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<br /> �� ��d or p�operty In�ance. B�rrowcr eh�l kap d►e improvementa now eaiating or hertafter erected oa tite
<br /> property tasurcd ag�nat lota by tire.hmttda ixiuded witt�in the tera�"extended covernge"end�ny othcr dwrdi. lncludfng
<br /> ftonds ar flaoding�for wtdch Lender requins iasurmea.'Thie lnsurance sheU bC a�utatainod in th�anxsuata and for the pe�ieds
<br /> th�t Larder roquit,p. '!he iruntanoe cutier provlding tho in:uranoo�ha11 be cho�n by Bormwer wbJect Yo L+endier's a�prova►
<br /> whicb a6il1 not be unreasoaAbly aItl�held. !f Bosrower fails to awintafa covenge deecrlbed above� l.ender mqy. at Lender's
<br /> opt[on�obtaW�wveiago u+pmtect Lendar's rlgbta in the Propetty W accordance wIth par�graph T.
<br /> AU inauranc�Doliclr�arid[�enewale elu)1 be kcepteble to Lender aad ahall include a etandud aaortgtge clnuae. Lnader
<br /> .s r. . ►�J.. it�:w�i.V+wO
<br /> �lull Lave the rlght to hold the poUclea and MauwaU.If Le�Wer requues,tsorrowcr suau pn,��,uy�..w.::.�.W.».,..•.,.,-.r--. --
<br /> paid pramiums�nd reaawal aoticea.Ia the evant of losa.Bonvwer ahalt glve prampt notice to the taanranee c�rtler and L,ender.
<br /> uadsr w�y maloe proof of laas it aot made promptly by Bormwcr.
<br /> IIalesa L�ender aad Borrower otheeariee agrx in wrldag.taauranoo prooeeds elx�U be applicd to reaWration or rep�ir uf the
<br /> pioperty damagod.if We raswr�tion or repair ia ecanomic�ally feffiibla and Leader's aauciry ie not leaa�►ed.If the rcaWmtion or
<br /> repair is not asonomic�lly feasibie or Leade�'a securlty would be lessened�the lnsuru�oe prooeeds shall be applicd to the suma
<br /> aecured by th[a Savdty Ins�u�ent. whether or not tt►ea due. with a�r exeeaa paid to Borrower. If Bormwer alaandona the
<br /> p�opeity.or does not answer withia 30 daya a aotice from I�ender that the ia4uruiae curier!ua ofPe�to aettla a c1Aim�thcn
<br /> I.eader may coltect tha tasuran�e Prooxds. Len�tr �eg use thts ptoee�eda to re�r ar nstnne the Pmperty or to pay tn�ma
<br /> axurcd by Wis Sewdty Iasuument.whether or not then due.The 30-day period will begin whea tha notioe ia glven.
<br /> Udess Lender and Bo:rower other�Wses egreo in wrlda8. �►Y �PPlicatioa oi proceede to priacip�l sh�U aot extend or
<br /> poatpono the due dau of tha mantlily paymantaLender.Boaowpe,r'�t to aa��iastir�aoe polidea and p�a reaulp dng from
<br /> h 21 tha Prope�ty is ao9uired Y Bh Y aoe
<br /> iuMar pua8�P
<br /> da�aga to the ProPt1'=Y Prlor to tha acquisiti�n shall pass to Lender w the wuent of the sums secured by ttils Socurity Iusuument
<br /> lmnoediately ptior W the acquidition.
<br /> 6.Oocup4ncy.Prcxereatlon�Ni�inte�+ind Pe�oEa�ton ot�he Pt+opatyi Borrowa'�I.oan ApplIcatlo�i Leasel�old�.
