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<br /> � -'� z :• ' 'i'O�ETHfiR QNITH e11.th�impmvements now ar herenfter ercxted on¢he prope�ty.and all ess�meats,aPPurte�anoes•ead -�.
<br /> ..�� �:_.: •,.f .. ,
<br /> . t,�,.
<br /> =°�r•r:.�_�,` � . fi�tums now.or he�eaftet°a Qazt of the pmgzrty. Ali replace.-nents and additioas shaU atso 6e oove�d by this Seauityr =
<br />. '' ,'� , `s`' ,r Isstrumeni.AU of,the foiegoing is refetred to in th?s Security Inswment as tfle"Property•' - • � ' .
<br /> ��'h>� '� `:: . BORROV�R CUV�TANTS that Botrowcr is lawfully seised of dte estate hereby com+eyed and has the right to grant and --
<br /> _ ..� �;�.,�.�,.:�`�.: � �
<br /> ooavey the Ptvperty and that,the Propcify is wtencum6ered.eacaept for etscumbiannes of reodtd. �orrower vrar�ants aztd an'll ' -
<br /> L . .� ����`(' . .�� defend generatty the titte to�the Prn�erty against all claims and dem�r►ds.subject to any c�Cambraaces of record. • �
<br /> °� <'�•�'" ��'•_,� . : � THIS SECURITY INSTR[TMENT wmbines uniform covenaats far natianal�and non-uniform covenants with limited - _
<br /> - - .�=�,..�.-,.: ' -
<br /> '�f� 'variations by juri�iction w constitute a uniform security insuument oavering real prope►ty � -
<br />..:' .��.:..:,y-:�:,,;,. UMFORM COVENANTS.Bomnwer�d t�ende't cnvenani and agree as foltows: ' = -
<br />°:--��`.-;_��-:—�;- � ` � � QtP-rt,�g�. Rnrrower sh;�fl_P�?P�Y P�+ whm due the �
<br />, ; � , -- f: �"r�ajri�`s-t}i r"i`3di���8o��''�s- . a * .___
<br /> .',� �: . c
<br /> "-�E' •. � �. �principaF of•and inten�st oa the debt evidenc�by the Note and any prepaymcent and tase charges due tmder the Note. _ - �
<br /> ' ' ' `'' 2. Fnads for Taxes aad i���.Subject to applicable law or to a written waivcr by Leuder;Borrower shall pay to�
<br />:,'-.�A °'� ,r,,_,'�`:��; Lender an the day monttily paymeuis are due under the Nate.wiW she Note is p�id.in fiill,a swn t°Fimds°)for.{a)Y�Y� �
<br />,�.<;F;�� . �<:;:�:'�'�� ` aad assessssmenis whicfi may attain priority over this Securityr tnstrament as a lien on the Prope�y>Nl Yearly IeasehoId paymems
<br /> ::+:}; or�mu�ed rents on the Property,if any;(c)Y�ar1Y ha�rd or pruperty insurance premiams;(d)Ye�rtY flood inc�mnce gTemiums,
<br /> ... :- �.,.,
<br />:'.�.�t. =';',r-�,:�.��; if any:(e)Year�Y mottga8e iasusance Premiums, if airy:and(�any sums payable by Borro�rer io Lender,in accordauce witb
<br /> ��'�� � � '�• ' the provisians of pa}ragtapl�$.ia liea of 4be payment of mortgaga insurance piemiums.T�ese items ate called"Escmw Items."
<br /> :. , ,�.,
<br />�_"�'"�:�:�.��' � • Lender may.at any time.rollect and 6old Funds in an amaunt not to exceed the m�nmmn amo�u►t a leader for a federaQy
<br /> ;:,i��.•.,��� :
<br /> _ - . ..;;.;,.�y.,. related mortgage loan may reguire for Bnrrower's escmw account under the federai.Real F�tase SettIemeat Procedures Act of
<br /> " `••'•`' ��" � 14r/4 as amended fmm time to time, 12 U.S.C.Section 2Cs01 et seq.("RFSPR"),unle'ss another Iaw t6a3 ap,�lies fo the Funds _
<br /> ,�''�f�J�''�:':;;�.. sets a le�r amoimt. If so, I.ender may,at any time,collect and hotd Funds i�an amount ant w exo�the l�ser'amnuni.
<br /> r °`a� ;,�;�� ...Leader_�ay_.�timafe thaauwunt_o£Funds.:�ue on the.basis of.carrent data�td_reasonabte esdmates of exgendiwres of futar�_...._..._. .
<br /> �:+���.3 _._ _. Fscmw Items or oshetwise ia accordanF�witU applicabte laar. _
<br /> `` ;��`:�� � The Funds shall 6e held �in an ia$aturion whose deposits are insu�d by a fed+era! agen..^y, instrumentatity>'or ecu�cy
<br /> ':�r�'_-�� (inCluding I�eader.if Lender is sach an institutign)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Lender shall apply the Funds to.pay:the .
<br /> -"�';`�-- �:-' Escaow Items.Lender may not charge Bomower for holding and app2}ring the F�ads.annually analyzin�tfic�.�scraw aceouat,or , . . _
<br /> . �,:�:.
<br />.,;�;,�J;;4}.'•.,,�- ,� _verifying tlie'Fsc�ow Iteins;unl�ss lxnderpays Bornnwer interest on the Funds and applicable!aw per��F�!der to make sach
<br /> ����'�'=''' a charge.However,lem�ler may cequire Borrower to pay a one-rime charge for an independ@nt real es�e:�ie�c�,service
<br /> _:,. �;:� -�-:.��
<br /> -�'�":t� �-, used by Lender in connectlon with this loan, unless applicabte Iaw provides othera+ise. Ualess an�4;�s:ti�ade or
<br /> '•�i;.•:?';�P.� ' - ,.
<br /> �.'�•.::..�•�.; applirable law requires interest to be paid.lxader shall not be requited to pay Borrower any interest as�.�s 4n ti'�;#�unds. , ,
<br /> -=='::;;-.�'''`::,,�; � Borrower and Lender may agree in writing,however.tvat interest shall be pald on the Fuads. Lender�i'$ive•tu Bnrrower,
<br /> °-;�:.�..��;:'����:�. :;�.., wit6out charge. an annual accounting of the Funds, showing credits aad debits to the Funds aud the purpose for wtuch each
<br /> =.::-:,��;�;:. � debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are ple�ged as additional security for all sums secaued by this Sacnrity Instru�at. • -
<br /> = �— if the Funds held by Lendes exoeed the amounts permitteA to be held by appli�able law,Leader shal!auoount w 43orrower
<br /> �y?'�`'L �`� for the excess Funds in accurdance with the requireutents Qf applicabte Iaw. If the amount of the Fttnds held by Lender at any .
<br /> .��:���;.��� ' time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Bormwer in amting,and,in sach case Boirawer .
<br /> ?'°`°'�'��v-y�#` shall pay t�Lender the amount necessary to matce up the deficiency.Borrawer shaU cnake up the deficiency ia no more than
<br /> "-�-��4�' • ' . . . _
<br /> twelve monthly paymenu,at I.ender's sote discretion.
<br /> �__�lY:'_ �v.. �
<br /> ---`«��'u�� Ugon payment in full of all sums sesured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall promptiy refund to Borrower any
<br /> - -
<br />