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<br /> 'I�OOBTf�R Wt'TH all tt�o im�novunarta now a haattu aocted on the propa�ty.and all easanenm�apputtenanoc�.and
<br /> fixdura�cww or haatier a prt ot the propaty.AU npLooments�nd�ddltlonm etwll d�a bo covued by tbls Sacurtry Inap�uma►t
<br /> Ail of the fongoing is nfarod to!n this Security Wewma►t as dre`Propexty.«
<br /> SORROWBR COVBPIAI+iTS ttwe Sa�ow�r ia 4►wf�riy scisrd oe It�cstcte t�reby canveyed at�d has ttca right m geant r.nd -
<br /> ccnvey tha Propaty�nd tb�t We Pmpaty W•une�cumbend�euapt t�eaquubnoces of teoocd. Botrcwts wutmts utd wW
<br /> defend genaisily the dtb W tbe Propaty egitnat�il cWma anc!damnde�subjxt to eay e�cumM�noes of racord.
<br /> T�IIS SBCURIIY IN3IRUNDBNT combiaes uQiform eovemata far netlon�l ux�ad aon•unifam caven�um arltb lUnited
<br /> vatb►tions by Jruledlcdot�to ooasdmte�wsifoem eacarlsy ins�meatoovGtiag nal pnoDesty.
<br /> UNIEaORM COVBNANIJ.!f0[�OwC[auu i.p�oR CavdwntYAd Y$�61 TOIIOwd:
<br /> i.Pa�eat ot Pri�ipnl ssd Iete�resti��t aad Lste Cbu�es. Bortowu a1�ll �momP�9 PaY wl�eu due the -
<br /> peincipd of�ad inta�est on the debt�vl�fenoid by tbe Note and aY Pnp►Yment aud l�te ebarges due ucder tbe NoLs.
<br /> 2.F�for T�es and I�aaoa Subjoct to applicabb Ww a m a wrIaa�waiva by I�eadar. Borrawa etu11 py w
<br /> L+ender au the dsy monthlY P�Y��ara dne uada the Na�anm the Nooa is peid ia 1hU.a sum("FwWa")for:(a)yarly taxes
<br /> wd at�t�ts whicL a�ay atmirt ptlocity ova th�s Soc�ity Iastrunaa�t a9 a liett on tlio Prnpaty:N)Yearly k�sehold peymutta
<br /> or�ronnd rents oa the Prapaty.if an�,(a)Yea�lY huacd a ptnpe�ry 6�uwoe�aemiun�s;(d)Y�Y��P���
<br /> �nY.(a)Y�Y�Ha�P��.��Y:�(�mY�P�Yabb by Barower to Lender.in axos�dunce aith the
<br /> p:ovisiona of par�gt�ph 8.in lieu of the paymeat of mo�tg�ga lnsivance pr�aiutns.11�ese items ece c�ited"f3eCraw ILetaa." �
<br /> L�xida mAy.�t any dme.collect�ad bold Funds ln�n amount aot w e�ccaed d�a ma�cimum amount s Iaxla far a faderally rel�ted
<br /> matgege loan may requim fa Bomowar'a e,�cmw account uadri tde fodaal Rwl H�ate Sactlanau Prooedivas Aet of 1974 a
<br /> amendod fraaa time b dma.ix U.S.C.Soctbn?b01�a aeq. ("RBSP�►").ualess�nothei law t�at applies Lo the Flunds eela a lesxr
<br /> amout�t IP ao.La�der maY.at aay time.ooUoci�ndi lala Pluid�in�n amoiui2 not w wcoeed d�e{euer amou�at La�da may
<br /> e�iaaate d�a�rnouat of F�Ma due en tbs ba4is ot c�t data iad r�avoosbb�of pcpeaditutes of Ntum Bscmw Itenas ar
<br /> odiawl�e in a000rcLnoe�vIdt applieable law.
<br /> 'l�e FYuWs�twU bo field ia ea insdditioa whosa de�poa[�are�uued by a federal aga�cy��tality.a a�dtY(�B
<br /> L�eadar.if I�eader ia anch en IastiWtjon)a in my Federal Hame Lwa Bedc.Lmder st�aU apply d�e Funds to pay tke Bxrew
<br /> Ilems.I,ender ayy not chtrge Hoitowar for holdin8��PP�B�F�•��Y m�alyr�ng the es�nw aoownt,ar verifying
<br /> dia Bsaas+Itcros��I.a�der gaya BarmAr��tacsi an t6a F�ad:aad�gl�ceble L+�w penniu Le�to m�ce�h a c�.