<br /> Bottower shaU oxuPY.eswblisb..aad use the Property aa Borrower'e prlaclpal raidenae within akry daya after the exxwioa of
<br /> thia Sax►riry israuument aad ahall comiaua w oocupy the Propetty as Bonower'a piinci�al resldence for at lemt oae yesr at�er
<br /> the dau of aoaupaaaY.untesa L�deY ath�rwiso ageees ia S�niting�r�hi.nc�on�►t�Sil not be unreaaomb�y wItUheld.or unlest
<br /> ��� � rxfai whi� aTe beyand Boimwer's control. Bomawea ahall not desdroY. �Se or impair eha i
<br /> properil►. aliow d��rtY ta deurlorste� or commit aaatc on tha Pmpsrty.Borrower ahsll be in default il aay forfeituie
<br /> �ton er pmcoe►41ng.whether civU or criminel,is begwa tbet Ls L,�r's good faith 1ud8ment oould nsWt ia forfeiaue oi t�a
<br /> property or otliarwIse maurl�lty fmPair the lien�by thia Sxurtty Inauument or Lreader'e seauity iatenat.Barrower r�►3r
<br /> c�u+e auch a default and reiaatate►es p.mvided in pangn�ph 18.by cauaing the acdon or pmccediog to be diamisscd with a n�ting
<br /> that.in Ledder'e go�od fi�ith deurmia4don� Precludes forfeiwre of the Bomower'a jnterest in tha Property+o:other material
<br /> imp�itment of the llen cre�teQ by tbis Sewdry Insuuraent or Leader's axurity interest. Bomower adll dao be la defanit if
<br /> Bormwer.dwr�a8 tha loan epplia�tion psocets,gavo anataially filse or i�utate iAformation or atatemeats to La�ler(or f�iled
<br /> to pmvide Lender with+my miterial informadon)in c�nneaioa wEth the twu�evideaad by the Note.Inctuding.but not limit�d
<br /> to;represe,aWions oancernin8 Ban+ower's occayraacy of tha Property as a prindp�l r�tide�oe.If thls Saa�rlty Inawurcnt is ou a
<br /> lcasehold. Bor�+wer ahall comply with all the provieloaa of thc Iwe. It Bott+ower aoquirea fa title to the Praperty� dse
<br /> le�e}wld�nd tLe fce Ntte�tl nos merge uaiess I.eader�groea to t�e merga in wrhi�na. r
<br /> 7.Peote,ctloa at I.eada�'�1tt�Ms in t5e Ptoperty.if Horrowat fatls to paform tl�e oavea�nu and ngreementb oont�laed in
<br /> tP,i��a�rlty��. cr thar L a le�1=ra�.�ing ehet mal►ai�dY �'ect LaWer'a righta in the Propetty(aucit as a _
<br /> ptocxcdiug in�P�Y.P�b�te.for condemaaatioa or forfeiture or w eaforoe lawa or regulattons).thea Lender�1►do ana
<br /> �►y tor whuaver is�►to protxt the vnlue of the Property aad I.eadcr'a �ghu M tbe Propeziy.I.ender's acttons mry
<br /> � !liraiude Wrying n►Y aums eteured bi► a lien wbich �tua prtoriry over thla Sxuri�yr Ia�steamm� appa�rin8 ia �urt� P�
<br /> r�a.wneblo attomsys'fas�md enur�a$c+iCtlu Property to make repa►f�+s.Althougb Lendar msy talce aoiion uader th[s par�8cap1►
<br /> 7.I.�ader tfoes not 6ave to do w. .
<br /> Any �mouna di�buracd by Y�a�er under this puagraph 7 ahaU b000me addit�oml debt of Bo:rower aocurad by'R�t ,
<br /> S�curtty Inmumeat. Unles�Homower und Lead�a agree to other terma of paymcn�these amount�ahaU bax lntertat from�the
<br /> tlato of disbussemmt at the Non rMte aad shell bc pnynble. wIW iaterat.upon aotioo fmm i.ender to Bornower requestin8
<br /> . paymeat.
<br /> S.Mo�t;Afe Ins�nancx.If Leadar re9uircd mortgege inaucano�as a wndidon of making the tom axurcd by tbid Sa:urity
<br /> Insuuannt. Borrower ehall pay the pxemiums roquired to mafntain the mortgoge iasuiaaco in effect. IP. for�ny :r,ason, the
<br /> mortgage iaaurance eoverage eequircd by Lender lapses or aeaaes w be ta effect. Borrower ahaU pay the piemiums required to
<br /> abt�tn coverage subnwatially equivatent w tho mortgAge insuranoe praviously in effect.�st a co�t substanti�lly equivatent to thE
<br /> aast to Bon+nwer oi the aeartgage fnauranoe praviouaty in et�ect. �+om An alteruate aartg�ga laa�rer approved b3►I.ender. i!
<br />- eubatantlally equivalent mo:tgage inaurana eoverage 1�noc available.Borrowet slull p�►W I�ender esch month a sum cqual to
<br /> onetwelRh of tha yeuty mottgage fnauranr.�premium beiag paid by B�r[ower whea the insnrauoe ooverage lepscd ar ce�md w
<br /> be in effect.I�eader aill aoapt.uee and ntaia cheae paprmsnts aa a toas r�erve in Ifai oi uartgage ineuranoe. Loas reserve
<br /> - Farm 30
<br />� �-eRINEI tnoel ►ao.sors
<br /> �
<br />� ... .
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