. ?�v 4+f �t �� _ ,�-��S.�S����r r �c.�c�4�c�.:.c.4 �.e�u��s._���� c c� 6\.. .F � ,F4{f''t � --
<br /> -. '<-�.�f;': tir .:r— . ` i�. 4 r Y.��,. .
<br /> [
<br /> . . ,.. � .,<..�,. •, � <'_ - _
<br /> �
<br /> , .-z . . ..t:..: ..�� � . :k�
<br /> �S
<br /> c� �����;�. .. j �'t�M4
<br /> C j�-, . •$r .. .
<br /> � c4•. . c , . . . ' ` � .
<br /> � rs.��� ' � : . , � . � . ' � � • �
<br />- ���(�.` cT•..('�<`•`k` - ' ` � , ������� . . ..
<br /> ,\y', u.. . . . - . _ . .
<br /> y`�,`t���, .,,..�, ..; , <
<br /> `.' °. .. �ta.Rh judgtneM cauid�In tode�ue of the Fray�h►,or othc3n�rlso mater'�att�l tmPai�the II�n�eated bl►thfs SaadtY(natrutnetd ot Lends�e ,•��.
<br /> " <�:�, ,4 `.. seeanfty tr�est BoaoWer may aue such a defa�and�e$P�ded tn paasgcapd 18.bI►eauaing tfto nWan ar praeet�Ehfg to Ea i .
<br /> . .� d�saNss�.wEh a,n�Gng thaL in Lendda good�lth datsrrnNattan.Pre�des fmfeiture ot thu Borrowds tniereai In.tAe FropeRf►ai atheT rna4etffii•
<br /> � duMg the
<br /> . � • ' impatmient.at the Qen aeated bY thLs SEauttY instrvmes�t ar Lendm's sea6ity Grteresti. 8or�w�et�all atso bo In Q..�auR H BorrOwer, -
<br />. `_ . t taan app4ration precesa,Buve materlaIIl►fatse ar tnaavrate[nfom�atton ar stffiema�to Lender(or faUed to pravtde La�der�viih eny rt�st2rtal , � ,r.
<br />�- • .. : ��: intamatlan)tn connecllon w�h.the Iosn ev[denced�}►the Note.tn�dfng,hut no4 Qmited to.�ePreseniffilana conc�ming Borraw�t's oceupancy af
<br /> ��`J. '-' ' , ,
<br /> • , the PropertY e9 o ptindDel resttlene8. 8 Ws Sec�uft�l M��ts an a teasehotd�8orrower shaII csomP�Y wfth�the Pravtaluna ot tho Ic39o. + ..
<br /> -��..��--��.:. R B�nawer acqu[re�tee tflie to;the Prope►tll.the leasehatd and the ise t�le aha4 not mecge untma�nder egrass to tPra msrggr In wdtUt& �,. . ::'
<br /> _- � eantalnea � s.,
<br /> :. :...' •. 7. Proie�4lor�(f L+eteder'e�ights[�t!h��rap� . N emrarra faEs to pafarm tho�venenis end e�re�neme -
<br /> ' � in this Seea�cdy tnslrument,or Ynere is a tegal proeae�rrg that stg�i�rantlY e6(eci Lendda dgMs fn tlto ProAertY(such es e proceedfn9 � '
<br /> .. , .,
<br /> F , :�
<br /> :;:`� :��. - - in 6ankniptcy:�tobe�e.fcr ocr�fenutstiu�-��►f:�`��.fi,�sr!e��t�wa of reaulath�tis).thm lennder may Eo end pay tor vihaievet fs neeassary _ --
<br /> . to ptotect EJrei�ue mf the Properi�l snd Lesdet's dgMs in the Properry. Lender's aCttons may induds P�8 enSl suma sedu'a0 bY'e iE�n amtci► '
<br /> ��.-�: ��I,�:° ;. : has pdarfry ov�r8fi�s;,5�t1►Instniment,aPA�9 Tn�tut.P�9�sunaEte agomeys'teas and ernertn9 oa the RroAert}►ta make�a�e• .
<br /> •., ,,, .:'.<�.,; AR�augh Lender rs�y�action under�'s:4��Pfi?.Lender dcas nai�uve ta do so. ' • ..
