, �-i..,t.. ��� . ' � .' _( . .. y a r:�:i,`:. `-... . :�. <. :��- '".:�..• '.�� .
<br /> s=..:�.� _ _ �� . . f� _ _ tc � :�n.�' - ----^-�or--��•.�-._-�� �� .�....
<br /> .\,Y `" - ,:� i` :i:'�F:S�`'.c:. �'•� :4 - ��i�,'` ..' . . . . �f�i�` �.
<br /> s �: r. � ,, f • ` '. . �t�.- �A. , �_
<br />�. '� ..,k `ki •�..':' i° ..., t` . `k ` ,., . r•�'�{.'` '`• c.� '.. ��Y,-� �• C�.
<br />�a` .. ;:t,: ? - �' { :FV F . � . '' , , .'`.S � � �-•!x� t �i;��c`�,: ' , .�''' . i. Y!,k'
<br /> ` �c� k.' ' ��c). .{_�yU ,.i °�'�, • ''` '� tF
<br /> � .`(�t , � ' . . , � � , y • ` V�"� i���v` . � ,.
<br /> � ` • , 17:'dYans�er oYt�Fa�pePty.ar a Benc�dc►1 Inteae�t In Borrnvrer.If all or ciny pait of the Property or any iaterest in it � •
<br /> � ' is sold ar tt�nsfernd(or if s�ben�cial interest in Borrower is sotd or transfeered'and Borro-Nec is rrot e natural gerson)wlthoui
<br />. � �"�'��` Lender's pdor written oonsent. Lender may. at its optioa, �eguf�immediate payment�n fLll of al! sums secured by this �
<br /> � ' Secudty Lsstrumenr.Hc►w�ver.this.opiion shall aot be exercised by Leader If exercis�is pmldbited by fe�era!taw.es of the date ,'
<br /> ' . '.�`-� ��., . of this Securtty insir�ment. . • • : � ' . < :. h.
<br /> . '°� ; if Lender exeacLses tiiis o�tion,i,.ender shall give Bomnwer.notice of aooeletatian.The notice shsll pmvide a periad of not
<br /> • `' � tess than 30 days from the rJate the.naUce.is delivered or maited a+ithin tivhich.Burrower must pay all sums sec�i+e� by_this
<br /> `- `� �_ j Security Instntment.IE Sorrotver fa�']s to Qay these sums prtor tv tI�e eapization of this pertod.L�c►der may invoke any remedtes �
<br /> ��-~`�L`. . � pemiitted by Wis Sec�uity Inswmsnt without further notice or demasd on Borrawer. ' . � • ,
<br /> "`��� !8«8orro�vea's Rig[�i to Fdeinsts►tx. IF Borrower meets �toin' wnditiores. Borrawer shall have the righ� to have �
<br />! ,• � � enforcement af ti�is Security Instr�ment:diswntinueci at airy dme prior to the eartter of: (a)S�days(or sucfi oti:er period as �
<br />�==`"_�=-���:=�� --�pS�+�'�a:v r�y �a:Sfy� fc� rz;�;�a�".�h;U�;ur2 i�ue c,:::� ���:�y �c:a�:,�:s-��:a€so3:, :;,�',a��-h�� - -
<br /> � j�� . ; � fi'"`--. - Security instrumeat;or(6)enuy of a judgmeat enfotsing this Security Instrument.Thosti conditions tve thai Bosrower:(aj p� s .
<br /> . � '�` '" ' ��� I�ender all sums whic6 3hen wouId be due'ander�his Security instrument and,the Note as if nv acceteration had oxumed;�b)
<br /> - aues any defauIE of atty other covenants or a�eements;(c)pays all eapeases incurred in enforcing this Secuaity Iastrument.
<br /> '�� �• • iuctt�ding,6at noi timited to,reasona6te atWmeys'fces;and(d)talces such a+ction as l.ender cnay masona6fy reqnire to a�sure' ;°�r'
<br /> � `•"; �':,� that We tien of t€us Security Iasttament,Leader's rigttts in the Property and Borrower's obligation to Qay the swns secured by , -
<br /> ' ' . .,.;.:' �this Secauity L�strumeat shall conrinue tinci�anged. Upori�reinstatemeni 6y Borrower, ti�s Securiry Ynshument end the �``:
<br />:`j',s�:��...;�. ..... `abligations secur�d hereby sl�ati cemain fulty effectire as if ao•arceteratiott had occurred.Howeve�this right to reir�state si�all ;_:�
<br /> ��' � � nor appty it�tI►e c�e of. r�tetatcon mtder pazagraph i7. : :- � �:,:.
