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_ . ; .... .. <br /> .,.,. .. <br /> :. ... <br /> . , � <br /> � ,. <br /> �• � � ,_ _____��"� <br /> ,.,,,v., .,r:..�-.r,- - • _ _ __ . . <br /> .� .. <br /> .. . n ` . . . . � - <br /> -�.w.��:: -• -. . . ... ��.. <br /> ; �9 5- 1p�'76 <br /> 17. Transfer ot tbe Peoperty or a Beneflctstl Intet+est In Borrower.If ull oi•nny part af tho Praperty or nny interest in it � <br /> is cold or trensferrcd(or if n benc3icinl intetest in 8orrowcr is sold or tturtsferred and Horrower is not u natural percan)wlthout <br /> Ixnder's prinr wdlten �nsent. Lender muy. at its aption, req uire immediatc payment in ttill af all suma scxured by this ` <br /> Security instn�mcnt.Hawever.this optEon shall not be exet�cised by Lender if exerciao is prohibitul by fc,�tcra!taw os af thc date � <br /> af this Securlty Instrument. <br /> If Lender exercises thiA option,lxader shali give Bornower notice of accelerntton.Tha notice�hull pmvIde A period of not <br /> less thun 3Q days from the dnte the nottca is delivered or muiled wlthin which Borrower mast pay alt 6ums isecured by this <br /> Sccudty Ynstrument.lf Horrower f�ls to pay these Fums prior to the ex�iration of this pedad.Lender may invoke any remallea <br /> permitted by tPris Securiry Instrument without tLAher notice or aemund nn noreower. ' <br /> 16. Borrotrer's Ittght to ReingtAte. If Borrower meeu, ccrtain canditians, 8onawor shall hnve the r3ght to have <br /> enforeenrtent af this Security Instrun�ent discu�►tinuecl at any time pr�or w d�e eaellee of: (n)5 days(or such other poriod as <br /> applicable law may spccify for reinstatemcnt) before sale of the Property pursuant to nny power af sule contained in this <br /> Securlty Iastrument;or(b)entry af a judgment enfarcing this Sesur[ty Instrument.'fhose condittons arti that Borrower:(u)pays <br /> L.ender alt sums whtch then would br,due under thia Securiry instniment end the Note as if no acceleration hud occurred; (b) <br /> cures any defuult of any other covenants or agreemeata; (c}pays all eapenses incurred in enforcing this 5ecurity Instniment. <br /> including,but not Ilmited ta.reasonablc attomeys' fees; and(d)takes Fuch action as Lendcr mey rcasonnbly require to assune <br /> that the lien of thi�SecurIty Instruraent. I.ender's righta in the Property and BarrawEr's obUgntion to pay the sums securcd by <br /> this Securiry Insuumcnt shall continue unchenged. Upan retnstatement by Bocrower. this Se.carity Instrument nnd the <br /> obljgutiona secured henby sha➢I remain futly effective as if na acceleraUon had accurred.However.this risht to reinstnte shall <br /> not apply in the case of acceleradon uader paragraph 17. <br /> 19. Sale of Nutei Change ot I.oan Servicer. 'fhe Note or a parttal interest in the Note(to�ether wieh thia Secudty <br /> Instrument)may be sold one or more times without pr�or notice to Horrower. A sale msy result in a chan�e ia the entity(known <br /> as tbe"Loan ServIcer")that coUects monthly payments due under the Note and this SecurIty Instrument.There also may be one <br /> or mare changes of the Loan ServIcer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there ia a change of the Loate Sc:rvicer.Borrower witl be <br /> given wrftten notice of the change jn accordance with paragraph 14 above and appGcable law.The nottce will stnte the name nnci <br /> address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made.,The notice wiQ also contain any other <br /> infaemation requlrod by applicable law. . <br /> 20. 