.. . . � -
<br />—,_ , . :..---=`-- � ..
<br /> — ,. ..._.. .�_..._. . . .. ... - - • -
<br /> ��_ � '_ ��_ __T , ___�_" '__S _` _ .. . _—_ _-_, , ` _ ___. ` . f]' . . ,`, ` �--�----r—L, �t ` .
<br /> y� y j .
<br /> � . N��'_� ._ - . ... . i '"�r .` . . . . - . . �•3� ' .' :�, - ' , . �..._... ,f� ��i` �`�' ��'.
<br /> y' ., , a �._.�__._��_� ._.._�.._.-._ .�S_s` .._...---.....�.__..-w.' ' '.._-.,...Y.__.-.,_ �_.. .�_.. _ _.._,.. .__. ...n..._� _ ti c `t, ,�',� -.
<br /> --f, � � • . �ort0�r 9he0 htivfl tA0 Bght to ittiw ' .
<br />--:.��� ;`�� < . . : • 18. �o�av�ror'� �igAf to Rot�t�4e. �r �ar�a+rr�r m�ats cerm� conaatcns. . . � . ; ..
<br /> — �tort�rtcant of th�s 8aeu�U Instru�t d&contdnus�at sMt t�me pdcr to tha esr�er oP. (a)6 da7B(Qr suuah oth�6s�rtad es eGA�� � � •- , .
<br /> � ' taw may sy�eBY br rta��ts�►t)tretato aab ot 4Ro Pta��tY D��t to any Oa�ver af sa�conta6►ed�in thfs Secur3y►Instruntat►t or � .•: •. �. �. .
<br />��:,'.; . .' , (��p,n�l of a�d�mOnt enfoc+DAsO t�s SaeurRy►(nsCUment TAoss Cand3lana ere tAmt Borcower. (e)P� lenQer a0 sums whtch.than � � . � :i
<br />�;:, wou�da duo un�sr lhts Secutt+U Instrum�►t end tf�i�tat9 es U na e�ccete�aticn had ocame�(0)cures any defauR o!enY other
<br /> : • ., , . cov�ant ar.aQsa�rtwnta:(c)PaYa�����d On enfa�inp tfifs S'�ur�fi tnstrurnenL incbdtn9.�ut not BmEeswlreen6�o�fa `e , . '�",,�..�.
<br /> � > ettomaY=►�t�s:end(�tatces such aet2¢n ea Lee+deP asttY teasCn30t71�aquY9 to essur9 thYt th9 Uen of tP�s Securitf► �
<br /> i ` . . i �ta(n tha PtapeRy end�ortowafs ob�attcn to OsY�e sums sa�tued by thts fieCUrBy tnsaumm►t shaD conUnue uncrtan9sd. IJpon � .-
<br /> ����. • j r¢T�atamQnt by Barrowsr.Nts S�c�n�ll U�.sbum.nt end tho nbf�attons soeucCd t�areby sha0 remain full�aHecthrs es B na eccaierattan . .. ' • . _
<br /> , � ,. ,
<br /> -- � .` -= = -�'- � {�d accurt�d. ttarerar,x.thts�Ai to te�st�tg sAnA not ePDM h tfis ease af aaeeter�On under pa►aSraD4��1. -- - ------ --
<br /> �; . •
<br /> -. ,� ._s.�._�- ,� 18.5819 Off I��fO; Cit8ftg8 Ot lA�4��NIC@f. Tha Note or a P��te�ast fn the Pioia gogether wM thts Securfqt � • , .
<br /> — � ..;�.____�'�.,,.��..,_� (nstN�►�may de sotd onv or more ttme.s w3hout pr(w aotiae to Barrawc� A.seb ma7/resuh in a cheng9 in ttte ent�f►tknovm es the - --- . - -
<br /> :t,'~' 'Loan Smv�fj tAat co8eeffi'manthh.paY�s mia om�tsr ths Yoie m�6 ti���y 6-�•� '�'.�s�s�s.;i+e��±•,►.mom , T
<br /> �' •' . `` ., i chanQes of tho Loan Sa�vfear unretazed to e sai�at the Note. d th�a is a cAan�of No t.ean Sorvies►.Bocrower vrID be ghan wdtteo � . ' '�
<br /> �. ;r�', � . .. � notke o!tf�e cAanpa h etcardsn�w�h para�eAh 14 atisva end eDAQc�ta taw. Tha notioa wID staie tha nams 6n0 edd►ess W trte • �' • .
