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,�, . .. . r .:YP�,- qjr.�L <br /> �� „ <br /> 1� I <br /> .i.. ... . ._, .. „ y,,y . _._.-_ ..._.__._. . ..__i. ,_ . <br /> - .. '_ ' .. - .� !MKM'.lYs'�%}lLOa.RefJfc,d,fa�-:.--.,= <br />. .. . �Y . .. . . . _ . . .__ . _ <br /> A ��� _. <br /> •�\�' _ <br /> BORROWElt COV rtaAh�that�BotT°is une�cumbered.e�xcept for e cumbranaq of nycordA�Borrower w8horrnt►tgund <br /> ond convey tho PmpertY �� a{nst all claims snd demsu►di+�xublect to on9 encumbrnncxg of necord. <br /> wtll dcfend genen�ly tho tido w the PropertY a8 <br /> UN1Fp1tM COV t����Ipteea�t and i.ste Ch�r�e. Borrower ehall puy when due tho principuf of.und intcrctit on, _ <br /> 1. th�yine�► <br /> tho debt evide.t�ced b tho Nota e�nd lato churgea due under tho Natc. <br /> Z. Montbb��Y�►;d Twca�Insur�a•�d��*C���' $orrower sh�ll inslude in each manthly puymenb <br /> together vdih the principai aad av Fet fotth in the�N l�ho d pA l�nts o6°"B�'��d nts on�the P►opartY�td <br /> u,�.se.csmenta levted or to be ievied against the Property. <br /> (Q)P '....' •.,.�w�Qr�a.. Ie anv v�r in w ch the Lender must�uy n mortgage,insaran� <br /> pnmium to�he SecretarY of Housing�end Urban Davolopmeat("Secretur�r"),or tn aay yea�'in w,�,�.��a::.�.r.�.��. _ <br /> have boen required if Lender stfll held the Socurity InswmenL exh raraontd�y payment shali uiso include cither:(i)a sum fo�r <br /> �e��I mongage iasurance premiwn w be paid by Lender to the Secretu�Y•or(fl)a monthly charge insuad of a mortgag <br /> insurnnc:e premiuen if this SecurEry ]nstiument i�s�h�e�ld bY�i�a�re�ca�llaed"�Escrow Items"�and tho snms p�aid t�o Lend <br /> S��ry. Facapt for the monWlY chazge by the tary <br /> are caUed"Escrow FYusds.,' <br /> Lender sny�rou�o�w�sd�w����der the Real Fs�u SeWeme tn tProccdures Act of 1�974 12 <br /> amount that may b�rcq tattans, 24 CFR Part 3500� as they may be aaiended from� � � <br /> U.S.C.� 2fS01 �L�9. �d �g ngu - <br /> ("RFSPA").axapt that tha c on or reserva permittcd by RESPA foc uaanticIpaocd disbutsernents or dfsb:usemeats ore <br /> the 9otmwe�'s paysnents ave available W the ecoount may not be basa�on antoun�clue for the mortgagepAs��rP��1 <br /> If the amounta held by Lender for Fscmw Items eaceed the amounts Pemdtted c°b�held by RES <br /> wttb thc eACaca t'�nds cts nquircd by 1tBSPA. If tha amounts of funds held by Lcnder at any dmothe shonage or deSclency�es <br /> Fscmw Iums whm d�te.Lender may notify the Bormv�er end re9ui�r Bomewer w a�eke up <br /> permitttd by RFSPA. Iastrument If Aorrowu <br /> 7be IIscrow Funds are�t�all sauch�sums.Borrowd a sxount sh�a11 b�e bcrodiud v�vith�bata�xx remainia8 for afi <br /> unaers w Lenaer the fu11 pay <br /> L�stoUment items(a).(b).aad(c)and any mortgega insuranoe pi+emium ins�t Wat Lender�riar�a f�oroclosgiue sale <br /> PaY�the Sec►+etarY�and Ltader shAll pmmptly i+efnnd aay excess funds w Bomawer. Immalinuly p for aU <br /> of the Property or ita uistdon by Leader, Bomowe�'s acaount sbaU be c�ted vvith any balar►w remainin8 <br /> instailments for iums(a) ),and(c)• ts uader PeraBi�Pl�s 1 and 2 shall be applicd by Lender ag followe: <br />_ �, p��� _t�. All paymen �r so th��±�Y�Se bY ,_ <br /> pg$,'�,W dtemottg�ge insuranx peemium W be paid iry L,endc�'ta ihe�cc�sY <br /> the SecretarY Instwd of the tnoatlily mortgage insut�ux�s Pmanium: <br /> w any mxes,elsoclal essessments,leasebold paya�ents or gmund rents. ead t'ue.flood and other <br /> iasurance pl+euoiums,agrequ�iced; <br /> . �gj�,to iaterest dua under the Note: <br /> w amoctiZZadon of the�rU►ci al of the Note: <br /> a <br /> �We chargea due undet thC ota Bonower shall insure aU impmvementa on the Pmperiy.whether naw ` - <br /> �, Ff�+e,F7ood tnd Otlkr AsxArd Ineur�nae. <br /> In existeaa or eubsoqnwdy etecDod. agaiz+at any ha��ds.casualdes, and contIngencks, that�I+ender ro9u�. Bor�rowe�x <br /> �q�s inaiu�eace. 'Il�is insurance shaU be maintained in tha amounts and foz dte paFods t loss bp floods <br /> �li�sO inaure a11�'nprovements on tha Property,whethtr now in exisuaa or subsaquentlyv�b d.� .