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;.•�!:"� 1 75 (�f 5 � •..'��1�•:;1. l•'. � iW. ,?T 5 <br /> � �1 �1{ . . • �� / <br /> _ �. .1;iG/�j i�d�'[f�tt61�j1��5t 1j � " <br /> � <br /> J`, 7'ntl�ytll �Ir rt �_ . . .�`@� <br /> ) <br /> a c tl, �,���)5 � ' , r��p��S,� � ..__ ._ __ . <br /> v <br /> o :. . �.�hN*�,f''J � 1'�,� 1r3��'+7Y'`��fl��"1,�•p�-�r _ .--. .. ---_ -- -- -------._._ . <br /> . � f.. , ���i ` - y �{,��� - <br /> ��✓. ;.i��SSi?u.�l.�.r.���.. �o1i�YE��lI}S,7iSt�:,o -...__ — .._� _. <br /> "kJt�L��.i :�;;r�--YV____—___— --. <br /> _... _ ._ . ......:..__.. <br /> _. � ._ ._ . . _ . ._. . _'. <br /> �y.�.s(�1�9� <br /> 7� Cn�ndentnattbn. 'fha proceeds of any�award or cu+im for damages,direct or conxequen�al In ca on w tb aay <br /> condemnsttan or other taking of any part af tha Pt+operty�or.far conveyawce in place of condemnet�on,are henby nsAigned <br /> end nh�lt ba p�td W Lender w tho erctent of the tW1 amouat o£the indebudnesa that remeina unpaid under 1he Nou and this <br /> Securiry Inxteumen4 Lender shall apply auch prac�ds to the reductioa aY the 3ndebtednesa ur.der the Noto ena this Sa�uriry <br /> inattument� first toqny dclinyuent umounts applled fa the order provided in Paragreph 3. nud then to pre ayment of ` <br /> mantht <br /> prtno}pti. Any appUcatl�n of the ptnaeds ta the PninciPal 8ha11,mot txtend or postpone tha due date of y <br /> paymente�whlch ato cefemed to in�b 2,or cbeng�thr anaount of such Qaymenta. My excexs proceeds ovu an <br /> amount coquirod ta pay all outstanding in ebte�lacss unda:S�e Nate ahaU be paid to tho endty legally endded tbereto. <br /> 8. Fae. Lenckr tuay collect fas and cherges autbor�zeti by the 3ecrctary. <br /> 9. Ge+eund�for Aocderatlon at Debi. <br /> �����, I w�rl�v msy;excepi av lic:�ited by cePUleiic�A8lssuc'd bY�e�t'uY��a�e of pSymeOt defitul�, <br /> requiro immedtate pa t fn full of all suma secureQ by thia Securlty insuument u: <br /> (i)Bnirower de aults by fatUng to pay in full any montdly payQ►ent requirai by thIa Secucity Inatrumcnt prtor <br /> to or on tha due date of the next monti�ly paymenk or <br /> �ii)Borrower defaults by fetltag,for a petiod of thitty perform aay other obUgadons conmined in this <br /> eCll[�ry I1181NIIICAG <br /> (a)Sab Wtthout Credit ApprovAl. Lender shaU,iY pertaittal by ap�.licable law aad with the prior appmval of the <br /> Secr�jtary.requlre immediste paYrneAt in fuA of alI the suma seq�ercd by d�ia Secvdty Inswm�nt if <br /> )AJl or pert of the Property,or a beneficiel intenst in a trust owning all or part of t�e P�npeaty�is sold or <br /> otherwfse uansfernd(other tkan by devise or deacent)bY the Bonower eud <br /> (8)Tha pcoperty is not occupi��by�F��rhts�b�er cnedit Ihas not baA ap�pro�v��in e cord�n� <br /> or g[eatee does so occuPY i�rt5' <br /> wItb the raquirements of the Satititary <br /> � (c)No Waiver. If circumstances occur that would peranit I.ender W require immediate paymeat in tbll,but Lender <br /> doe�not uire suchpayrnente,I.ender does not waive�Its rights wtd�resPect to aubsequent events. <br /> (�)R�l�t��ot�i[JD Gct+etari'. Ia mauy circumxtencts r�gulaSons issued by the Sccntaty wUl limit{.ende�s <br /> righte. the case of payment defaults, co r�yuire iipmediete PaYment in full aad foreclose �f not paid. 