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<br /> �7.Teunsicr nt the Pmper� or a Beneftcistl Intcrest In Borrnwe�.lf ull ar any part of the Propeny Qr any intcrest in it
<br /> ia xold ar tranaferrcd(ot if a bene�cinl inter�.st in Barrower iR soYd or trnnsferret!aid aurcower ix aat a nutural peraan)withaut
<br /> L.ender's prlar wdtten consent. L.ender muy. at its option. requirc immedinte pnyment dn fuli af nll suma secured by this
<br /> Sccurlty Insuument.However.thi�option ahull not be exercised by I.ender if cxcrcise is prohibitcd by fedeml law aw oP the dntc
<br /> of thia Security insttument.
<br /> If Lendcr cxcrcises thiA ap4ian.Lender shull give Borrawer noticc of nccelemtian.The notice shall provide n pedoo of not
<br /> tess than 30 duys from the duto the nutice i»deliveced or mailui witi�in w!►tci� 8onar�er must pay all Slifil9�fCUIY'd �fy 1TlIA �.
<br /> Sccudty Instninxnt.If Bortower faita to pay these sums prior to the expimtion of this pedod,Lender may invoke any remodies
<br /> permitted by thIs Security Instniment without 4Lrther nodce or demand an Barrower.
<br /> 18. Borrower•e Wght to Reln�tate. If Barrower meets certain conditians. Borrower shall huve the �lght to have
<br /> enforcement of this Secudty instn�ment dtscontinued ut riny time prior to thc earlter of: (a)S daye(or such ather period as
<br /> appllcabte law may specify for reinstntenunt) before sele aP the Praperty pur�uant to any power of sale contained in this
<br /> �uriry �nstrument:or la�emry oi a juug�iry��::.::.::.:::a»�'to C«�+��i�•TnrJnt�»f Thnaa�n.vlitirno_,w»��y,;.�„'�::i«i j�+J°
<br /> l.encEer�!1 susns whlch then would be due un��r d�is Serurity Inst►ument and the Note os if no ucceleration had occurred;(b)
<br /> cures any default of any other cave�wnts or ogreements; (c) pa s nll expemes incurred in enforcing this Secudty Instrument.
<br /> including, but not limtted to.rensonable�ttorne�s'fees: nnd(d�takes such actlon as i.ender may reasonubly require to assuro
<br /> that the lien of this Secudty Instnunent.Lender s rights in the Property and Borrower's abligation to pay the suras see:ured by
<br /> thia Security Instniment shali conHnue unchanged. Upon reinstutement by Borrower. this Securtty Insuument and the
<br /> abtiguttons secured hercby shnll remain fuily effecdve as if no ucceleration had occurred.However.this right to reinstate shNl
<br /> not opply in the cuse of acceleratIon under parng�tph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale of Note; ChAnga o!I.ann Servtcer. Tbe Note or a partiai inierest ia the Note (together with thls Sectuity
<br /> Instrument)muy be sold one or more times wtthout prlor nodce to Bormwer. A sale may result Li a chenge in thc cntiry(known
<br /> ns the"Loan 5ervjcer")that collects montlily payments due ur�der the Note and this Securlty Instrument.There atso may be one -
<br /> or morc changes of the Loan Scrvicer unrelated to a sale of the Nota If there ia u change af the Loan Servicer,Borrower wlll ba
<br /> given written nodce of the change in accordnnce with pucugraph 1�4 above and appltcable law.The nodce w1U state the name and
<br /> address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The notice will also contain any other
<br /> information mquired by npplicable taw.
<br /> ?A. H�strdons Substances. Bomower shall not cause ar permlt the presence, use,disposal. stornge. or release of eny
<br /> Hezardous Substances on or in the Property. Horrower shall not do. nar allow anyane else to do. enything affecdng the
<br /> Property that is in vlolatdon of any Envfronmentul Law. The preceding two sentences shell not upply to the presence, use,or
<br /> storage an the Property of small quanddes of Helsndous Substartcxs that are generaliy recognizerl to be appropr�ute to normal
<br /> residential uses and to maintenance uf the Property.
