_ _
<br /> �. -- �-
<br /> � _ �:. .. . . _ T
<br /> - d.. �.c... -la`c:� .. , . _ . . 4 _ '_ 2 .�.::-,�.�'.
<br /> - �:�..�.r.`-'_ ' _ _'' _ _._ T :.'t >-• _ -- _
<br /> _' __ _— � ( __ '• �Y}c Y '�4'. , `, .� Z y ..�i�•
<br /> ^.S . '� ' _ " , �k�'Tj' `u . �:�..- � : •. ^ '�..'� ' 6. ' r � � S c yl6 � •• �G`�
<br /> e;r �'i,� t�:'._�c . � i,
<br /> ,' �e'` .. h i f•.�t. .�;4� tt 4,4 .c '�� } a�` _� "�d¢we f
<br /> ��'. • ,� r:�� '
<br /> :� .;.. �
<br /> —� . " ' `:
<br /> ,�__;4�.; � . . ' . � ` i ' . � ' ' .
<br /> - �s. "'l� . ' . . . . �4'�.
<br /> .-_� . ti, • •. ! � . . ' ��� �0��� `A'c.
<br /> - , ti .
<br /> . ' ,F( . .�� � . i ( . ,� . � . � c .
<br /> G 4 . : � ear. Should�TSUetora fail to . . .�
<br /> . �` , ` � . ,pzas�adiit9 in erhicti SeaefiaiezY cr 3`suates �y aPP , �li•x
<br /> `�`��"' m�lce aaY 9aY�t oY �o do enY ace as and,in the casnnior psaivf8ed ia e:►Y of th@
<br /> f . .
<br /> oiehout. � �
<br /> ' Loan iastsum�ate. Benefic�escY and/or 3'ruetes. each iA its a�n discretfaa..
<br /> - ololfgation, maY ma�e�o zotecteehe�c�urtq h9�oft Tsuetose�e�cteat�eg6ia elY '
<br /> meY '��neceaearY. P aii e:aete ata8 e�pensee irscurse$ bY
<br /> _ �. . ur$an demanfl �hs�refor .�y �aaoflciaYY. 8a71 HeaegiciarY of ?�ee �o�fl� -
<br /> Seaeficisrll in c�ectiaa ailb t�e aRarcise bY
<br /> : . , , .. inciu�9• vfthout limita�iva. �oata.ofi evideace of title. cauzt c�ate. .
<br /> '-� -:_.:� . ::.N..yy . �igheo.A a.. eurvevs an� attos�Y'e �eee. :�p+nY �� COAte an8 ���egau].t.sate
<br /> ' �� � • , - --��th���ea 110) �sYa of arrite�r a� i�s �..-�r-�* � - -� -- - _
<br /> psts�rided in the itota. . � , .:.
<br /> `; � . thereof or .
<br /> ` �. . �houid the Trugt Sstate. or any Pa� h .
<br /> _ `�•::�� '. �� `_� 5. et+tit�t� �a� ublic ia�rovement or
<br /> � reaeon of any p '�:.
<br /> • .� . • iatexes� thsrein. be ��o ia�Yge other ma�es includ#n9 deed ia iteu oF .
<br /> � • conde,�nntiau p�cee6is9+ , .
<br /> • Co�ags�►aaeian.t RCoademaatien"?. or ehould Truatore �eceive anY �°��ea�oti�.
<br /> . �'�' ' �°"-. pmceedin9. `l�t�ore she119ive p� atiaa �
<br /> �_�;: ,::��. :; �_:,�, infosmatioa segas8in9 sucls 1 be entitled to all cxaaPe�9 � . ';�
<br /> - . theseof to �eueficiesY• 8eue�id�Y ��
<br /> '''A �adea�atio� a.rar8a and othes payaieats or re�ief therefor. a�eYia11 be eaeitied
<br /> OI �BIIISg9- ,, r`e.
<br /> . �to make eay c�Psaniee oar esttlement in connectioa vith euch takia9 _
<br /> _ . , � Al� euch ca�8�eatian aa��aProcea8s■��e��'speaesigne�to sene�� '��;
<br /> . •• •�
<br /> ,..., •• � .