'ihis <br /> Sxurlty Inatrumeat das not authorfu accderadan or foreelosuaa if aot permiued by reguladons of the Sa�ty. <br /> (e)Mort;afe Not L�wred. Borrower agrxs tNat ahauld this Securiry Inemiment and the note secured che ro ym� <br /> be ellgible for iasurAnca under the National Hous�p$Ace wlthln 8 mr•�n c�i <br /> date heteof,L.ender Its apdon end aotwithatandIag anything Lt PereB►.�Ya H.ce9ui� i�s�dla�°PsY�t U <br /> flill of aU suma secus+ed by tWs SccurltY H►s�ua� A wrltten stat�ment of any authorized egent of the Secretary� <br /> dstu�aub�equent ta 8 �f�i�s tmn�d�e data hareof,decliaing to insure thi�Stcurley <br /> Inatnu�:at ead tbe aou eecure4 thenbY.ehaiI be deemed conctw+ive proof of aucb ineligib�ity. Notwitl�nndlnE <br /> the fongoing�thia optlon may aot be eaca�by i.cnder when tha unsvailabiliry of insurance is sokly due W <br /> Le�ada'a f�ilun w rtmit a raoctgage inauranca premiwn ta the Secnetuy. <br /> 10. RdMatemeM. Borrower hos a dght to be reinsueted if Lendee hes required immediaupayment in tY�ll bxwae of <br /> Borrowa's f�ilute to ppy an unouae due under tha Note or ithis Secwricy InatcumenG��Wa tIght app7iea�ven� foteclosure <br /> ga are inadtuted. 'Co reinstate tho Securlty Inshumeat,B�nm�+er shall tendet iA a sum a11 emouats roquin�d to <br /> ng Borrower'e axount curre.nt facluding.W flf0 OXkA4 NIEy 81�C ObI�8tI0118 OY BOT[OWCt UAdC[tI7IS Stp�llty I116fQU1T1EQ� <br /> fonclosure casu aad cea�onabk and cuewm�►�atwmays' fces and expen�s pmperly assaciated wIth the forecloaum <br /> procauUa Upon n;aetatement� by Bon�nwer,t�a Securlty Insuument.and the abllgadons thnt it secures� shall t+anain in <br /> ����'��der h�d not reyuirod immcdlate payment in�ll. HowevGr,Lender ie aot requicmd w petadt nias�mxnt if <br /> (i)L�der has eccepted t�einemtement after the crommencemene of foreclasura proceedings within twcf yeare inunedLMely <br /> precxdin$tIu�rnmenameat of n cumnt fonocloauro�roceodin�(ti)r4laetatement wiU preclude forcclosun on�It�'arnt <br /> re �- - �.,,�,s ,a�+s��•w_+effe�ct t.., d of the lien c�ated by tL(s Saxucltv Iu�uh�ent <br /> a;:�:�..,�:.t!���ume.or(iit) -r�.-n'-----_ ri ! u, Extsnslon of Qie tiTne ot �ym�t �' <br /> 11. Borrower Not Reka�ed; �'orbe�ance by I.ead No � �aive+r. <br /> n►odifkation of emortiuuion of the sums secu�ed by this Sxurl Iastcurrrent granud by i.endn co eny s��ooeasa- in fncaeat <br /> of Botrower shnU nos opezate to celwsa tde liability of the od�neY�ormwa or Bormwec'e sucoeaeor in in�aa�t, T.enda <br /> ahAll na be�uicad to commei►co Prucaodinge �ga�nat euy succ�e.s.sor�i rofnse to extend �me for pa meint or <br /> otherwlae anocdx�don of tAe suma aecured by tbis Securlty Inswraant by tc�son of an�dem;nd�by the <br /> � orlgin�l Hormwa or Ho�m�rer's eucasaors iti intaas� Auy tbibcannce by L�nd�r in azerclsing eny right or remedy a6�ll <br /> not ba a wAiva of or pceclude the exa�cise of auy rlght or rcmod . <br /> u <br /> 1Z. S�ooaror�u�d A�Boundi Jotat iwd 3eveayti t�b0ttyi CaSig�. 