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<br /> � q��. •� y�e; : � 1�8�-1a64'�3
<br /> ' M�ad°' t1'�`�o�r� � �
<br /> THIS TRUSY OEEO,m�le ihb ;r at �r 1��S ,by end among
<br /> _ David E Th�.enel and� a J. Th ene , us an And"�a�e– F
<br /> ��m����y PO Sox 279 Wood River� NB 6a883 –
<br /> (henin"Trwla'7�and I�N wi�wlaN m�linp edd►�I�P.O.Box�87�Wood Rhnr.f�b�aka68889�lh�nin"TNite�.��and"B�nN�i�'). _
<br /> FOiI VAtUAlIE tONSID�A?ION,tncWdkp th�kid�OtalrMS�indentifl�d MnM and th�mno lanin arot�d.th��raipt of wAkh!t h�nb� —
<br /> odcnow�o8p�d.Trusta Inwocobly qrmnn,tronsf�re,conv�ys,and ossipns to Tnntw,IN TQUST,WITN POWER OF SAIE:fa th�borwfit ad _
<br /> s�cu►N�r ot B�fkiary,under ond:ub�ct to th�t�rms a�conditforn oi f�i�t�d o4 Trus9,tho roal�rop:rtY��rib:d oa 4oAou�� �
<br /> Lots Fiv�o (S)� cad Six (6), Block Five (S)� in Dodd b Marshall'8 Ad�itian to Wood River� liall Camty, _
<br /> Nebraekra
<br /> iifG�iR'�R 1�ITi#,a1!r�tc.�ra�ils, �1lEes.�ana a!l�is Dsnefits�SriY!�fr_�m th.real popert�rt aQ leases or subieasa coverinp ths
<br /> real propKfy or eny po�tfan thef�of, now or henafter exininp or a�tered into,and ali�ipht,title and interest of Trosta thereunder;ali in-
<br /> tK�sts,estat�or otlt�eloims,both in bw and in puity,whkh Trustor�ow hos or moy he►�att�r aquke in the rkol.prope►ty�ail easemeMS, �,
<br /> rl�tst�f•way, t�nts,Mnditaments and�ppurtenarces tfbreof ond thentor all oil and�as ripMs and profits, watK ri�hts and wot��
<br /> stcek,dl riDht,titN ond int�nst of Tnrsta,now owned or Mreafter aquimd,in and to an�land tyirg within the'ciqht�of-way of any street or
<br /> hiphwa�r ad(oininp th�r�al property,any and alf buildinps,fixtures, improvements,and oppurtermnces now a hereafter erected thereon or
<br /> b�lonpirg thK�to,(Mrdn r�tKrad to as"Improvert�enY'a"Improvert�ents")r ard any and ali awards mad�for the tckinp bY emin�+�t danain
<br /> or by anp Oroc�edirg a Durct�a�e in Ileu ttbr�of.of the whob ar any part of tM real property.
<br /> A!I of the forepoirg estate,p�operiy and interest hereby eomeyed to Trustee heretn coitectively referced to as tha"Property".
<br /> (a)TI�pa�rmmt of ird�btadness�ridmeed br Trustar's eo»of even date henwith in the principol sum of
<br /> ' Einhtee Thousand_and no/100– -- – – ----------------------- Dolion (i 18.00O.QO ),
<br /> � top�th�r w�th interest at th�rots or tofes provid�d thenin,(heroin,topett�with ony and all renewats,modificotions,and�xtansions thatof,
<br /> r�fNred,tu as ths"No�e")both prtncipal ond iMSrest on the Note belnp payable 1n cecordaric�witfi�the terms set forth therein,ref�ronce to
<br /> whkh is Mnb�mad:;tM find paymeet of principei end interest,if nat sooner poid and if aw renewals,modifications a extenslons are mode.' ..
<br /> ��pay�pn Sep�ember 1�T�.00Q, or any renes�als ar extensiona thereof .
<br /> @)TM pKfamonn of�och op►Nm�it ard covenant of Trustor M�rein contain�dr and
<br /> � (c)TM payrrwnt of onr sum or wms of money with iMerest thereon whkh mny b�hKeoher poid or advanced under the terms of this Oe�d of
<br /> Trust.