<br /> ' ,'. ' ,.., psocenda aerar8ed to Truat soces8s .
<br /> ea ead iQ �
<br /> ' ~-�•. �� •- vh0.._eltall_ tu�ply 8uch CamP�neation• avaide. dema5 • . `
<br /> 1 . . . .-- ----.. ._ .._-- -
<br /> secured hY ktii�a-Dae$--of��rua�, vith-ai►Y-exces�._Paid._to the Trustott aad Tsugtaasa; .
<br /> � tB of t11@ e�aceed�_-a� serie�i�iarY-o� ----- �- �� �r�._
<br /> � ;�-:r-�:� ' agree ta exa�ta such further eesigamea . , �.;�.-
<br /> •' .:;. .}� Trugte9 1t�aY sequize. ' �-:
<br /> . -�e. . , ===
<br /> . . ',,� .�' ` b geaeficfaxy rt�Yr from tiate to tisaa. . ---_--
<br /> , ,.:
<br /> : .. . ; .:.. o �,:-
<br /> ,.: � ���� 6. ' - eficierY. iled to ��-_
<br /> .,.�..._,.....
<br /> :..< • . . "..... . ,. �yy a vsittess- tsume - - - '. _ ._ —_
<br /> , .. . . - - _ . nt .escecute8 aad ecaaio�ried�3ed by . .
<br /> ':�• Tsy�tose an� recasde8 ia the Con�tii ir� aYiia� tho Trust �oste ie lacatsd ead Is�l. �:_�-
<br /> ':' ' ' 9rlth the Pranisic�aae of ttse a�+pi�c¢�k� la�v a8 ths State of _-
<br /> i�`l�`,�._�:°:,:�.: ..T�M. • othe�rise aaR1P1Y�9 =--
<br /> �,`;� ",.�,. : Nebraeka aubstitute a saccee�or or succeasoxe to rh� Tsu�stee aaa��7 keref�a� or =-_
<br /> �,'�.,." • . . _ actiag heseun8er. . . � -
<br /> .:;,. .. -
<br /> . � ?. �„q,CCB�ORS AND ASSZ(�NS Thi6 Deed o� Trust appli iegat�es,�devic3C��, -_
<br /> henefft of aa8 .binds oll pa�ea hss.eto, their heiro,
<br /> ` The terns "BeAeficiascy° e7�i.�. �,�:;,;
<br /> ; :..<� ...� �� r! Persoaal rapreseatatiyae. swece�sore ass8 ae8lgae. ,
<br /> - rt�eas� tUs axsier aadl hoxdet �fc the. Ho4�e, edsethe�e as nat namad aa S�g���� �� ;
<br /> " � �.:_r .�. , ..•;t�� koYein. . , � .
<br /> ti :.,:•.y:., { • �
<br /> V p. �SPB�zON� Seneficiasy.'.c� ite egeate, rBPreseatatar�t of•.tho 4�t
<br /> �� � h -
<br /> :?•'�• � ��, ��;:, aze �uthoriaed to enter at anY toaBa�'�8 t� �°A °x � �y oso o�perEo�9
<br /> � =�',••.:.:�:`; :� Sgtate far t�ae y�Pose af i»sgectiag the earae aa3 �or eha.puiP oE the Loaa ' • -
<br /> : � . . ,;,�,,� any of �a acta it ie aut&oriaect to ges�ossn uader the terms�of ascY --
<br /> .```-�.,.. �.' , • �• Iastrume:ste. ' _ .
<br /> �,�;•_ :�.;� �.•r�;�
<br /> ';��`�:-�:i":�',"" �� g, �pHt�B c!P DSP_AtTt�� 1�nY o� the folloYing eveaee eha21 ne daeme� � _
<br /> �.. L_.,���' .
<br /> ;.�;; � eveat of. d�egault.�as�wades: .
<br /> �;;;:;..:s:� . t og e�Y inetallateat of
<br /> .�,"'.z':.�;'' (p�. �.'sustv�rs ehall have feiled !o u�lce P�Y�en
<br /> '�:, .� ��;`, fntereat. Prinofna2. or psinaipal aad 3ntereae or asry otitser sum�seaaze4 1�eseby ..:., �
<br /> '° _,::��::•": �'eiti�n t.hiseY (30) days after the, eama becaae 8ues or. ,
<br /> ; .,.._-. :>' ,.ti texm► covet��ati.
