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<br /> �•�. _t .4��_ :ar`.,� � . . �)' . �:. . ' • `�i�",a s �k 4.c 2:�' }f�'�L c c�L".'��
<br /> . .^�' . tC , d` . .
<br /> — _<1:`,.. �. , . , . _ � ���.. �o��.�. � , , . . __
<br /> - . � ` F. ��i,tt, ,
<br /> _ ,. . . . :c•., $. I�loxard ar Prope,rrty�tR�,�r�+�..�omow�r shnfl keep ahe improvemeau naw existin� or[�ereafter erectea o�a the —
<br /> P
<br /> -� ���k . �, � � � Property insured agai�t[oss by Cue, ha7urds included within the term "extended saverage"as�uay other haza�+�s. inctuding ` r -
<br /> �` `" ��, �� ��, � � flaads ox flaodin�.for which Lender requires insur�uece.This insuiartce sha116e maintainea in the amounts and for We periods
<br /> _; ��:� � � � �, _��p � that L.ender rEquires.The insuraace carries providin�the insurance shatl 6e chosen by Burrower su6ject to Lender's approvai . _
<br /> --. • �°,; �r ti� .,:�`c which shall not be unreasonabIy withheld. If Borrower fails to maintain coverage described above, Lender may, at I.ender's o
<br /> option,obtain covecsge to protect l8ader's rights in the Properry in accordance wit6 paragraph 7. _
<br /> �_,��`--��- `� Ail insurance policies and renewals sha11 be acceptabTe to L.�nder and shatt indude a standard mortgage claase. Lender -
<br /> Y=--�'r-'s,`;
<br /> •�,; � , sfiall have tfie right w hoid the golicies and r�aewals. If Lender requires,Borrower shalt promptty give to I.ender ail teceipts of _
<br /> . ..- n�
<br /> V�"�� _ paid_premiums and mnewat mtices.In the.even[of.loss.Borrower shatl give pmmpt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. �
<br /> _',�J_r..�:".: �•�� ,. - . - - - - _. . _
<br /> — -•• ._;,�_-::;: I.ender may make proof of loss if not made pmmpdy by Boaower.
<br />= '''`:�:: ,';r:�''-�° Uniess Lender and Borrower othenvise agree in writing,iawrauce proceeds shalt iie applied to zestorasion or repair of the
<br /> F.'.i�C.
<br /> _ '''''`'';.`�:;� ProPert3►daznaged,if the resWration or repait is economically teas➢ble and Leader's security is not lessened.If the tesWration or
<br /> .,.;,.b,,
<br /> repair is not economically feasible or I�nder's se�vrity wauld be lessened,the insarance proceeds s6a11 be applied to the svms
<br /> ' � secured by dus Sec�iriry Tastwnerrt, wl�ether or not then d¢e,wit6 any excess paid to Borrower. If Borrawer abandons the
<br />._ �-';',-::�'. ; '��, Praperty,or dnes not answer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insuTance carrler has offered to seWe a claim,t6en
<br /> _ >v's;`,��'..'.,.,:,�:
<br />_-- ���y-�:xm;,,-,;--, Lencier may collQCt the in�Fraece praceeds. Lender may nse the proceeds to mpair or restore the ProPeatY ur'to pay sum5 _
<br /> ����?'�`�f%�`;�° °'�'�' secured b t6is 5ecarity Inswment,whether or nat then dae.The 3Q-da nod cv�716 when the notice is given.
<br /> Y Pe� �
<br /> °;r,, i�i'`„-`�r,��,: Un2ess Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in wriring. any applicatian of proceeds to principal shall 4ot exten,d ot
<br /> - :F;, .:,� .',��;—. <<t .
<br />_ ;._!= ..-"�`���` � yostpone the due date of the monthly paymeu�s referreQ w in paragraphs i and 2 a;change the aznaunt of the payments.If .
<br /> ;.i:,;nK�•�s, � - - '
<br /> -.,'� � -.'::'j;.. `�,'. �•, es pasagraph 21 the Froperty. acquired by Lender,Borrower's right to any ins�s�policies aad proceeds re�uiting fiom
<br /> .. ..,-•:�3• .;k`.
<br />__ _,.... ,� .
<br /> -:';,.,��`- __..._.�_. _da�a�:to. . . QpstSy_.pr.io tlh�;�cgnis
<br /> .;
<br /> ��i':;. to:..'� ition shall ass to er to�extent of th:�cns secured b this Security Ensuument
<br /> :: � , , .., _ th�.Pt .. , .p._..._. _ _. . . .-- .............Y._ .-�- ---._.. ..- �-------------�-----
<br /> ,;. ,� r. . � ..:., . _
<br /> �.:;,i:�;����s, ,'��_ imm�ately prior to the acquisrtiioYe: .
<br /> ; �S }�.4�..9 .
<br /> ;:<,. `�,�:y.:' .:°;5: �. C:t3�capaneg,�vat[mrr,i�ai�naaae anoi Frotecilon o�iigrc�iY;So�e�'s Laan App3Ic�tton;I.�se�o�3s.;_�:•
<br /> ,. .