<br /> •'°�� � . My amour�disbmsed bY tendet v.gds:�para�aph 7 sltaU Isaraman�tdRtona!dEbt ot 8arrawer ser�red b1►this 8ecurftY InstrumetA. ,,.� • :
<br /> Uniess Boaav�er and 4�der e�es to other tama ot PaYrt!�+Y.L�se�a r�inoiints.s1�aD bear trderesi irom t�e date ot disbursc-cnent ei tha
<br /> � Nota rate end ahell be payable.wRt�,mterest,uDan natic0 ira�a L��to Bamnv'e�re4��8 P��- .
<br /> ,;,,`' .°;;�:... � ,•� � 8. MA�tgags Insurance. tl�ender�equtred mc}tgaqe ins»�as a iond�tllon ot maldn9 tha toan sewrad bY thts�rih tnstrument. .
<br /> Bortawer sha0 pay tfie premiuins cequfred ta rt�atntstn the ttsoRgaga f�stuas�cs tn dtect if.for e!ry reasen.the mortgaBs lnaurance�ove�aB� f. �.,,
<br /> � ,. �es{utred by Lcnd�r tapses ar i�sQS to.be t�efte�t,Borrow�st�9�geay tha�r�ntuma�equt�ed m obtain coveaga BubstanttaQSt e4�Natent to the , , ',s.
<br /> e , ` us fn etfecR � °, •
<br /> .. � mottgage(nsu�ance previ�y a ei�ect.at a�ost substantiatiy eq�iU 'r�4o Lha coat to Boaawer ot tAe morigsge tnsutanee pravSo iy ..
<br /> ent mortgage insuranca cDVerage Is not avaIIaS�ie.8orraw�ehaA i�Y
<br /> . � , ttam en eft�mata mort�inrafer aADroued by Lend�.8 subsL�n��a�
<br /> :'•�, :. :::'.K��• ono-tweifth of ffi yeariy r�itgsga i�.aance p�mitum belitg paid by Bo uran�caveraQe , -
<br /> �;. ,..� • �. , ....m,iende�each.mo�9►..�susn�.t°- - .- --- .-----e rto�when the Ina
<br /> _ . _
<br /> --:-•-�:. .•,�:=:•�:-� ta�aed or c�sgd to 6a in eft�ct. Lender wip aecept,use and ieta��tb�i payinerets as a toss�reserve in�eu�at mortgage(ns�uanc�_Losa.[esetve...---- � -
<br /> � T�J � psym�ts rt�ay no Ianger De.reAuired.el the opUon of L�nd�r.B moRgag=�nsu�ance eaverage M tho�ou��t snd tar ths p�lod ti�e!Ldtde� ...�j4;;_:
<br /> � � x � ravfd$d lsy an ir�surer apPraveA 6y Lende�agein becomes a+ra7abfa and ta obte6�ed. Bo4rower aha7 pay the pr�ilums re�ked to
<br /> . ,.. •.� .: zqules)P . Ins�uence ends in ar:cardartoe wltri any
<br /> `�: .�.•..::.: _ _ � m�intafn mo�a tnsurazrc.�h►efteat.or to pravide a[osa resava uMU the ceQuiremerrt tor morigag� �<° -
<br /> " . . ..,,.. . � �.
<br /> • ,.:_-:
<br /> ` . . �• .:. ..... . wdtten apreament beGve�ts 8onawer and Lender ar ai�PVeable Iaw. - - .
<br /> 8{S . '.
<br /> • 9. In��ACtIOt1. la3ndar ar its agent maY make ceasanabte�nbies upna and tnspecUana qt the Praperty. Lender shaU giue BofrdwZr �. ,.
<br /> ..�__
<br /> , , . .. •, , no�oe�t the ttme of or pBc�r 4o en tnspectton spedtyM9 reasonabie c�tsci tortt�e tnsp�ctlon. ��.�
<br /> sc
<br /> � � 10. COttdsmn3ttotf. The proceeds ot any swazd or e�tm far:�.�ce or cer►sequentIa�.in conneoUon vrfih ael►eonde�rmatfan �l�.J
<br /> - ' •�` • • ot other taidng ot any part ot the Propariy.m tor comeyrenca In ti�a't can3amnaL'a�.erv herebl/�Igned and BhaO be pttd to i�de� v=__
<br /> . In thb ovent at e tawl mking of the ProP�!►.�e p���slC9 be�P�to the s�ma eecvred bY thts Securfty fnstrumenb wAather ar not �_J.
