�.B 3 �.iS��:8'`5 , �� .< .`.:'��f 1l�.i�!"� _. . _y.• ." ; ; �i�,..T � . • � _ ��_+�:::.aa_.... �.:.�-......_�* --
<br /> -:5-`= - -- - - - - - ,t.,r; --- " - - - --- 't�c:i..:�....-;._.. • „ - - . � -:�:�•,.'-- -=-•�'�--�-,-? F�--- _
<br /> � _ k.c i .<",Y�•T ` �HR•
<br /> —_:� ��'r . " ' ' . , " . . . , ' . . . F. .S' .�'l...V. �� SC, .. � _
<br /> t .- ' c ?' ,�` , . . '�J i, F ..1r.. f `c` s -
<br /> ".t n , . .. - R - . ;p., r. .f. ..Y {` . V •
<br /> _" t ` t 'c. _` �`.
<br /> .� °>. � 95- 10�1 .. :
<br /> :�:� -� -- . ��� . . � . . - . � :
<br /> ` ' 1, paytsteicls. Bortower agree9 to make atl paymer�on tl�a seeured'dabt when dua. Untess 8ortower and Lendar agree othervvise, ar►y �� � , �
<br /> — �� paymert�;Lender rece'rvas trom Barrower ar for Borrowers benefit wiU Ee app�ed first to arry emo�Bortouu�owes on the sacured�ebt � , :,
<br /> - � excNshre of irrterest or princfpal.aecond Lo interes4 and then to principaf.lt partlat prepaymem of the sa�ued debt ocuus fos anY reasan.it wll1 . ,., i •`�±
<br /> -• • nat radu�or excuse an1l sctrxdufed pnymem u�rtl the sawred dabt is peId in full- • .,.; �,..: ; �.:w�` ;,
<br /> -' f. . • . 2,qatms Aga�tu�t�Ttnigset.6aROwer wiil pay atl tezea,assessmams.and other eharges atm'Eutahte to the roperty wh9n dua an d w II l de fen d ti t 1 e ., 4�: ' �
<br /> w
<br /> daiens8s�whld�eBcrtower may�have hageinst up8rtios�who suDD�Y a6ar odr m�af�erfta�s t�o imDrov ot�inai4r taSen ffiffie ptopet�ty.����y�ghta,daims or '_ f' ..'
<br /> ,.` f '�` �� '��-'` 3.tnsuramm.Bo�tower will keep the O�PertV��ed under terms aeceptati��o lender at Bo�owePs expense and for Laadera benafit Qp ' ,; �<<,,`,,
<br /> a
<br /> �; '.. <
<br /> �, � . insurance potieies shal!incluHe e stsndard mort agepefause in favor of tsnder.Lender will be named as tass pa�ee or as the insured on enV such } _, t,.
<br /> .. -- Qr�oo tA�e secu�re�d debt�tf�ender�reqiihea moi gagael a�urea e.Bar s�r�a�s!�m�slni�eien sueti�ni suTaneo[aar os�loae es Lendere e8�ue��OertY ._` , .
<br /> r "'�', 4.Propetty.Bartawer wED keop tho proyorty in gaad condRton and maka au�eDairs roasonabty asceseary. , � �L .t:
<br /> ,_�-Q.s,..�! �
<br /> .--.-'- �:-_-,--"-_�=--'.'`-�_ , , ' D:trptniss.i3orrovuctra�esera td pa}I s:Lor.:a:�:�e=."'�.'"�-'°�--«�!'�'hfu astorewys'icsee,te 8arrowor brapkg ej►Y eoyBrtaMS�in this Qetrd rt �f� --
<br /> ,� � ot was ar tn any aQ6qaUan eacured by tNa dcad of aust.Bonower wtll pay thsse amourrts m Londo�as prm►�ed m i:avonant S ofovs deos°' . �,,;-�� -�:+-�,.—=
<br /> - , ' - ' •trust. ,. �� .._ �: . ... . ...... :.
<br /> .( . �_.. , ',.` .
<br /> 8.Rla�8�Mtar�tb.Urttoae Brxrower first aEtatna Landar's wrttten eonsent,Borrower wiH not maka or perm(t any changes to any priar • ,. •.
<br /> � 8ocurity trderea e.Barrowar wiD potform a1!of Bflrtowor's obtigaUoas under any Ottor mortgage, deed of wat at other escurity agreoment. 'F - • :.
