� .�._Y e . o `�-c . � .� - _ ...;. . r� rY,
<br /> � . �"L F L i^, �' . - � . 1'�•-• . . _. „\ --
<br /> . .,4 , 4;, .`. ` .
<br /> _ _ `- _ .L _ :a� _ _.5
<br /> .:A-.'� ' :.�` ' ''s i ,��:r`����� t� .['� . ';1�� �f,�r. � . � � • ' .
<br /> t z• . ' - c' -c ,� �4 c + .�,,,_ •
<br /> . 4 'e a � � � c.s ` ' �e` . ..F •• M1 .
<br /> c• ,Y� . ` `;`.[ ' g 4 . . . ,�� '�i.. � Y ��. ' c �s` t 4 . .
<br /> , - 'i�., . - . . .
<br /> � t . , i • .�t ' , �.,l:• , lt ;U', `!;��.�� t r� _ ��
<br /> .tt�`� i- ,� � e ` F,'�:
<br /> •� � .l ` � '��(� � ���� �• � ` ' ' .
<br /> � � " 4 • paymenis may tto Ionger�e regulied.�u1 tfte option of i.en�r,if mortgage insurance ca�'etage(in the nmount and for tii�per�od
<br /> �•' °' .. . ..' ,;>. , that i:endet requires)prov�dad ky an insurer ep�rrove�by Lender again bsoomes uvailable a�i�o6taiacd.Borro�ver st�all,pay .. � �
<br /> . o
<br /> � ";:�� •,� ` ' the premiu�s required te mainta3n atortgage insarance in effect.or.to provide'a Ios��esErve,until the reqnicement for mortgage ` ';�'�
<br /> . ' ins9smnoe ertds ta ac�urdattoe�vith tmy written agreeinent betweeu Borrower aad Lettder or applicable law. , ,.
<br /> ', • � �, 9.Ins�cttaa.Lender or its agent may matce reasunable entrie�upon and insps�ctions of the Property.t.ender shall g ive
<br /> � _ . Botrower nntive ai the tHne of or prior to,an inspection_spsc[fying reasonaisle cause for the inspest�on ����� "
<br /> �. : - . ' Ep. CQ�de�nat��at.Ttte pmceeds o'f any award ar ctaim for damages, direct cir mnsec�Cential, in conneition with any .
<br /> �����'"'"c � cottdeiiination or other taking of any�ari of the Property.or for conveyartce in tie��oFcondemnatian,Ste hereby assigned attd ({ .
<br /> � .r �i ..• "-;
<br /> S,,�V�--`..
<br /> ... .. .�. . .. . �
<br /> , . ° , shalf be paid to Lender.
<br /> ., , � .. .. ;•..��,
<br /> . .: . , � ' ..
<br /> -��--.�-�.-..�...-�=�._ _.IntBe evQniof A.tQt�)talsi�t$,uf tlte.Propert�,theproceeds,s�all be applied to the sums secured lsy this S�rity in�wment, . .
<br /> — , -
<br /> ��. " � whether or rtot ttien dus,vrith arry eaicess paidto�orrowet:In ihe event o�a p��l:iaging'oi i��ropaty urwiuc-1rti�-i��--�----
<br /> ," ,'` .�f� market ralue of the Pcaperty immediate{y before the f3king is equal to or greater th�si the arnount of the sums secuted by this
<br /> Security Instrumsnt immediatcly before the taldng,unl�ss Borrower and Lender othen�vise agree in wri6ng.th�sunis secvred 6y _
<br /> '�' - this Se�rity Insuument�ha11 be reduc€A bY the asauunt of the praceeds multiplied by th�foltowing feaction: (a)�the tata!
<br /> ��.'�� amaunt of the sums seeured immediately 6efore the tahing.divided by(b)the fair inarket vaIue of the P►vperty�immeGiately
<br /> . , '`y , _ �tfore the ta�cing. Any balaaoe st�all be paid w Borrower. In the�vent of a partial taldng of the Pmperty iu w6ich ihe fais� .
