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� _•.. rry���,. . .. �, ._. --..__._...... ..__ . _ . ._ ...�. -_. .._... -- _. <br /> ev'x".•w " �;al�rV�1-.. ' I <br /> . '"�'�1�1 _ WnM..•" . <br /> � �n - <br /> _._ ..--._. . <br /> --- --- ..—�rR-^•......_._.. <br /> �'��������� <br /> s. Hwrd or propeety Insurance. Borcuwer�tw8 keep the improvementa now cxisting or hereattae ercctcd on the <br /> Property insurcd egninst loss by fire.haaa�rds included wlthin the term"eatended caverage"und any other hazarda,Including <br /> floade or ilooding.for whicl�Lender rcqulms insurars�e,This lnsuraix�shull be maiatained in the amounts snd far the pedoda <br /> that Lendrr requ�res.The Insurnttce carricr providing the insurance sh�ll be chosen by Borrower subject to Q..ender's apptov�l _ <br /> w�ish shall not bo unrwaaonably wIthheid. If Borrower fails to maintein soverage descr�bed above. l.ender moy. 8t LttI�CP�B - <br /> a�tion.obtafn coverage to protcet Lender'R rights in the Property ih accordance with paragraph 7. <br /> AR insur�nce policles and rcnewais shatl bo uooeptabte tp Lcnder and stwU include a standard mortgage cluuse. I�t:nder <br /> ah�il hrve thc tight to hold tbo polic[es and re�wals.If I.�n�er requins,Bor�ower shal!pmmptly g[ve to Leaxter r�ll reccipte of <br /> paid pnemiums and evr►ewal notfas.In tha e+xnt of toss,twrrower snaii gire pivn�}v�n�tiw to u��ra;;�a�ti„.�..:.M:�:��!". _ <br /> Lender a�y m�lcc proof of loss ff not made promptly by Borrower. _ <br /> Unlass Lender a�Borrower otherwise agrce in wrldng,insuran�.e pr�ocads shall be apptted to restoration ar repair of the <br /> Property d�naged,if the teswr�tIon or repair is xonomtcally fe�slble.and Lender's sxurity is not lesseaed.If tdo restoration or <br /> repair is not aonomically feasible or Lender's sccurity would be lessened.the insivanoe proseeds shal!5e appliat w tbe sums <br /> secured by thls Sccudty Insuument. whether or not thea due, wItt► any excess patd to Bonawer. If Borrawar abandons tlie <br /> Praperty.or does not u�swer wtthln 30 days a notia from [.euder thAt thc Insurana cardar has offered w settle a clnim,then <br /> Lender rKy wUax the iasuronce prnoeede, Lender may use the prnceods to npaIr or reswre the Property or to pay sums <br /> saured by ticis Sesvsity Iastni�eent,whether or not then due.The 30-cfay perlod will begin when tbe aodce i�gtven. <br /> Unless I.endcc and Borrower otherwIse agree In wdting. any applic�tion af grooads w principal shall not extctpd or <br /> pastpane thc due date of the monthty payments nfertod w in paragrapha 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If <br /> under pa�sgraph 21 the Property is eoquired by Lender.Bornower's righ►to nny insurnncc policies and pmceeda resulttng fi�+om <br /> �ge to the Propc�ty pdor to tbe acquistttun sh�l1 pass to l.ender to the extent ot the sumg soCUred by this Secudty Instnunent — <br /> immediutely prtor to the aoqeusitIon. <br /> 6.Oecup�ncy, Preservatiota.Matntr�wna and Protectbn ot the Properiyi Borrow�'s LoAn Application; I.asdio6de. <br /> Borrower elWi aaupy.establish.and the Property as Borrower's principal residenca within r�aty days af�r the execudon of <br /> this Socurity In�t and shall oominue to occupY the Property as Borrower's ptiacipat c�es'iderice for at least one year after <br /> ths dato of oocupux.y.iudess Lender othenvise�ras in wdttng,which consent shall nat be unreasonably wtthheld,or uNess <br /> eater�u�ting cif�nmst�RCCS c��t Nhich �+o beyond A,aimwer's cantrol. Bocrorrer steall not �'esmny. Aar►�ge or Imprtr tlie _ <br /> p�„�,��rhr p�e,Fat�r u,dueriorace= or oommic waste nn