<br /> j neRV Loan 8ervic�sr and the addcass to whkA Qaymenle shauSd be made. TPte noti�wID atso contain enY other informaUon reQuYed Ey
<br /> - �• �.: � �� ., ' � ' ep04c¢bf9 t4vn ....
<br /> , . ... • , .�: � Z0. Harardoua Subst�tcea Borrower shall nnt cause or Germ�tha Rresence.usa�dSDasa1.stor�88.ar catease ot_any • , . ,_ r-- ,.;
<br /> . � .1 Herardeaa blesstence9 aa ar b the P�Perty►. Boleo�rer sPiaD not do.nor atf�ow enyana etse to do.enyMtnB effectb�9lhe ProDeA�l� . . • ,
<br /> ''. .4;, . ,. • ` � is h vtota8on oT +�nU �vtranmenial La�i. The prec�n9 two sent�sc� shaD aot aRDq to tria R�nco. u:�a. or stemgs an.tAe --_— __,_ --_ _
<br /> ,;-� �:;: . .. � Pro�rtyr of smaD�uantBtes of Ha�rdous Substv�r�s 8iat ere Senera4y raco�ized to ee aD9mPAate to oamiat residentiat uses end to _ ...
<br /> �'r� y � mehtenettCe o!fha PropeRy. . ' .
<br /> � � � ' Borronrer ehBD DromD�ll 9�Lenda�amlten nottce o!8ny�svasUQatton.c'�&:ia�.d�an4.tawsug ot oth�ectton by any got►etnme�! . . �; `. -
<br /> <,. �` ot�u�ta�l e.�enail�P�D�lI�svctui�0 th�ProP�7l end eny Harardou3 Substenee or Ertvlronmental Law�f�whicb 8or[ower has � ., �.; ,,..'M1 .
<br />_ ..�. s., iVi . �
<br /> Aap�at dcnax�. Ii 8ortow�taama.or is not�fed by eny Qt�vemmental ar�fatory suthor�/.thei anY remova!ar other�emadtatton -
<br /> . _ - .-� - . ef 2ny tte=erQous 8ubsmnce aRecttn0 tho Pra�cty [s neces�y. BatrawEU sl�ab prompftll takA SA �e�9 remediat 8cttans irt. - -- , -
<br /> �u` '� .. accptd8tlCewfth6fufrotlm�tffi�LBw. _ __ -����,
<br /> . �LS YSB� h tN4 p8IgQ18ph 20� "H8s2td0u8 SubBTel1C0S' ara thase substancea defned sa tmda or harardoys substances by . '':;:.-,_
<br /> : •,• i''. _. EmMnrnen4a!!sw end the taQowing su6stences QasoQne.kerosene.oNer fiananabl�or ta�Qo Detroteum ProQuctS.tonlc Vestic[dos and �,..';�;., .+.•.�„
<br /> �''' her6ictdes:voteffie soflrents.rtiaiertals contarnfnp esbestas ot famtietdohyde.end�adfoacWe ma4efa�. As used tn this para�h 2D. : :. --
<br /> ,:}: .. - 'Envbonrt�ental Law' means federal faws and Faa�s of the j�tadktiort whe�a the ProyeRy is tocated that �elate w heaIIh� eafalY a ,, r ,,�y#,�-
<br /> - - :a - �•�
<br /> ��;ti'; ^ • . - envYonmental proi9C�iar►. . , . �---
<br /> ;.;t�` • .. ,_ �•.,.- -_�,,.: ..,.�.;
<br /> �r. � _ NOKdlNIfORM COVENANT8. Borrowsr en��iQer fuRher Covenent and sQre6 8s fOQow� ' ,- � ;.;. ::,i j:
<br /> ��:.�� � � , 21. Acceteratisn; Rern¢�lies. Lender sha11 �tye notice to Qorrower prior to accelerattoie to![awing : ''�i � ::<k:.., •
<br /> �{. Borrower's breach of any covenant or egreeml�t I�o t�ls Security Quis3rument (fout n�� @rior t+o '. ,"4`�r
<br /> .� :.. �
<br /> acceleratlon under paragmph 17 un�es�applicabte f�n► �Orovtdea otherwase). The notic�e shatl specifyl: � ': :g�:�:�i �t
<br /> 'r . _ ,. • � a)the detaut� (b)the aWon �equ�r��f to eure the detault; (a)s date,not less tleas� 30 days trom tha ,
<br /> :�.�r:.::j:.S
<br /> :J�;;_ :� � � _ date the notice ls gtven to �nower,f�y whtch the defauti must be cured; and (�D that'teiture to curo •. .;��-.'_,�, .
