�` � -� 1-"-�-`y,:c��%� . - ' , v .`'` . - - '�i - --- �>r.•�_^�'4�r �� . -.t. - . .
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<br /> �'i` t r�,, � . C � , . F- t F •1• n'� ' . 'y��4.< . - .. '`. 4.
<br /> �;.` `4c ;.,. f ' . s` , �;z ;� . ... . � ,r' . Y. �y. ' 'i p. n .
<br /> � S . .f'• " 5 ' L.c ` - , •s� �6.
<br /> ' �.',c �� ...�5' � c, � . � . ` , - 4 . . �� .
<br /> o+., . . , . � . . � ( � . 9�� ���� � ` . , „�`r.
<br /> c, �
<br /> -7` � • � • S. Hsasrd or Ropet4y Inszuaae�. Borrower shall [ceep the impmvemeats rtow existing oi hereafter erecced on the � `'
<br /> '`` ;e.,;;,", - , Propeny..i�sur�d�against toss by ftre•.ha7ards inctaded within the term°extended oover�ge'and tmy otherhardrds,insluding , '
<br /> ° ttaosis or flaading,for'wttich Len�er requires insurance.7'his ins�rance sha116e rnaintainad in the amnunts�and for the perfeds
<br /> - _ � • ' �'�,� that[.e�ider requi�es: Ttie[nsuranoe'carrier ptovitiing the it�snranee shall be chosen by•B�nvwer sabj�t.to Le�xler's.approval _ �;
<br /> '.' �t �; vAuch�shall ant be unmasonably withhefd. If Borrowet fails to maintain caoverage dessribed,above, I.ender may.at�nder's `u��
<br /> r^'L"'�-_: � aption.obtain oovetage to pintect Lender's rigiits in tfie Progerty in ac�ordante with paragraph�. �
<br /> —_ � " ., All insurance.policies s�n�l renewals shali be aocepta6le to Lender and shall jnctude a standard mortgage clavse. L e rt der '
<br /> ,��`•; _�.:, .-- slt��!�s�=i.keti�st scr�ald sI���x!�l�:[€��v+tt?r.ram.irea,A�,rr±�wes-Fhal!;rmmntty give t�I.endes a!1�ceigts ot_._ ._ ..
<br /> ._ .
<br /> -.. .
<br /> —: : .' , `�•.°<` ' •d rerninms�aad renewal not�ses.In the event of tass,Borro�rer shall 've m t aotioe to the insurance carcier ansll.ender. ��
<br /> � •, �-. : • P� .P . .. 8s Pm P `.
<br /> ��; `• • • i.ender usay make proaf of IosS if nQt mxde�tomptty by Borrower. . ��`-
<br />_��`�` � .G r� Unless Leader end Borcower othernrise agree in arciting,insurance pmceeds sball be appli�fo restnratian ar repair of the ����r�
<br /> ���°° !"� �� ' �ropetiy damaged.if ths restoration or repair is erarnomicallg feasible and.l.ender's seixuity is rtot lesseaed.If the�e.storation or -_
<br /> �..'.. . ;.. �:r:
<br /> _�. •. < � repair is not ecoaomically feasi62e or Lender's s�ty would be lessened,ti�e insuearcce proceedS shall be.appl[ed 4��Q sums .
