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<br /> UNIFORM COV�NANT8.T�ustor and Lender covanant and a9res as followe: g 5 w��� -
<br /> t. P�yrt��et ot Principd�nd Inl�raH. T�uato�shatl prcmptty pay when due the principal end interest indebtedness
<br /> evidenced Oy ths Not�snd tate charpes ma provided in the Note.
<br /> �. T�x�s,As����m�nt� �nd Char���. Trustor aheil psy or oauae to be paid atl taxea.easeaemants.and other
<br /> chcrgos,finos and impoatt�ono attributeblo to the Property which me�y ettein Srioriry over t1�is 9eed of Trust en� �_
<br /> t�aeshoid payments or prounaJ rsnb�it any.
<br /> 3. Appito�qon ot P�ym�nb. Unteaa apptleablP law provldea otherwise.Lender witi lirst appty poyments received,
<br /> whetheror nat delinquent,inthe tollowlnp order.(1j to anya pp{iceble c�edit insurance p�emium,(2)to any applicabte
<br /> lata charpee�(3)to any sppiteabte prepayment penalties,(4)to any interest that has eccrued,and linalty(5) to the
<br /> unFaid balanc�ot prinalpal.
<br /> �/. Prlor Mori�t��s and o��as oi i�u�t;cnu�es;��ens. 1 rustor snaii periorm au o� t ruscor s ooiigacionS unuar
<br /> any mortgaao,deed of truat or other aecurity agreement wlth a Iien which has priority over this Qeed ot Trust,fncluding -
<br /> Truator's covertanta to make payments when due.
<br /> S. Ha:ard Insur�nc�. Trustor ehail keep the improvements now exiating or hereafter erected on the property
<br /> insuted againet Ipss by tire.hatarde Inatuded wlthin the term"extended cAVerage",a�d such other hazar�s as Lender
<br /> may�equi�e and In such amounta tor auch perlods ae lender may requtre. -
<br /> The insu�anc�carrIer providinp the insutance shalt be Ghosen by Trustor subject to approvai by Lende�provided,
<br /> that such approvat ahail not be unreasonabty withheld.Atl insu�ance policies and renewats thereot shalt be in a torm
<br /> acGeptAbte te 6ender and l�hAll inGlud�A sta�da�d mortgagee ciause in tavor of and in a form acceptabfe ro Lender. _
<br /> �ende�shali have the right to hold the poiiciea and�enewais thereoi,sub�ect to the terms oi any mortgage,deed ef trust
<br /> or other securiry agreement with a Iion which has priority ove�the Oeed of Trus�
<br /> in the event ot loss.T�ustor shall p(ve p�ompt notice to the tnsurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make prool of
<br /> losa Ii not made ptompUy by Trustar.
<br /> If tha P�apeny la abandoned by Yruator�or IiT�ustor teils to respond to lender wlthin30 days trom the date notice is
<br /> mailed by Lender to 7�ustor tha4 the insutance cartier oilers to settle a ctaim tor insurance benefits. Lender is
<br /> nuthorizad to collect and applythe ineurance proceeds at LendQr's optfon either to restoraUon or repair of the P�ope�ty
<br /> or to the suma secured by thia Deed nt Truat
<br /> 8. P�eservatlon and Malnt�nmas ot P�operty Le�a�hotds; Condomintums; Planned Unit Oevetopm�nts.
<br /> Truator ehatl keep the Property tn pood repalr ana ehall not commit waste or permtt demotition. impairment, or
<br /> deteriotetlon ot tho P�operiy and ahsli compiy with the provislons oi any leaae it this Deed ot T�ust is on a teasehotd:if
<br /> thl�Deed ot Trust la on e unit tn a condomiMum or a pta�ned unit dsvetopm�nt�Trustor shatt pertorm all ot T�ustor's
<br /> obilpations under ths deolatstion and Covena�ta r,r�ating and governing the condominium or pfanned unit '
<br /> develapmen� the by-iaw�aad �epulaUons of the condominlum or ptanned unit development, and consti��aent
<br /> documenes.
<br /> 7. P�ot�ctlon o9�ted�r's S�aurity. 1f Ttustot falla to pettorm the covenants and agreements contained in this
<br /> Oeed o!1'ruat,or If any acpon cfr proaeedinp ia commenced which materlalty aitects lender's Interest i�the P�operty,
<br /> then Lender.at Lender'a optlon.upAn notice to Trustor.maymake such appearances,disbu�se auch sums,including
<br /> �easonabte attorneya'teea,and take auch actlan as is necaseary to proteat Lend�er's interes�It lender requtred
<br /> mori�ape insurance as a.�ondttlon ot mak�ng the t4an aecured by this Oeed oi Tros�Yrustor shalt pay the premiums
<br /> ��iqu red to maintain suah inauranae in eNect untll auch time as the�equirement tot such insurance te�minatee in
<br /> aecordenae with TruatoPa and Lende�'a wdtten agreement or�pplicabte law.
<br /> My amounts dlabu�aed�b}►lender purauant to thls Paragraph 7.wlth interest Ihereon,et the Note�ate.sha11 become
<br /> addttional indebtedneaa oi T�ustor aeeured by thia Qeed otTrus�Untess T�ustor and Lender agree to other terms ot
<br /> peyment�Such amount's shall b�p8yable upon�otiCe t�om Lender to Trustor�equasti�g paymc�nt ld�ereot.Nothing
<br /> aontained in Yhia Paragraph 7 ahall requlre Lender to tncur any expenae or take any aation hereunder.