<br /> Borrower shnll promptiy give I.ender written nvtice of any invesugation.claim, demand.lawsuit or other acdon by any
<br /> �ovemmentsl or regulatory agency ar prlvate I►arty invulvIng the Praperty and any He�dous Substance or Enveronmental Law
<br /> of whfch Borrower l�as actual Iutowlodge. If Borrower learns.or is nop6ed by any goveinmentai or rcg�iuE�ry sati��'ty,ti�ai
<br /> ttny reanoval or other remedfation of uny Hazardous Substenccs affecting the Property is necessary,Borrower shall promptly tuke
<br /> ali necea.gary remedial acNons tn accordai►ce wtth Environmentnll Law.
<br /> As usai in this paragraph 20. "Hawr�dous Subswnces" e�re those substances deftned as toxtc or hazardous substanoes by
<br /> Environmental Law and the foltowing substances: gusoline, kemsene, other fiammable or toxic petroleum products. coxic
<br /> pesticides and herbtcides.voladle solvents.materials oontalning asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactrve materials.As used in
<br /> this paragraph 20, "Envimrunental Iaw" mepns fetleral(aws arM luws of tt►e jurisdiction where the Property is•Iocated that
<br /> xelata to hea1W.safety or envimnmental protection. '
<br /> NON-UMFORM COVBNANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree sis foDows:
<br /> 21.Acceleration;Re�nedles.Lender shall give aotice w Borrower prtor to AeceleraHon follovPiag Borrower's bratch
<br /> of any covmant or egreement in thts Secur[ty Instcumeut (but not prtor to eoceleralion uncler pac�gr�ph 17 unless• ,
<br /> s�icaMe taw pmv[des ot6erwise).The aotice shall specify (e)the detaultt(b)the Ac�tion required to c�re the dt�f'aWt;
<br /> (c)a date,not lesa t6an 30 ilays trom the dnte tfie npdce is gtven to Bonower,by w61ch the detault must be cured;and
<br /> (d)that tailure to cure the det�ult on or beCore tite dRte specifled In the noNce may resWt in acQderntlon of the suma
<br /> eecured by this Security Iastrument and sale of tl�e Praperty. The nodce shal!Iurfher iniorm Borrower of the right tc► .
<br /> reinstate aRer accelerxUon�wd the right ta bdng a caurt acdoa tp.s�ssert the non-existence of a default or any other
<br /> defense oi Bozsower to�nceleration and sale. If tUe detaWt is aot ew+ed on or betore ttM ds�te specifled in the not[ce,
<br /> Lender,At its optMn,rtwy requfre immediste psyment in t�ll of�Il sums sec�red by tWs Secnt'ity Instrumwt wit6out
<br /> tuiRher demand and may invoke t6e powEr of sWe xuud auy ott�er cemedies pennitted by pp�icable law.Lendee s�all be
<br /> entitled to wIIeet aU expea5es inCU►r�1[n pwsuing the remedies Pmvided[n this parAgruph Zl,includtng,Dat q�ot llmite8
<br /> to,reasotwtble Att�rneys'fees and costs oi ttt�e evtdence.
<br /> [�thepo wer`ot sWe is tnvoked, Tnw,2ee shall record�notice oi defaWt tn each ccwnty.im whkh any pnrt ot the �
<br /> � Praperty is I�aetetT and shall mafi coples oi such notice in d�e msmnaer prescrfbed by�pplicablc��faw to Aorrower and to
<br /> • the other per.sons prescribed Dy applicablv law.Adter the dme reqWred by appllcable Is�w,Truxtee shaU give publlc notta
<br /> of snle to ths persons and in the manner prescrtbed by appliatble Ittw.�'rustee,wlthout demsu►d on Borrowcr,shail sell
<br /> . the�roperty at public auctioe to the 6lghest bidder at the dme and pt�ce and under the terms drstgnated ia the notia of �
<br /> sale tn one or more parcela pnd in any order T�vstee detern�ines.TrusteE may postpone sale of all or aay parce!ot the .
<br /> P%�eby��!c annoAU�eent at the't3me and place ot�tny previ�i�sly schedWed sale. I.�ader or tts desfgnve may
<br /> Pu l��'tY Y
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