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<br /> . _ _ _ _ 95�-1,QS9140
<br /> � TOOe1'6�R WIT'M�N tA� knprov�t� now a hu�nitN�nat�d an th�prop�ty�and �N MtwnNnt�,�ppat�rwM��nd
<br /> ' ARura naw a*hw�aftK a ptat ot th�prop�aty. IUI npMta�mnt�t and ad6qotts thaN alto b�eav�tad by thh 8aauilly Inebument. _r
<br /> AO of th�tor�polnA ts rdrmd to In tNb S�ouAty imtrum�m u 1h�'Prop«ty.' �
<br /> BARROWER C�VENANTB th�i Horrowar Is I�wRcNy t�hed of ih� utate hKaby convey@d�ad has tAe dQht to flnnt�nd �-
<br /> co�vey th� Ptop�ty �nd thtt tA� Propaty b un�naumb�red, exc�pt to►�naumbrancea of racoM. 8or►awa w�rt+anis and w18 _
<br /> ddmd�n�n1y fh�titl�to Ih�ProprtY�p�inet�M�md dNn�nd�,tubJ�at to�ny�naumbranan o!naord.
<br /> THIB BECURITI/ It�8�7AUMENT oombins unNcm� cavmv� tar natlo�ul uu and non�unHam covm+uiri wNh WVnd
<br /> v�rlalloon by Jurk�tian to aorsatilub�unNorm s�aurity instrummt oovwlnp n�►ProP�Y�
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTB� Bo�owM and Un�a�►�t Nd apw a tolbws:
<br /> 1.P�yment�f Pr�nofp�l and IM�ns� Pr�pa�rm�nt �rtd LaN Chwrg�a. eo�rowx sho�vromv�Ar v�y�+�
<br /> dw th�ph dpal of and k1tN�st on th�d�bt�vidm¢ad by ths NoU md my pnpaymnnt and 4�b ahup�a du�w►dw tho Not�. c
<br /> 2. Funds toP Tuc�e and imur�nc�.8ubj�at to applb�bN I�w or to a wdtt�n wal�►w by I.Mtd�r.ea►ow«.n+u�ay
<br /> to i,endK on th�day monthy p�ymwde an due uneler tho Note,urdN ths Note is pdd tn tuM,a sam ('Funds•)tot: (a)yMrry
<br /> War and u+�eartNnri wtJah may atlain prto�ity owr thls 8sw�lY InaWmmt as a Nen on th� Prope�ty; (b) Y�fY Nas�hotd
<br /> ioavma►ts or pround t�nts on th�PropKty. M anY ��)Y�Y h�mrd or propwty inwnne�pnrt�umel(�Y�f'Aood bsunwa
<br /> poarAums.N�ny;(s) Yw1y rnort�Qs hewnnoe preir�ume,M any;ano{q eny sums p�yac�a oy dortow� iv i a�a.r we i��� _
<br /> wkh tho provistant ot puapraph e, h Neu of the payrnent at matyaye heur�rtw prardums. Thaae items ur at�d 'Escrow
<br /> ttena.• Lendar mwy�st any tlm�, oaNeat �nd hold Funda in �n�maint not to sxc�sd tho m�drtwm amount a lendw tor a ¢
<br /> q�of�197'4`u am�ndM�tran Umt t tl�m��12 U.B.�2QOt��t�accaunt�A�d�r��r law tbat app�to th�F�d�
<br /> s�+�Mss�t�mottnt� II ao, Latdu may�rt at�y tMne� aoM�dt and hotd Funda In m m�ount not to nceNd tht Nstw amoun�
<br /> Lertder nw�y estkn�te th�amount ot Fund� dus on th�basis ot wmM dah and ra�so�abN �te� of exRa�+ditu�of Nturo
<br /> Eecrow Itana or ott�e�wlae h aacordmcs wtth appYcabte t�w.
<br /> Ths Funds�hWl b�held tn�n kiaVtuUon whoao depoait�are insured by a toderal apenay,Instrum�taAh►.or�ntMY(hdud�o
<br /> lander� H Landa ts euoh m Inetlludon) or In�ny Fed�ai Hort►e Lwn Buik. Lander ehd�ppy the Funds to WY ths Esaow
<br /> ftama.Lend�r m�y not charpe Bo►rowa fot hotdh��nd applyinp the Funds,�nnwNy��iyZtnQ the�aaraw accamt,or vexNybt� -
<br /> �� � Iteme� u��Mss Lendet pays gc�rowe� k�terest on the Funda and appAable kw pamite Lander to m�ke auoM a
<br /> ch�rps. Q{owaer� Lender mry roquke Borrowx to pay a onatNns chups ta�n independent rs�t�abiU t�c ropoAhp sMVic�
<br /> uaed by Lender in aonneatlon wttt� thia tan, unlese apppoabie law provldea olherwtaa Unieaa ut �preement ts m�ds or
<br /> �atid .Un�de�t m�Y�O�t�Ms�O�wever,that N►taest eth N b pitd on�ths funda. lender ahal�y�N�to QBortower.
