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<br /> Y.� - i _y . � . : t�s° ._..�c�-f"---c•�.,..er+_ . ,
<br /> • .��s. -..-.-..�. - - .. c i_ . ` ; . ' . � _.
<br /> `�• .��„af�� ��,F;4': �_T� .�__ �-" 4 ,� 'y�� ,,".r;�. �f �� i '�',`- F( '1�� ,F { .�_y1Q..-�-_?
<br /> � F ��. ! . ,k �� . , c t f � � � �hi.�
<br /> -�� { c� �;^� �`�. l�,s:. ; � �t oc � r ' f S `� ' �;, . � .c '. �. ��_
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<br /> _ .� . �'N �}`' •�f. . ,.�C• .( 'f1 = � .. ' l' `� '+`� . . . .t... _ _
<br /> . .; '. f' = t! C�•• • t . '�r, _"�� ' ♦A�.�.
<br /> ' � ."L1 .�.t' f_s�i..A4 -e�.z-s cf 2 �. - 'a �c,`,= .;.4'° iry � � .�r'�.S _stle��-�;
<br /> i .C,,�., rF ,.y,:._
<br /> __-_ .`,'.. ''.`'.r c ...;� � . . ` ` , � ���� ����F,� . . .
<br /> `� � =�,4 ` � ` •.t' . P8}IqICIltS tI1A}!AA IOf1�Ei�T�UlTO(I..at tfie oprion of Lender.,if mortgag�i�rn���coverage�in the amuunt aqd for th$perio�i ` -
<br /> ,y;.�;,
<br /> =:s;';. '� `� `'- thzt Leadsr,reqnires)Pmvided by en insurer uppr�ved by Lender again becames available and ig obtaine�.Borrower shatl paY.
<br /> ;�;��,;� �.`;`::,:k , the premiums required to maintain mortgag�ens�tace in effect,or co provi�e a Ioss resenre,untii the r�quirement for moitgage - .
<br /> _ - .'.;�.:�;����.`� insurance er►ds in acoordance�vith ciny writte4 agreemeat between Barcower and t.eadet or applic�ble law. •� ' _
<br /> .;;;'� , �� .' � LL �9.IospectIoa.Lender or its agEnt urey mak�masosrable ea►uies upon and insp�ctIans of tEie Fropersy.Lender shall give -
<br /> _, � ,: ` ,.��. Boarower notice at tf�e 6me of or prior to an inspe�.�tion sperifying r�rasoaabis rau�e for t�te inspectidn.• • � " --
<br /> �-•�- � � !0.[���*�+�•�;�A��� The p�s of any awazd cst claim for daa�ages,dir..ct or cons�qaetRia3.in cannec�ior��vith atjy , -
<br /> �-- �.•r-�:� condemnatiaa or ati�er ta.ting of any parcof the Frnpe�y,or for coaveyance in lieu of condemnatioa,are[�ereby assigned and -
<br /> :�,�`^r�;�°� si�all be aid tn I,cader. . -
<br /> - ;�:� - p -- -
<br /> . . . - - - --- - - -- . .
<br /> � F _ � �.,-- - - - -in trte eventai a total t�cing of We Froperty,the prooe�s�stia116e ap�ed to[he sums s�cuied 6y tlus S�auity re ,m�,r_ =
<br /> �.� „ �' .,,..�;.� whether or not tl�en due.wit�.any excess paid to Bocrower.Ia ttte event of a partial tahing of the Pcoperty in afiicb the fair ' --
<br /> �-' `"; .�C a� greater than the amonnt of the,sums secure�d hy this
<br /> �_::. .�s:,, ..••,�:. market vaiue af the Prnperty imn,�t�a�ply 6efore the talring is equat to or --
<br /> .--���'`' ` �•�-``.''_ Saauity Insmunent immediatety bsfore the cakiag,unless Bon+nwer and Ixnder otherwise agree ia wrriting,ttte sums sec;ured 6y
<br /> ��:�`�""����; -
<br /> �;,�e;�,a,-�::;--.��. this Security Insta�nent sha11 be reduced by the amonnt of We proceods muItiplied by the foltowing fra�ion: (a)the wial .
<br /> �' '` ���4 �`�'`�•�;. amourn of ihe sums secured iu�mediaidy before the taki�g.divided.6y(b)the fair mark�i value of the Praperty immediateiy . -
<br /> +��:+.-:-... �."�.I'' �_
<br />_��='��«:;>.-',�- befor�the tafairg. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower:.In tlie event of a partial talddg of tjie Q'mperty in wi�ich the fair =
<br /> �r* �. ffiarket valus ofsl�Property immediately before the taldng is less than ttie azna�mt of the strms s�cured�ediEteiy.before the =
<br /> '�' .y: � �y. y� , taYing,utiless Bomawer aad Lender othervrrise agree in writing or untess applicable taw athenvise provides,the proc�s shalI :
<br /> ���':�=��'��e be applied tathe sums sewied by this Secucity Iastniment whettier or not the svms are 4hen due. � . -
<br /> t er
<br /> �•�-4'�"'` .'�`�' If the�Pro is abandoned 6 Borrower.or jf.aRer notice b � �.
<br /> �•�•',;s� .�,�ii�� - P�Y Y Y Leader W Borrowet ti�at ihe condemnor offets to make an � -
<br /> -��%���;��_•�`=��,,�: . . award or settte a claim for damages, Borrower fvls to respoad to I.ender witbin 30.days after the das+e�the twtiic�is given, -
<br /> ;c�._ �-JUU:� r:.
<br /> - '_',
<br /> ..'..•' --�-° . - - �--., .Lend�risauthorizedt000lte�rantl�applythe-proceeds.-�tits-optio��eithert�restota6o�aYrep3'ir�bfth�'P�operty�ortottie"sanis_:.. _.