<br /> j�;. . �s. ' $orcower shali ac�i�;est�fslish,and use the Property as Borrower's�itc":�xl.residence within sixtx days after ffie execution¢f'':.; ,
<br />-'�` •�`�� ��� `'` this Sec�rity Iqsttument attd sh�1l,continne to occupy:the Pc�gerty.as Sorrower's principal residence for at least one year after ,
<br /> -. �,.:,�•;. .�,r.,.:
<br /> :,?: ;.y.,rQs�:' �,,,.,'�.� - the,3ate of acrupai►cy;untessii�?�3xr ut6esarise agrees ia wretang;-which consent shall not-be unreasona6ly wi�d;or unIess-= -
<br /> '�• ,.�1+�t '�e'�•`„ . cirr�imctancea . .. dEStIOj+, $ €!Ap .
<br /> ;; ..;:•f:,:.�•;,;.�'.., , exteauating � a existi;.��ich are beyond Botrower's control. �orrower shall ant dama e � ' air the
<br />_ -.t1 1l i''�S�e•i �'� ' Progerty. allow thc�capecty.tu�3etertorate,or cbmmit waste on the Prc�gei�yy. Borrower shail he az��efault if a�r forfeimn.;.-.. �
<br /> �,�;r ,�''�� :�� • acxion or proceeding,Nhe�'�.*�:1�Qi criminal� is begun tha1.in Lender's gaod faith j�adgmeat oouId tesult in forfeiture of the�.:�:;
<br /> - �� '`'`�<`��' '' " Property or oWerwise materialIy impair the lien created by tltis Secarity Insuument ar Leader's secauity interest.Burrower may . `
<br /> - .Lr.._'��:ati'�!. "
<br /> _ . _�,� aue suth a defar�lt and reinstate,as provided in paragraph I8,by causing the action or prooeeding to be dismissed with a raling
<br /> ��u�� ''_� that, in l.ender's good faith determination, precludes fodeitt�re of the Borrower's interest in the Praperty or other material —
<br /> � . - � impairment of the lien created by this Secvrity Instruinent or Lender's sewrity inteiest. Borrowez shall also be in default If •
<br /> �:�;��+�' Sorrower.during the Loan ap�lication process,gave materially fatse os inaccruate information.or statemenu ta Lender(or failed
<br /> _�^ ,,�� '��x'j����Z,�YS to provide I.ender with any material infomiation)in cannectian with the,loan evidenced by the Note.includin�.but not limited .
<br /> '�=�y�f,��"'��' � � to.representatioas concemins Eorrower's occupancy of the Properiy as a principal residence.If this Secunty Insuument is on a
<br /> ''=s'=�'=-'=°"- _ � teasehold. Borrower shall wmply wtth sill the provisions of the tease. If Borrower acquires fee Gtle to the �roperry. the
<br /> ��¢�;;;:�.°.ri�` teasehald and the fee tiite shali not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in wricing. . '
<br /> � � 7.P�btectfon af Lender's Rl�hts in t6e�operty.If Harrower fails to perfonn the cuve�nts and agreements contained in
<br /> = ' this Security Instrument. or there is a tegal procecding that may si�c�ntly t�ffffoct Lendet's rights in the Properry(such as a
<br />- pmceeding in bank:upuy,probate,for condemnation or fprfeiture or to enforce Iaws or regulations).then Leuder may do and .
<br /> - pay for whatever is Recessary to proteot the valae of the_Property and LendeT's rights in the Pro�erty. Lender's actions may.
<br /> • 'i�iude paying airy sams secored by a lien which has prIority over this�Securiry inswment, a¢pearing in court. payiag
<br />- � reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Altamigh Lender may tako acrion onder t�is Qaragraplt�
<br /> 7.Lcnder does aot have ta do so. � . �
<br /> Any amounis disbu�sed by Lender undQr t�is parapaph_7 shall become additional debt of Bortower secnred by this
<br /> 5e�mty Instrnment. Unless Borrawer and Lender agree to other terms of payment,these amounts shall beur interest from the
<br /> �. date of disbursement at the Note rate anct shall be payable, with 9nterest. upon notice frpm Lender to Borrower requesdng
<br /> payment.. ,
<br /> - ' S.Mortgage Insurance.If Lender requiretl mortgage Insurance as a wndition of making the loan secared by this Sacnrity '
<br /> Instn�ment. Bortower sha71 pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for suy reason,the
<br />_ ino�gage inswance wverage required by Lender lapses ar a�ses to be in effect;Eorrower shall pay the premiums required to
<br /> ohtain coverage substuntially equivalent to the mortgage iasurance previously in effect.at a oost substantially equivalent.to the
<br /> '��t��� cost to Boaower of the mongage insurance previously i�effect, from�an altemate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If .
<br /> substantially equivalent mortga;e insurance caverage is not available.Boaower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to •
<br /> w��:-1�"� one-twelRh of the yearly rnortgage insurance premium being paid by Bonower when thE insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to
<br />-- �=�� ?��'��: Be�in effect.Lender will a t.nse a�d ietain these a ents as a loss reserve in lieu of mort
<br /> ._... ... ..: �P P Ym gage insurnnce. Loss resenre
<br /> ..;;; ,
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