<br /> � (d)Yh�paym�M of an�r iuture odvon�as Mcessory to prat�ct th�securit�r os my futae advanc�mode at ths optlan of tM portias:and
<br /> (f)Th�p�rformanoe of an oWi�ation of any oth�r person named in this Trust D�ed to o benefkiary. �
<br /> 1,Mw1�f/t(�elpi MI hM�vst.Trusta ahalt promptiy pey whm due th�airw:ipal of ad int�r�st on the SndQbtedness evidfnced by the
<br /> � Not�,and oll otMr cfianp�s ad fees as provided irt the.Note,ond the principal of and inter�st on amr Wture Advanc�s seeur�d by this O�ed o� �
<br /> Trust.
<br /> 2.��enMy N TMM.Trosta ia lm�vfuily seix�d and possessed of good and ind�feosibts title and estate to Me Property hereby canve��d and
<br /> Mn th�ri�ht to prant and camsy the Propertys the Property Is fre�ond cbar of all liens ad encum5rances exc�pt.liens now of records and
<br /> Trustor will worrant ad Mhnd ths tNb to th�Property opeinst all c�atms and demards.
<br /> 3.Mit��MI C�Me��Nfi Iwi.Trustor shatl kNp the P��op�rt�in�ood c�tion and repair ard shall not commit vaste or p►rmit
<br /> imp�oimwnt or sNtKbmNon of tM PrepMy and shall comply wNh th�provisions of any I�se if this Qeed of Trust is on o teasehob.No improw•
<br /> m�M now or MnaftK�net�d upon th�Prop�rt�r alali be aft�nd,►en►ov�d or dHnotish�wkhout the prior written consent af Ben�fkinry.
<br /> TnissoP shnli eompt��r3th ail taws,orEinances.e�puiattons,coverants.eonditions and�ast�ictions affeetinp the Property and eot commh.suffer,
<br /> a pmnit ony oet to be dm�in or upon tM Property in vtolotion of any taw,ordirbnee,ro�ulation,covenont,condition or rostriclion.Tros4or
<br /> shoti compl�te a roatoro promptly and in good workmonlike monner on�►improvemeM an ths Properh►whkh may be damop�d cx desttor�d aid
<br /> _�i� �I�_u__e�i��_ •YJ • • s...�r• •Y �t�....w wb..wL�w.N�..d.f
<br /> ��1Rry1��N��Yn 4nmtn tM titwt�t�r twttt�v tnw,mr��wn��w�ow.sr��m�...�v.w...w.�.«.......�.«....�.��.. -..
<br /> 4. Uaw�a.Trustor,at its expense,will maiMain with insurors approved by 8�ficiary,insurance with rospect to ttw im�ovemenri and
<br /> prson9l propert�r,constitutinp ths Propert�r,apcinst loss by flre,liphtnirp,tarnodo,and other parils and hazords covarad Ey standard extmdad -
<br /> cav�ropt endors�ment. in an anount wpiat so at leost o�hundrad percent of th�full roplaee�r�ent vetue tfbrtof ad insurancs opeinst such�
<br /> othK h�ards and in sueh amaixits as is eustomarily canf�d by ownKS and operatara of atmular properties or as B�nefieiary ma�require for its
<br /> protection.Tnntor wlll camply with such other requi►emtMS as Baneflctary may from tim�to tim�raquest for the prot�ctlon by insuronee ot the'
<br /> intensts of the rospeetive patles.All insurence potkies maintatned purauaM to this Deed of Trust ahnil name Trustor and Beneficiay os in-
<br /> aurads,as their respestire iMerosta mop oppeor,ard provide that there shafl be no cancellation or modificatfon without no less tlwn�S de�rs
<br /> prior written notffieation to 8enefteiary. In the eveM ony poliey hareundar is not rem►wad on or beforo 1 S daps prior ro(ts exptration date,
<br /> 8oneficiory may procure sueh inwrance in aceordance whh the pravisicns of parapraph 7 heraof.Trustor shall deUver to Bnn�fieiory the o�ipinal
<br /> polletts of insorance end ranswals thereof or memo copies of weh policies ond rer»wa�s thereof.klture to fumiah such insurence by Trustor,or
<br /> renswnit as r�quired henund�r ahatl,at the option of 6m�ficiory,canstitute a defauit.
<br />