'fie covenants atxi ments of tdia <br /> iw <br /> Sxurity Inetcumeat ah411 biad enE benofit the sucassora and esst�na of Lcnder ettd Borrower,.subject to e provftiona of <br /> Far�gaph Xb). Borrowa'a covenitnte u�d ta shall be pint end several. At�y Bcmower who oo-si�as this Sxtnity <br /> I�stiument!x►t dmea not axccute We Note: (a Is casigning this�Securlty Instn�nlent t�nly W mottgage.grant and convey that <br /> Sorrower's int�st ln tha Property under tho terms of this Security InstrumenG(b)'�s-ttot peison�lly obligaad to psy the aun�u <br /> secured by d►Ia SecurIly Insa��en�and(c e�rees that Lender ond my oWer Hostowcr saayegree to extend,modify,foibe+�r <br /> or m�ico any axommodadone with n� to the unas of this Securiry Instrumant or dw Nate�ithout th�i Borrowa's <br /> ��13. Nodoee. �►ny nodca to Botrowu provtded for in thia Sccudry Inamimen.shsU 6cs given�yr deliv it or by <br /> maiiiug it by f)rat class msil upless�ppUcabb lawroquires nse of auothet meth� 'Ihe notice sha]1 be d�ed to the <br /> property Addcess or any other adi�ireae Horrowec desi tes by noHce to Lender. My not[ce W I�ender aDall be glven by t3�t <br /> a r <br /> �jASg�1dj]t,p I.EIWCI�g BtIdICSy effiOEd ifCIE�tI QT AIlY dreas Lender designates by notiae to Bormwer. My notia pmvidad <br /> far in d�is Security Iuswmont eh�ll bo.doemed ta have ban glven ta 9osmwer or Lender when given as providod in thia <br /> A <br /> 1�8�t (iovernln�Wwi 6evaabWty. 'I1tts Sx�ulty Instrunaent shall be govemed b�yFcderal ]aw end the taw of tho <br /> jurtsdicdon in wluch the Pmpe�ty is loc�ted. In the event thot any pmviston or clause of this Security tnsdument or the Note <br /> oonflicts with ep�rlisable taw.suclh conflict shall not affcet othec provisions of ttus Security Instruaknt ar tha Note which cart <br /> bey�ven effec�without the confUcting provialon. To this end the provisIons of d►is Socudty Insuu�mnt and t�e Note ane <br /> decIared to be ceverable. <br /> 1S. Borrowsr•s Go Bmrower ehari bo Qiven onG conformcd oopy of�Lt�his Securi Instru�Lm.,ernwG..�,. ww���o ('�L <br /> �_J____�J� {� --__ __wllY OCY�Ol�C�}lG1�WPYQ tA I��I LIG 1GIl4l�IEVY1lYYO Ol Y18 <br /> jV. AD�ti��tts nistw asv�tV.�t�'.rn.�.m�...�.�....-. <br /> pco�r.rty. Bosmwer authorizea Lendes or Lendee'e sgenta ta col�the rents and revenues and hereby dfrecta cach teuent of <br /> d�.e�+operty to pay the ccnts to Lender or Lendere ugents. However�prtor to Lender's nodce w Borrower of Borrowea's <br /> bnach of eny covenant or agerement!n the Socudty Inswment,8orrower shaU colle�t and receiva aU rents and revenues of <br /> the Property as avatee for the benefit af Lendcr and Bomower. 'lUia esslgnment of renta consdtutes an absolute essignment <br /> • and not an asaigament for additianul sacurity oaiy. <br /> If Lender gtves noflce of breach w@orrowa: (a)all rentx reoeived by Sorrower shall be held by Boxrower as trustea <br /> for bCnefit of Gendtr bo app�ied to tha sum��secured by the Sccudty Inaw��(1i)�1 s��ents due a ideun d o <br /> collect nnd recaivo all af thc�+c.nt�oY tho Pn�perty;und(c)cnch tenant of the property p y P <br /> Lenda or Lender'x ngent on Lendcr'x written dcmund to tho t�nunt. <br /> _ Borrower hox nnt executul uny prlor a�sfRmnem of the rent�und hug not and will not perform eny nct that would <br /> pi+event Lender from exercising ite rightx unckr thi�+purugn+ph 16. <br /> L,ender shall not be nrquirrd to antcr upon tnko rontral of or mafntaln tha Prope�iy before or ufta� �iving no� �f <br /> breach w Borrower. Hnwever�I.ender ur a Judiclatlyuppai��tcd rcretver may do so at any dme tlure .�brdacii;� y <br /> appHca�on of rentx�be11 not cue�o or wuivu uny dcfuutt ur invuliduto any other dght or remedy of Lender. 'Ih�s assignment of <br /> renta of the Pcoperty ehnll urmtnato when tho debt xecured by the Secudty Inetrument is patd in tLll. <br /> IPaR�3 al�tx+Rt�1 <br />