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<br /> . �,ss�.�cas�►�
<br /> , �16.Boreower'�Copy. Borrowrr ed�ll be gtven aae aomfarrt�ed copy of the Noto nnd of this Securlty Iaswmant
<br /> • �7.Tr�aeter ot the or a aeieAcfal Inta W tm Bon+arer. It tll or any p�t nt the Pcq�aty or any intaest!n U is -
<br /> eold ar w�tenmd{a it i d�lntaest ln Banuwa is aW a tr�asfe�red and Bonowa ia not a e�swr�lpereon)without _
<br /> Lender's prior�v�iaan co�sa��Lsr�der m�y.at itsopion.re4uiro tmmadi�te pay�nt in fuU ot W sums sxurod by this 5ocurlt�
<br /> Inauu�x,�t.Howaver.this opticn a1�all caot be oxacised by Lender if exa�lae is pmhlbited by fcd�sl law es of the d�te of this -
<br /> ��V Lawfer��lses thia l.aidor�tull eive Barower aotice ai aoceia�ti�on.The nodco ehall provlde a o!not kas _
<br /> than 30 d4ya tram tbe mcBOD itddi ��tihsibd wit�whkh$ortorva muat pay a11 suma by tdL+Sec�riry
<br /> Lwcurt►ent It aaa�oM f ttilie�. . tR.the axpie�don of this palod,l.eridu may invoke my raenodiea pamiqcd
<br /> by this SacarIty Ias�umtlat �:i'�e cf• oa Baaower. _
<br /> �oawri�raw��na�r•�w`.w�.�� � fC 17�:ii�w� ��M w�rt�in ee!NAltlfftl� �OfflfWM �u �V� Q1D f�V�lt 1A hlVR _.
<br /> cnfoecana�t of tdis Saaadty tnatnuna�t 63seoasinued at ap dcne pda oo tbe emrller of: (a)S Qays(or soch othec paiod a+
<br /> �ppliabb 4w a�ay�y far reia�t)befao a�ia of the Acopesty t w any powa of eab e.or►uined in thia Soc�rIty
<br /> Inswn� a(b)en�-y oi a�t cnfcccing tNs Security L�auumant�eoaditioa�m that Barower:(a) Lendez tll
<br /> swns�tba�aatld ba due wida td�b Sa�uRy Inatnunent md the Note at If ao�octlanton bd aa:ur�)ams�►Y
<br /> detaWt of my otber oovaanb ar�aemeat� a)PaYB aD a�Penses incvs�ed in eafd�ctng this Sec�eity Inmumea�including,but
<br /> not limited tu.reasorobb ainucneya'feas:aud(�ntoo�sucd ac.�on as I�enda rei�onably reqWre to ixsum that tha lid►oi dds
<br /> Sec�uity In�cat� L�a�daPa rlghts ia dia Propaty and Boemwe�'s ob�Oa to psy the suma axiuod by tlds Securiry
<br /> Inso�umeat tiull caatiaue nneb�aged.Upon minsmoempit by B�erroMa. Insauma►t and the obli�ationa aocurod
<br /> 6aeby stull remain fiilly e�'octivo as iP no teceler�tion had oocatned.Howcver.�t te ninsmt�e sh�it not�pply in the c�9e of
<br /> aooe�cnHoa unddr 1�.
<br /> 19.Stle atNate� ruje ot Lo�Servloar TUe Note a • p�Hal iataest in tima Note (oogetber wub thLs 5ocuriry
<br /> Ins�ument)mry be eola aoe a mo�e dmes wldimt prtor notjce to Barrower.A sab aiay rasult in a chaage in tLe andtY(krwwn
<br /> n tbe"Loon Savbd')tbai oollects monthty yments dae undet the Note aad tdia SecurFty Lutrumen�11xxo also tnay be one or
<br /> me
<br /> more cl�ages of tho I.an SwZoa m a sab of the Note.If dx�e is a eha�e of the L.aeai Savioer,Borrower�rIll be
<br /> givar wri�ea aotioe oi the cAango in�ecadanoa wIth la above aad�ppliea6b larv.ltie aodx anl spto the nune aad
<br /> iafam�tioaroq��licable law. tbo addras ou d�paymeats shonld be made.lbe aofloo aIU aL90 caamin aay atha
<br /> �7A.H�raerlo�a Sa6shnoes. �aaowa st�ll not cause a pe�mit tha pnsax�e. us0. �, a�Ba ar reka�e of my
<br /> 5ubet�noes on a in the Ptopaty.Bamwa sta�ll aot do,nar albw�ayone eLx to d�o.eayt6tng�fff�'ec�ng the Piopacy
<br /> th�t is:in vbladon of my�Bnv�aameanl Iaw.1Le piec�eding two moateaoes et�ll nota�p1y oo the prexaoe„us0.or aSaage on the
<br /> pt����ty of am�Il qwnt�ks of Hv�cdous Snbsrmoa tmt aro 6�naallY�oo�inad ou be appiopeiate m namal resideadal uses
<br /> Ip�io -m�inta�t�ca of tbe Ptopaiy. _
<br /> Has�va eMn promptiy g,1ve t.a�dea wlimea aotioe ot any f�vestigmfoo.c,l�im.de�nd. lewsuic a otfia s�cai�n by saY
<br /> govamn�ental a regul�ory or privae peaty involvlag tbe Pirogaty Aad eny Ha�anbua Substanca a Bnv3rut►menml Isw
<br /> oi wbich Baro�vmr haa�moI�a If Bot�mover kms�a L�aotitied by eny govanmeatal a regutatay au ;tdat�r
<br /> ra�wv�!a odwr ranedi�e of�y I�szrdous Subsnnoe affa�ing tbe Prope�ty�a aeoe�mey.Baaower sdait prom�ta�ce alt
<br /> aeceas�y r�ial acx�ais in a000td�iea with Bnvltasimeatsl Iaw.