<br /> . . - • ineWd&►g Barrower'e cavanonte W mako payments when due. - • •. • .' •.
<br /> , ',�'t. �� �,p�� rt p�Rmts artd p�offti.Eortower oasians to Lender tfie ror�and profite of the property.UNess�8orrawer end Len der haw egreed :; `
<br /> otherv ae in writinQ, BorcovrQr may eolfoce anA rotoin th��ems es long es Borrower is.not in defauit.If Bartower detaults, Lendei,LendePe �° , , ,�".
<br /> " • pgr3nl,ar 8 court epDolnted raWlver may tako possession and manags th9 proPeRV and co�'Bet the�ar�ts.A^V�errts Lender eoitacte.sha!1 be . 4-_.
<br /> '"t� .� - apDifed tuet to thp cosfa of inenaglng the property. tnctudinp�eeurt costa and attomays Tees.commissions to(ertal agerne,end anY othes , .
<br /> :�, a'�' `• - � n a c e s s a ry re t a t e d e�a n�o s.T h o romafnin g amaimt af rerrte wiu then aApiy ta DaY�'ieMS on the see�ued debt�s proviQeO in CovenaM 1. , -.,� ,.�R_ .;.
<br /> ;�, ' .. , &I.�sseh�Qa:ConEamtts(uma:Platmed Ih�it O�v�topm��rts.6orrowe►egrees�eampty wlth the provisions of any tease if thia deed of Vust ts on _.�_��; ;:•..•
<br /> 4 ` : 9 teasehofd.tf this Qoed of uust ta an a unit in e eondominium or a p7anned unit devetapma�rt,Battowar will parform aU of Borrowers duties
<br /> � under Me Coveriante,,bY•tav�e,or regutatipns of tha eortdamiNym or ptanned unit�evelopmer►t. .''�,. , r,.•�
<br /> '_J ` . 9.Qulhorltty of LanGaa to Pattorm fnr Borcower.If Bortower fails to pedorm any of Borrowe�s duties under this deed of trust. LenQer may � � t . -;r. ;.,�,-. �:
<br /> ' : . : : v -
<br /> ._,. ._r._° _. . .peetorm fhQ Q�tia�cr e�use.tAem,to be parformed.Lende�may sign Borrowar's name or sy airy amourit if necessery frn pectarmanea.If em/ ' „� _,_� '
<br /> .., ,,:
<br /> � eonsuuctlon on the propsrty i8 iliscoriUnit9tl o►morcarriad anin�a Easoonabtemaener:Le r�may-do.whatever.ls.necessa.ry ta prota�t Lender's ....._,._ :
<br /> --- — sacsuitY tnterest in tfie propettY.?his may IneluQe comyfating the constructlon. y ., _
<br /> ' � lender's failure m pertorm w3t1 not prec(uds LenQer irom exercising any of tte other righte under the Iaw or tNs daed of vust. •� y �z.��;�
<br /> � (`, Any arnounts paid by tende►to protect lendefs socurity intetest wA16e secured 6y this deed of trust.Such emounta wid be due on demand `a�•- ��°
<br /> ano wip bear iMerest.trom the date of the paymsnt until patd iq tuR at t�e URetest rete in eHect on the secured Qeb� , , • ,� �• ��-
<br /> �� 10.Drta�t and�Aeeeleratlan If Bottowe� isits to make any paymeM when du�ndebr may accele�ra4entlie m�atu�itti►of�e seeire0 ebt and �.y�`'
<br /> �.�+x :<. ° �- --- Qema�nd hnme�Palm�ent a�d�eiay invoke�ta priow er�of�sate and da�doBi r�iriedies perrru`ttad bY aDDlipAte tar1. � �
<br /> .t ' ;.���f�'.�, _
<br /> " . ���,_,
<br /> ,::�;"`• 11.Requeat fm Notis�ot Dsfs�t.lt is hereby requested tfiat copies o4 the dotices of defautt and safe be serrt to eact�persan vuho is a party '� .. ,4�' � �,
<br /> `:.i� ... .'���;., _.. ,,": c � ;.��,'..° •f�;
<br /> � •r,��:,:�� • hereto,at ths add�ess of oaeh such person,as set torth herein.