<br /> ----_— --- m3rket value of the Property immeJiately befnre the taking is tess than�he amnuat of the sums se�u�d immediately before the :_:,:�-'
<br /> ' - -' �' taking,unless Bo�ower and Leuder othe�ise agree.in writina or�nless applic�Tole law othe�vnLse provides.the proceeds shalt -;:-�.;
<br /> . _ .�;� `�: `, be aPFlied to the sutas sea�red by this Serurity Inswmei�t whether.or not the sums are then due. � �
<br /> . :.�;. ,
<br /> ',.' " - � If the Ptopeny is abandoned by Borrower,ar if,after notioe by Lcnder to Borrower,that th�condemnor offers to make an ; ,
<br /> • �`' �� award os settte a claim for damages,Hoirower fails ta respaasl to i.ender aritl�in 30 days afte`r'the date�e notice�is given, . �,�*:
<br /> .. �.".:,'�. ....
<br /> -_�`�-� .- ...._'..-Lender is authorized.to collect.aad 1y_the.pmceeds,at I1�9P�Qn,eiti�er_to restomtfon or repair of t�e Property or to the s�uns .`�` �
<br /> . .. -- �,PP ..................�---_-._.._._..---� `
<br /> ,:,, � secured(ry this 5ewrity In.=atnunxrt,wliethet or not then due. ; _.- �-- �- -�-------- . . �� �'
<br /> �, � _ °
<br /> 3ication of p�s to aci s3uill nai extend,os �`,
<br /> - �:�5,,,� Untess Lemder and Bonocuer otheniiise�ree in writing, aaY �PP P� 1� s3u
<br /> . . � postgone the dne date of the ptunthly payint,mts referred to in patagraphs 1 and 2 w change tl�e amount of such paymenta. . �,�;�'
<br /> � .. ': .. _
<br /> • .. .,� . . ..
<br /> � ' = '�-� 11.Bor�n�eer Not Released;Forb�ce By Leadet Not a Wutver.Extension of t(ie time for ayment or modificatton ��;:°.�.
<br /> -',n, ...r-. , _
<br /> P
<br /> �a- -.
<br /> ;, , :: � < '�: � of emartiratian of the sutns sec+ired by this Se�riry I�stnunent�mted by t�er to any suaaessor in tnterest of Barrawer s �;;;_
<br /> " ''�>� not ogerate to Yelease the liability of�he original Bomnwer ar Borrower's saceessors in interes�Lender s}sall not Qe required to —__-
<br /> `.="� '� -. commence prooeedin�,s agaiast any successor in interest or refuse to extend 6me for papm.ent or otherwise modify amorti7ation = -
<br /> �r �:° ;�. '.�' ": 'of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason af.any demamd made by the original Borrower oq�Bo�ower's ' ____
<br /> , >,.. � .
<br /> •�f. . °•.���° sa�*�r.s ie�iaterest. Any forbeai^�xce byr Leader is�eaerc�siiig arry right ar remedy shall hot ba a waiver of or preclude tite =
<br /> . . , -°:�j% ;� •exercise ot an r� t or cemed ' • � �°�''
<br /> ,, '+;:��:-,,;.._ . Y P� Y• -
<br /> ' :' � 12. Saccessors nn�l Assig�s Gannd;Join4 and $everr9•II.isbillty; Co-signeis. 't3�e wvenants and agreements of'this , �":::`
<br /> � g s -�
<br /> :L . �` '"�� Sea�rity Instrument�timd a.71d ber.efit tha successors and assigns of�r.,�ler and Bormwer. snbject w the piovisiofls of -_--
<br /> ',:`•: ;�': � ara h 1�. �orrower's cave�s�and agre�sents sha11 be j,aint and �;���rai. Any Borrower who co-sip�s this 5ecurity ='
<br /> .-:. :.�r_�..'' .. �. S�P _
<br /> • � Instrument but does not execute�Note: (a)is.co-signing ttus Serurity dnstruinent only to mortgage.grant and wnvey that •� ___
<br /> �'� �'` Batrower's interest in the Property under the terms of ihis S�uriry Inswment:(b)is not personaUy obligated to pay'tiis sum� . F��'�•
<br /> . (,j�.
