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<br /> ,a��.�r.:.vcry��.:•.i� .
<br /> E..... .- ` .,.ry.ai,...-v.etin<-+r , .
<br /> t»• , t•: . ..r....,.._ ... �_..
<br /> j :,�'' y;- �*�% ;'ti� -�--
<br /> . . . .. ' .� .�--,n.y,r.+ '�h:7�,.,:A-,.:.:�.i':1""•_.:�� � ..,w `�__�„-,�_. . . -_� -- -
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<br /> � ° �'+- , .ti- �. .1.J—.nr.
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<br /> . . .. .. r. .,.� . ..w. ^ ' _._--.
<br />. _f.,a��..� ....... .t�r.y.. „�..)A ir�.i>n.yv.- — - -- ----- _ _ -_ � .- �—` —. —
<br /> '_ �era�n„�isr`��uw`.��,.
<br /> .__.__ . _ . . _ __ . . .. . ._. ._.. .. _ .
<br /> ' ' 17. Transhr m!tlw Prop�r�l a a �nMctW int���f! In !lorrow�r.lt �a any paet ot th•Propatlr or
<br /> � xny ftrtwe�t in It b�eid ar tru�af�rrod(or N�baneAdei hterest b Bertow�r is eold or tnn�l�nd and Borrowa b nat a n�tuN ,� �..
<br /> pereon)without Landar'e prlor wditan aon�ent,Lender n�y��t tts o�tlan,requke Nnm�diat�Wyment b fuY of�A eums s�oured bY � �
<br /> thls 8eaurNy Irt�humrn4 How�vw,thl�opUon�h�Y not b�uceroitM by Landw R�x��la prohfbited tsy tedani kw ae of the ,� �l
<br /> ttaU of thit S�purNy IRSwmmt ` __
<br /> H I.�tdn�e�rol�m thl�option� I.�ndK dW 9M�Barow�►noU�of�aaNKation. Tht notie��h�ll�ovtds a p�lod of not � ___.
<br /> Nss than SO day�tram th� d�t�ths notlw h deN�nd or mdl�d withfn whkh Bo�owK mu�t p�y �II sums seourod by this �..:_
<br /> S�oiuUy insttim�nt If BomowK f�b to p�y thsa wrta p r i o r to th��xphtbn ot this p�lod�tandw m�Y Imok��ny nrtwdles
<br /> p�rt�lKed by thls S�outity In�4rummt wtthout fuRhw notics or demend an BarowK. �-
<br /> 18. Borraw�r's Rlsht M ii�In�. a BoROwec rt�ets a�rnt� oondFilonB� Bo�:owet atwt! Navo tbo dpM to hnve � �--__-
<br /> mfbrownent of thb A�cwily Instrument di:eartlnu�d N�ny tin»P�►to th��uN�►ot: I�)6 d�Y� (or suoh other D�d aw
<br /> nppyoebts�aw mar�aedfy t�r retnaraanentl bdon sa�e ot the Frope�+!►W�w�ny pow«ot e�►e cono�nea in this secudh � -;
<br /> Instrurtnnx or N�K+tr�►ot a N+d�ment antorohp thb SeaurUY instrument Those aonditlons�r�s that eonower:(y WYa�der+�II �__
<br /> .._...r,w.•w..�..u�n.�.ww uedr thta ssouriN trtabumant+�nd the N o i u aa H no acoeleratla� h�d occurred: N) ouros a�►Y �_.
<br /> dei'aM�of any othK eaven�nt a aqrsemantet(a)WYa+��ensea houmed!n aMaol�o tnb Secutfry mawr�em.nawan9� bui �,;;,,
<br /> rtot 1Gnfted to�nsaeonsble�ltomeye'tees�end(�hkes suab aadm ae lender may ra�aomby roqulro to aaaure th�t ths Nan M --
<br /> thls SeFU►Ry insbim�ert, Lend�r'a dphte in ths Propay �nd Borrower's obYp�tloo to p�y the sums eecurut by this Seouiity —
<br /> in�men4 eh�p aanlnue uneh�nped. Upon roNmtit4emanl t►Y 8amwer. thts Ssavdty Inatruma�t md the aWig�tions sea�red
<br /> henby shd tam�b tutly e(fecUve aa B no a�Van had occurtssf. Howener,this ApM to rdi►state ahd aot aPPN M�e aiae
<br />- of ac�xlwetion uader puapraph 17.