<br /> As wed in thia p�b 20�"Hrrs�doua SubsC�oes"�ee dtose anbstenas defined at o�cic ot harndou�spbstaooes by
<br /> Bav3�a�nmtal Lw md d►e�.folbwfng wbsnnoe� gasolir�e, icaosaro. aba ilanna�bb a toxic parokumm��producta, �o:ic
<br /> ���"B�vh�at�td Law"meaw 4'ada�l lnwa�ead la�va of da jurisdldion wherc tAo Pt+opetty ia ��bcaud re�ate
<br /> �o�ety ar eav�rowrrental proteciiaal, '
<br /> . NON-UNg+ORM(QOV�TANTS.Bo�owa md I�eader fiudk:aovanmt md�ree a�folb�vs:
<br /> 8L Aaoderatlo�j itadedies.I.ader ehad�Ive aotioa to Boero�rer prior to xooekrattoa to�ala=Baerower'�brracb d
<br /> � ny em+�wt ar q�at i� tii� 3iau3t�Intr�tat (but �ot pebe tv aoalaatie� imder pua�pY i7 mimr
<br /> spplieaWe bwr pro�ida otherv�i�e).7�e nottoe�6ari spet�.(�)the�afti(�)the�ctioi nqoir+W/o ame tlie ddavti(c)
<br /> .a.o�.a:���o a.r rra��a�k cee no�oe r���o Bor.+o�t�b�wLici t6e dd�nit mait 6e cored;ud(�
<br /> tlut t�4ne�o ara t�e ddaait ar ar bdol+e tbe d�te�pecified in tie aotiue ss�u+esoit ia aooekestio�at ttie�oas Kcorat
<br /> b�tli�Seereiq Iapmatest ard ale af tLe PmpMi.Tre rMk+�ttia11 fitrtYer iefors Bo�ron�er ot tbe tti�t to retdfate
<br /> �Yter��d tbe ri�Lt to brim� a oon�t ac�an to aMert th�aoa�ad�tenae a�a ddiult er w otber ddease of
<br /> Barra�eer to�oodcratio��ad atk.It ttie.detitdt M 4ot�ored aa or bda+e t6e date�pecifie��tbe notjoe,I.e�der.at ib
<br /> oP�+�7 n9�is��d,iate ppme�t#1�tiu8 0�aII 1dm��trei b�Wt Secaett�Imb�naollt withoo!hrtler de��d
<br /> a�d sa�i��oke ttie puirsr at e�b ud i�atlkr tid�tedla per�iaed 6�applicabk ltw.[.e�kr�lult be e�tWed to co�itct
<br /> . �e�cprmes hcamd Y psraai�j t6e eemedka provided ta t6b parsp�pb tl.tadodiK+6ut�ot Iimi�Ded to�e+�aoa�6k
<br /> .e�oree�a•ras..a oaa a tiNae evtdeaoa
<br /> U die�e�ot aiie t�6�roi�ed�'ilraatee �rr.00rd�aotioe�ot ddault 6�acY eowt�r te w� anp part ot tAe
<br /> Pt+orery i�kc�ted aad�11 ma0 eopics af RsY nolioe h tbe�Pre�a�ed b�r�PPi�a6k Yw�u Ban+o�wa aM1 tv tl�e
<br /> Ml�ar Perrow prt�cribed by applkabla 1�.After the ttme reqnit+[d by appliaele 4tw,Tr�atae t�a��tve pnbli¢satloe of
<br /> �k to ttie penow ud ii t�maa�er pracei6ed by�pplicabk law Teoatee,wkhout dema�d�Bari+awer,a�41 d t6e
<br /> Prapat�at psDlk a�to t��bidder at fhe tt�e ad Qlaae and wda tbe ta�s deslpated in e6�iodoe ot ede
<br /> Rotn�so4s !1!0
<br /> ��R(NE��u�a� aaa•eae InitWr.
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