<br /> I�to�ver.I�anaer aoty require Saa�owa b pay a aaattma cLrrga fac an it�pendait na1 estete�tepoeting eavica used isy
<br /> I�a�L►oau�eaton wlth thi�1on+.�nle,v applic�ibh law provides othawba Unkss an p�oaneat is mde a applic�bb taw
<br /> requina intaest to be paiid,La�dar ehdl uot 6e�qufred m p�y Boaowa amy i�tae�a aminge a�the Ftimds.BormMU aad
<br /> Lrenda aisy�aa�n aiidng,6owava.tmt iataest aLall be pdd aa tho F�m�ds.I�a�da eh�U glve w aaaowa,aithout cl�rge.an
<br /> �onusl�oc�ouadng of tb Funds.�8 a�alits a�debita w the Fuods a�d tho puc�e fa which e�ch doblt W the FY�nds wss
<br /> made.lbe Funds�ce plotlged at additional eecudty fac dl suans sec�red by t6ia Seaulty Inaenmaait.
<br /> If da finds 6e1d by Leode�oxeeetllba amounle pr�tmtt�ed�be held by�ppllpDb faw.Leoda a1W1 a000aat to Boanwet fa�r
<br /> the auaess Fund:in�ocadmoe�vlt6 the requiianmta of�plicabb la�v.It tbo Amannt of the Pt�ads heW by L,ader�t atty time b
<br /> not�t b pay d�e B�ao�►Itans whdl due,L�dld4x msy eD no�fy BC[ro�es ut wtitlqg,ad.�1 snCA C�eO BOn�owCC a6all pay
<br /> a I.eader the amonnt neoese�ry w m�ice up tbe deficieaay.Bamw�ehall maloe ap tha deflCiwcy in no mom thm twelve
<br /> moot�iy p�ymmn.�t I�nder•s�ub di�cradon.
<br /> Upon paympit 6►fidl oi all a�ma eecurod by tbis Sx�u'Ity�tumea4 Ira�da�ahdl pcvmptly refund to Barnaer ffi►y I�tda
<br /> tield by Lrende'!�nada p�eag�aph 21.L�s�ll acquie�e a eell the Prope�ty.I,mdar.Pr�a'zo the acquls�tien ac s�le�the
<br /> PiqioetY.a6�11 appty aey Fmws held by Iraida at tha dme of aoquiaition a s�b a�a ctedit s�in,u dtie sums exivad by this
<br /> � �Ap�Yatioo of Pa�aab. Uabss appl�Cabb law provkiGw�0.aU pymxata nxivcd by I.mt�s uader pan�pha
<br /> � 1 md.��11 be to a�y pcep�ymtat charges due�anQu the Note;aeoond.io�wnta ptyab3e under p�h 2:
<br /> �t� a flu
<br /> � tt�ird.lo Lilarst d�and 1�W�ay Lb t�wtges tiue wad�t t�e No�e. �
<br /> �.C�ar�es;Liear. Ban+o�v�r adll pry an hxes.u�1s►c1u�t8es��a�.a�nd ionpoaidons�Ibutabb to d�e P[qpaty
<br /> whic6 msy MWn prlorlty ova this Soanlry In�eumea��nd 1�1d WYmd���s gco�ab reata.if any.Baro�r ah�U p4Y dkso
<br /> oblig�tia�s in tho mnna provldod in pa�a�ap6 2.a if na p�id i��at manna'.Saaowa s�a11 pay diem an dme dhoctly to tyo
<br /> � paeon owad p�yaiaat Bocrowa si�all promptty �iunis6 to I�esfder all no�loes of t�aouam b be pid u�er this pa�geaph.tf
<br /> Bamo�c m�l�as theae p�,ymenta dIr�ctly.Ba�t+e�rtr sf►all pt�ompdy llunish t�I�ander teoeFpb avldme3ttg tlie p4ymeab. .
<br /> Baor��rar aMll PromPBy dixhnge any lieo wlii�i�ha�pdorlty ovar thia Seauiry Iwaurt►mt�m1as BoaoMer.(��groes in
<br /> wrLio,g to the pymeat of tbe oblig�tion aeau�d by tAe Hcn in a maon��ooept�ble m I�da;(b)aoota�W good 6ith tlre liea
<br /> by.a OafawLa �eofaeammt of tbe lian in� Ie�t Pinoaedings whicb ia the Irender's opinion opa� to pceveat tha
<br />_ eofaroaneat of the 1ka:a(e)eec�ues 4om t6o holder of Sta 5a►�n�reemeat s�sfacoory tu Lander anbo�dinating tha lien to
<br /> ' tbb Savei�y Iaaameeat If L��er deoe�a�ines tt�t a�y prt of tba PY+epeity is sab,�ect m a lim which m�,y�ttaia peiority ovrr tbis
<br /> �ecuMy�nm►mnm�I�enda ma;y givo Bonevwa a nottoa idendfying tba lien,Samwer s1h�U a�isfy da Zien a mice aaa ar aane
<br /> of d�e�ctjons eet faeth above wh6in 10 daya of the glviag of notice.
<br /> ' Fo��aots sno
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