<br /> ' '` ' . �9. �ate of PIQl��Change oF Loatt Servicer. The Note or a paztial inteiest in the Note (toge2her with tttis Secarity e�.�:
<br /> ' '� Insttumeai)may be sold one or more times without prior aotice to Borrower.A sale may�esult in a change in the entity�lmown . '�i
<br /> �. :� •-`��� as the°l.o�n�ervicer')that collacts crrunthJy paymeats due under We Note an�l this Secunty lnsuument.There silso may 6e one .' .
<br /> • �`�' • �� . or mnre changes of the Loan Servicer u►aeiated to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Sarvicer,Horrower wnU be ;;,_=
<br /> -'-��;.. ::__i_r�.;;..:, given wdttea notic�of the change in ac;cordanoe svith paragrapi�14 above snd appiicable law:The aotice will stsie the aame aad • ,--�
<br /> � �s . � " .. . -�-•-- tlf-rh - - an- • - �adress-to�wfiI - y ts- uidbemafl -wiilatsocomain ther-..------- -
<br /> . . ��tdr¢s� �tre'�v'i.b Sern�xtr�ntl th d ch pa �nen sho �� e:`i'henotice� . . any�u � '.,
<br /> __'T�,�`�„' info�an cequic�6y' applicabte law. � ' `' ''
<br /> ,; , .. ,�.� 1A.�Ha�t�a�ns Sabstanee� Borrower shalt not rause or permit the presenoe,uss,disposal,:t��age.er a+elease of aqy -
<br /> �•. ,:'° �' . Haaardous Substa�aes.on oF in the Propetty. E�nower shall not do. nor allow an}roae else te d�, at►ytivag aff�ting the �'�
<br /> . , . PtopeRy that is i�vi�l�ttinn af atry Eavironmea�tal Law.�e preaeding two s�ntence.a sball not agpty to the presence.use: or . �.�ti
<br /> J�''�� '.'. -. staiage on the I'a�of smalt quantities of Ha�trdous Su6stances that are genera!!y recognized to be apptvprtate to�torma!
<br /> �. ;��:s`�' < . residential uses a�9 ta malnisnance of the L'mperty. . , ��`,��
<br /> _ __ `'� ' Bvrmwer shall.pmmpity give Lender wntten nntIce of any investigation,clai�.demartd,lawsuit.or otfier action by any =_-
<br /> ��- -' -'' govemmental or reguiatory ag�acy or private party invatving the Property and any�dous SuBstance or E�rviirenmental I,aw � ___
<br /> :�',;`��' ''�; . of which Borcower has acxual fanowledge. If Horrawer leams,or is nodBed b y any�vertunental br regulato��thority.that =-
<br /> � ��' '' � Y Y S �rtS+� rY, P P Y
<br /> 'j;:�"�� '�, , an remaval or other re�ediation of an Ha7ardous 5abstance affettin the P �s necessa Eorrower sha11 tom tl take -
<br /> _ , afl necessary remeAial actions in accordanee with Envttonmentat Law. � • =
<br /> As use�in this paragraph 20, °Hazardous Substances"arx those substateces defin9d as to�ic er hazardous substances by �,�
<br /> :•;c'�.�.�•-..;;;� ' • Environmcr�al iaw and the following substartces: �asoline, kerosene, other ftaznmable or tou�.�.roleum gmducts, toxic _
<br /> ':,'.:�•: :•.•� pe�ti�tdes and herb}ddes.volat�e soivents,materiais containing asbestos or fomnaldehyde.attd rad•.�i�=s mateaeals.As used in =-
<br /> 'F;, �,'',:; .� ,;� t�i��aragt�ph 20. °EavLronmetu�l iaw" means federal taws and laws of the jurisdicxion wheie tt;:e PropeeE�+��lorated that -.
