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�..� ' ' Y�qi�17."•.n±�^aw�Tl�'r'r . '. A 1�� - _ _ <br /> iY ,:R�A':.}i,M.w• .. <br /> � ..+„«_.�e-.�+- , <br /> , --}y!ir+:W.7.�.+t 1•. n • __. e.. . . <br /> ... r il o .���-�-1.... _'__"_. " - _ —..�.��,.� _. _"_"__–_ _ _".__–_"___' <br /> ��9 5� 14f 50� <br /> TQ(iSTHBR W1TH ali tha impmvementx now or henaftet eaected on tbe pmperty.aad aDl casemants,appurtcngnces, <br /> and tixtutes now or hertafter s patt of the ptopeny AI.'nplticemanta and additions shall also lse covered by lhia Sxurity <br /> insuutaeti� Ail af tha foregoing Is e..fcr�rc;d to in thls 3sscurlry Ie�slnement ee the"ProperlY-° � <br /> SORROWER COVBNANTS that Bozruwer is lawfuAy seiscd of tho eastate hereby conveyed wnd has the dBht to grant <br /> and convey tho Property and that the Property ia unencumbend,exoept for encumbrances of record. Borruwer wasrants and <br /> wUl defend generally the dds w the ProPert!'agaia�t all clatms and deraunds,subject W any 4ncumbmncea of record, <br /> TH1S SL�CURITY iNSTRUMBNT carmbines��iform crnenaAts for nndonnl use And non•uniform covenants with <br /> jtMl�V8Tl8II0ils Cr jlu"1If <br /> NSLUUU iv�.'wtaww�:w�i��`•'=�''�'+i•°--atr+�mwN cnvetltlft CWI DI'OP�v^ <br /> UNiFORM COVSNAN't'S. Boirower uad Lendu convten�a�nt�te C�1ur�gef s�.�Botrower Fhall pmm�'.ty pay when dudBfe <br /> 1. Payment d 1Mndpal�nd Interes�PrePoY°K a �pt ead late charges duo under tho Note. <br /> principal of and iaterest on the debt evldenad by the Note and an9 PnP Y� <br /> Z. �nd�for�xcs and Lrwrunce. Subject to upplica6le law or w a wrltun waiver by i.ender,Bonawer sh:ill pay w <br /> Ltnder an tha day monthlY payments am due eutder the Nate.until the Note ia paid ia tWl, a sum("Funda")for.(u)Y�Y <br /> taaes and assessmeuts wlstch mey aitefu prto�ity over thi&3ccwity�uument as a Heiasuraaas�pnm�iwns;(dj yearly�ood <br /> payments or gmuad reats on the Propercy.if snY: c�� y�y� ��� eble by Borrower to <br /> inaurance premiums, if any;(e)Yearly mortgaga iasurance,pnmiutns,�f anY: and(f�aay sums PaY maniums. These <br /> I.rixter,in�ccordanco wtth the pcavIsiona af paraStaPh licu of thepaymcat of a�ortgage iasu�nncE P - <br /> items eev called"Bscmw Itams." Leader any tIme�collect end hold Funda in au amouat ttot w ex�xad the aaa�mnm <br /> amount a lender for a federaUy reIatcd mortgage loan may require for Borrower's escmw acco�nt under tbe federal R�ai <br /> �staco Settiement Procedunes Act of 1974 as emended from time to time.l2 U.S.C.§2601 et seq.("RPSPA").unless anoWer <br /> law tliat applies to the PUnds sets a�esser amonn� If so�L.cnder may�at any PIme►collect and hold Funds iu an amount not to <br /> exaed the lesser amoun� I.eader may ssdmute the nmoount of P�nda aue on tho basls of cument data end ceasonable <br /> esdmates of expendicu�es of future Escrow Items or othervvIse in accoidance with apPUcable law. <br /> 'fha Funda shaU be held in a�t iastitudon whosa deposite are insure�by a federal agency,instrumentAlity,ar entlry . <br /> a <br /> (including I.eader�if I.ander is auch en lastitudon)or In any Federal FYomo Loaa the Pl�nds�,wn�aliy pepnaylyziag the es►.vr�ow <br /> the p,scmw Items, i.erxier may not charge Boirower for holding und npplytng <br /> accaunt,or vetifying tbe 1Bscrow Ia�►s. unless Lender pays Borrower inurest oa the Fuads and applicable law pemiite <br /> I,ender t�make such a charge. Hawever,Lender mayccquire Botrower to P$Y llcxible�lawckm des othcraise�U css an <br /> ������ue�t hy Iender in cannsctIon witli this loan,unless aPP p �z�r auy�t at -. - <br /> agreeu�ent is made or applic�ble law rcqui�es incerest to b�Paid u°�r sAa1i aot fie rcqauod�o pay <br /> eunipgs on the Punds. Hormwer aad Lendcr may agc�e in wrldng,however.that inte�st e3�s11 ba paid on the Fiutids. Lcnder <br /> s,h�ll give to Borrowcr�wtthout charge.aa anuual accoundng of the Punds.showing credits and debIts to the Pl�nds aad the <br />- . Pm�p�for whioh each debit to the Funds was�nade. 