,�;_. . ._ta„f„ . . . • _-�: �:' _ _ �; ' � Y,c.�
<br /> .. �_.��.��� .� +_ "4'�' •t:� '} -4` <.
<br /> . . , . ,< . . .� .. .
<br /> ' —"_ _ ='�—' _::.�� -;�;- ._
<br />. . - - —— �-� <��r= 4 _ r. . ,r ti ...- yi4 t `' ``'`.
<br />. :�.,..+`' .. ". .F� .2:�" - - — . _ �c.:
<br /> i ' ,
<br /> � . . . 4"_' . '
<br />, . ,'t'... :C . . ' ' • . ' � ��� ���� , , •�FL.`4� •.
<br /> '+, � ��, .. �./., . . �. ...t,'-. ' :
<br /> . ` �.._ . . ..
<br /> ^s,�,�,-`., : � , '7,�sftrt�nt�ammist.l.en�er ia herehy asstgned ail comR�nssaon.award�,¢a�a9es and other paymanffi or re�tai i�sratnatier
<br /> � ���v ' ,� '.�ti�'` �proceecie"i[nconrlscHonwlthcondemnationoroihsrlakingbfthaPropsiryorparttherec�ortoroom�yar►ceintteuataondemr.a- - � .�:
<br /> Uan.Len�er shntl be anNt►ad at ib op�on to commance.appear in artd prosecute in ti$evm na�ne anY ac�on ar proceadtnga.and
<br /> . . `�t:''. < ahaff at&o ba entlUed to make anY comDromiss or sottlemeM ir�conne�tton wtth sueP�4akirtg or dansage.tn the everrt ar►Y Dortlon of . .
<br /> tt4e Pra�ady da ac taiaon or damaged.�en6er�ail have the opuon,in its sota and a4r�ctuts iliscretton.
<br /> to epDhl au sucb Procesds. �
<br /> afterQeductfngtl�er�tcom ahcosL9aed expenssstncutred Dy i tt ell8uctt �nProceeda.a��h dedudtana�tot tfte�sto�n o!tAe Y(� < �'�.
<br /> hersby and fn suct�order es t�rndar�siay determina,ar to epA p •
<br /> � ' !�y` • Property upon auch con�iiflons as Landar may dsiermine.Any applicat[on of Praeeeds to in6ebtedness sh i 11��n���Ol �d to � 5 .��
<br /> ''F� �� 4�4 �8 duo deSe at any payment�unQer tP�e t�ate.or cura ar►Y detau�t thereunder or hereunder.My unaRp , : .
<br /> _ _ .. Ttus!or. . '��<,.;
<br /> g pe�tAmnnes by LL��r.Upon the occurtenee af an Eventcl Cstautt horeundsG or It arry aet ia taken or fsgal proe�sding
<br /> ��. . eamme�scedwhich�atedaltyafledsLende�stnteresEintheProP$�1►.LenQerney�rriba�:�di�xel3oa,butwithouto011gsUanmdo __
<br /> � � ` eo.and wlUwut notice to or demand upon Trusto�atid without reteasln8 T�ustor irort�arty obitgatton.do afi►e�Wn��T�r� , .�
<br /> . 9
<br /> , ,'",:'.�.•�•. �.`'', a resd but fa31a to do and may aleo do any other act[t 6eams neceasary to Protsct 4he sscurft�t hereat Trustor at�a(b immedIataiy .
<br /> �_�.--,���.-.. � , ....,. «.!ondaF e11 cosisaM e�wanaes tnCWred end sums oxpsnded Dy Lendar in conne�tion wiih ,. ;
<br /> �F ;,. uppndBtnattdiiteio�G�t±�iL�.-�,r�-- tsr.n'+oS:rtB'xt'�°.�'sIN!a_h?tlfsa =-----.
