.�,�;; „ . . . �J;�k;;::� �:; �
<br /> � . . � :;;��1 — ,
<br /> �
<br /> s, .���r����
<br /> .. n _�— _ _— - _ - �a4� _ __ _— _"— _
<br /> , _..-i ... �_ . -
<br /> "_ _ " ..._.__i_.._ i�.. . _ . —
<br /> � .'1 .• ___ ..
<br /> 4'_..._.___.____._—'_�___.... �v._u..4L..LY.��I _r��e.a�r-r.=�:..._____
<br /> .� �n.�avww'��eQ7CS!.i�'17.L'l' .- . �-^'Yt"±^r.�_'. _"__' -_"_. __--_.— _.__
<br /> _ _ _ " �--.�—__ _�.�_ ..... " _' ' wa�:�.=.�._..'_.__—_ . `
<br /> �.� , * Exhibie A 9�C.��� +
<br /> . to
<br /> Mutual Deed of Partition
<br /> /1 tra�t oi Sand eo�ptisin=a p�rt oi sectio�n ?ive (S). Ta�rasbip!em(10)
<br /> tlorth� R�nAe 7�ca d1�� weati af the btl�p.?!. iA H:il County. l��bsasira• �ore
<br /> particviarly de�csibed ien foilor�at aeQinaing at tl�e Cio�¢heect �orncr e►i aeid �
<br /> sectior� Five (S)i th�sece Soutbesly alo�ag the F.�st itoe oi SaetioA Hve (S), a
<br /> ' distance o! l�+o Thouoand Six 8und=�d Forty FouY and Eighty-eight 8undsedths
<br /> (�.644.88) feet � 4o tbe Southeast cosaec oi the Noxtheast Qua=t�Y a�iouaceCe
<br /> �ww��Mft�tl� Southeriv doa� the &st line oi 8t4d Sectio�a yive is): �� R�� ���
<br /> oi �o Thou�sad �0 8uadre8 8eveaty oi8ht anE �alxty-iaus nunn:�o�u. .••�•�•��,�
<br /> ieet, to s p�int three Bwtdred Sixtp �360.�arailel to t Sou b liae o�!�a�ar�ar
<br /> of said �ecxian Five (S)i tbeaee lieeterly p
<br /> Sectian Five (5) aAd iLOAg ttl! �Q�th 1�AE Ot A=$O SQCOAd aaa Thisd Snbdivi�iaas�
<br /> a d3ctaace oi �io Thousaad Bix Sundred Fitty-sevaa and Thsee Huadse�the(�.657.03)
<br /> �eet. to tbe tdorthxeet Caraet of L�t Eleveu �11) kgo Secoad Subdivipioa; thence
<br /> Nore�erly alarg she Wee! liae ai �aid Lot Elevea (11), a distanae ot t+.�► (10) teet
<br /> to the AIorthe,ase eorner of Loi Five (a), IdrBo Seeoad Subdivi�ioa ti�ence liesterly
<br /> along the North line of said Asao Second Subdivision aad parallel to t.�►e Souich
<br /> 11Ae of ��id Sectioa Five (S), a distance oi One Thausand Z1ro �lutrdred 1�+aacy-four
<br /> � sud Eighty-aeven Uundredthe(1.2Z4.e7) ieet, to the Eaet lis�e of Saturn Streeti
<br /> n
<br /> ti�ence Northeziy aiong the East l.ime oi ssid Saturn Street. a distance oi Eig t
<br /> 8undred �enty-seven and Fifty-th�rte Huadsedths (82�.53) teet; thence Easteriy
<br /> paraile]. to the Nostb line of �aid llrgo Secoad Subdivision, a �distance of Niae
<br /> Hugdred Fffteen and Forty-aeven Sundredtha (915.47) ieett theact 1lefiectiag lett
<br /> 90 1S•20" and aunning Noxtherly aloa8 the Eae� line of Axga Fiitb �ubdiviaioa
<br /> �nd tl�le line extended, a distance oi lt�o t�oueand Sevea 8undsed Seveaty two
<br /> and thizty-onc Hundr�dths(2.77Z.31) feet , to the Soutberly sight oi itay liae of
<br /> �� ����,� g�sifie �llYCSd; tb�'�� �=��sterly aloag �aid ssgt►L of v�y line
<br /> a distance of three bus�dred eigbty-aine and one teAth (389.�_� teet� to �be
<br /> east line oi tbe Northwest Quartes (M1�i tt►ence Noztherly doag the East line
<br /> o� �sid Northwest Quarte:(N1Dt). a disunce oi oAe Hundred �evenseeu and dne
<br /> I� �,te�ath C119.1) feet, to the Southerly rigbt of �ay line of the Unio�► P�aific
<br /> R�'iiromd;theace Nostheaeteriy along �ai8 ri8ht of vay liAe� a distance of
<br /> 1 � Qr�e �hovsaad Niae Huaa=ed 1�uauty-eiac and fitty thret flunaredtbe(1�92b.S3) feet.