�e�suraaa <br /> to tde eactent rogule�ed by the Sxretary. All fnsw�nce shell be cairied wIth oompanies e�o <br /> pollcies and any cenewaLs shall be 4eid by Londer and shaU{nclude loss psyable clauses in favor of,and in a form aooeptabk <br /> to.Lenda'• <br /> Ia the Cvent of loss�Bocrowar sbail gtve L�endac immcdiate nodoe by mail. Lender may malce psuof of lo fo h Wsa <br /> y by Bo�irower. Esch insurmna company aancemed Ia hereby authoriud u►d direccod to make ps�ymen� �ed by <br /> �y w I�eader.instead of to Borrowa and to I�ender jotady. All or any part of the insutance pracoads Y flais w Any <br /> Lendei,ac Ita opdon,either<a)w the nducdon of tt�e u►�debudness under the N�ofte aad this�5��t�he���on or r�r <br /> ' de�inqpcnt amounts applled ia die orda in Parag�ph 3.and then W p�epaY� P��P� �tha due dzte of Rhe <br /> of the damaBal P�P�Y• �Yeppllcation of the�ro�s w the Prlr►eiPal shail not exund or postpo. <br /> refKred to in paragceph 2.or changa the amount of suchpayuo�its• Any exeessss insurm�oe <br /> ononth!y psYmeata whtch are iudrument shatl be <br /> proceads ova an amuuntrequic�ed o�pay ell outstaading indcbLodness undtr the Note aad tdia Sxurhy <br /> paid w the entity itgally eatitied thereto. that oxdnguisl�es the <br /> In the event of forxlosuro of th�s Sautity Insuumei►t or other trenafer of titk Lo the Pro�t�Y u�chssa. <br /> iadebtedfatsx.all righ�dde and inUemst�f Botrower in and to inaura��ce polic��in fome sbalt�wer's Applkalbn; <br /> 3. Oo�vponc.y► ��'�'atian, Matt►teaanoe and Proteetbn ot t6e Pe+ope�RYi <br /> • �,�pl�. BOtT�OWCI'BbsII OCCUQ}�.eatablish,and usc the Proparty as Bormwer's prindpai residence vulthin�tZ deY f� <br /> Insauma►t and shaU continue to oocupy the Pro�as Bonoweta prie�ctpd iaenoe <br /> the exccudon of d��$xudtY ui¢emant wW cnuse undue hardship tbr <br /> least one year after the dau of ocx�pency,unleas the SecreteiY deuennines �9 <br /> Boemwu�or unle.0 extenuating ciccumstanas wclst which are bayond Borrowe�s coutrol. Borrower ahall aotify I.endrns of . . <br /> any extenuating citcumstenas, BomoWer shall not comm{t wasu or destroy.damego or substaatiallY change� the PropertY� <br /> ailow the PropeRy to detertorate.reasonab]e wcar and tesr excepud. Lender a�ay inspect the Prop�rtY�Q such��r <br /> vacant or aba�ndoned or the loan is is►default I.ender may cake rwsonabla acd°A t° ��on�roces�s,Bsve mata3all� ' <br /> a�dOned p�operty. Aomower shaU�Iso be In default if Bomower,during the loan app p , <br /> or in�►eeutate infrnmation or statementa w Lender(or failed to pmvide Lend�ons�cbnycxanin Ho:cow r's�oocupancY f° then <br /> with the loan evideaood by the Note,includin�,but not Umited to,represen . <br /> peope�ty as ap�ncipal rtsidence. If this 5erunty Instrument is on a leaseltold,Boaower s comply rvith tho pt'ovisions of <br /> — the 1eue, if}�oauwer acquires fee Bde to dte PropectY.tltia leasehold and fee tide shall aot be mergal untess Lendes'egrces�° <br /> the merga in writin8. . Sotrower shell pay aU govemme�►tal <br /> 6. Chargey to Borrov�er and P�rotaxlon ot I.ender e Rights in the P�oM B�wer shall pay these nbligations on <br /> --• � ,� w��+a i�nns eh�ac�e not included in PeraB�P _�� ._..,.�e :...�. ��� <br /> oi,.uu�:;�—-�—v--�-----—.- - . m�ca.. ..�a�...o....�.�_ -- <br /> time dirxtlY to the entity wh�ch is owed the payment If failure �o psy wwtd aave�ci7 <br /> prope�y,upon Lende�s request Borrowec shall promptly furnish to Lender raxipts evtd h 28 o=��ato perform eny udter <br /> - If Bo�rower fails to make these paymenta or the payments rcqu�red by Paragcap ��y signtfica��1 e�� <br /> oovenants andagnxment4 conmic►ed in this Sepu�Ity Instivment,or thera is a legal pi+ooeedin8 <br /> ��c'8 rlghfs;n the Property(such as a p i��g in banlnuptcy.for condemnadqn or to enforce laws or negu dons). <br /> ' then Lender may do nnd pny whauver is nccessnry to pmtect the vatue of the Property ee►d Lende�s righta in the ProPertY� <br /> inclading payment of ta�ces,haza�d insw�►ce and other ioem i1�do�me un ed�diA onul debt of Boaower aad be sec�+eci by <br /> Any amourtts dtsbursed by Lender under thir+P a n+B�P <br /> �Socudty,Insuument 7t�ese amounts shall bear�ntemst from the data of disbu�emen�.st the Note rate.end at th�option <br /> of Lratder.ehall be immediately due end payable. <br /> (Pags 2 oja pagcs) <br />