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<br /> - laa.�L"�'.Fr y. _:_._�-" ..."arL�. �__ n:`.,�.,.. �_ ^ . _-.a- . •'f:�S'�.v.�` t -
<br /> �1_ " . � �...-.. —^-i'� _. .—
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<br /> -� - _-�.+c...!��.•!.' ti; ' '� - _' �t.. .4 � - � �+� .• .� 4. p� ����_��,. `
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<br /> � ��' ��� .. �I�< t i .s ,t� � . � , . .: . ' - k'�=�``�;�,,
<br /> . . � �� ��'� �.t . - � .c- . F � _ ; � .t °�`t � . ,
<br /> 3', ' � � `rc t. ... �.`.r ��- '.s .<t�;�J �� ,QJ t < 'j� .. <<.r <.� „� r 'i'` F �
<br /> `"•� . ` ..'f `° r+ ' t:*:`��.
<br /> ._R_ - a� ' �� - , , . � � - • ' • � � . ' . ' [�-,:,:(.
<br /> �� +�b�`.,..t�',( � . � � G� �`i��� ����� . ' ' . ���..
<br /> � � ' p�ymeats mny no tonger be requftetl.�i the opiion of Leader.if mcrt�uge insuranse oo+�sra�e(iaihe amoant mcd far the periad
<br /> .. ., that Lattder �qui�es�Provtdr.d by an insul'et ngpxoved by Lender again tiecomes,avoilabte aad is a�inln�d.IIormwer shul!�►ay
<br /> _ �`• `�' '` `' the premlums required to thaiauiin�ortga�e insurance in effect,or to�rnvFde�a toas rc�erve.unt�l the rcguirc�nicni for�ortgage �. ,
<br /> _ �-< `�, �- .<, . insumnce ends In accordanoe with t�y tivritten agreemtttt between Soxrovrer atid�ender at applicabte[nw. �
<br /> - �_ °�:.�' - g.inspectlon.Lender ai It�agent may make reasona�le e�tries upon and inspecitons of the Pmperty. 4ender shall,give�
<br /> '. Borta�ver.aotice at th�time of or prior to an inspection s�ecifying r�asoi�able saus$foi the tnsgtction. - , t ;
<br /> � . ' � � „ 10.Coademtu�ttoa.The pmceEds of any as�rard ar claiai for daar��s,direct ar cor�sc�ucntial,�iu conn�tto�.�►a�►Y
<br /> �.... ..'�� aandemnation or other taking of any patt of tti�Property,or far wnveyaace in lIeu of wademnation,sir�her�tsy essigned stnd
<br /> . .
<br /> , ,=�,' � • ` ,_` _st�i.he e�id to i.etutcr. .�, __ ." . •. _ � ,.. �_:, .
<br /> -�,T� ;-
<br /> _. `.f- in the event of a tatal taking of the Pro�ea3►,the proseeds shatl be appliie��Qte suint s�i�iay it�ss ia whtch the fair�-- - �'�
<br /> ' � v�hether or not then due,�Yh any exoess pa�d to Borrower.In the eveqt of s partial ta[cing of the Property' �:,
<br /> � ts i
<br /> '�..,; •���.. �.
<br /> . :',: ;.. marfcpt vaiue.of the Prope�ty immedinisIy 6�fore the takin�ts equal to or gce�er than the a�ount of the sums seeured by this
<br /> ma
<br /> ° `.:°.`.,., SQwrity Instrumertt tmmediat�ty before'the mking,unless Borrower aad I�IIder othetwise agnee.ia�vrItiag,the sums s�by --
<br /> ;� this�Secarity Iasuusn�nt shalt 6e tedure�8y the aIICwnt of tha`proceeds multiplied by the foltoaring fraciion: (a) the wtat
<br /> ' ' r� divide�b (b)the fair markei value of the Property immediateiy
<br /> - �. � �inoount of the swns secured isatediateiy before the takfing, Y �
<br /> in
<br /> - -- !--'`�`�•-`'-`�'-,�-. 6efoce the taking. Any 6alsnoe sh�l!be pdid ro Bosawer: In the event of a paetial takinS.Qf_tlte PcoPe�tY in which the fair -
<br />- "``:7�;.°:� �:. •. market vatue of the Property imm�iately before We mking i��Iess than the amount of the svms secured immedlase]y 6eforc t6e � - �_
<br /> '.�..y�.� , ___.
