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<br /> �.A►89IIiN�i'['OY�iLt�A6E8. Upon L�'ie�'e requesi.Baarawcr slwlt ussiga to l.�d�r oll tes�of t�e L
<br /> pmpeity�ad�11 eec�r depodn e�ude ln ooanoction Mlth leasa ot the Pc�paty.Upoa tba���
<br /> sb�U mtva tNe right to awdify�eaund a tamfn,ate the mdadn8 ka�q aad W execute new kases�in Len�d�x's aob
<br /> f�D{'1'C1j0Il./�f UlOd�11 tG�3�1�f���!0 NADId"iE�bO"d�lilE�l"6tlb�lil0"�t�10 50061i11)►InEf�11lACAI ls OA 8 �
<br /> � � wwAMwt�M1� e�r oanw+v�m. i FNn�1�0 Y1Y Vf1RlR�4Cxi1N.
<br /> �. A�a�lt!}N1ML'f�f l iJr Re:t�i ai t�a vu�u�sw�w v� ..�,....�.�.� °°
<br /> BOR�dWli�11SC1l1iElS►�I�OIf�1�Y���flM9ftl8 W I.�i1d0i�1�36ICAffi 8Ad LCYGI{iq(�Rt.11fs��Of f�! ---
<br /> pmpesty. negurdlas of to whom tba Reata of the Pioperty�ce p�yable.Barowa ui�Ia�da or I�ender's
<br /> �geata to celbct da Reats.�nd agrees ttut ach taimt of the Pcopaty s6a11 p�y tbc Reats to Leada a Lend,a'a
<br /> ogents.Hoivava.Barower ahatl nceive the Reata undl(�Lasda has gtva�Boaowu no�co of dofault purswnt w
<br /> pmigr�ph 21 0�tbs Securtry Yn�a�t end(i�Lea�er das g►vea nodco w the tawat(e)tMt tbe Reats ara n�be
<br /> p�d m La�da a I.eaekt•s agatt Ztds au�naieac of Reata caasdmw aa ab�Wuta asdg�uaeat and noc ea
<br /> asslgnmeat fnr addtdonal eecurlqr ori1y. _
<br /> If Lender glva�notioe of b�each to Bmmwer:(�ell Reats reaived by Baroaer sd�ri be beW bY So�mwa as
<br /> aurAt�e fot d�e 6eaafit oP I.�tde�only.to be�pplied W the aums securod by the Sac�ultY L�unmeax(di)1x�dcr sd�ll
<br /> be eatlded to oollect ead raxive all of the Reats of tde Propaiy: (li�Boc�nwa agrees thst eacb tenaat of the
<br /> piopeity ah�ll ppr�ri Reau due And unp4id to L�der a I�enda's�geuts upoa l.endar's wrlttea demanid to tUe
<br /> mun�(iv)unkss�ppUable law pmv3des othaovL�e.all Rayts ooriacted by l.arxler or Y.enckr's ageam shalt be
<br /> a�ppli�d Srat W tha coeta of tsting control 08�ad a�ng the Proporty and collecting the Raats,lacluding.but aot
<br /> limit�ed o�.etlomeys� foa.nceiva's faea,D�emiuros on rooeiva's bonda.�aad maintaaanoe cos�.ina�
<br /> praniqa�.uxos.a�te�nd�tha cltargns on We I'topaty.and tha�to tba suma eecvred bY the Sec�ujtY
<br /> � � Inacruimea�(v)La�da.i,ender'a�gante a�nY 3udlci�tly appcintod iaaiva et�ll ba liabb t�o�ccouat for only dfoee
<br /> R��ct�nuy,+ec�►�ea:.nd(vl)Lenaa a1�u ue enduea to nsva a receiver appoinua to ooloe poaxaslon of ma
<br /> msnu�a i�6.��tS►�nd cro]Ixt the R�ts nnd pn+fi�c�i�a!&nm ths P'mpaty wItl�ottt anY��►B as t�die _
<br /> ` 3naddqa�cy a�tlic.�+raQary as x�urity. _
<br /> Ji tbe Raug af thn Pmpeity a�e aot ad�icieat to cova tbo aos�of taldng c�ntrof of sad maawg�n8�th�
<br /> prapaty aad of collecdng tbe Reata iny fuads eapa�ded by J�endsr fa s�ch pu�poeea sA�11 ba�nx�inQebtcdnea.s og' ,
<br /> . ��� Barrower b I.d�tlorseCUted bY t5o SecuritY L�ua�t ptuau�ut to Unifaml0oven�nt 7. . ;
<br /> BoEroMra:opt�ap�na waaantt tl�ac sorrowa ea�noc oxecuua�ar p�ior a�uaa+c of a�c R�r,q ana b�as' .
<br /> � not eid aW not pafam any act,dut�ratkl pravaat I�ader fcaoA exacctsing its rlghia under this p�eagraph. •:` •
<br /> I,e�der.a I.a�des'�asaud a a jodici�lty appointed reaiva.�ull not ba roqui�d W aita�poa.taica ooaorol
<br /> ot ar mainnin we I�eopaty be&xe a aRa giviag uodoe oe defiuic 10 socnuka.t�oWava,I�da.ar Laxle�•s
<br /> a�euts ar s judici�lty q�x��ed reoeiva,map cb s�at an�►time�a defautt caan�e.Aay�pplicadon of Ra�
<br /> afq11 aot aua a Madva�►y defrelt a invalldaoo ay other r�t a ranedy of Leader.This u�m�t uf Raite of
<br /> t6e Ptopaty stull oern�ule ahen�1l d�e a�ma eecured by d�e Security Iaatnuneat aro pdd in full.
<br /> � L CA08&DEFAKIl.T PROVISION. Baro�va'a dafwlt a beracb widar auY nora or�mcat in ..
<br /> wfiich I.a�Aa hr�n lalenat etu�ll be a 6ce�ch under the Securlt7►L�meat Aud Lcadar maS►iovoko any of t1�o
<br /> ' � ranedies pam�lod.by tho 3ocurlry Insuurt�nt.
<br /> � BY SI(1NNIIQ{i B�AW.Barowa�ooqns�od a,�ees fo tbe urma aad pruvlslons comyinod in d�is 1-4 Fandly .
<br /> � .;� �a«. .
<br /> �.. � ` �� `�'Y� �. r -
<br /> ts�� �� ��s«n
<br /> DA'VID 8 HAItTI.BTT -Ba�mower MARSHA Yt B1IRTLSTT •BarmNar
<br /> ' ($q�� �Se�.�
<br /> , � -Boao�vu � •Baem�Vai
<br /> �•n �ao.� � � py�4e1Z , ro.�a»o�ros �
<br /> n �� .. ,
<br /> • • ;��r,�fp� y�f�
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<br /> 1 �.3I.&�1+J�� � Y_J h" . _ _ -
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