the Pcogcrt�r. Borrower s_hall�e in defeult!f any�orfeitun <br /> aation or procading,wt�etf�r civil or rriminai,is begun thnt In l.ender's good faith judgment oould resuh in forfeittu+e of t6e <br /> P�opecty or otherwise m�urially Impair the Uen�xeated by thls Sacurity Inswment or I,ender's socurity interest.Bo�rawer may <br /> a�re auch a default aad reinshte,as pmvided in pxrdg�ph pusing the s�ction or prnoecdjng to be dismissed wtW a�uling <br /> t}wt. In 4x�der's good filth detemdnation. pcxludes forfe[tucr of tUe Borrcxvuer's interest in tt�e Property or othcr matex�al <br /> im�trment of the liea crauad by thIs Socudry Iast�ument or Lender`s s,ea►rity intenst. Baraawer shall also be in de£�It If � <br /> Horrower.dudng the loan yyplication prooess.gave u�terialiy false or inaccurate lafonmatian ar statements W Lender(ar failed <br /> to provlda i�ertder wi�th any�terlal infomtitiot�)�connoction with the lwm evidenc�od by the�eludtng,but not limioed <br /> to.rep�tspwttons ooacetning Bonnwer's oaupa�x.y of the Prop�ty as a principxl residena.[f this Secu�ty Iminimait is on a <br /> lea.u6uid. Bo�ntuwer stull oomply with afl thc pmvistods of the lease. It.�lenrower acquires fee dde to tbe E'noperty. tl►e <br /> I�sd�oid and the foe tiUe ahall not merge unless L.eader agras to the[n�igrr i�.�vrlting. <br /> �.A+o�xtioa ot I.euder'a Bi�hta in the P�nperty.If Borrov��r f�ita to perform tt►e ooveau►ts and agramnts oon��inc�ia <br /> this Sacurity ImRnu�eet.or then is a tegal pn000edtng that may sigaificantly�ff'act I�ender's rights in ttn Property(suoh ac a <br /> �;pooediag in b�u�k�uptcy,probata.for condemnetion or forfeipue or w enforce taws or cegulations),then[�endcr msy do and <br /> pay for v�huever is eeoasary to pmtat thc value of the"Propc;�'tY ud Lend�ar'�dghUs in tix Property. Lender's�ctions cmy <br /> Include paying aoy suau s�xural by a li�n whIch h�s priorIty over tbis Securitx IaSUUmak. apparing in oomt. pagias <br /> �soo�bk attorn�ys'fees�cd eatering on the Pmpetty to rtylce npairs.Althoug6 i�eoder m4y take udun nnder this par�h. <br /> 7.I,ender doa�tot!►z�e to do so. <br /> Ar�y a�aouats disbursnd by L�r1eT under tbis poragr+ph 7 shaU beoomc additioYml debt of Sorrower sac�ral by tbia <br /> - S�ec�ntiqr Inctiummt.Unkss Borrowa ud Lender agca w otlxr terim of PoYment.tiuse unounts atull bar interat from the <br /> dme of dlsMusanent ot tbe Note rate and sh�U be P4Yabk, wtth intercst.upon aotia from I.ender to Boimwer roqtn.stiqs � <br /> . P�Y�• . <br /> •,Mort�e t�+oe.If Lender coquircd mortg�ge inwrance as a coudiaon of m�Idng t6e lo�n savrad by tltis 5ecurity : <br /> L�teument, $orrower s1u11 py the premiwm requirod to �r3nain the mortgage iiuur�aoe in effact. If,for any re�son. the <br /> mnng�ge inwraooe wveaga required by I,ender lapse,c or ceises to be in e�'ax.iiorrowes shall pay the pnmiums tequired W <br /> obWe aover�ge subsunti�lly equiv�lent to tha mortgage iiuunnce pYevfously in effact,at a oost substantidly equivalent w the � <br /> oost to Borrower of the mortgage insueanoe pravtausiy tn ef�'ea. from bn alurnate mortg�ge insunr approvad by Leader. If <br /> substaoRi�lly equiwalent mortgaga inwrance coverage is not available.Borruv�c�stuill pay to i.eader each month a sunn equsi to <br /> one-twelflh of t�e yariy martgag►insumnee premivan betng paid by Boc:�uwer when the t�osuiunoe cove.rage tapsodl or a�ai to <br /> . be in effat.I.ender wUl aocept.use and retain thesc p�ymenss as a tass �+eserve in Ilcu of mortsage i�umm�ce. I uss �esenre <br /> - . Form 30� ell0 <br /> Pap�9 at 6 <br /> 1 <br />
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