<br /> � r.,. ����:� �.. 'i
<br />'t�•-•�. �, • . 12.Powm of Sete.It the Lender invokea the pawer of sale,the Truatee shail first reeord in the office ot the registet of deads oi each courty
<br /> wherein the trust Droparty or some paR or parcal thareoi is swated e noUce of detault cor�taiNng the intormaUon required.by law.Tfie Tn�atee ';�' ��' '
<br /> ' •Y(. shail atso mail copies of the notice of def�ult to the Borto�tier,to each person whn ts a party hereto,and to other persons as escribeQ by � � S�'
<br /> � applieabte taw.IVot tasa than ona month after tho Trustee ceeords the notiee of detauit,or two months if the uust[�oDeR1l�nDt in ar�y ,,"Y4� ^°:..��' ;� �
<br /> •" o
<br /> � � � incoryorated city or vitiaga and is used in farm(n o�erations carried on by the trustor,ffio Trustee ahaU gtve puLiic ncfaa at sate to the persons -x,,_...;; ..•
<br /> _ti �� :l,�•.,_;_:.• '•:.:` _ end in the manner prescr�hed by�aDDD�icabte law Truatee,wfthout demand on Borrower,shal!suil the proparttl at puhGc auction to ths fy�est •r.• ' '
<br /> 1" �`'-� � � bidder.(f ret�uired by the Farm Homestead Pro:ecdan Act,Tnistee shall offer the pmpeny in two separete safes as requUed by appliceb(e law. • �"'` .�..
<br /> � • Tnc s tee m a y p o s t p o n e e a t e o f atl ar an y pateel of the p ro perty by pubfic announcement et the dme and place ot any previausty scheduted eate. "�' ' d��
<br /> '.:� . • � Lsnder or its designea may purchase the property at any sale. � -
<br /> .��:�a-.` .
<br /> Uyon►eceiDt Pf pavmerrt ot the Orice 6id,Truatee sha l l de li�-�to t he pur c h aso r T r u s t e a's Q e e d e o n v e y i n g t t►e p r o p e r t y.T�r a c i t i a l s c o n t a i n ed tn .
<br /> Trustee's deed sfiall be prtma facie evidience of the truU�of sl�e statements contataed therein.Trustee s fiall eypty the praa:eda of The safo inthe . �r��+ 1�'
<br /> � fotlov�in g orQer: (a) to all expenses of the ealo, inctuding,�but not limited to, reasoneble Trustae'e tees, teasonabl9 attatneti/e fees and .•� ''
<br /> • � reinstatomont tees:!b)to ell eums secured by this Qeod of�uat,a�d(c f t he ba lance,i f any,to t h e p e r s a n s f e g e l l y e r►ti tl e d w t e c e i v e i t. '�:�;�;��_- —
<br /> � 13.Foraetoaure.At Lender's optlon,ffiis deed of trust may be torectosed ln the maaner provfde by appiicabte taw tor fprectosure of mortgagee Y:•'r.•��
<br /> �•',' ; t :. � cn�ea!property. ' -�a-,-.; s_
<br /> •,: ; `r;•;;. . �"���.;.:
<br /> ''�>�-'�� � •..t�,lnsDection.Lender may entar the property to inspe�:r�.�ender givas Borrower notiw beforehand.The natice rr�.�c stat0 the teasonabie
<br />_ `;...�.;-� � . ;� cause for Lendera inspecdon. , . `,�?'-°��-^�-�
<br /> 1b.Con�mnation.Boaower essi�n s to Lezdar the proceeds of eny ewarA or cfeim tor Eamages connected wfth a condemnation o►other ta&ing ::�{";`
<br /> � 'of all or eny part of the property.5uch praceeds will be eppfied as provid�3 in Covenant 1.This essignmertt is subject to the tartns Of any priar __.�v�•
<br /> - ' •�•.�•; . . security agreement. • "��:���'
<br /> `� jtY;:;(',..��. - ' ti.3:..�r•_;:=•
<br /> ;�;,; . .., � t6.Waivei.By exercising a�ry�emedy avaUabfe to Lender,d�er.:Qer does nat give u any rtgh4a to later use any other rernBQy.BY not exercising � �.,�,�,,,e
<br /> xi;�y remedy upon BonowePa Aefeult,Lender doea not watva a:sy right to fater eonsPder the ovent e def8utt H it happens 2�31n. ' �.,.:,��•;_
<br /> ' "�';'�•�`_
<br /> 1].Joint end Sevaial UeDIDty� Co�alg�era:Succeaaare c�3 Aeaigns Beuna. All duUes uMer thio deed of trust ece!jdlrft and soverat.Any . �.