<br /> ,:� � ' " taking.ttnless Borrower and L�der othetwise agiee in writing or anless apptis�ble law othsnuise provides,the paooeeds sball , i
<br /> � .`''�,�;''�, b�applied to the sums.seazred by tt�is Secnrity Instzumeat whetf�er or not the snms sue th4,�l due. � �:'
<br /> -.., ;�s : . •.. : -
<br /> ' .���` • =_
<br /> . • . �. . . '.� .If the Psogerty is a6aRdoned by Banower,os if,atter notiee by Lender to Banower that the condetnnar offers to make an _-
<br /> .;•, -
<br /> .. '" . award ar.settte.a ctaim far�_Borroaer fai'Ls W�respoad to Lender withim 3�days aftra<the date the notice is giqe�.. --
<br /> •` �-�—�-- - .
<br /> ° ` t ender is authorized to bolleci and appiy the piu c�e d s.at its opdon,�e i t her i o r i s toia t iost�if 7 e pair Of the�Pro pe ri y of to the s�ls--- --- -
<br />._�•..�_'.�-fe�.t:.��`;l• ' __ ' -
<br /> . ' ;s� g�q1iC��}/�S SECtlllnl TAS�I[1�IBIl�.Wp1P�]Ef Of�8t$ICD dI1C. ;• . . -
<br /> AS
<br /> !:ti"�'".,y�•`:'`� iTn1ess Lender and Borrower othetwtse agtee in wrItiag, any appiication of praceeds to principa! s h a ll nat eat a c d or
<br /> {.,-� `;'::�^`"' gost�otte the due date of th�moathlY tlayments�eferred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the atnount of sccch payments.
<br /> ��• ` � • , 11.BoROwer Nat Redeased;Forbeara�tce BY��'Noi a'�Vaiver.Exteasion of the time for payffieffi ar moddcatioa =_
<br />_�/ �"�'.:.���� r� �' of amortiration of the sums secn�cl by ttua Security Is�rumenc gr�nted by Lender to aay suscessor in interest of Bomm�sha11 .
<br />�'� -�T" '"" �� not opetate to�ease t�c�,liability of the osiginal Bo�wer or Borrower's snoces.sors In intcrest.Ler�et�ha11 na!bs required to __
<br />_ '.`r�:�,.�,`•����.•_:�;:; �ommence praceeding�:u�ain:,-t acry successor in icuerest or cefuse w extend tiane for payment or othesa+ise modify amorH�ation
<br /> _._��- ,,. .
<br />-- �•� " .• � ,• `'• of the swns secu�l��his Se�uriry Instnimec�f�� e+easan of`any dernaa�.ta�ade bK the original Bortower or Bntm`vrer's
<br /> . �;,, e un
<br /> r �.:•'f��r��;'�� " t $(j�'Q$$��$�p Ii1�Cj25t; ,f-t�forbear�,�by Lender qa exercising any�right or remedy shall nat be a waiver of or preclude the
<br /> .���. :::i��`�a� • eserrise of eny dght pr iemedy. .;,: . • �
<br /> •."`,7'��4.: �•'�i• • iZ..3ucc�sois ctn�A�i�s�'�und; dofn!aad Several Ltab}ltty; Co��ers.The covenants and agn�ments of this
<br /> ,:=•`.�;,.. .
<br /> '-' . :,-�:-'' �:, Seauity �nstruiaent�r�ll bind and l�nefit the suocessors and asstgns of l�zr and Borrower. subject to th'e provisians of •
<br /> 9wf.`;=t=.' ' , .