<br /> a. tnepeation. I.ender may rr�nke or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections ot the Property,
<br /> provlded that Lender 4Aat1 plvs Truator noUce prior to any such inspection specitying reasonable cause theretor
<br /> ret�ted to Lender's Interest in ths P�operty.
<br /> 9. Cond�mnatton. The p�oceede otany award or ctelm tor damages,di�ect or conseque�tiat.in connectton with
<br /> any condemnatlon or other t�kinp ot the Ptoperty.or pan thereof.or tor conveyanc�in tleu oi condemnation,are
<br /> hereby aaalgned and shatl bs pafd to lender.su6jeat to the terms ot any mortgage,desd ot trust or otrier.secu�ity
<br /> a�reement with a tten whtch ha�priarit�r over thia Oeed ot T�ust
<br /> 10. Trustor kot Releastd; Fonbearanc� 8y I.ender Not te Watver. Extenaion of the tlme tor payment or
<br /> moditication of amoRizetloo otthe aums aecu►ed by thts Oeed oi Trust granted by Lender to any successor in interest
<br /> ot T�ustor ahatl not nperatato releaae.in any manner.the Iiabillty of the orlpinal T�ustor and 7rustor's success�rs in
<br /> ineeres�l.ender shall not be requtred to conimence proceedlnga agalnst such successor or retuae to extend time tor
<br /> payment or otherwlae modiy amortltstton ot tha auma aecured by this Deed ot T�ust by reason ot any demand made
<br /> by tha o,�lainat T�uator end Trustor's successors in tnterest/��y torebearance by l.ender in exercisin9 any right or
<br /> remedy hereunder�or otherwlae attorded by applfcable law.shatl not be a waiver oi or prealude the exerci�e ot e�y
<br /> such rlght or romedy. � �
<br /> 11. 8uec�s�on��nd Awtt�ns 8ound;JoIM snd 9�v�a1 Llab{Ilty;Co-s1�Ma.The oovenants and agroements herein
<br /> oontained ehall bind�and the r#�Ats hereundsr ehall�nure to,thereapectt�e guc�sasors and asstgna of Lender and Truator�
<br /> subJeat to ths proviabns of Parag�aph 16 hereof.lU!e:ovenanta end agreemenM of Truator shati be jnt�t and�sev�srpl.Any
<br /> Trustor vrho aasf9ne thl�Oe�d ot Trusi,but does not axecute the Note.(a)is co-s!pning thls Oeed of Trust only to�grant
<br /> and convey that Trustor'e irMtereat In the Property to Trustee under the terma of thia Oeed of Trust�(b)Is not pet�tmally
<br /> llabie on the Note or under thla Deed of Truat�and(o)agreea thn Lender and any other Tn�sbor,hereunder may�egroe
<br /> to extend,modiiy.brbear.or make any other aa:ommalatfons wfth regard to the terms of thls Deed ot Tn�at or the Note
<br />= wlthout that Truator's consent and wlthout reteasing that Trustot or moditying thfs Deed of Trust as to tha2 T�ustor's imerest
<br /> - fn the Property.
<br />= ii. nvsiac. cii�opi ivi anji nviico i6quiicv uno'er appiicai�ie iaw iv pv given iri anvi�er mariner,{aj any noiiCe io
<br />- Trustnr p�ovided tor In this Oeed ot Trust shatt be given by detivering it or by mailing such�otice by �egu�ar mail
<br />_ addressed to 7rustor at the Trustor's addtess stated hereln or at such other address as Trustor may destgnate by
<br /> notice to Lender as provtded hereln,and(b)any notice to Lende�shatl be given by centtied mait to lender's address
<br />- stated herein or to suah other address as Lender may deslgnate by notice to Trustor as provided herein.A�y notice -
<br />= ptovided tor in thls Deed otTtust ahotl be deemed to have been given to Truator o�Lender when givert in the manner
<br /> designated herein.
<br /> 13. Governtng Law;S�ve�tbilltr. The state and tocal laws apR��cabla to this Oeed ol Trust sAalt be the taws ot�ne
<br /> juriadietion i�whieh the P�opert�r ia loc8ted,except tAat it the Note specities the law of a difterent jurisdiction as
<br /> - governinp,suCh Isw thetl be the appticable taw�overning the Interest rate,te8s.cha�ges,and other terms ot the credtt -
<br />_ tran8action secured hereby.The toreqoinp sentence shall noi limit the applicabitity o!Foder�t taw to this C1ead of Trust.
<br /> tr�the eve�t that any p�ovlaion nralauae of thia Oeed of T►ust or the Note contticts with applicebte taw,such conitiuc
<br /> ahall�ot stleet other p�ovlslons ot thle Oeed of'tr�at vr the Note which can be giv�n ettect without the contiicttng
<br /> provlafon.art�ta thla end the provlslone oithte meed of Trust and the Note are decta�ed to be severabte.As used hereln.
<br />= "coata","expenaea".and"attorneys'teea"inctude alt sums to the extent not prohibited by eppticabte law�or limited
<br />�= hereln. .
<br /> ° 14. Tru��r's Copy. TtueL9r sh8!!bstumished wlth 8nd eck�owledges tec�tpt of a contorrtted copy ot the Note and
<br />:-i of thia Oeed of Trust at the timo oi execution or atter recordatlon hereof.
<br />