<br /> = • �,��f� r` ttte exerc(se by Lenderotihe faregoing rights,tagether�vftt�interestt�ereDn atfhs defauiir�eiafn' '' '
<br /> �_• .,
<br /> �'�:� ' • � ' aQded tio the Indebtednesa secured heroby.Lsnder shatl noi incur a�ry Uebitity tiecause o!anything tt may do or omit to do
<br /> �.. ' hereunder. in eamptiance with atl appt[cabte lawa ordinances and�ufa�ons
<br /> ,.` •`�" , 9. 11�uOoas iYlattatata.Trustor shal!keeA the PropertD -_
<br /> Tiusler aha41
<br /> `• . �elat�r+g to�nQustr�af fry�tene or en�tronme�tat pmteetion(cottecttvaty re4erred to t�erein as`Envtrommental Laws"1. c�femedto., '-
<br /> e
<br /> . %.,`` :' �eeptitnePiro�rytreahomellsubstancesdeemedtobehazarQ�ueortoxtcunderenyFmironme�Aal�aws(coflac�IveN
<br /> . ' herein as~tiezarQous[utederis��-Trustor hsreby warranta an�represents to Lender that thare are no Harardous MS�rtffis on or. ,.�:�;:
<br /> - - ��ePsagertY.T�ustan c�,�Jag�ess to indemnil�and notd�h����������in coane�asin»wi9� . , :
<br /> w
<br /> any succassors to Lsndefs t�irom and egalnst snYaRd TME FORKi01NG` - ,. ,�-;
<br /> . �`,�',, .,„ .. !he P�R�•��$o�°f��ort af a�y Hazardcus Matarla�s on.under.from or aboat MS Property. .. :
<br /> ,..' ' SUAVI!/E RECONVEYA{�ICE er TIiIS DEEii Ofir TRUST. rovlde�fhat TruStOr `*
<br /> .. ._ . .
<br /> � . .: . . .
<br /> • . .. �
<br /> . � . .." . 10.Atsi�nsn�tt ot Renb.Truswr hereby ess79n�ta L�der the rents.tssues and proTits ot the Properiy.p . .
<br /> _ ,:_:.•. ....:�a:;w.:.: • , -. .
<br /> ,• �_ '-.._.._..; " . .:.._....--.--- .-.shall,uotGtheoccucreii�eRi&nEv_er►tofDefaultPsereunde.�^avathe�igh4tocottectan0retatnsu�hte��ts.tsatces►and�c�SastheY
<br /> � �,T
<br /> ' beeome Que snd�ayabte:ttPon the occuri�a af an EVent cf-Oetaufit L-end�r`may.eit#Ear tn�person acby agec►L.ere�Ar.kl►1Q!ovi-.-- . :-- :
<br /> - ' briagFrg any e�ton or pmceedfn�.or by a c�.ver appotnLed bY a cauR end without r�gard to t�e�quac!►oi its�u�itll.enter ' �r;:
<br /> __ - �.�.;. • uponandtake0o�tonaftheProDe�fl�e�r,�,�+yParithereai.initeow�nam�aarEath�e�maa!lhsTi��a������ - -..,�:
<br /> � , f�'r..,y deems ne�essarY or des(rablato Pre�e�ve4sa vatue.marketabflity or rerttabitiry afthe PropeRy.or am►� x '
<br /> �` . ••,�:, - .._
<br /> � , . . ..:F.�`.;
<br /> `°f�:., ::�, --�.� inerease Ehe Encome t3�erei�rr��r protect the securit�►hereof and.wItih or withaut taking possessian��.���e��d ,.,,-��.�
<br /> , .��_"�• • ar ' ot�ierwise colieCt the ret►ts.is�33 8nd pratiL9 t#ien3ot.tnctuding those past due and utt�ald.astd aPP�f __ :,,,Y�;=;
<br /> .. .i ��:1._.;;
<br /> expenses o!oReraSIon and coi;ection inctudirtg aitomeys'tees,upon any tndabtedness secureA hereby.�1 tn sucf�orderas Lendar �,�r�,
<br /> @da
<br /> - -°- may deteminaUYia enleHnfl upor artd taWr+g possesston ot 9he Propert�j.tl►g catledlan oi auch reM��u�4�d proiits and the • ��,,,`
<br /> . � epylicatlon th.,,�J'r as abresaid.shaQ not cure or waive any defauit or�e of default hereunder or::�va1tQffie enY ect done E�a -
<br /> • �,•>�� re..�ponsetos�rlh�2efaultor��:�vanttosucbnoUceoldeiauitandootwi�+.s�ndingtheconUnuance�nVessession°�t�e�'°D��f►°� ��=_-'-`
<br /> �_��:•
<br /> ''`�`�'` t�a eoftectlan.receiet and��Uon bt renta Irsue:�or�.n���d Truatee and Len�2r shatt be er�Utted to exeretse svery Kgh4 '�._•
<br /> .>R�--�=;
<br /> . , . providedforinanyofthsLoanOocumentsorbylawuponccaCUrrenceofanyEvantot0���ti.indudingwithoutlimiG��mtherightto ��RYP"_
<br /> . • exQrcise 4he powar of sate,Wrther,LeRdefs righm and remedies under Mis pa►agra�l,b�fa��b9 cumulstive with�a'?'��no vray a ,___.