<br /> ,r :�,::',;,.�: '.: . (b1 The=e hes oCCUSYed 8 bseaclt or d9�eult uttdor euy _
<br /> - • agseement. condit�ois. 9rovieion. re�reeantation. or �rarrenty cantaiaed ia the - -
<br /> � , :f.``:'''''" ;�":' hNote"� ehis aeed oF Truat aad anY o4 the r,oau. instrumeate s or !
<br /> "� ..h .'+�I�.:Y} . � . ... '.
<br /> ,°.� (a) Tsuetos� alla� eaY canstxuctionr. �chauic'A liera c+z eay othes . ` -
<br /> r "' ;`°', . coneeituti�ng xhe Txuat �getate. � .
<br /> :� ,�.. ?;,,, i r. � , �encumbrance to bo imPpead on th8 p=��Y
<br /> �,' '�x'"�T�; ',�`• . �CgLg9ATIQA IIAOP ABonmtr j►pDIR'I�nt. �� ShOUld eri �bA dtl9 �
<br /> '������� �� ' 1�.
<br /> �,..y,,
<br /> '�5��4 � ..�... -. '
<br /> 8ofault_occus. BensP3ei�sY�Y deaiese aii a.aaeaLe�ven oa�ure� esen]�te _
<br /> ::�} `,;.,���''.:' �,.,'`:',(., • �d•8eg�bio. and the ��9�h os aoticeof aa3��e�Theseaft s�ehe 9nefiei� �.-
<br /> ..t �:',r..�;,, psesenb�ant. dema�td. P � _
<br /> •_`:¢s:r,����'. :. lGtfy: • • � = —
<br /> ' ���` . aaeion or _
<br /> � t�) Sirh9r in pesson or by e�t� Mit 8 0���a�ps8 Mithoutg s ge�ard to the -
<br /> , psacee�ing. or bY a receiv9r agAaf►r:LeB bY
<br /> ::�:r�- ' adegaae.y of ite securitY. ��er �A� ��teke g�sseeaion oE the Tsuet Seeate. or .
<br /> '"•'' ' ' any part thereof, in ite c�srss aame er ia tha name oQ Truetee, aa8 8o en e�oCa
<br /> -�.. .' :��.;�. , .,
<br /> � . . xhicb it 8eema aeceesary or 8eeire�bie to greee Y or intareet�thesein,�iacrease
<br /> ' � rentnbilitY o� �'s T�t setete. o�.�ast ereo �.,;.
<br /> a�.� vitri or vit3�cut terl�ing .;.
<br /> - ' the incame theregrom oz protece the seausity heseo�, .�
<br /> — ' � , go9s�asion o£ the Tzust 8etate, sue for.or ot�er�ise ca3lect tho ren�e, $Gs"tt10fl• , ..:�,_<
<br /> ', . • a u Q p r o f i t e t h sseo9g,�ee og.cpei t4on a�ad colec t�o, i a c u�d i a g a�t o a ne ya fe e, � ���
<br /> � ieas coste an� exg
<br /> . , .' upon any indebtednefls secure6 hereby. ali iri euch order ae Beae�ieiory �Y
<br /> , detesmine. �eu� ren o,�i eu0o�a 8i Y�eeea�$ t�BP��iie tiongtt:ereo��ae
<br /> ' . coliection o .
<br /> . �, . , . aforesai�e shala t doAe ia sospone�a ouch dega it or PuYauantit euch aotice
<br /> iavali�'i3 eriY
<br /> oE defar�e ana, aotwithstiendin9�e ccmtinuasice in 8os ieaues ar p fft et�exee •
<br /> • or the coilaat3on, seceipt en8 application of rente. .
<br /> - _- _- ez �Aasf�ciary ehaii be eniat�le on o�c.��E�ca o£ eay eve�t o�e dsfaultr laaludiag . . .
<br /> . • the Loan ingtrwrtents o �SY �
<br /> . .. . the right to exsYCise the pawer oE eale: ' . -
<br /> ; ' . .
<br /> _ •„
<br />