<br /> wkhout ohupo.m�nnu�S icaounthq o!the Funds, showk�0 credNs ond debitt to the Funda�nd tha purposs totr whkh eaoh
<br /> d�bk to th�Fund�wm mnde. Ths Funds an pbdped as addttlomt seairily in�aN eums a�eund by the 8eaxiry�nstrument.
<br /> If the Funtb hefd by Lartrla sxoe�d the�mouttta pemdtted to bs held by�ppAcable.hw.i.e�da ehal a�caunt to Bosrower
<br /> fir ths exceas Funda b acaordmce witA the roqutron�te ot ePPMabk kw•H the�mouM ot the Funds held by Lander at my
<br /> t�ms le not euflldent to pny tb�Eearaw itane whm due�Lend�v may so notKy Borrawer Nt w�itlnp��rtd� h woh caa�Borrowe►
<br /> sheN pay to Laidar th�ataount oeceewy to m�ke up the delfdency. BoROwer ehal make up the dellolmay b no mon th�n
<br /> tweN�mot�thly pymet�le� at Lendx's soU dboratlon. _
<br /> iipon p�r�H i�i�li af r��t xusred lsyr!lsks�tt�t l�usss�ssi. ls�nrl�r RheA#�ran�►t�► roMd to Borrower ury Funds
<br /> heid by Undsr. N, undtr p�r�tpnph 2f.Land�r ahaA saqutro a seN th�Prop«ty.Lender,priot to thr acqul�itlon or e�t�of tht
<br /> P�opNty.sIW �pp�/�nY Funds heid by Lend�r at ths tlms ot aequ�attlon a als�s a ondtt ayakiat ths wma ieound by thM
<br /> 8�curity InsWm�nt.
<br /> 8. AppllotHon of Paym�Ms. UMs�s �ppNwble kw provid�s othmMss� a0 payments rocelvee by I.w►dr► undK
<br /> P�ra��phh Z�thM.to Mh[at du�aul�h.nt ti�►d�l du�r Ndtlt6s�t�NY ktt eha►pe�du��the Not�. �����
<br /> 4. C11KQis: Ll�m. BorrowK �h�l p�y �i bxa, asaarr�►b. ch+r'OM, Ma �nd knpotitlons attrbutibN to th�
<br /> ptppe�ty whbh my dWn prlodty ovu thts S�a�itY M�trurt�t�and Nt�sNtold p�nnmts a pound nnb.N�ny. Botrnww:h�N
<br /> p�y Ma� abNp�Uo�t N tM m�nn�r provid�d fn p�rapnph 2. ot M not pdd b that ewmw.Bottow�sh�N py th«n on tin�
<br /> dnaUy to th� prson ow�d pqrtnenL 8arow�shaY prompty tu�nlsh to L�nd�r�11 notla�of amour�ts to b�p�ki unda thb
<br /> Pra�qh. M BoROw1r trrins thw� paymmb �noly� Bos�owre sMM praripty Wml�b to L�ndK noMp�b �Wmdnp th�
<br /> � B�or► �r thY prompty el�oMrp�sny Un whkh haa p1orU�►w�►thb S�ourlry Ustrunwnt unlMS Baraw�: (�syn�In
<br /> wdtlnp to tht p�yewnt ot t!� oblpNto���au�d b1►th�Nn in a m�nn�aoo�pt�bM to Undw; (b)contnb h�ood i�th�
<br /> Nm by. or d�Mds y�h�t�nfotc�wnt ot th�Mn N� bpd P►oo�dh� whbh N ttt� Undrt op�ton op�rstt M pranmt th�
<br /> �ntoroKn�►n od Me Mr,vt tc) acunt irom th� hokla of th�Nn an�prwrnnt�a�ta�taY to Lr�de►subadnWnp th�N►to
<br /> tMs 8�ou�ih Im4wr�nR H lender Gt�rninN thtt�ny part of th�Propwty b tubJ�t to�ien whkh may atWn qfalry ovK thb
<br /> S�ourily Inabum�nt. t,�nd�may ylv� Boiroww��olio�Idmlitytn0 th�Gn.8arawa shN u�r th��Nn or hk�om a mon of
<br /> th�aotlons wt torth�bov�within 10 dRys of th�ghrhp o!naMo�.