<br /> � • �� ` Bonower wt►o co-signs this deed of trust but doas not co�aign the unded dabt instrumenita> does so anty to grant and convey that .-;sr:�.rf t,
<br /> . ��. ....;.:. .,� �'''�. � sr . �.„1,'�;
<br /> BoROwePa imerest in the propartY to the Trustee under the terms of this dee o trust.In�addiUon,such a Borrow r a ees ttaat the Londar and • ;� .r::•:.•;••��
<br /> • an otfior Bortower under Mis desd�of trust may efcten0,madify or mako any other chan ea in the terma of thla deed ot trust o�th�secured • , ;.��;5.,:',.
<br />-� . • de�t withaut tt�et Borrowa►'s eonsant and without reloas:r^�that Borrowor horr�the terms o�this deed ot trust. .•�°s�`:.�s�q,;;..
<br /> � � � �he duties and 6onotite of thia deed of trust shall 61nd a:a�5�r.efit the successors and essigns of Lendor and Bortower. � .��. '���'� �� '
<br /> ', t�°'�:��.. .'�' 18.Notla.UNess otherwiso roquired by taw,any naice ta�artower sha0 be given by da0vering it or by maiMg it by�"`�d mafl ad�e5�ed to . ��� '•�T;.��•� '
<br /> '�� �� � Borrower at the D�oporty address or any o4�e aQQress th�-i Borrower ha9 p1ven to Lender.Bortower wiil givo any rmio3 to Lender b�r 6trtified •� ,��.
<br /> ' ' mail to lonQefe edGresa on page 1 nf this Ge3'J ot DrusL ar m anY otho►address whicA Lender has deslgnate0.Any oUser aotice to Le:aCe�ahail , � ''�" � •'`
<br /> �t � � ' be sern to Lender's aCdresa as stated on page 1 01 this de�d of vust. ' ` , � �
<br /> �; . A n y n o U c e a h a 1 1 0 e d e o m e d t o h o v e b a a n g i v an t o Bonowor or londer when given in the manne►stated abova. � , . ..
<br /> - � � 19.T�ansfee of ffis PropertY or a Bsneflctel hrcere�t(n fhe Borcower.tf a11 or any pan of the property or any intoreat in it is sotd or Vansferred _
<br /> - � w i t hout Len der'e pr ior u+n i tt e n c o n s e n t, L epn d e r m a y Q o m a n d I m m e d i a t e p a y+�o n t o f t h e s e c u r e d d e 6 t. L e n d e r m a y a i s o Qemand immediate
<br /> . � • ; • d e m e n d p a y�m e nti n t h A e b o v e s i t u a t l on s i f i t i s p i o h i b�e d b y t e d otal law as ot the da eo of this Qeed�of trust nsfaned.Hawover,lond�r may not . •
<br /> ,.: .
<br /> �� aa.Reeameyanee.Whan the obi(gation secured by thia deed of trust hae boen pald end Lande►has no furthsr obtlga�on to make acivances
<br /> • undor tho insttuments or agreemente soeurad by th(s deed of truaL tho Truatoe ahalf upon written request bY tho Londer,reconvey tpe trust •
<br /> '� • prcperty.Tho Lende►shall�leiiver to tho Borrower,or to Borrowar's successo►in intorast,tho Vuat deed end the note or oiher oviQence of the .: .
<br /> � ' . . . obltgetian so seUsilod.Borrowor ahall pay any recordotlon costa. �.�� , . �
<br /> � 29.Succasaor Trustee. Lender, at tender's opUon, may remova Twstee end eppolnt e successor Vusteo by tirat, mailing a eopy ot tho , .
<br /> - � � substitutian oi Vustee as required by applicabte lew,apnd then,b fiNna the eubsUtuUon of trustee tor record in thu otflco of the rogfster of deeds •
<br /> • � succeed to allytiie powe dutte9 euthor�nd tRlO Of th truste�'�amea i�ina aeea ot vus°i a d oi emr s���ss fva�,�ies°.of ma crove.cy.shall
<br /> _, , _ n • _._
<br /> _ -- - -- . �.-�.- .
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<br /> � �. , � � � ,
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<br /> __.. ° - �:.,,._,._ rpagnsol?I -``= =°`--- .. . .
<br /> ��.^ � � pANKEAS SYSTEMS.INC..ST.CLOU�.61N 68301 It-806397dS41/iOHM OCPd.fT0�N8 8fl9191 ' • . • . .
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