<br /> " .� � ��. rel�t�a to hea�th,safery or enRironmental pintection. • .; . ----
<br /> `��; �� NON-iJN1FURM COVENANTS.Borrower and l.ender further oovenant and agree as follo�rs: • � �"�
<br /> -;�:.:... . ....-, _
<br /> � 21.Aocet�qn;Remed�cs.Lender ahall give nottc�to 8orro�ver prior to�ccetsxatto�Cc���g Bs^ta�ses's bmach ''.
<br /> '�s,,;�.: :.:.�< . . ..
<br /> .'.. ,,...,. .�. of any coveaaats:e�agreemeat!n tbfs SeSnrtty ins4rument Nnt not prtor to acceteratdoa a�B ParagraP��17 uNass .
<br /> _:�.,��:-:.:::�:.;:.; �ppiica6te taw pravtdee otfiersYlse).�e nottce shal)spectfy: (a)t�e defauit;(b)the action c��ased to+e��he ddaal¢; :-.
<br /> -=f`-'•f��°;•;.: ----
<br /> x�.:;r,�;.,,k L � (c)a date,not tess tTu�n 3e d'u.g�fmm the date the noiice ts given�to Borrower,�a}�wtaici�the�dauit mtut�re cured;und _
<br /> "�•>:>...�;�,, ,� ',� � (d)tt�t fnflare to care the d�ault on or betore the d�te spcxilled In the nolice may�esutt En aocetrratta:n�S'the sums
<br /> -__��"'".-_.�;�- . secu�6y th�s�curttq InSwument aa�sale of the Property..The nolice siwIi further inforpa;8orrower of t1�e rtght tu
<br /> ��; retnstate eiter acceler�tlon�the dRkt to 6Nng a canrt adtan to�assert tde aon-exLstenee��a default or as��othc��.
<br /> � �-� detense ot B�rrnwer to ac�ttorl an�s�e. I�the detault ts nat vsiraf on or betore tt�e�spe�.'��u the aatia� .
<br /> _�"��';�f� ' LenEet, a�Its optiun.m�yc�p➢re imcae�ilute pay�neat tn[ulf of a0 sums sesv�red 6p this Secwrity I�t without
<br /> * t
<br /> ,1 ., further demnnd aad ntay i�3ce thepower of sale ar�a3�y otltes semedtes pern�ttted by aDpllceble taw:`�er s�all bc � '
<br /> � .-f�.' �en4i1[�l to w�iod all expeuses faarrred[n pursuing tt�c c�pte�tee provided tn tlils paragraph ZZ,inctuding,�i�nai iimited� '. _
<br /> �` " i to,ceasonaDIe�t�uineys'f�ees accd wsta of'title evtdeace. � � � � -_
<br /> ` IY theg a�rt�of sa1e[s itevo S t e d,Trusiee s h a l i r¢cor d a not lce o f d e Pau lt in ea c h coaa��ta.w h 3 c U an mst o f t he -
<br /> ;c,�,�" ' . YroPerty ts t�at�zd and s6a11 maii captes of such notice in the��nivar_P���Y aP8licilble�aw to Barinwes and to' _
<br /> n
<br /> ;:;���`� t@¢ottier
<br /> ��µ�Y,�f pe�stirn��rescribe+l by applicable�tuw.After�he tim�requiu�by appitq6Ie Iaw,Tcv.��stiali give�nblic notice :.�-
<br /> o�sale to the.persons s+nd tn the msinner prascril�d 6y appiicable taw.Trnstee, wtthout dem�'d�Bonv�q�;shall.sel!
<br /> �•�'� �`�� the Property at pubf#c aacNon to tbe Nghest b}dder at tibe Hme�ad pfuce and ander the tesms desdgnateA ii�.a�e atoitce o! � "��
<br /> - •-�t.".-:.'� •�r . e==
<br /> `=``;� •�'--�' �I� sale tn one os�nore parcets and Lb nny order Tntstee deten6iQC9..$ar�stee may postpone sale a4aU or�ny patcr!of the �'-
<br /> � � " Property bypu blte anaouncetuent at the tfine and pfat�of�uny�revilonsty schedWed sale.�der or its des�tee may' -
<br /> � ., �� �urchase We Pru�erly at any sale. . � .
<br /> �i_';= �.�,;;"., `� . . . . , � . t. �= _.
<br /> � ,�, .
<br /> . . .,. .
<br /> . . " � . • Form 3028 8190
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