<br /> d. Marard ar P�op�rty IttutMna�.Borrow�t thall kwp ths knprov�nnnts eow�od�tny or hr�ft��obd on tht
<br /> Propwty hwnd��InM to�s by fln�h��ards indud�d within th�trrtn 'eod�nded cavenpu•md Yry oth�r har�rd�� hdudNO
<br /> Aooda or Aoodip.!a whloh Lende►nqulns k�aau�a. ThI�hsursnce sf W bs mdnWned h th�rnouMs�nd fa tM perioda
<br /> that Undsr nqdns. Th�hsur�ne�c�rrl�r provl�np th�hsunr►ra ehaM b�ehoaen by Borrowar tubJtet to lmdw's appoval
<br /> whkh shaM not bs u�eonaby wNhheld. B Bortow�t Wls W nnintah aovwrp�de�aiMd abov�. Lw�dw may�at l.�ndN's
<br /> . optbn,obt�in oorrnpe to prot�!Lend�r'�dphts b Ms Rape�ty h aeaord�na wNF�pva�raph 7.
<br /> A1 hsur�no�potoln�nd roneNnb sh� be aoeephbls to Lenda and eh�M holuQt• ehtrdrd matpap�cleut�. Lenci�t
<br /> ehat ha�n ths�tit to hotd Ms poYdss�nd renewab. If Ler�der roqufres.Bonawa ehY prampty 91v�to L�ndK�M no�tptt of
<br /> pdd pren�tums�nd nnew�eotk.se. M M�w�nt ot bse,Bortower sMl qNe prompt notbe to the Nwranw arrlK�Lender.
<br /> Und�r nwiy rtMkt proof of bss H not mnde prompty by Bortower.
<br /> UnNss Lendn► nd earowr otA�s���b writlnp, hwnnes proc�eds e!W bs�ppted to roataaUon o�ropatr of ths
<br /> Propeiq d�m�ped, R the reatordlon or repek Is eaonomiay teteibls and Lenda'e aeowtly la not kssened:H the n»tontion or
<br /> ropait la not eoonomlaly 1�ae�is or Landers aourity would be leaeemd.the tnauranae proceeds ehaN be appNd to th�eums
<br /> securod by thb SeaMy Instrumxrt,whethx or not then due, with em► exceaa Mld to Bortower. H Borrower �b�ttdons ths
<br /> Roperty. a daa not�new�r within SO daya a notioe irom Lendr that the krounna eurle►h�a oM�sd to s�ltle�c1aMn.then
<br /> UndK m�y�obat th� inw�nw P�Nd+. Lander nwy uie M�proaads to rop�ir or roatoro ths Properly or to pay sums
<br /> aound by thte 8�cu�ty tnet�um�tt�wh�th�or rtot th�n dw. TM 90d�Y P«lod wll MpY�wMn tM notta Is phnn.
<br /> Unkse �.ender Nd 8omvxer othwwiae a�nse in w�thd, �nY �PPW� � P►oaeeds to qhdpd ehY no! eoRmd or
<br /> u��D��,Ph 2�e ProPatY la�aaqula►e�d by Lender. �Borrowdie�Mhto�y heunnw po�Nalee�nd p�oaa�ds�aw�g f�romM
<br /> durbpa to ths Prop�rly pAor to ths aoqutatUon ahtN pasa to L�ndet to the extent of the eums by th►a Spurfty InebumtlM
<br /> RnmeawtaY Pna ta me acquismon.
<br /> a. Occupanay. Pns�rvttloa, Malnhnanao and Prot�atlon ot th� Proptrty; 8onaw�r's L+oan
<br /> AppllCntlolf;l.�a�hotda.Bortower ahd oaapy, eatabliah,and use the Property as 8ortower's prindpU reaidenc�with{n -
<br /> abdy days aiter the exeallon oi thla Secwfty InatrumeM nnd ehdl �r�tMue to ocoupy the Property ae 8ortowa'a prk�dpal
<br /> ' roaidence tor at�eset one year�iter the d�te ot oaupanay, unteae Lender otherwise a�eea In wAtlnp, whicb oonsent sh�il not
<br /> = be unroason�by withhetd,or unleae extenu�ing oMcumsqnaea eodet whtoh aro beyond 8orrower'e controt. 8omowa ah�A not —
<br /> deatroy,d�mage or Mpaik the Pmpedy,allow the Property tQ dete�iorats, nr comrNt waate on the Propedy.8ortowa ahaN be in
<br />- detwtt H any fafettwe aotlon or proceeding, whether cMl or admhd,ie begun thrt In Lender'e good t�tth Jud�neM oouid roauh -
<br />- in tortekute of the Properry or otheiwtae materleliy Impair the Uen creatad by thie 8ecurily Inetrumer�t or Lender'e eecurNy Intaea4.
<br /> P1318.LM0 f7/8S) Papo Z ot 8 �� _
<br />' �184 —
<br /> �
<br />