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.» _ � � �....':r):j'�Y .__"- __ _ - . :�-.� - _ _ _ ____�.�.-�.-.�_~ - — - - - - ��E`_'_..- <br /> . _ . <br /> - � . <br /> -.�- - - - --— - - — --- <br /> - =�. . _ <br /> . <br /> r <br /> . <br /> _M �,--, -�- .- - _ `' . " <br /> .,,� � � .. . ' ' " ' .. '. L a. . . . ' �•. -``� � � . 4 t ��— <br /> �x•4 .. "" . ' � 4 .t�,I • r < `t• . . ' � � � `ct• . �.f:. `�_f � , A � �(` . . �'` ..*� —. <br /> �� . 4,�C�. ..�. .Y - v...+�1J!` ----{..�r. >r�....'�', �."�"Er. — <br /> . a "E.. �___—• !� ._ <br /> _ - _ � . � - . . . r •P. ' ` � <br /> i . C. <br /> ..r� . :`, . . . �� � �cov�avarars � _ � �5` ����-- : .. _ �°� •.- :'J��__ _ <br /> -:{_; . . . , � , ; . <br /> = 1. Pmyma�nm. Bonower agsaes w mako�flpa yments on tho cnauad debt when due. Untasa Bartower and Londar agree otteanvlse any t,—.• <br /> . � ` ' � psrymerita lender racatJes ham Bavqwor ar ior Bortower'e bOnotlt arill 4s appliad fi�t to any rsmaunta Bareouvar owea on tho aoeuro0 dabt , , <br /> . axctuGivs of tnterast or prfncipat,secohd m inmroat,end thon'tp arinctynb If partitil Drepaymerrt of thb eocurad do0t occure tar any raaaon.ft viiil �,,�,•� � v <br /> ' � �" . • not taduC9 or excuso any echadutad�ymarrt urrtil th9 eucuted debt Is poid(n tutl.' � , . . . ..'.; <br /> „. . • . <br /> - •• • 2.Ctaissf.v 11Qainst�TWs.�onov+a►will pay n1i texca,aaaessrne�.and otfter ihatfleti attriDutebte to the proparty v�hon�o and wi�oCin�(m�o�r (4 ` ' `� � <br /> - �`` • ' ' �..` Y to tfi3 atopE eg ainst eny ctasmo whfch wou14 impmr tha tten o!this daed o4 uust Lsnder may requlre Borrower t�asei any t , ' ' . , <br /> . Gotensoa v�hl�Bonowec may�ave eQalnat pertiea wha suDpty taDor ar materiata to impruve ar maintatn tho P�DoRY• , � .� � <br /> — t 9.6�surtttce.BarroWOr wf0 kts�p tho proAerry irututed under terms tscceDtable to LenEer at Bartamret'g oYpenso en�tar LorsQcr's banofn.All , � ` - <br /> �t , r ir►suranco poIIeica shail irtclude a sttm0ard mort�sgo ctau.^,e in favar of Lemior.lendorwi[I Do named ae toaa payoo o�ao tho inaur¢d on etny su t A ' R <br /> ' insureneo polfcy.AnY insuranco pracerada may 6oepptia0,witNn Londare dlscreUan,to efth�r the r retlon or rapair of the Eomagss pioparty � �-A <br /> -. .-. or to tha secured debt.if tertdar requhes mo�t8ago�nsuranea�9orrowar egrees w mai�€n�&�eo!ar as tang es lendsr[equtres, • � , <br /> :�•��.�� 4.PraysiRy.Bartawer will keep ths proparty In goad condttan and mak9 ett repaits roasonabty necessary. � - <br /> - .T: . .--.•: :.. : _ � 6.Eipansaa.Burrowei egrees To pa1►e0�ieritler's e�srwes'irrauda��.r,a�c,�,�5io o�4c»����.,-�ii 5�;+�ti::oc w:oa'��ii y:wa.�a+�»:�:.� . .... -- -- <br /> � of trust ar In a�ryr obGgaffon seeured by thls deed ot trust.�orrawar wiil pay lfiesa amourtta m LBndet aa provtded in Covenam 9 of Ws Qeed of '-' T�'•�.-`� . <br /> . • � � , _ LNSt. . __', ..,'._� ,._ ,.f.'_ .. _ <br /> - � • , 6.Pcim Sseurfty tirteraate.UnSess Bortowes fust ohtains Lendefs written consea�Borrower wili not make or permit enY ehanges to any prFar .