<br /> t �� '. �o the �lotth lis►e of saie 8eetioa Yive (S); thence Easterly along tbe llorth line
<br /> �J�' of said Section Five CS), a diata�ace of liine Hundred Hinety- �ix and shYer tentba
<br /> (996.3) teet to the kiace of 8egiaaing. axcept that portion tt�e�teof deacribed as
<br /> �Q1�v�as i � � • .
<br /> ' A tract ot land ca�psieing i psrt oi tbe wortbe+�st Quarter (NE�) pi �ectio+s :
<br /> ,�i�re (S). lwasLig !ea (10) Mortb. Ranae Ten (10) Ye�t ot tDe 6tL !. M..'b�
<br /> P,ount�. llebraska. s�nd �:e ps:tieularl� aetcribed as ioliarsz ..
<br /> S���nait�r at the oortbeast COlfilY oi ��id Rortbeast Qusrter (���i ��Ce
<br /> soutberl�. alo�og ana upon ths eut line oi Nid Notibea�t 1�u�mte= �1���•
<br /> s distance of �ro 'l6ous�nd �o Hundced lhir�� S!a au�#:�iit� Tire �e�Ri�
<br /> • (2.236.55) Eeet= tlience �eiltetia� :iiht !0' 04' OS" ��1 ��� �•
<br /> a disLaace oi Y1ra 7t�ousand Oioe gundred Aioeer lb=ea srrd titt� Oae �uodsedths
<br /> (Z.1931.52) geet; thence deileetts� ri�Ut �4' S3' 39" � ���t
<br /> � aartbvesterl , a di�tane� oi Etaht �undred 8la� and t'6irt7 �f�iht �undreStL�
<br /> tS06.38D feet; tbence �eElectl,aj� titbt 03' 1S` 14" att� rwn'is�6
<br /> •sortbvestesl�r s dist�nee oi sis Hu�dred Tift� 'l�o � Tozt� Ons �undred�7bo
<br /> �(652.41) �eet .to a poiat on the soutberi� iisbt ot' ra� iine ot the Onioa
<br /> Racific bi�ro�d; Rh�nce northeasterly, alona �nd uPoa wid.�°1��►�r17 Kah!
<br /> ot va� liae. • di�tanee ot One !'6ousaad tive Hundred �ive and Hiaht
<br /> 6undredths �t.SOS.08) teet to o Ooint oa tLe ooslh liae oi aid ltort6east
<br /> Quarter (NE�); tUence psterl�. +�loa� and upoo t6e sorth line of ssi8
<br /> llozthe��t Quatter (liE�)• • ai.c�n�. oi Nin: IWadsed itinet! 8is aod !l�ree
<br /> ?enths e946.3) teet to tbe point ni be6inniqg and tont�ining l0i.S2� �eras.
<br /> sose or less. ot vbicb 2.i4S scces. �ose or leas. i� p:asentl� occupied ey
<br /> public road rigbt oi vs�.
<br /> ��y�,.� �;�Sr'^:�,c:��..;' . �qc;,�,ti.• .'t•:''" ,.� �;--.,,»'?���-::'ya;a �.�rr�.�`'� _-
<br /> ._.�t��. ��� �:Z�-�.'�t►� ':�'vrsr �: '.'i'%':'i7.'k:::'lr:�:^ r� ,i,r� �ti„ � _
<br /> },L �t�t���`ICyS.17F�t �t"v'�P`� .v t'6'inl x�.:','L t a ° - - _`" � _
<br /> �t�a�+a-.,.
<br /> �In .� b�� � r 7` �. E r.r.x4•-�' ' ' ,�. -
<br /> , ..�,
<br /> �'S�'� � - �1�_,���� '�y- �" i:--. �, r r-�a � r .. } , .
<br /> �i�t�.� .t ;�� •�r, j �� a`. ' . . � ''" .1'.'1� �., � ";{��-bn L.,r _
<br /> ��}.'��x:' . � � s . ' �- ' �� . ,+l r�f rt. ^f�y4��, :t'Yt'�tfc =-
<br /> �L.1 'i�\``��� � `- _� , , - ,, • , . , . ..�'fA� D �„r,i+'1�t��dr� -.
<br /> �.LL•da:y� ,y4�•�y� ! 4� �.f'����'.::...-,: .. +t . a��i ' ..f'-:..�...t-• , f -Y�`t'lq,��� rf�a����.' .�___.
<br /> �cJ� Y�7 �F���y � u n '�� I ��' �+l]a1 � .,v �!� , 1. j4X .�._ _ —_.
<br /> •-�nc�e .��i �'' �y'r��5•irk r,�`.�4 �.%�f!�iv`�'t`.rlc��:i��'-'4�ti" .Y� .r 1 f �.�`__—_'— _�.
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