<br /> . ;<,.., timitatianon,l.enderatighta8ndremedies�.�tQeranya�ignmentolleasesandrentarecordedagaiastttreProp�RN.Le+!fSar,Tru�?� �!ft�°�'
<br /> � and tRe receiver shalt be IiBDte W account c�91 thoso rents actualh►received. � , ---
<br /> - ' t�,E�ac�ts ot O�fauK The foltowing sTM�constfhrte an Event ot 0�`.�.�.�t,under this Oeet!of Tr�#• ; �a--
<br /> '. � (a)Failure to pay eny instetlment o!pdncipai or Imerest ot enY a�@v eum secu�ed hensby wlien dueC '
<br /> �. ' • ���"�; !, (b) AbresahofordefauttunQeranypravisianeontain�intheNots,thfisCeedm�Trust,anyoftheLoanOacumenm,ararry �,__
<br /> '" ��.::;.<;. • otAer Uen ot encumbrance u�on the PraDBdY: --—
<br /> . •� . (c)A writ otexecutlon orattachmentor any similar process sha:l bD onteredrigalnst�rustor whtch sha11 becom4 e lien on
<br /> tne Praperty or any portion thereof nr[nterest therein: .
<br /> ����'� (�These shall be fited by or againat Trustor or Borrower an�ctiori under any present or future tederet,state or other
<br /> �`, , �.:r
<br /> �:��;r,•,_ �tuto�,taw arregulaUOn reta�ng to bankrupicy,insotvency or other relief tor debtor�or there ahail be aAAolnted erry truatee.
<br /> �'�->=�...# � receiver or Iiquldator ot Trusto�or Borrower or of atl or arry paR of the PropeRy.or the renffi,iasues or prafits thereof.or Truator
<br /> _- "'°��' ' �r 6orrower shaft make any genefal8ssignmerrt for ti�e benaflt ot Creditors; •
<br /> �`;,�.�;:
<br /> ° - _ ;_� (e)The,sale.trartster,leasa.assignman�conveyane�ar turther encumbrance of all or any part of or arry fpierest In the
<br /> T"'"' pro po r t y.either votuntaAty or'inwtunteriEy.without the e�reaa wrttten consent ot Lender.provlde0 that Trustor sh�U be
<br /> F: �. .�: permittedtoexecatealease ofthePra�a�tythatdoesnatcontainanopUontopurchaseendthetermolwhichdoesnotexceed ' ,
<br /> one year,.'
<br /> �-."'''',:'� 1� --•(f)Bbandonment o!the Propsrty.�T . . '
<br /> ':�t�_�:�r , � , - ;.� . --
<br /> �u � ' (g)NTrucNortanot2nindividuat.�halssuance,sale,transier,assignmentconveyanceareneumbranceofmorethanatotal
<br /> -:.�i;�.:iK„,;,. ` ° --
<br /> ;t'�=�'�'��"r'����i � of�1 psrcent o1((t e.corpor�tt��)Its issued and outstandi►�eg stock or(sta�Rnerahtp)e totat o4 � percent ot • _..
<br /> ..��.,� .
<br /> .;3;,s
<br /> ,_,:;,�.:�.;`.: � p8rtrtership irrtareste d�tring the per�thts Desd of Yruat rem�fns a Gen on tt�e properiy.
