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<br /> _ •F: � � - . - , , � ` � ` vF -
<br /> .�� •`;, .. ` , , as less t�aa ` 5.000 0 �.Th�eaRer.ffiy adjusta�Ie inierest tate arill never�e ia�reased or,d�ed `°� ,
<br /> ` '` •` �,a�}r single t�ang�DatQ by mura t� Z`L�10 FiN� .0000 F�e .
<br /> � ��te)`t 2.0800 R4}€�t�e e�e af�t��air$is�pa�;for the p�din,�12 manths. .
<br /> ' � � My iYtter�st tats will ueverbe greater than 3J.0000 50,wLich ia calted th�'Maxi�m Rate.' .
<br /> � .
<br /> �
<br /> ��
<br /> ., �. ,.t . , �,►�•rdtQa�F�fie�_�
<br /> ,�.�..-�...,...._.....�,. _ �.. __. .. _. _. .. .. ._ . .. .. . �
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<br /> -- .-:� ., .;.. ., � .
<br /> ----- . ., .
<br /> _ . ._ . ,_ .
<br /> . . � • . � My new intenst rate widl became effe�tv�en e�i�ange�a�e.t vvlll gay the amat�atmy�wmon�► _ — , ...:_
<br /> :�.: __
<br /> �;.�.....:4 :- °.�,,.t•� FaJ►����8 an ttis�ast�oa�fiiY paYmeat date a$er it�e Cbaage Data�tmt7 tt�e azuo�t of my nao�tjr
<br /> -�: ." ,4" '� PaY���• � � t
<br /> •., �Natioe af Ch�mgca � `�-�-
<br /> �', ` `,�, 'i7�Nute Hold�will deliver os mail to nss a aotioe of aay cbanges in my adjus�ble inter�t.rate and the
<br /> ,�e:;' � µ `.� ,`',`F`. amo�t of mo�Y Faym�t befoie the e�featve date of any cbaage. The notIoe will include It9formation
<br /> ta5► �:-�
<br /> � �, •''--�-;, , r�quir.�by lavi W bs givea ms�d also t�e dde and ce2ephane nt�mber ef a peason wtio rr�71 ansaret ma.Y questfon s==�-
<br /> �����-x `��• I may gave re$atding tlib not�Ce. �.�
<br /> �; � . • °�'' B. E�I�D II�EREb°i'AA3`E OPlTON • �_
<br /> ��'` °` �e Note gmvides for tI�Batmw�r's opSoa ta oonveit fxom an adjusmhle interest rate wiQi interest rate �•
<br /> �w :. � ' , limits to a fuce�l inte�st zau.as follows: � � � �.�
<br /> -- :..:, :- . S. F7%EDII�TERESrRATECONV�RSIONOP�'YO1�T . . . . -
<br /> . .-,-�: --
<br /> ; . . . ----------._....._.--- ---�- - ----- -- - --�-------- -. .. ... --�-------..._..___.�..- -----...---... _.._._.__..__.._ ..------- -- ----�-
<br /> ;�i � _ ,.��* . • tA)pEr.�oa�to�anvpat fp��te._ _
<br /> ��-__`��r. .�_ � I liave a Conve�ari Optlon ttiat I c�n ex�ctse�tess.i am ini def�alc or tlsia�taa Sf A��rl�!n�t pet�ait me _ -
<br /> , .r.,, �. 8i
<br /> �':,}-,-:�,. � w do so. 'ihe°GuaveisIan Qptton'is mY api�on to oonvert the interest rate I am nquitr�w PaY b3►ttds Note
<br /> �::_;.:��_%. `�.• '�` fi+om au adjastab2e raie wIth inietest sase 1(mita to the Sa�nte caic�lazeQ uuder S�xion StB3 bC1ow. . --
<br /> '�°'�� :� � The amvets€aa caa oaty take place on a daie(s)spesiHtd by the Note Hoid�d�ia$the per�od b�nm8 on =
<br /> �"��`_� ;' ,'� ''�'�''. , the&st C�ange Date a�d eadiag on tt�fiftL Chaage Date.Fac�date on whir�my adjustaDle iaterest iate 4�a � _--
<br /> � .`-"=�-�'-�.;�� �' � �anvert w the aew Sxed�ate ia caated the'Coave�on D�e.° . -_
<br /> �"�:'�;. . :;��;;,:��� tf I waat tQ exe�Ise the�Omnv�sion Option�I mast fust r�eet ccrtain c�ndidons.Thos�oondittaps ate tt� _
<br /> ,,.`�, ° ,....,: � -
<br /> ��.� .. , ,;,;`,' �C)I�t Sive 1Ite Nate Holder nodce tbai I w�t W do sn:(ii)on e�e.Coaversian Date.�innast nat be na d�avlt
<br /> ` ` . • ,..�'y., under the Nat$or the Se�ariry ,rLu�SL�ment', (iii)bY a date sp�i�e�hJt the Note Ao2der, B�st PaY tjte Note �
<br /> -�,�,;,'M:..I� . ; ,, Holde�a oonveisian fee of.it.9�S��, 2 5 0.00 ;an�(ivy I most siga and$ive the Nau Ro2der any . �.
<br /> . `�r%�•� . , docum�ts ti�N�te�iitlil'�i�:rACC�W effect the ooma�an. �
<br />-�����'`; ��; ��'. . (B)CutcalatIa�n��aedldate � � . -
<br /> _�+�a�z�i;:=;;;,�;,.:.,.�. � . + �
<br /> "���;�x�;;,;-���-. My new.fixeQ imesest rate will be eqaal co the Fedezal Naiioa�l Mortgage Associatio�s rcqui�ed ritt yield
<br /> �,����;s:,� .. .,-� ` . . • . as of a date and dm�af day ccpecitied lry the Note�older for(i)if the orlglnat term of ti�s Note ia grea�er t3raa l5 ,.
<br /> =-�-� ..�. �� . yeazs� 3�year fixed rate mnttgagea oove�cl by applicable 60�day mandatory deliyery cammitme�fa� plos,
<br /> e �
<br /> �s,��-,�_r:: '
<br /> =.;:�;•�.: a,:i'-,;� fi've-�ig�ths oY ane percentage Poiat (0.62S9b). ramided to the nearest oneeighth of one peroentaga Fu
<br /> - :f�:�r=�o�.:�
<br /> (0.1?5963.or(�if the orIgiaal tesm of this Nott is 1S yea�s or Iess, 15-ye�ar fixed rau mortgagta oovered�}r _
<br /> �-���r_'�---,-- applicable 60-0aY mandazory Qetivety c�mmits�ts.pIns Sve�eighths of onQ perctnt�ge point(0.62596).mu� .
<br /> -=_
<br />