<br /> - � : � ; s�snred by this Security tnstniment;and(c)agr�s tt�at l.ender�and any othea�orrower may ggree to extcrnd.mod,ifyr.forbear or . �
<br /> - ,,. make,any aa�omReodations•witb regar�to the te�of this Securlty Instium�t or the Note without thai Bolrower's oonsent.
<br /> •• - '�• `��•� • '�: 13.I,unn C6arges.If the loan secvred by�:3s Security Instrument is swbject w a 1aw vwhich sets ma�timum toan charges. _
<br /> ..` ',.��;"_,".�:�", and et�;faw is finally interpreted sa that the inter¢st ar otk�i�Gsan et�rges collecxed or to be collected in eonnPCtion with tha
<br /> ���'�!�'''' � � laan ex�eed ihe pertniued limits;tlusr��.�(a)any such toan charge shall 6e reduced by the atnount necessary to redace the charge
<br /> -_-,,-. .�rr�,_. -
<br /> - `���':*:�'y to the pemtitted limit;and(bi nnY�s already coltected irom Borrower iwhich exc�ed�pemritted limits witl bo tefunded to
<br /> '`r`'`�''''' Burrower. Lender.may chuose W rna►ae this refuad 6y redusing the principal aw�under the IVote or 6y makin� a dtre�t
<br /> �`���� �''' ' �rayment to Borrower. lf a reftuid reduces qrirncipal, the reduction will be treated as a partisil piepayment without any �
<br /> • .;� :'.
<br /> _-- `„ :`:a;. . prepaymeni chaige under the Note. --
<br /> ' - 14.1Vtotices.Any notice to Botroa+er pmvided for in this Security Insirumeqt ahall be given by defivering it or by mailing __
<br /> ����,,..,;ti�::'� " it by first class mait un�ess applicable law requires use oF another method.The notice shall be dlrected ro the Property AdQres's =
<br /> '�?`�'��`,�":.:�'� ':'�~ or any othes addiess Barrowet designates by notice to Lender. Any aoitce to Lender shgJl be given by first class mnil M
<br /> ���'°:•���. ;�' ' Y_eader's address stated hereIn or any otf�er address Lender des�gnates by irotice to Borrower:Any notice provIded for in thia d=
<br /> . ,,,; . �
<br /> ": , Secua�3sy Instrument shall be deemed to have 6een given to Borrower or}.ender when�ivetr.�AS provIded in this paragraph. �
<br /> ,. ,iN', � _;: . � ]f3�Gpvernia� Law; Seve�'�11ity. Thla Security Instrum�at sha11 6e ga� s� G.'3► federni law and.the law of tI�e ,
<br /> �;,�;iN�. .' .` :.. -:�. ..
<br /> ,;;�{1,�.�; ;.:,�;� Sudsdiction in wiuch.the Property is located.in the event that any provision or clause cF this Security Inswment or the Nate =-..-
<br /> :: conillcts wIth applicu6le law.such conf]ict shell not affect other provisions�g this Security lnstrument ar the Note which can be� �`'-
<br /> , . :_-
<br /> '��'•`'� � � given effect wlthout rhe contlidfng provision.To this end the provisions o!this Securiry instrument and the Note are declared . ' �; _
<br /> _,.:�;�,f . � ;��._
<br /> . �.,,,,;.... . . to be severable. • �,;;.�k;
<br /> ,`�'��':<.;' t6.Somo�ver's Copy.Bos�mwer shall be given ona conformed copy of the Note and of this Securiry Tnstrument. �--
<br /> - ,'';:;;i.. , ,:`=
<br /> Form 3028 8180 :i"-`
<br /> - . - f.<, . . � Vage4of0 . � ' . . ' .
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