` `. � <br />=:;3� security irrteresls. Bortower wi0 per[orm a!I of BaROwer's ob►igations under any prior mortflage,deed of trust or other eecrriry 8gmement, � • <br /> _ } incFuding Bonowe�s eovenanta to make paymenm wfien due. . - . � , , . .. <br /> - � � � ' • 7.Asst�unerR ot Rerrta�:d Profr(s.B�ower assigns to lenQer the rertts artd ptafrts ot tha praperty.UNess Borrower and Lender have agreed _ ' _ <br /> u <br /> otherwlse in wri8ng,Bonower may caitact and retain tha rerKS as tong es Borrower is not in dafauft.If Bortower defaufts,Lender,Lenders , <br /> =.�. -- - - eSerR,o�a couR apgotn'ted�ecefver m, ay teke possessfot.artd mm�a8�ih�P�Ag►tY snd ccllflct the re�.Any rem8 Lender wltecRS shall 0e __ . . .__°- - <br /> - � appGed first to the eosts oT managing t�he property,inctuding court eosts and aitomeys'tees,commisstons to rer�mf agarrts,and eny other , .�. - <br /> ��� ,'�J' ; ' necsssary retsrted e�enses.7Re tamalning emoimt of rems will then aYPjY U�Paymenm on the seuued debt as provFQed in Covenarrt 1. . • . ,,�,� <br /> �::� ' ' � 8.Laudic�ds:Can�aadrJ�uns:Ph�e�ed Ihdt Osvdoymu�b.Bartawer agrees to t:ompIy witD�the omvIstans of any lease if thia daed af�rtis on �E � ° ``._;:�°a';.' <br /> ' . und��9��Veea ts by�dawsw,or iegutaUons of�s�condomt�idt�ul�or plaru�ted u�c�t�Q9dve$oArf snt�Bortower wi8 pectorm atl of Borrowefs"dL*Lies ., _ - <br /> _ , . . . <br /> .•,. , <br /> _;:`' ' ,' - �` � •. . of B ower's dWes unde��t+ts deed of uusx.Lendsr may �: ` � . , . ; . , <br /> ,._•. <br /> ,. : . . <br /> . . .. , W LetsQ��o Pnr[artn tar BcnaWar.ff BortowBr fa�is W rm any uu . . . <br /> < . .;..:•... . ._.,_. <br /> 9 AuS�mity � <br /> ° , •." peAorm tt�e Butles or cause them to be perfarmed.Lender may stgn rrowers neme or pay erry emous�t if�eoessaN ta�Oerfom�an�e:if anY ,. ti:�:s::�'' :' <br /> _' 4_ _�_.. . .,, ,-; ' � consuuctFon bnff�s p"copertyiiS�'is�htin¢�d or�rrartarrted�rctrra reasonaUte-menner:Lender�may do�wfiats►rer-is net�ssary to pratect lerida�s�-��----�- .----=- ��:;�� ; <br /> •�� -- ;-- - , sac�c's:yiM,:.^"..stfRS��sap�l;hT!llstssa�;i�ldttdeexnPl�'S!�cti4R..----,-- -. ,- ------.- ---- - - -- =-- -=--"';` - <br /> '�!� �.�`�T-- Lender's taifure to perform w71 not predude tsrtder irom exercising arey of its other rtght�under the taw or thts daed of trust. Y�`'. � <br /> .. ,�,_ <br /> - � • �`•� qr�amounta Oeid Dy Lender to protect Lenders searttty irrterest wi0 be 6ecureA by Ws'deed o!tntst.Such emounts wi116e due on Qemand ` ` n <br /> .� : -. _ e n d w f t i 6 e a r i n t e r e s t f ro m t h a d a t e o f t h e p a y m e r n u n U 7 p a i d i r�f u l l a t t h e i n i e t e s t r a m i n e ff e c t a n t h e s e c u t e d Q e b� . u� ' � <br /> , �:�. <br /> ' t0.Rsf�tt enQ AecderaUot�. li Borrcwer fefts w make arry payrteent when due or b.�eaka'eny covenarrcs under thTs deed af�ust or.any . � �;,�1�` <br /> ��:s� "��• ,. , ' , • obligation sscuted by tfit�doad a!uust os any prfor mortgage a►deed of Vust.Lender may aCCel�rate the t�'tatutity of the secc�!debt and ;'. `���r '.� __ <br /> tht- <br />- demend immediate paymesit and�ay imoko tha power o!eats and asy athet remedtes permitted Dy apptiaa6le law. _ '� •�:� <br /> `„ � .+ 17.Ra��si tar NoUes m4�R fs hereEy requesuid tltat copies of tha noUces of QBfautt end sale Ae seM to eseh Oerson who is a party `:�: '_�. . `�`�; .�.� <br /> esu <br />°::,.. - � . hereto,at tne eddresa of�at+ch person,as Set torrh F.rt.srein. . . ' • .. .:�' ,� <br /> . � . �:�:.,�' .e t..