<br /> ,` ''��`°� �:'�;�''. •. 12.R�ntadtes:Acc�t�rattan Upan Of��1L��tlte evBnt of ar►y EvQnt ot Oetault lsnder may,without notice excelrt as requlre�►�yr =•-
<br /> c,�w, d e ctare all Indebtedn��ecured hereby to be due and payabte and the same ahall thereupon become due and payaOTe e^._
<br /> 'y'' � w�ithoN eny presentmen�drrsr:rid,protesf or naUce o1 cr.r�p kin�.Therea ft er L e n d o r m a y. • �n...___
<br /> � � :;; ,; � (a)Demand that Tn.atea exercise th9 PGVI►EH OF SALE granted hereln,and Trustea ahall theroafter e:i:se Trustore �.i_:_'
<br /> - � interest in the Properry to be sold and the proceaGs to ba di�tributed,at1 in the manner provided In the Nebrax.'�Trust Daeds �
<br /> . . �� :} • Act
<br /> � • ��•� �.��° (b) Exerciseanyendallrightsprc�aledtorinanyoftheloan0ocumentsorbylawuponaccttrrenceo�anyEventofQes`�cl; �
<br /> •. . , ,�• � �r,a �--
<br /> • • (c)CommenceEnoY"�bntotorectosethis0eedotTrustasemortgage.apAc�ntarecsiver,arspeciflcalryentorceerryCl�►:e n__
<br /> •• � '� • � covenanb hereot '��
<br /> • � ��.�; �%�� No remedy herein con�.'d upon or reserveA to Truete9 or lender ia intended to Do oxcJustve ot any other remeQy herein,in�3 �� ,,,
<br /> � �• �'�'":•� Loan Qocuments or by taw provided or�r►nitted.but each shaH Oe curteutative,sha11 be in additi�n to.every other remedy a„}'vEe'+ „
<br /> �'�7�;;+:,�. , .
<br /> � ,�X�,t�s,. • hereunder,iraB�LoanOxumenfsornoworhereatterexistingatlawor�aequi4yorbyatatute.andmeybeexercisedooncur��;.
<br /> ,',:.. � independet�larsucce5s:.►ely. •
<br /> `�:'��":�� ":;.�'�°��.1~ • Y9.TrustH.Th�Yn..�e may resign et any Ume vsrithout caus�.artd Lender rt:ay at any Ume anA without causs aAAolnt a
<br /> ' SucceasaroraubstituteTraatee.TrusteeshallnotbeUatt�toenyparly.ineludingwittc�t11m1taUOnLander.Borrar�=r,TrustOrorany
<br /> - 'r purchaserofUtePraperty.toranytossordamageunlessQdetorecklessorwillfulmisconduct,andshallnotbec�4lJredtoffi3cearry
<br /> actlon in connection with the eniorcement ot this Desd o1 Trust untess indemNtled,in wdting.for ail cosb.cOmpensatlon or
<br /> ' e�ansos which may be assoClated thorewith:tn addtUon,Truatee may become a purchase►at any sale oi the Properry(judiclat or
<br /> uneer 4he power of eale granted hereln};pos4pono the sAte ot all or any portion of the Properiy,as providad by 18w.or sell thA. ,
<br /> � • '' Property as a whole,or in separate parcel9 or lots at Trustea's discreUon.
<br /> 14. Fees arM FxDanse�.tn the event Tn�sLee setts tha Propercy by exercise ot power o1 sale,frustee shatl be enUtled to appry
<br /> ' any sate proceQds tlrst to.payment o1 ell aosb and oxdenses ot exercising power ot sate,inctuding all Trustee's tees.and LenQer's
<br /> d
<br /> � � � andTru�steo'sa8orney'afees.actuallylncurredtoextentpermittedbyapplicabletaw.IntheeveMBorrowerorTrustorexercisosany
<br /> � rlght provlded by taw to cure an Event of�etaulR Lender shall ba ernitted to recover from Trustor atl costs and expensea actua�tY
<br /> .. ' incuned es e resutt nf'frustoPa default,Including withaui(imitation sIl Trustee s and attome}/e fetls,Go the extent permitted by
<br /> , : � .
<br /> .;._ � � • '. � aDDticabte Ia�v. . , ...
<br /> , . . . .
<br /> - . ;:�.. :• .
<br /> : . . �;, • , .
<br /> • ... . • ' � � '
<br /> . . .
<br /> _ , , . . .
<br /> . . .. . , ,.__ . _..
<br /> . _ : �. .._.. � �_ ___ _ _ .. ---- .'. '---� � � _- ..; ,.. _� ..` :_� , .. , ., . .
<br />