<br /> . ', .;;y,::��' '� �- the defeutt on or be�ore 6�.e�date apeclfied In t?�e notice may reaalt In acceteration of the.wms _ � �`+��.
<br /> . e
<br />- � `��� � F;`-���' ... � secured by thts Securi� InsOrumea�t and asle o! ttca Properly. 'ftne nottce shalt further Uiorm
<br /> .,,���
<br /> , ' Bonower oi the�ight t� re9a�stete efter ncceleratbn and the rtyM to bri�g s court actton to asaert fhe ��_
<br /> `� �� - non�e�dstence oi s delautt or any otlbar detense ot Borrower ta acceleratton end sate. tt t1�e detautt ts .
<br /> �`'� � � � rtoi cured on mr betoro �he date tpe�Ifled tn ttEe notfc�,6�ae�ler at its aptlon ��equTre immedlai�a ��s��-
<br /> '{ �� ° � � payment U t�tl of e11 aums aecured by 4fils Se�uPity Instru�nent wl0dfout 4urfher demand and may � �� °��'����—
<br /> . e�.>,_�:x_
<br /> ��, � . ; t�ec�ce the power ot sats and any ofher re���C�s permltted by a���lcabie lelnr. Lende� shall be },�, ;:�_
<br />-_E-.�. : � :: enU4ted to colleet all expensea tncurred In ���uln� tHe remedtes provlde� t�o thls pa��raph 21, •.:,;:�.,,�:_,:�,;f,
<br /> . ..�: ��.: :_�...:. - - �:.,J trtotudlnp,but not limtted.to,reaaom�Je attoraay�iees and costs o!titte evtdene�. ' . . _ . ,-,;�
<br /> � ti the power o! aate ts lnvokem. 4QUStee ahal� �e�ord d rtottce ot Qetautt ln e�sh caunty tn whtch �;
<br /> �'�f � ����`• any part ot the Property ts lat�ted snd aha11 metl coptes ot auch rtotlee tn the �a�nner prescribed by � _ �_�
<br /> 1:.: . . �. ��. Afier the tlme
<br /> �� appltcebte tati+r to Bonov+�a and to the other per�o�s preseribed by applioabte taw. .�. .,:��
<br /> , � . � ": '� requUed by applteebla taw.Trustee ehall �ive publle noUce of aafe to the persona and tn the manner . -��.��:;:;a:
<br /> .- � prescrlbed by appllcable law. T�u�ee,wttD�out demand on Bonower,st�a11 setl the Rroperty at publtc � ,:�::�:�.`_
<br /> :;�;ti.' � �... � .+ auatton to fhe hl sheat bldder at the��ie ans p4a�e and �c�dtar the term� dedp�sd t� the noUce of �
<br /> , � � � aate tn oae or more parce(s and In any o�der Tivatee deurm fne�. T r u s t ee m a Y f t��P o n e s s t e o t a 1 1 : " ����,
<br /> � � � � or eny pareet o4 the Property by pubtle ��as,tarncement at the time ared ptnce ot any prevl�ualy , ..
<br /> � scheduleA sate.Lenaer�or f4rs dealpnee may pacat7�a�the Property at any eeia. . ; .