� <br /> ' � 12.Pawer of Sats.It tha�:tder invokea tAe power oi safe,the TnwteB shall flrst recard in the offlce o!ffis register af deeQs o?eaeh eounty =^ � <br /> "'' `�' ' wherein the trust property cr some part a:parcel thereaf is sttuatod e noUce of defauit comalNng the iMormaUon requUed by Iaw.The Trustea � <br /> . � ,'.c:.:,i;. , `" � '•.:.�` �'�.r: t� <br /> , ;�'•,; •s'.;���,�'.� shall atso mail copies oi the nottce mf d�.�rit to the BoROwer,m eacf�person who is a party hereto,and w otAer persnns asprescri6ed by .. ; <br /> �•�1+!'`•'.• : appiieabte Iaw.Ntot lass then one mor�after tfio Trusta0 reeotEs the noUce of defa�,er two mornhs if the Uust proparty is nat in arry ;ti <br /> ���� � • " ' inaorporate0 ciN or village and i9 used in farmtng operatFons carHed on by tAe truator;the 7rustee sha11 give pubiia rtotice ot safato the personu � ,±?"hr';'� , t�;i�- <br /> and in the manner presss�ad by�apppflcabfe Iaw.Trustae,,witliout demand on BoRCZ+m,sha0 sell the property at pu6iic auclton to the highost � <br /> - -- --_...�._ _�eputred hy tRe Eam Homestea0 P�rotactton Act.Tn+stea shetf oHer the arcr,�t}►in two saparata salas es required bY epplicaDla taw. .:• .:'• �t. <br /> ` • _ . Ttustee may postpans sa.`e of a0 ot eny parcel of the property by pubtic ennouncerrr�z at thg tlme and ptace ot any previously 6chedutad eaia. ,�.� ., , ; �� ?.� <br />- �� LenGer or its designae may purehase the property at arry aa{a. • • ` ' <br /> �"�`r`:<��.'.ir. <br /> � , • Upon receipt ot pay�nent of ths price 61d,Tiustea Bhall detIver to t he pw�ha&er Tnsstee's d ee d eon�y ing t�he prope r t y.Th e r e e W a T s c o n t a i n e 0 l n .. , �� <br /> - � Trustee's deed ahaU 6e prtma facle evidience ot the trutl�c4 the statetr�oontained therein.Trustee shall apyly ths pracaeda of the sate in tne ;.�° <br /> - ' � � following arder. �a) to �exyensAS of the ae1o, including, but nat c�i�e0 to;reasona�te Ttustee's fees; reasona6te attomey,s feea and _ <br /> �. - _ reinstate.ment feas:(b}rn o�s u ms se e u r e d bv t h l a Q e e d o t u u s t.e n d l c)t h a h a l a n c a,i f a n y,t o t�e R e[s o n�t e gal i y ernitled to reeetve rt. ;', _ <br /> � • �� 18.For�cinsure.At Lende�'s optiort,this deed of Uvst c:w3r be foredosed tn the mzr�cs�p-�vide by apptieabte taw t'art loreMosuro of mortgages �, Y ' <br /> � ^�.. • on real ptoperty. • � �t��-` �JJ R <br /> � '•`�t'��''' � 14.Wp�ctlan Lender may enter the propeRy to inspad It H Lendec�j:ves BoROwar rtatica befss�o:`i�.The nottce must stete tt�reasonabte ����': <br /> - � •,�.�s� • <br />- •,:;,;:•�:; ' cauas-rrrrLm:dePsincpeetlon. . . `r.�•:t;j,"�'",: <br />- : ��; . =i�;,ac; :- <br /> �� � . 16.Can�tmft8on.9drrov►�er assi a to Lendor tha prose�s of amt avrard or cisim iWr dama�sos connec0ad wlth a condemnatton cr,�zer taking -���'-�:- <br /> �n ;+-,x r-:-: <br /> � of ail or arry part of the l�,perty.5urfi proeeods wi0 be opptied as proviQaA in Cov�*.ant 1.Thts assigrtmertt is subJect to the terms cf any pNor �.;'_: <br /> , . security agreement. °•,`�;:. <br /> r.Y�s-i.,. <br /> ' ' • 18.Vif�iv�r.By�oxercisT,g any temeQv avaifabte to Lender,Lender does not give uu any riphta to latet use any othat remedy.By ctot exercisinp + "• '`.'