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.;�_':1N� - . . i�� �.. . <br /> f�'i{�l'�. . _� .... . •� • . -- ._. .-. <br /> � ., <br /> .:.:-n" w���+4"r'l,F��}y�t,M�:.r :. . _.-_. 1.�_ _. .,....�. .. _.__� .. <br /> ��f.�s+. V,:. ..,-r — <br /> � <br /> . � � 95_ <br /> s� <br /> _ � 1-4 FAMILY RYI�ER eooa�a� — <br /> . Asslgn�nent oi Rents , <br /> insa t-a Nwna�c.Y euubx�s maae uns � aay ot g�� . 199� . <br /> aud �S lncorporatsd into and sholl ho damed to amcnd end supplement the Mortgage. Iked of Trust or Security <br /> Dxd(the "SecurIty InswmenP•)of thc same dato given by tha undersigc�cd (the •'Borrower") to secur� <br /> Dorrower's Note ta <br /> '� l�pl�[E �I?D� llim ��li l�S50L`LITION�C�t1U1�D I8d11tD� <br /> lit�• 1�FI�IS�IU �lV7I�G4 Blil�il <br /> (the"Lend�r") <br /> � . • of the same date and covedng the Pmpetty descdbed it�the Security Insnvment and located at: <br /> 238 N NQTB 1lV8, Git�DD I��11�. � 688p3�-I1�9 <br /> I�v�nr�adres�� <br /> � 1�4 FAMILY COVF, addition w the covenunts and agraments made in the Security Instrument. <br /> • Borrower nnd Lender fiuther oovenant and agroe as follows: <br /> ` A. ADpITIONAL P1tOPERTY S�J�JECT TO THE SECURITY INSTIZIJMENT. In addidon to the <br /> Propecty desedbed in the Security Instnunent,the foflowing items are add�d w the�roperty deseriptIon.And chal! <br /> aiso consdtute the Property covered by the Securtry Insnument:build�ns materiais. appliamxs and goods of every <br /> aatun wlwtsocver now on c�reaft�r located In. on. or used, or intended to be usal tn connxtion wIW the <br /> .. P�gaty;�nclttQ�ng. !� n�f 4im1'!H! r4, r� f!u t�e�ur�x�ses of suQplying ot dlstributing heatIng, cooling, . .. - <br /> . : ' elxuicity, gas. water. uir and light, fire prevendon and exdnguishing epparetus, securlty and a�xess control <br /> app�uuus,plumbing. bath tu6s,'water heuters, water clas4ts. sinks. canges.etoves, nef�igerato�s, diahweshera, <br /> . dispos�ls,was6crs.dryers,awpin�s.sWrns windows.storm dooru. screens. blinds.shades.curtatns and curtain <br /> . � . rods.utached mtrrars.cabinels,paneiltng and attachod floor wverings now or henafter auacfxd to the Praperty. <br /> xll of which. inclading neplacc�nenta�aad additions thereto. shali be deemed to be and nemaln t► part of the <br /> � " Property coverai by ihe Security Instrument. Ali of the �aregoing Wgether with the Pmperty descdbed in tha � <br /> Seci+rry L�strument idr the leaset►ald estete if the 3ecurlty�nsuument is on a leasehold)are refen+ed to in this f-4•� <br /> Farnily Rider azd the Serurity Instrument as she"Property:•• <br /> B. U3E OF'PROPE1tTY; COMPL1A1�iCE WITH LAW. Borrower shall not sak. agree to or mn{ce a� <br /> cl�nge In the usa of the Property or its zoniag classittcation,uNess Lender has agreed in writ�ng to the change. <br /> Bomuwer ahall comply with all laws. ordinanc�s. regulations eM.requtrements of any govemmentat body <br /> ' appliabldTO th�.Pcnpertp• <br /> C.SLIBORDINA7'E LIFNB.Essept as permitud by faleral law.Bort+nwcr shnll not allaw any lien Infcrior <br /> to the Sacudty Instrument to be perfectod against the Pmperty wIthout Lender's prlor writun pem�ission. � <br /> � �,R�NT LOS.4 IN3URAlYCE. Borrower shall maimafn iasurarice against rent loss in addition to the other <br /> hiiatds for which Iniuraooe is required by U�iform Covenant S. .. � <br /> � � •E."BOR�tOWER'6 RIGHT TO REINSTAT�:"DEI.ETED.Uniferm Cove�wnt 18 is deleted. � . <br /> ' '., .1�. �ORROVYEIt'S OCCUeANCY. Unless Ixndei swd Borrower othenvise agrce in writing, the first�.. <br /> sentence in Ur�tforin Cavenant 6 conceming Borrower's occupancy.of.the Prnperty is delGai. Al( ��ruaiaing ' , <br /> covenu►ts uid egreements set fu�th in FJnifom Covenant 6 shaii <br /> MUL71dT/I1TE 1-4 FAMiLY RIDER�FsrnM Ma�/k�dt0�M�o Uniform kutrunwnt Form 3170 3193 <br /> " ���,,,�.�.o, ���o�.���s.,e�;�,,.,�, a�tw����,P�.. <br /> . _ � �������� <br />