<br /> ��...._`'„ :T^`�;_,, secuird by this S�ty Instrtunent.whetheror not then dae,witi�any excess paid to Borrower. If Borrower abandons the :,__;;
<br /> , , � Property.or does nut answer wiUvn 30 days a sroGce'from Le.�der that th�i�s�uas�re rar4icr lsas affered to settle a claim,thr.�
<br /> tu�
<br /> � Lertder may ool2ect lhe insuraru�pmceeds. Lender may uss the proce.�ds to repair�¢.�estore the Proyerty or w pay sums , ��Y-�
<br /> ,� rar _
<br /> � ..... ;'• . . . - _
<br /> �� . 1. , sertired by this�rity I6swment,whether or not then due.3`he 3d-day period an�!6egin,when the rtotice is given. �"�
<br /> ` � Unless i�ender and Borrower otiterwtse agree in cvriting, arry spgiicacion of proreeds to principal shall.rr�oi extertd ar `''
<br /> ��'� ��: •�:•.I,'. . os one th�dus date af the mouthlY payments referred to in paragrap�s i and 2 or char►ge the,amoun:of tite payments. If �"��,'`
<br /> �,_ • . . P tP �� `:`
<br /> ��, ,-._;-`l x� -:--�---��-P�P�Ph.21..the.Property.is.acqniredby_I.ender.-Bflrmwer's..righttoany.I�surartce�ta�'ici�san�d.pzoc�ed�_re,sultil�gf.rQSn__...�__ .._ r :
<br /> �`' � � •� •� damage to the Property prior to the asquisition sdall pass co Ixnder to the exteat of the sums secured by ihis Sec,�rity Instrument � �. •
<br /> �N ,_ .. � _ -
<br /> � �.;.,.".��.-� . immedjatety prior to�the acq�eisition. , • ' � "_.-
<br /> . � 6.Oocopa�cy,Pr�servatIon,Main4enanae and ProledIon of the Property;�orrower's Laan�plicat�on;Lwsehoids. -
<br /> �-?-�--� '' :`� �Borcower shall oeaPY,�tablisH.and ase the Fmpeety as Homower's principat Yrstdeuce within si�cty days after the exeeutioa af �•-'"_�
<br /> �`' _ .� � . .this S�surity Instsument siid sha1T continue to aixupy the Propeity as Borrowei's priaoipal residence;for at least one year aRer �'_�
<br /> � ..:::.� .� '•= �
<br /> _��_:..`,: : :, °-�,.; the date of occnpancy,untess Leader otherwise agrees in writing,which oonseat shall not 6e anieasonably wIthhald,or untess =-
<br /> :9,.! •, ..iy�� eatem�ating cinvmstances eacist wiuch aze beyund Borrower's wntml. Bonocver.sl�ll nm destioy,'damage or impair the -
<br /> - • Property,attow Ebe�roperty�to.¢eterior�te,or comntit waste on the Ftas�ta:y,.Barruwer shall be in defauit if any forfeit�.`�. : _
<br /> - �• ''��' -'�.�� action ar prooeediii�. whether civil�or criminal,is 6egun that in Lender'ss,�nd faith jadgmen4 ooutd resuIt in forfeitpre of tft��' �.; . -
<br /> �' • � � Properry or oUneiw3se materially impair the ti�creat�d by this Security Instmment or Lender's security interest.Bomnvea'm=.�'`
<br /> cur�ch a defau�t artd reinstate,as rovided In ara h 18,by cxiusin the action or rooeEdin Qo be dismissed vais�a rvling ""'
<br /> .�,',:�;: ��� P P 8�P � P �
<br /> — - .. ... tJ�at,"•'�a Lender's good faith detennination, precludes forfe:tu�of the Borrower's irtterest in the Property or ci.':�i�materiaf _
<br /> �'.:�I•-- "- ��� � impaietnent of the lien created by this Sequi4�,Instrument or Lendet's set�rrity inteiest. Bomowee shaU aiso be In defaWt if..• '
<br /> ' Borrower,during the loan applicatton pracess��ve materially fatse or inaccurate information or statements to Lender(ar failed
<br /> • .. ',"..;:;�
<br /> -'�s�,:�.,.°-•�.'- �' to psovide Lender with any materiaf infomia�on)in connection with the loan evidenced by the.Note.including,but not limiie�
<br /> �=�==�'t�.7,�•���° • to.tepirsentations wnceming Eoreower's ocarpancy of the Pmperty as a principal tesidence,If this Security Instruitient ia on a . .