1lazardous Substences. Borrower shall not cause or pennit the presenco, use, disposaf. storage. or t+elease of nny <br /> Hezardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrowea- s6aU not do, nor allow enyone else to do, an ng affecting thc <br /> Frape►ty that is iu violadan of any Envimnmental Low. 7'�e preceding two sentcnces shall rtat apply to pn�enx.we.or <br /> storage on the Prope�ty of small quantIties aP Hazerdous 5u6sfances that are genersilly recognized to be appraprtate ta normal <br /> resiQentiai uses and to rt�eintenance of the Property. <br /> Borrower shall pmmptly g[ve L.ender written aotice of aay investlgation,claim. demand. lawsuIt or other nction by any <br /> govemmental or regulatory agency or private party involving tha Property end any Hazardous Substance ar Envi�+onmet►W Law <br /> of which Borrower has aetual knowledge. If Borrower I�rns,or[s notffied by any gavemmental or regulatory authodry.that <br /> any nraoval or other remediation of any Hazerdous Substana affecting the Property ls necessary.Borrower shaU promptly take <br /> al!neassary reraedial actions in acnocdance with Bnvimtemeatal Law. <br /> As used in thia puragraph 20. "Hazuc+dous Substances"are those substsnces definad as toxic or h87ardous substances by <br /> Envlronmental Lsw and the following subatartoes: gasolina, kerosCn�, other tlanvnable or to�cic petroleum Fmducts, tqx�c• <br /> pesttcides and herbicides,volatile solve�nts.raaterials oontaining asbestos or fom�aldehyde,and redioactive matenals.As used'itt <br /> this paragaph 20. "�nvironmeatal Lnw" means federal laws and lawa of td.jwisdicKion where the Property is locuted that <br /> �elate w health,safety or environmcntal prutectIon. <br /> NON-UNIFQRM COVBNANTS.Bormwer and Ler.der tbrther covenant and agr�ea us follows: <br /> 21_AcederaHoa;�emedies.Lende�sh�ll give notice to Borrower prior w aoceleratlon toilowiag Rorrower's breaclti <br /> of pny covenant or agreement in this Sea�rlty Instrument (but not prtor to acoela�tion underp�ragrAph 17' w�iess <br /> npplkabis law�x+oWdes othenvtse).The notice shall sgiecifY: (a)the detaWt; (b)tNe netion reyuired to cnrelhe defnuit; <br /> (c)A dnte,nut less tt�an 30 days from the date the notice is given to Borrower,6y w6ich the detA�lt must.�e cured;and <br /> (d)'ths►t fatlun to cure t4c�letanit on or before the date spactfied tn the uotice�.�y �esWt in t+occlera8on o[the sume <br /> secured i►y this Security Inatnunent end sale of the Properiy. ThQ nodce shpll further intorm Borrower oi tl�e right to <br /> rel�hte�fter�ocelerAtiaA and the righ! to bring a�ourt actlon to pssert the aon�existence o!a detxult or Qny other.' <br /> defeuse of Borrower to ac�elernt[on and sAle. It the delault is not�ured on or before the date specitied in the aoHc�e. <br /> �der. At its optton,rosyreqnire immediate pAyment in tWl of�II sums secv�red by this Security Instrument without <br /> t�urthee danAnd And m�y invoke tbe power of sale aad any other e+emedies per�nitted 6y ap�cable i�eiv.I.ender alwll be <br /> entitied to colkct oll expen�incurred iq pursulng the r�emalies prnvtdcd in this p�rnrngreph 1,including,but not Iimited <br /> tor rearon�bk Attorneys'fees and oosts of tttte evideaue. <br /> . U tLe�ower ot sale is invoked,Trustee shall record a nottce ot defeult tn eacd rnunty in whkh aay pa�tt of the <br /> Property Is luated and shall mptl ooptes oi such noNce in the m�nner presc�3bed by appllc�f�Te Iww to Borrower And to <br /> the other pe�sons prescribed by appUcable law.Attcr t�e Nme requtred by appl�cabie law,Tcustee stwll give publle notice <br /> o!svle to t�e pers�t�s an�i tn thc manner prescribed by�applicable law.Trustee,withont demand on Bo�rrawcr, shall seU <br /> the Froperty at publk auctlon to the hlghest bidder at the dme and pluce and under the ternis desigiwted'in We notice oi <br /> sale in one or more pa�+�els and in any order Trustee determines.Trustee may postpone sele of all or any parcel of the <br /> �o�cy tiypublk nnnouncement et the ttme and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or !ts designee may <br /> punh�se ti�e Pr+opwty at any sale. . . <br /> Fotm 3028 9180 <br /> aa�ema <br /> ---_=__-- __ <br />
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