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<br />; -� 'Irotrualait w'ltustea.T►uua slull roconvey the Propat�r wlthout warranty�d without dmrgo to the�person or per�ons Ieg�lly
<br /> axitkd w it.Surh peraon or persona s1u�1 pty a�iy.raont+d�tion ooab.
<br /> j 21.9Nb�tMvte TrMee.L.a�1er^Rt ita aption.msy hom Gme to dme rettave Tni�tae�rd appoI�t�s�tiopeswr trustee to
<br />� any Truetae�ppointad�l�a�eur�der by an irahumdlt reaotdAd in the county in whlch this Searlry Insuument is reco�dvd.Witbout
<br />� conveyince ol'the Pmpe�ty,tWe aucoeas�x truateo ahttl ancceod_to•�!1 the tide.power a��d dutl�s conferred upon'lYusta ha�ein
<br />; and by icable taw. •
<br />• �A.�tor Natioa. Hc►rrower roquatc tAat copie� of the notias of default and cate be ser+t to Borrowe�r'a�ddross
<br />! whkh is the Ptopaty Addrdu.
<br />� iS.Rt�.e�m tf�i�Seerrky Ia�tna�t.Tf w�e or more rldas�nc executed by Bormwee u�d incoidod together widi thii . ,
<br /> I Securky Imtrument,the oovaiu�ts�nd agreementa oi e�ch such r[der eh�ll be inaorpor�ted into �nd ehal!rnnnd�d suppt�u
<br /> lcbe covaynta Aad aRroemtMa of thls Soeudty Instruma�t ss 1!'the rlder(�)wero a put of thia Sxurity Inetnurea�t.
<br />, rc������xc�» � � ��-3020-c =
<br />� � Adjt+arable tWe R[da� :� Cat�dominlum Rider Q 1-4 Fsmily Rider
<br />• � (br�dwted Payma�t Rider PI�MM Unit lyeve! Rider Bi�veelcly Pk�ment Rider
<br /> S�lloon Rider .. Et�te Inspcuvmknt R� Secand Home Rlder
<br /> V:A.Ritlu �thMs)GP�fYI "
<br />; . ii�IS. IitB't'i�L'i�liT �i1lS DRliFT'�D 6Ys IiORiiEST lI�RTtiAGB., IiiC.. �02 �iES'� �RD �52. ,.
<br />_ P_0_�QX 1?ia�_�iRA11D �_$LI�ND._1IB 6Q002Q00� - -.-_- ----.-_,-------- - : .
<br /> � HY S�La1vIN(3 BELOw.Bomawer aooepts�nd�graes ro the tams and oovaiuus ooMained in th(s Sa�rity Inwme�t a�d •
<br /> in�ay rida(�>eacxutod by 8omctwa�nd recoe�ai wlth it. • ' . • .
<br /> • 'vvi�: � ` .. . _,�r-1�. L • .�F' '�-1�.*� � �.�.�cs�� .
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