<br /> e
<br /> -_ -°"'�=-;'�;;���a � �ut;d�Y this Sec�itp Insantaeat,wh�tter or nat theu due. . ' �. . .
<br /> �a UNess Leader and Bonower othecwise a m writm , an . .
<br /> �'.�.�"s��,;�'' $►� � g Y aPP���on of pmceeds to prineipal shall not extend qr � -
<br /> ��;�:,;:,;.,;� , _postpone che'due date of tliee montWy paymenu referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amaunt of such payments.
<br /> -.._�_. ... -- _11.Eorro�ver Nnt Reieas�;Forbea�ace.By Lender Not.a Waiver.Extension of the ti�e for payment or modifrcaiion _ -
<br />- -__'__.. ..,y..T. .
<br /> -�%���. ' �of amorti7atioa of the sums sr,cured b this Securi Inspumeni
<br /> �,-�Rx.�r•:>, Y $+ gcanted by Lender to any successor ia inter�st of Bozrower siiaU .
<br />- _=��=`_'�• noi aper3te to release tlie liability of tAe origioal Busra�rer or Barnower's successors in iatc�esz.Leud�shall not 6e mquir�to ' _
<br /> _.�.�_,`�' • cflmmence prore�dings against any successor in interest or refuse w extend ti�e for a or otherwise amortizaEioa �
<br /> __ _-u:-q,.._�-:�'� .�� • P Yment madifj►
<br /> --- ° �•.:�,a. of the sums secured by this 5eauity Instnurtent by reason of any demaad made�6y the original Bormwer or Ea�rower�
<br /> �<.r;;,;<.��..�u� .
<br /> ��-�`�'^' r�.:...:,.,�::: • successors in imeres� Any forbe�ce by Lender in e�rcisi�aay riglit or rerinedy shall not be a_waiver of or prs��e the -
<br /> '�''°?'��"'� exercist of any right or remedy. : , , � �_.
<br /> ___°=__=� l2.Su '
<br /> �:_�,v- ---- ccessqrs�r:� AssIgns Bonnd;Jofvs�d Several �:ialb�at5;�o-sigaeis.The coveaaau 2�agre�ments of tt�is .
<br /> ��-----i�°+r �•� Security Instrumeat s�ry11 bind aad benefit Uie s-��sars apd assigns ofk�ider and Borrower. suhjeiA to the pmvisions of . ,
<br /> i0�'� parsgrapb 17. SorrowePs covenants and agreementa s�all be joint aad several. Any Borrower who.co-sig,ns this 5ecqrity_ ,
<br /> r .��.I�•�• Instnunent but daes not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instn�mea�only to mortgage,gant and convey that '
<br /> -- � Borro�vee's interest in the Progerty unQer the terms of this Security Instrument;(b)is uot personaUy obligated 4o pay the sums
<br /> " __���;;� seaued by this Secvrity Instrument;and(c)agreea that Lender aad aay otDer Bomnwer may agne to extend,modify;forbear or
<br /> --_=_-� maice any accammndation,5 a+ith regard to the terms of this Security Inspvment or fhe Note without that k3orrower's consent. �
<br /> - — 13.�os�a Chasges.If the loan secured by tLis Security Instzument is sabjecl to a law which seta maximum 3oan charges,
<br /> and tl�at[aw ia 5nally intetpreted so that the interest or other loan charges coltected or ta¢�e wllected in oonnection with ttie
<br /> . loan ea�•t6e pe�mitted limits.then: (a)aay sach loan charge shall be reduoed by the azaount necessacy Ea reduce Yhe et�arge
<br /> to the'pe�sniited limit;and(b).any sum�already collested from Bomower which e,�ceeded pemvtted li�it�wiA be rc�ed to .
<br /> —___-- . Borrower. Lender crw;�•rhoose to make this refund by reduciag the pYincipal owed under the Note.r�c��ag malcing a dicect ,
<br /> -- payment•to Barrotver. If a refund reduces principal; the redaction will be treated as a partial piepayment withont arry. :',`
<br /> - - prepayment charge under the Note. ' � •
<br />�' ____""-'�� 14.Nottc�es.Any notice to 8orrower provided for in this Securiry Instrumeni sbap be given by delivering it or by mailiag '
<br /> .� it by first class mail unless app9icsble!aw requires use of another method.The not�ce shall be directed to rhe Property Addt�s
<br /> _ ___ or any other address$onower designates by aapce to Lender. Any norice to Lender sha11 be given by.�ust class mail to • -
<br /> _ -=_-- I.ender's address stated herein or any other addiess Lender desigaates by notice ta Borrower.My noi�ce provided fqr in this
<br /> _ �-___° ' Securiry Insmiment sfrall be deemed to have boen given to Bonower ar Lender when given'as provided in this paragrspix::'� '
<br /> ��°.��� 1S:Dovern3ng Imw; SeversrF�ty. T(�s Security.Instrument .si�all be governed'tr� fedgral law and the i:,.�u of the . "
<br /> --- jurisdiction in which the Property'is�acated.•In the event that any provision or clause of tius Secudty Instrument or ihe Note .
<br /> � � conflicts with applica6i�law.•such confllet shall not affect other pravisions of this Securiry Iasvument or the Note wiuch ean be -
<br /> _ _______���:. , given effect without t�.:conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument aad the Note are�+eclated
<br /> < to 6e severable. ' _
<br />----�-'����'� . E�.�orrower's Capy.Borrar.-�shal!be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Securi �nsmiment. �
<br />�`�.� � � � . , t3' -
<br /> •—,�,.�.-�-���:, • � FoTm 3028�9J90
<br /> - ='P:��it:`�, ' • ' vaseom9 �.
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