<br /> 19. 8�1� at Not�C Chanp� o�t Loan Sstvlqr.Ths Note or �a pvWl htenat In ths Nots �topeth�r wNfi thbs
<br /> BsouAly IrtsWntw►0 m�y b�so{d at�or mon tlma wNhotR P��u�th�N��rtd thb 8eouriry MtWrtwn�Th�n Nso trKy
<br /> (known as!he i.oy+ 6avlce�')thrt cs�N�at�mor►thh► wY� �
<br /> bt om a mor�oh�np�s of tht lotn 8�rvla�r unr�Yt�to a wfe of th� NoU. If thw b• oh�np� of th� Lan 8wv1oK.
<br /> Bortow�►w�b��+�n wrNt�n notic�of th�oh�np� in t000ni�na wkh pwR�Ph 14 vfov� �rtd y�plo�bl�kw. Th�noW�wAl
<br /> atat�tM n�nM�nd addnu of the naw t.oan 8�nb�md th�addr��to whtoh paynwsri�should M nxd�. Th�noda w�M w°
<br /> aonWn�n1►dh�MaMaUa1 nqulnd bY�pp1o�6N[rw.
<br /> Z0. N�dow tbubat�no�s. Bortoww�1ui r�ot eauu a p�tn�t th�pns�na� u��� �w, ston�p�,a nl�as�M
<br /> my Ml�trdou� eubaLnoN on a b 1h�Prop�ety. Oaroww�h�M not do� eor Mow �nyom�is�to do� �nythinp a11wt1np th�
<br /> st��on th� Prop�rly d �in�N y4wntllMs�of�H�a►dou�8ub�t h�t�n prn�n�j►r�opn��b��ipproprMt�to���ornwl
<br /> rMld�nlMt ua» M►0 to naint�►a of ths Prop�ty.
<br /> Bortowst �fW promplN �� I.�ndn wrlibn noUa� of �ny hvKtlgetloe� d�m. d�nd, lawwk a othu aatlon bY �Y
<br /> pov.mnw�W a.rp�.t�tonr r��y a tsrN�a c�Y a�valr�o ehe Pro�eriy end eny N�►�ou.8ubs�nc.or Enwnnm.nw i.sw m _,
<br /> , wi�i+ Barr�.ru sms ac�st!l�ar�. !f 9^t�!�w•r�, o►is noUA.d b�r mr ao�►«nmsnW or►�wl4toq►aut�allY�chre my .
<br /> nmaval or oth�r nmdatbn of �ny Mmrdous Sub�na alf�ctki0 RopNtY b n�tY� BarowK sIW PromPtiN nk�a�
<br /> n�assyr nmadd adions in a000rd�ne�v�Rh EmMnn�nLi Law.
<br /> b us�d In Wa p�rapnPh 20.'Hmrdaus 8ubaLncee' �re those subshnces daM�d ae to�do or hmrdous wb�oa by
<br /> Enrira��l Law �nd the tolarNfnp wbriane�a: �uoUne� keroaene� otha bnnW� d adoaedvp�e�Nb. As w�d In
<br /> - pesticfde�md hMbicW�s.volttY�soN�nte. m�t«Ws oonWnk�p asbettos ar ton►wldehYd�,
<br /> p�rpnph 20� 'Envk�onmenW Law' mwns f�deeai law��nd kwa of th�Judadctlon wh�n t!u PropatY is{ocat�d th�t rotite to
<br /> hMltl�.�fay►or mvtarwn�nhl Prot�ctlon.
<br /> NOt�MUNIFGi1M COVENANi9.Bortnwa�ttd laedw Mtha covenu�t�nd a9n�n tobwr.
