 or if not p�id in that mannet.BoaoNer sAalt pay drm on tieno dirxtlY 10 d�o
<br /> geraon owed paymea�Borcnwa shaU psomPflY fumEsh to Lxnda ail aotices nt�mounte o�be pid wdar thls pan�h.tf
<br /> Saaowa m�kes thr.�e paymoats d�COaty.Bo�rowa shaU P�1�Y�m L�enda maeipm owlda�i�i�P�Y�
<br /> Barowa ahall prompity�e anY Uen which ha�priarity ova tbis Socurity Inswneent unl�ts Hoera�►�a:(a}�ees in
<br /> wrldag ta the paymc,nt of the obltgation aecured by die liai in R mmna ececptsble Lo Lender:N)ooates�in gooa t�tth the Ikn
<br /> , by.a defa�da against eAforc�amont of du Ifea in►1�at Praxodin88 whi� in the L�erider's apinio�►opesKe to pceveut the
<br /> eatacemeut of tbe �ea:ar(c)secrrrea fmm the ho3da of tha liai w a�eananC ead�fictaY to L�eaEa aubocdlnving the Uea to
<br /> tt�Seauily L�mau.If Lenda detera3nes t}uat eay patt oi the Peapesty�S aubject ro a lion ahkh m�y�n priatry anra thia
<br /> SahulA►In��.I�nd�maY B�ve Boaower a nfldca ideadfying the lkn.Boirowa etn11 s�dat�►d�e lien a uke one ar moce
<br /> of the acdons eet torth ebove wtthin 10 dayrs o�the givLtg of aod�x. Fo�m io2e�no
<br />—- ���RIN�'Itos��
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