<br /> ���;:i�• � � � Upon ►ecetpt ot payment of tha p�tee bid. Tiustee ahatl delivar to the purehaser Trus4e$'s doed . � . r;,•
<br /> � ..� conveylnp tha Property. The �ecttats ln the Trusteo'a deed shetl be prims tacie evldence ot the truth � . .
<br /> - � � ',}; of the statecnents made fheretn. Tiustee ahall appty the proceeds of the aale Im ghe tollowtng order. � ��,:`''=
<br /> ; . ' � ,� . ..
<br /> :�, ti .� �e)ta all cos4a end expenaea o!exerolslnp the power ot aaie. and the aete,lncfudtng the payment of :�.;
<br /> � � r � the Trusiee'a tees actud�,�tncurrea,n6t to excaeA 3_9G of the principal emount of the aote . ����;:� �•,� ,• ,
<br /> �`. �:. � �,,� . '- � . et the tlme of the dectae�mn oi detautt,end reasonebie attorney'a teas�es permltted by law; (b)to ell :
<br /> ._;f;:. : �. au m a a ecured b y thla Se�uri t y Ins3rua�en� end (c) any excess to tDe person or persona legalty ...: .
<br />-���:::°- . enUU¢d to ti , �.. ',i.
<br /> . .�. � 2Z. RCCOf1V0�/lU1Ce. Upon payment a!a0 aum�seeured by thts SoeuAtY tnatrum�nb 18nQer BMB�uest TNStee to reeomrey
<br /> � . • the PrapeRy and ShaY aurtand�Chb SecurBf►tnctrument a1rcD 27 aoias�riQaichp Qebf s�cucrd by this Sec�y MsWnc�rts to Tmst�
<br /> . .. � j ti!stee gha9 neamrey the ProDe.ry+Mtl�out warranty end wBAOUt charye to t�e peraan ar pusona�pa�y ent�ted to R. 51ub persan or � .
<br /> -._ � p�raang'BhaY psy a"Y ncordetion coste. � . .
<br /> ,i�.�. . 23.SubstttlJtm T�usteo. t�Qer.�t t2s oD�n,may tram ttne to time remove Ttustee ena epPoht e successor trustee to
<br /> ' � ' '. any Tntsteo appolnto9 hsravndm by en hSVument recarded in tha eounty in whtcb thfs SecufiY �n�ment ts Bcotded. Wkttout :
<br /> . ' ' �nmrayanCO 0!tha Property.Euccsssor trustao shatl suc�eed to e0 tha t3t�,power and EutTes conf�red upon 7nisteo herein and by �.- c•'3 •• �•
<br /> . � s•�' .. ,. eDDIIOab(e iaw. . . . • .
<br /> .. .� Z�4 pleque8t tor NOtdCee. Bocrow�w4uests that coplas of tha noUces of defauR and sete hs sent to Borrowefs sadress . ' •
<br /> . . . .. tvhbh b th� �mAmtS► AQdt65a . . —
<br /> � 2S. Rid�ro to thts Security fnattument 11 ono or mar� rtdsrs are axocute0 by Barrower end recorded togsther r+3h ,
<br /> - ; ,... . .
<br /> . . :._ ;. :.
<br /> : ._ :, � :. .� � �n�sscur�y mswmem,tA9 eovanfl�lte end egr8sm3nt8 0188CA SuCh rt6t7!Sha1!Ce(nCOrporE�ted(ato Bn0 shfl0 emend an0 SuPD�m�t , : , ..
<br /> =--__-_--'-- -
<br /> `� • . . . .. .`. th0 Cov&ASntB 8n0 a�r��of thb Sa�rrGY 6rstrur�ne ae�U'�e r�r(sf wsss 8 pmt!a!tt��utdy tas�� '
<br /> a�� : corm 10ZD 9/C� - ----,
<br /> ' .. • F/OtB.ltdO 1�10+I PaDe/of 8 .. . , —
<br /> . . . ,
<br /> ,.• • � . . � '
<br /> • . _ 108 , " . .
<br />