<br /> ' . `. '` '� then dite�wtth anll excesa paid W Borra+ver. In ths everrt of a p��l lakfi9 a!tt�c�.?ioD3rlY in whtch the tatr madcet vahte af 4he ProAert�l
<br /> . . lmmedtatety 6etora t1te tatQnfl ts e4uai to or�eater than tha emaur�t of ttta sums se�ured bY tNis Secautty Inswmertt tmmedtatety►tretoro ttia t�icing. �'�=`'-�
<br /> .., .'..;, __--
<br /> � 1 .:'� un2tee Bortawer end Lender othr�wise agree tn wr{tln9.Ne sums seuned by t�is Ssi,��ity tnsbumen4 sha0 be reduced by tha emouM•ot the . . �,,�_,.,
<br /> � pracaeda munlA&ad by tho foRawfig iracKton:(a)the totst amourrt di sums secured immedfat�tll�atere ihe taidn9,�vlded bY(b)the t`atr rt�icet _
<br /> � u !
<br /> ' ,;. ,t. v�Tue af tha PtopeRY Immed�atay��:e the taldng. A�sY batance s3�8 bo paid to Bortnwer. tn the event o4 a p3rUa1 takhtg at the P�apeml N —_
<br /> ',: '• . . w h k D t h�f�t r rrwket vafue of tAe'�c�ly tmmediatety bsfore Me tak�np ts lesa thae 1Av amoum of the sums srcured fmmedletaly Datore tlie =-
<br /> • � ' � '�f� totQnQ,unUee Bortowe►ead 1.er►der otherwtse a�ee in wrRtng or untess appQcabi3lsw etheiwise Provlda�.t he pro c e e ds s h a t l b e a p p U e d _
<br /> � ;��.�� to the�uma aaf�lred bY ttUs Seairity fnsiNment whether or not the oum9 ere th�rs dua
<br /> . :„� _.•.�,���- 0 tha F4�Derty►�e e��naoned tiy ectmwer.or tt.aser�rtoUce by Lend�r tfl Borr�wer that the cand�cmr�:aa to make an award or setlle _
<br /> ',i�':�,:..:,.,. , y ,
<br /> _,,T,'::,.:�, .`; s c�kn tor d�mt�.Borrawer faUs ta ces0and to lertde withln 80 days after the date the no9ce Te gNen.L+endar is authofaed to co4ect _
<br /> ___"" `1'T' :� �d�pAN ths proGt�e�at Rs option.aqher to restor�llJon or�epelr ot tlaa FVape�tY or to the aums seaured try th:a�ucf�Y�4�ment,
<br /> °..�ii`�,: �., � �
<br /> :�� , wAMer ar oot th�►Que. ,
<br /> ': iJnte�e lertd�r and Bortower otherwlse a�ee N writ(n9.enY eDp:lqSon of pm�eC�to pdnctpal ahaQ nat�dend or postpone the due -
<br /> -��-;•�� �'` • d�U of thA monthy p�ym�tn reteRed to tn para�aDha t end 2 cr etmnge the amaurrt at sueh p�ym�da.
<br /> , : s� 19. 8onow�r Not Reieassd; Fe�abearanco By l��a�ter Nat a Wdver. Eu�ena�on ot tho tlme tor pa�mern ot mom8ratlan
<br /> � � °.��'� �°' � a}.upq�ian of the tums eecured by tht�Secnfiy tnsUUment g�nted bq�ena�m enY sur,cessor in lnterast�f Borrower she0 not
<br /> �.;:w.;; �.