<br /> •::�;`." -�;; ' teasehold, Bomower shail camply with a11 the pravisions o�the lease. If Bomower acquires fee Ntte to the P�operty, the
<br /> ---�L`�'''i'`" leasei�id and the fee Qitle shall rYot merge unle�Lender ag�ees to the merger in writing.
<br /> .ry`"'�''� �w� -_ ?.Piro2ectic*.m��#+eader's Rip,�tts tn the�o�erty.If Eorrower faiis to perfurm the oovenants and agnxrnents contained in,,,.�
<br />:��.;st..•�;�3_ .
<br /> -�— �°- t!!is SESt!rit;�^M�nt,ar Nere is e legai�!+�;+�diQg th�i m�y slgnifccantiy affect Lender's rig.,hts•in the Froperty{cueh Rs a� .
<br /> �rs� proaw�'ling in bat►�niptcy,pro6�si.for conde.:.�2tion qr.fa�eiture or to enforce laws an negulations),then Leisdcr r�cay do and
<br /> '��.� , pay�;C'��whntev�r is necessaty Da�mtect the,vaiue of tlie Property attd Lender's rights[:�the Property. Lercder"sc;i�ons may
<br /> `- ,- �. i;e!te'��Paying,�ry'�yms seeured by a ti€� �vhicit.has priority over this 5ecurity Instniment, a,�,�iing in'arUtt. paying .
<br />��°r r�';_.': �, . •
<br /> �•''��" reasona6le attar.e�s' fees and entering on ti�;l?mperty to make repairs.�►(tho�gh i.ender may take���n under tdiis puragrapA
<br /> ����"�`;i� ?,i�ender daes r.t�have to do so. ��� , ' __
<br /> '`d � '��mr amounts disbursed by,Lender under this paragrap� 7 shall become additional debt of.Borrawer secu�ed by ihis =
<br />_� �.;_� Security InstrnmenG Unles.s Bormwer and Lender agree to other terms of payment,these amouats shal!bear interest ftom the , __
<br /> ,,_�.. . � -
<br /> ��r�° N�s � date of disburs�:r3 atthe Note rate atsd sTaati be payable. with interest,upvn nouce from Lender'tn Borrotiver requesting =.v
<br /> ;;..'�-,�:.:� payment. ' ' ' . • • .. .�•__-
<br /> . �,
<br /> :������;�;�:;''�� S.Mortgage Qnsuranee If Len�er re��:red mortgage insurance as s cundition of making the loan'secnred by this Security '. ;> -
<br /> - -�-: ����.';.;� in..xesument. 8orrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain Ihe mortgage insurance in effect. If, for any reason,.tha -
<br /> _��:.�!y "� i rtc�zt�age tnsurance coverage:equired hy Lender lapses or c�eases to be in effect,Bormwer shall pay the preu�.iums,r�quired to . �•
<br /> � T '�t obtain coverage substantially eguivsilent to the mortgage insnrance previousty in effect,at a cost su6stz..*:ttally eqRivalent W.the � �
<br /> . _
<br /> - '�' ``' ' �'{ cost to Borrowes of the mongage insurance previousty'in effect� from an altemate mortgage insurer appmved by Lender. If �'
<br /> ��' '' substantiatl �v -
<br /> ��. ' :��:�' �•� y equ' alent mortgage insurance coverage is not available.Borrower shall pay to l.ender each month a sum equal to
<br /> '�'�" one-twelfth of the rI mort e incutance rcmiurt•6ein a�d b Borrower when the insuranoe rnvera e la sed or ceased to
<br /> ,��. , . ''.� S� Y �� P �P � Y � p
<br /> ,:. .'�' be in effect.Lender will ascept.use and retaln these payments as a loss reserve in.lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> �._-. .
<br /> �Q``'' _ • . • Form 8028 9/90 ''..
<br /> �` • ' vage9ote '�``
<br /> �.'•�'•';1���s .1:��L. ' ,. , _
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