<br /> �:,;�,:;-- _ . , ',�.' Paragcaph 17. Borru�s covenants aY►d a�ceements shall be joint and se�ral. Any Bomower wiio co-signs.WIs S�curitY
<br /> '.;.;�,;; .,° -��.�;�;- . �nstrument but does aa4 ea�cute the Nute: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage. grant and convey tI�at .
<br /> ".:"'"_''=•=`-r� $orraWer's interest ira the 1'roperty under the terms of this Secaciay Instrument;(b)is nat pe�sonally obligat�to pay t�e sums
<br />-�=�'<�;:Y;i���-� .
<br /> s�cured by thi�Securi�,�Insuuraent;and(c)agrees that Lender amii arry other Bormwer may agree to extead,modify,fotbear ox
<br /> ;. make a�r aoca�a�Tii�qs with regard to the terms of this Securi:y Instfument or the Nobe withou�that•Bormwer's aorlsent. :,
<br /> - ' 13.I.oaa Ch�rgcs.lf the loan secur�by dai�Security lnstrument is�.Uj�t ta a law which seta m,��imum luaa eharge9. • .�::':::;
<br /> and that,taw is.ftnally interpreted so tfiat the intnc�.or other taan char�es c�Flf�ted�r tv.be cnllected�n connectian with the � ;.
<br />=��,� loan e�the parmetted limits.then:(e)any sue�i�toan�,s�ait be a�ctuce�bq the•�ni n�oessaty to redaa the charge .
<br />- to the pr,�r�itte�I�mit:and(b)en3►sums atceady ooilected fi�i3'�anrower which exceed���ierr�utted limits�vill be cefiw'.d�i w
<br />_ _ a��, Bnnowet. Lerider may choose to make this refund by re4uc`ibg the prindpal owed under the Note ar by makitt�;�clue�t
<br />- --��_-��t
<br />�' - --� - payment to Botrouer,,�F� a refund reduces priacipal. the'reducti4n �vitl be treated as a �artial Qrepayacent witTttdnt any .
<br />.�� _"-F��:.—° _ prepayment charge tc�cr the Note. . � � �
<br /> •� � 14.Not�ees.Aiiy notioe to Borrower provided for in thts Secur�ty Instrument shal16e giveo by delivering it or{��-;;nailin�
<br /> , :.
<br /> : it by firat class mail unless appiicable law mquires use of another method.The notice shall be directed to the Frag�tyr/�ddiess .
<br /> - - Y1- or any othcr eddie.�.C�orrower designates by natice to Lender. Any ns�ti�to i.ender sf�all 6e given by first d�-tna�l to .
<br /> 3, ,�_,.�,;..•; . Lender's address st�.^�herein or any oiher adda�i.ender desi�nates bp.Ar,'4"ice to�orrower. Any notio��ravided foi in this �
<br />`�'�='`�-`��',;.;�, Security Instrument shall be deeme�l w hsve been given 4o Borrower or Ler.�:r when given as provided i�L�:s paragtaph�
<br />�=�'�. � iS.Govemtng I.nw; Ses�IIItY• ThIs Security 1nst�ument shall be govemod by fsderal taw And tl�,e !�w of the •
<br /> ,�S<.:�r., > �
<br />�����';.;j�'+?„�;� jurisdIctlon in wlracb the Property is loc�ated In the event that any pmvision or clause of this Securiry Inshvme�t a�ihe Note ,
<br /> '� `' = � �coriflicts with appfi:��rte law,such confltct shali not affect other provisions crf this Security Insttument or the Note wiuc6 can be
<br />��� ..,.`,'_'���;�v's� . g�vcn eif�t witftomt che ounflicting prodision.To this end the provisions af this 5ecuriry Instrument and the Note ana doclate�.
<br /> �''""' w be severatile. .
<br /> � �� 16.Sosrower's Copy.Borrower shall be given one oonformed copy of the Note and of this Securt3y Insttument.
<br /> ,G • . � • Farm.3�28 9180 . .
<br />�;��'� ' �'� � Va¢edofs • . o_
<br />_ . :. ' � j' ' ' . � . \ .
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