<br /> 21. Aca�l�radon; R�m�dl�s. I.�snd�r �hatl �iva noNa� to BoR+ow�r p�ic► to acad�radon
<br /> f�tts�sr3�a� E��rrarw�r's br�ach at �tey c�nraee-�s! isr �roam�nt tn thl� S�curily Instrutn�nt (but noR
<br /> . pdar to acc�l�ration und�r panynph 17 unt�ss appli�sbl� I�w pravld�s dh�rwls�D• 71a noHa�
<br /> shall sp�cil'y:(aa th�drfauRi (b) th� scllon nqutr�d to cun th� dNau1� (o) a dat�. rtd I�ss th�m
<br /> 30 drys irom th� dab th� �otic�Is�iven to 6o�wr.lry which� d�hult mu�t bo aund; �nd
<br /> (d� that i�ltun ta cun th� d�taul! on or b�fon th� ded� sp!�clft�d In tM noticr mry nsuB in
<br /> aeseabr�don of tM sur»s aound by thb S�ourily I�trum�nt and sd�ot th� Prop�rty.TIN naRie�
<br /> shati furth�r Intonn Borraw�r of t!» dght to r�lnsta� sMr acc�t�ration and tfN ript�t to brlap �
<br />— court sction to ass�rt th� no�xist�nc� a� � ds�huit ar any ath�r d�has� af dorraw�r to
<br /> aaaet�nitltx��nd sN�. i� th� d�tauR Is nd¢urae! on or b�ton th� drN �p�afN�d In th� notla�.
<br /> L��dK �! ib optlo� may r�quln tmm�dtat�paym�nt in iutt a�utt tums ��aur�d b�l thl� Seaurii�l
<br /> Insb�u�n�nt wltbout turth�r d�mand �nd m�y Inrolc� tho po�w�r o!s�is �nd a�ey otMr nm�dl�s
<br /> p�rmitbd t�l apPltcabl� law.L�nd�r�is�ll b� ��id�d to aoll�at all ncp�nais incua�d in punutn�
<br /> � th� nm�dlu protiid�d tn thla paraprnph 21, Includinpi but not Ilmtt�d to, rss�nsbis �ltonuYs'
<br /> t��s�nd cow ol titt��vld�nc�.
<br /> N tha pow�r o�l eat� Is imroked� Trust�� shsil r�ord • eoRiw ot d�uR in �aoh eounty In
<br /> whtch ury pxt a'�f tM Prop��h► te locatw! �nd sh�ll m�il aopi�s of wch ndic� in th� mann�r
<br />= pnsotib�d by apPltwbl� taw M Borrawu �nd to th� other p�nom p»scrib�d by appitc�bt� Itw
<br />° Aftee ti�tinn r�qulnd by appilwibt�I�w. Tn�K�� �hali ptw publto notic�of stli to th�p�nons
<br />— �nd In tM m�nn�r pnsarib�d by appllc�bl�Iaw.TrustN.without d�Mand on Bvnow�r. shdl qlt
<br />— tM pro�rly�'2 pubila auatton to th� hiph�rt bl�d�r at th�tim� �nd ploc� �nd und�r th� brms
<br />= d�sipnabd In th� noNc� ot sd� In oe� or nton parcds �nd tn �ml ord�r T�uttM d�Nrmtnss.
<br /> TrudN may Posltpone stt� ot a!1 or any pir��t of tl» Propr�4y by Publia �nnounc�m�nt �t th�
<br />' r�vloust sahedut�d wl�. t+�nd�r o� Ib datpn�� mq purchas� t1t�
<br /> m tim� �nd pUae of �ny p y
<br /> �! Prop�rt�►at my wt�.
<br /> -- i� r�lnt � etYlIIOIIt d}U1� �Jie� bld. Twt1�N �hsll dNiw�to Ue� �urohas�r Trust��•�
<br /> `a dt�d aonwytnq tha Prop�rly.7'h� rrcttds tn th�Trust��'s dNd �hatt b� p�ima iaat� �vla�na� of
<br /> �' thr truth mf tho stat�m�nbe maal� th�retn. TtusiN shatl �pPhl tM proa��ds di th� sal� tn th�
<br /> -� totlowinp o�d�r. (�) to ati cosb and �xp�ns�s ot �x�rolsing th� pow�� o! sd�. �nd th� stii��
<br /> � • Inaludtnp tlw ptrm�nt mt tho Twda's b�s ectuali�Incurnd,na!to �xc�sd th»�
<br />_�, 96 of th�principu amou� ot th�
<br />,•�' not��t th�tim�of th� doaltrrtton of d�fautt, and nasonabis ettom�y'�tNS s p�rmitud P�y��rr _
<br /> (b) to �II suma��cund by this S�curtly Inarum�n� �nd (c) any �xcoas to th� p�raoe or parson� -
<br /> ;• I�gally �ntNln!to IL =_
<br /> 1 Papo 4 ot e (��
<br /> �a�s.u+�o v�� -�v`— � -
<br />- r
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