� . . tatllni""' ... . - __._ _. � - -- - . ..
<br /> . rn rr�- , rr•' •-ww+�rv-- . - ...
<br /> _ - ..�ta{ifJ�}J�I'.T'L�:c:�.p... - - . . �.. . _ �' .� ._ w�e �_.._ _... ._ _— - .•-
<br /> Axr.FACB pF,�,�R„'�+�iFAD .�F.,U 9F TRU$T
<br /> STATE Q�F TBlL11$ ) ' �5•�1���
<br /> COUN'L Y OF ��. F?18f� ) '
<br /> WHEREASy sm�ii Businesg Administratior► is the owr►er and hoider of oertein
<br /> �---•�-..�......�,+ ..s mr�imt herain�tt�r dasar ibsd, r�actordsd �.n khb ot t iam o�
<br /> . c+va�ywyv�........... �_
<br /> • Caunty Cierk oi Hti1 County, B�nte o! x�brael[a,
<br /> Date o! Lien Reaorded
<br /> r,r�.n or,,,, Amount Tnstrumant_ eaak Paaa _
<br /> Aso !. saYUt�au aad
<br /> xsrqasatta B. aoa,n�ae aiz,�00 so-s-so noa. / 80 oobse7
<br /> whiah Lien aovers the followinq desaribed real eatate situated in
<br /> Ha�l county, b'�ate af �i�brarl�a, ta-wits
<br /> Lot iix (�), 3n Oloak s���A (7�, fn Clanss�a CountrY Vir» 7lddition, sa
<br /> Ildditfoa !o tb� CilY ot tirand isiaad, Itebraalu�
<br /> WHEREA3, the Not� and indebtedndss xeferred to in said lien instrwaent have
<br /> been fully paid and satis�i8d:
<br /> N�DW, THEREFORE, IaIOW ALL MEN SY THESE PR�SENT3: That the t3mell Business
<br /> Adntini�tration, in aonsiderat3on �f payraent and satisfaatfon of said
<br /> ind�b�cedn�er�, daQS hereby disaharqe and r�?.ease said �eal propezty Prom the
<br /> lien aseated by virtue of said I�ote and indebtedness in the instrunent
<br /> z8f�rr� ts� ah�ve; ae s�e�? As �» �u�� other rights titles lien, whsther .
<br /> express or implied, or� elaim in and to said rea� property as may have been
<br /> : created by or arjsen from the tr�nsaction above mentiane�d.
<br /> '�his Itel�ase is ex�au�ed a�d delfvered pursuant to th� delegations oP
<br /> autharity published in t3�s Federal Reqieter on January 15, 1982 (�7 F.12.
<br /> �305) , the contenta o! �thiah publiaation is to be judi�ially notiaed
<br /> � �pursuant to 44 UsC, Seetion 1507, unless otherw3se sp$aifically provided by
<br /> 18 USC 634 (b) (4) .
<br /> IN WI'1'I��SS WHEItEOF, this instzument i.s execut�ed this i�th day of 8�ptst�ar,
<br /> 1995. �
<br /> BY
<br /> O I+t[1NOZ
<br /> STATE OF TEXA$ )
<br /> COUNTX� �OF EL PASO )
<br /> • :BEFOi� MS, the undersigned, a Nmtary Publia �n and for said Caunty an8
<br /> , StatE, on this day personally appeared John Munoz, known to me+ to be the
<br /> Bupervisozy Loan speaialist, of the E1 Paso Distriat Offiae, Small Business
<br /> Admirii�3�ration and that he exeauted the same as the free act a�d deed of
<br /> . the Smnll Businese Adm3niatratioa Por the purposea and consideration
<br /> th�rein expressed, and in the eapaeity the�rein stated.
<br /> GIVEN UNDEIt MY HAND aad seal af offiae this the 13th of Sspt�mbtr, i995.
<br /> .
<br /> � � n�,�
<br /> MARY RO ZaUEZ, No y P lia in and
<br /> fer El Paso County, s a of Texas.
<br /> • My aommission expires 6-24-99.
<br /> DLH 455104-2009 � �ARII$O�RiC��,lEY
<br /> � , r�r�r Pu�i�c
<br /> � ••+! O�tmEsG•0�2a99
<br />