. i+�, f• <br /> . � • any remedy upon BoROwefe detauit,Lender Goes not waive any rigM to(ater consider thB everrt a defauit if it t�appens agaln. '; 'a;��--- <br />- J ' •• � 17.Joint and Ssvud��p�p�,Co-aiQnen�;Suceosacrs and Aaat�a Bamd.All�s3es under this deed o!trust aro joirt�¢r�veral. Any � - <br /> � '�• Bort�wer wha casigrs s.hls daed of wst but does a0t casJBn ttfe undeAving Qr� instrumertt(s1 doea eo on[y to.0tarrc�eonvoy tAat � �"•�'+'��,?, <br />- ;' . ; .' ' ..,s;; � BorroweYs(ntotest in tfto D�operty to the Trustea un�v L'fa torma of this Qeed of�x tn addiUon,sucfi a Bottovv�a;reea that V�e Ler►der and • . . , ;.• , <br /> V <br /> anY othar Bortower under this daed o1 uust may extls�.�modi{y or ma ke 8rry e t h e r c T fangoa M t ho terms o f t h i s Q�:O o f t r u s t o r t�e s e c u r e d . <br /> debt wlthout Mat Borrowe�'s consaM and without�eteasing that Eortower from the terms of thla dasd of vust. • . •"��"' <br /> - _+.,,'.,;. .'-, ' TAa dUties end hensitts of this Qeed a��st sha0 bind and beneflt the suecesaara an0 asaigna of Lander and Borrowa�. �' ' � . <br /> . ��'���`� '" 98.Notte�.UnteQa otherwisa�equirad dy law,arry noUce to Bortower shaU be givan 6y deltvering it ot by mailing ii by certitted mail addressa0 w <br /> ",.,.,:,,. . ' , <br /> Banowat at the prop�y addross or nny otha►adQresa that Borrower has given to L,ender.Borrowat wpl give ony rtoUco w Londor by certifiad . � <br /> 'y�. , 6e serit to Le�d�e a�ss��ffiod onip8dg9 1 of uu c aa f�g=�et eCQtess v�`ai�Lendet has designated.Any otRer noUee to Lendet shall • <br /> . , .;' <br /> � Any natice ehail be deemad to.have bean given to 8o►rowar or Lender when given in tfio mannar stetod abova � ' �;' <br /> • . 18.ttatuiar of tlui Prapariy at�B�nHteid trRar�st In tlts Bonower.M ail or any part of tAe property o�any Intorost In it ts sofd or vans4ened . `. J <br /> • � . wftfeout lendefa p8or v+aitton cansenL �+onQer may Qemand immedlate payment of the secured deb� Londer may atao demand immodlato , .. . _ <br /> • • •� Aomand paf y�morrt in�o atove eitiiatios If Ii ia pro^hi�ti ed by ted rel l�w ae o!tho Qat o!ihis Qeodtof t�rust�f�ed. Howovar, lender may not : � • <br /> ' �� 20.R�eomrayn�e�.When tha o6tigaUon seeured by this deed of trust has 6een pald and lender.has no turthor obtlgatlon to�make advaneas • . . ' • <br /> • �.� � • under tho instrumonte or egraomante secvrad by this dued of vuat,tho Trustea ahal�,uIIon wrltten rcquost bv tho Londer,raconvoy tho truat • <br /> �� °.: ' - obiPgaUon so saNsflad eorrowaYr shall pay any recardationBeor�er's successar in intereat,tho trust Qood arM the noto oi othor evidonco of the � � <br /> �1. SuCcessOr Trustee. Lender, at Lendar's opUan, maY remove Trustee and appoint a successor truatoe by first, matltng o eopy of the � . ,,`•: , <br /> ' ' su6stitution o}trustee ea requUed by epplicahte taw,end than,6y flling the substlurttan ot Vuoteo tor tecord in the ofHce of Ure registet ot Aeeds , <br /> `�, '•, of each couTtty in which tho truat proDorty,or 6omv Dart thoroof,ta situated.The successor truatee,without conveyaneA of tlle ptopetty,shatl <br /> . suceead to aitthe powar.Qutto9,authority and U8a o f the Trustao namoA in t ho dee d o f trust an d o f eny cuccessoi tr u s teo. <br /> _ � {..: • . , •. <br /> _. . S . . • .. ., • . <br /> __� - IF:.Ba 2al�J � -- -- � <br /> '' e,w�as svsr�r, 8830111-804397d3�i)FORIN OCRIfifOfJE 8/19/91 . <br /> �; ' , . , .. <br /> . , . <br /> ,... . <br /> + • .. <br /> . . <br /> ., <br /> , � ' r <br />