<br /> r�� ';.J.::_';'' `���;� aperate to r�rass the I�bf6tyt of tho oflgnal Horc�awsr or 8onowe�s successors in ir�teretrt. Lender sha4 not Ee raquUed to wmmertae •
<br /> '`<--� •'- `•• p����Inst any euccessar tn ir�t�est or r�:�se to�dend 6me ter paymertt or atherwlse rnac�l ea►ertizaUan of the eurt�secured
<br /> - . ; :'�'`.. � --
<br /> ,�Y.� . by thb 6taudty tnatrumerci 4Y�an ot any derori4 maQe bY t���a�na�Bortawer or Borraw�'s susxe3soro In trrtarest Ar►y te�besrence =_
<br /> � � by LatQn!n axKC1�ing any dpht o�remedy shap n�i ba e waiv�o!or�ceduQe tha exereise at am►right or remedy. _--
<br /> f ': �
<br /> ` 18. 6uGasfor� �nd As:l�na Bourtd:.t�int and Savera! IJab11K7r;C�aTg�orm. rne cavenams ena agreements at =:-:__
<br /> . . � . :� � 4 � _"`_,
<br /> � thla ffacurtly IneWmartt ehtA bfnd end bemefi!the suceessota end assigne o1 lerad�r ead Barrow�r.aub,'ect to tP�e proviaion3 01 paragreAh �_.
<br /> � • ��.��: `'• � 17. Bonowtr'e covanu�tnd asreemaria sha0 ba jant and eav�a6 My Bortavsr�wRo co,aigras thts Securfiy Instntment but doea not _:=v--
<br /> , : . � - T executs tM Notr..(�j It Co-signing thls Seeurity Inatrasnent on{y to moRgn9e.Arant end comey t�hffi Borrawer's tnterest In the Praperty ��r_'.
<br /> ty
<br /> � undw the terms n1 thls 8�currty Inatrumenk(b)ts eo�personaRY oDIlgated to pay the sums aacured by thts Securiry Insbvme�end(o) �;��
<br /> ° .r-.
<br /> . .� :� a�a e 0 t h d L e t►Q a►e n d�n y at h a i Borrower fn a Y c��to e�Gend.[�,3dtiy,torbear or rt�erry 8ccmtunodaUons w8h r�gard to tAa temts nt . _�,^
<br /> � � • this 8ecurlty MeWment or fhe Note vAthout that BorraweYs con,�L •
<br /> � � ' � � 13. L.�N C�tQQ�t. It the toan ser�red by tNs Sec�ty►lnstnument Ie subJect to a taw which sets maximum laan chargas,end
<br /> - . . �'.'•,.,' thd t3w t�Mdly Ititetpreted so tMt tlle Interest or other IIa:r�eRarges coUec�ed or to b9 coUec?ed(n cenneetlon a�ftli the t�an excead .
<br /> ' .:���*r :
<br /> .- . th�permttyd Umtte,lhen: (e)trtY aucb foan cherge eheB tra�tts=C bY tha emo�mt rteces�y ta re�uee the charge to tho pertnitted ,
<br /> • ' • Umfi:and N)enY oumb alretby coIIacted from Bortovier w�?et�exse=dad Pertail4e0 Qmna w!D b���undeA to Borrawer. Lender may choose
<br /> . . • to rt1�ke tfli��etbnd by reduetng Ehe pdncipai ovred under tho Note or by malGng a�reet paymenl to Borenwer. It e rehmd reQuces p�in- • �
<br /> - , . . CIDe1.the rodtletion w1A bo treatad eo s partlsl DreDsYn'ient vrYc3taut eny PmP���e���Not�. �
<br /> � ' 14. NOt1Cr�. My�otica to BoRawer pravlded tor tn t7�:�Secudty fnstrument shan ba ghren try►de5vering tt or by maiMg it by ftrst
<br /> �a maA unteae eppitcet�ta taw�equhea uso 01 enother metho�. �?sa noUcs ahaU be direGed to tha Properiy Address or eny other address ,
<br /> _ ;� . �
<br /> . . . .
<br /> , ' � ' pago a ot 9 Fortn 3Q28 818D '
<br /> , . ' 8020?.hm 13/D1) .
<br /> _ . . ' . C.� ..
<br /> � .. : . . .
<br /> ., . . �
<br /> .
<br /> . .
<br /> . .
<br /> .�� . .. ..
<br />