'l1�0�lu►ds an pledged as addtcional secur3ty for all swns secunad by <br /> this�Setitilty 1aslrumeAL <br /> If the Punds hetd by Lender exceell the amowits p0vmittec►to be held by apQiieable luw. Lender aheu�t�ocount to <br /> Borrowa fo�the excass Punds in sccordance with tho�cl�inm�nts pf applicable IAw. If tbe amount of the Punds ixld by <br /> Lender at any time is not sufficient w pay the Escrow Items when dne,Lender aesy so nodfY�oxC'°we�'in writi°g,a�'i° <br /> sucb�case Barowcr shall pay to I.ender tLe amount neassazy co u�alce uP tt►e defidency. Horrower shall malce uA tho <br /> deficlency in ao moie thnn twelve monthly p� Lender's sole diact+etion. � cofund w Borrower eny <br /> L1pon payment in full of uil suras secured 6�y tbis 3ecurity Insuument,I.ender shaU Ix�ompQY <br /> Fu�ads held by Ixn,der. If.uader P�8�Fh 2l,Lender shall acquira or seYl the Prnperty.L.endec�P�ior to t6e ecquiaition or <br /> sale of the�Prope�ty,shaZt anply anY 1'unds hetd by Lender at the tune of a�quisl��n or sale as a aredit agdn�t the aume <br /> secured by this Soc�uity Instroment nts received b Lander wsda <br /> • 3. A�ppik�tion ot Aymente. Ualess applicable 9aw provldea othenvise. all payme Y <br /> puragwphs 1 aas o shsU ba applled:firs�to snY t�PeYt�ent charges due under the Note:secoi�d,to�nonats p�,y�able.under <br /> p�ragraph 2:t� interesc due:fauW,w pr�dPal dua:and las�to any late chuges�ue undar the Note. <br /> ,�. � I.ied. Homower shall pay all taxes� aasessmenis:eharges� ti�xea and imposidais amibutsbk w the ' . <br /> Pi+c�etty whic}f.may attatn�iodty ovet this Securlty Iasuuntent,and leasehold paymente or gmund nnts,if�nY. Hamwer� . <br /> sha11 pay these obligations�a the maaner pruvided in paragcaph 2,ar if aot paid in that marmer.Bormwu shall pa�Wem oa � �. <br /> time directly w the person owed paya►eni. Bornower sha1i p�nmptly furnish w Lender�ill aoqces of amouats w b��a[d wider <br /> thta par�g;rapl►. If.Bomowcr mak�es these paymenta dirc'otly,Bog�rnwer shalt pmntptly�Jumish to L.ender reoeipts evldencing <br /> � tlie PaYmente. .� . <br /> Bon�nwer shaU promptlY disctiar8e any 3len which has priorIty over thia Ser,�rity L�strumant unless Bo�rower:(e)agrces <br /> in wrttirng w the payment of the obligadon sccured by thc lien in a mannet acceptebla to Lendar.(b)conusts in good faith tl� <br /> 8 p� <br /> lien defends against cnforcement of the lien procadiags which in the Lenderla opinio�oPerata to ent <br /> cnforcemeut of the lien;or(c)seciu�es from the holder of tfie llen an agcCement satisfactory to Lender subordinating tho lien <br /> to this Security Inatrumsnt If Lender detetmines that auy�pacc of the Pro is svbjcct tb a lia�which may attain priorlty <br /> over tLls Securiry IasttvmeaL l.cuder asay glve Bonowcr a nodco idendlfy�n�g�the IIen. Botmwet shall satisfy t�1�en or teke <br /> one or mot�e of the acdons set forth abovo within 10 days of the giving of notic4. <br /> S. ��rd or prop�rtyr Iawrance. Bomower shall kap the improvementa now existing or hereafter erecud on the <br /> ptnperty insutcd against loss by fire.hazards included w«thin the term"extended cove�ge"and any otria hazards�including <br /> . �ioocls or tloocIIng.for which Lender requines insuranca. 7his Inswunrti shali be mainteiaed in the emounts end for the . <br /> Ebren3�3 !P!0 (PnBe 2 ojb poges) <br />