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<br /> , .�� . ti%'tr a � �.. ''.F.. . � • . . (-<.'. � F � ,-� � ' �c a � , . ', �c
<br /> _ y!.' a . ,1 ' S`� .f,! C^ C c i '.2�` , ` � _ �4 , . ,.� � .' . .2 • C
<br /> ' �:1, ..r^ i f r 4�` k.4t � -{ ty' .. � .F '�, ..'i�'-y .
<br /> ., i 4'. ,'t 4r �C f � } - f ,'la ..-+q �"L�S" - - t �'
<br /> . ... . .�. . . _ , . . � � _ -.
<br /> �. Y" � . .� ,.. � . � . . .�►5 �� �.�1��� � ` ``.
<br /> �� • . . a "
<br /> ° � '`f'OGE'I7�Sit NiTH ull the Smprovement`s rtow ar here:tfter erected an the pcoperty.�cd all easEments.appurteaances,and� ` �
<br /> • � � fixgums nnw nr. hereaRer u part of the propeity. Ali replacements und additions shall also 6e cove�ed by this S�auity
<br /> ;•.r,��``. � j. fnatrument.Al!of tfie foregoing is refezred to�n th'is Seatdty Listrument as tice"Property." ' . . 1':`��
<br /> ;�°„���' BURROWER COVENA{VTS.�ttat Borraurer is tawfulty seised of the estate hereby ranveyed and has�he ri�ht tai gr�nt an�,�
<br /> �. . . � mnv�'the Prayerty and that the Propeny is anencumbered.exce�t for encumbrances of remrd. Borrower tvarrartts und wii{
<br /> �:1 _ '= defertd gen�rally the title to the Piropecty ag,uinst nli ctai�rts and demands,su6ject to any e�icumbrances of reoord.
<br /> �-�-;�� THIS S�C€JRITY INSTRUME�3T rncnbines anit'orm vovemnts for national use and rion-unifoim Sovenants with limita�
<br /> m
<br /> . . � ;�" �� variations by jurisdicHan to eonstdtute a wnlfortn securiry insUvment oovering rea!property.
<br />,j'�.'`�• " �w:�� ' _ UiViFORM CQVENANi'E'S.Bormwer and Ixnder coven�n4 and 8^ree as foltows: � �
<br /> __..._ -��...�..� ' . _... ._ ...---_ .
<br /> _. - - - �•-r-�y�n�3 ag�ap�-q�i tA�-��m2tls �L�L�:'�omower sir�:pra�fipiip-pay;�Kn�iu�i� - - �
<br /> • �� . .
<br /> - ; � � � ; prtnctpa!oi and intecest on the debt evIdeneed by the Nate and asry prepayment and tate.charses d¢e under the Note. :,?`. �
<br /> r: ' �, , E.Futuds fus Taxes and I�sviaare.3ubject to applicable law or to a written�vaiver by Leader,Borrawer shal!pay tp
<br /> Leader ora the day rteonthly payments are d�e un8er the l�iate.uutii ths I�te is paId in full.�svm('Fands°)for:(aj yeariy taxea
<br /> � • ' '`'` 'and a�e3.sments wiuch may attain priority over.this Se�xtrity Irsuument as a lien on tiis Fropa,rEy:(b)Year[y leaseltold payments .
<br /> ,•'`., ', •, or.ground.rents oa Bie Pmperty.i�any.(c)Yearty hazard or property insurance premiums;(d)Ye:uty nood insurance pm,�niucns.
<br /> ,.,.;: .'� .:.
<br /> - - - -- ` �,.° if siny:(e)Yea�ly mortgage imvtatice ptemiums.if any:and(�aay sums payable by Borrower to l.ender.in accordanoe witb
<br />" .-�-i:�'`�.'�'' .thQ provisions of pazagraph 8,in lieu of'the paymeiit of mortgage insurance premiums.These�te.�s are called°Fsecow Items.'
<br />_ �'' r ' Isrcder may.at nny tLne.wllect and hbld Funds in an amauni not ta exceed the maximwn amount a lender for a fed�rally . ;-)�.
<br />_ - . r�elated rttortga�e loan may requIte far�oaower's escmw accouait under the federa!Rea1 Estate S�en�eat Procedures Acx of ,
<br /> 4 +4 .`: . . i974 as amra�ded fmra time to t�me. l2 U.S.C.Section 2601 gt seq.('RESPA°),unless azmther tav�that applies ta the Funds =:,;.,
<br />- �� . i�"--`` � _,:�.�. sets a_tesser amount._If so i.ender at d�ne.oolle¢t arr�hold Funds in an amount aot to exeeed the tesser amount.� -:
<br /> • •� ... . �----____�Y_�.--��-�---�- --------- ._.._.. ..__. .....
<br /> --� - --- -- - ---�--..__._.. _
<br /> -. " ';`.'� ` '. 'Lertder may estimate the antauin of Fuads das on the basis�of current_data aad ieasanable�estimates of�expetn�ifuces o�`�utuie . �_ �
<br /> r _ __ '`-.-°'r_ Escrow itetus or ath�rsvisc E�.:,oaiidmt�with agplic�ble[st+r. . � ' . ___-•
<br /> . �'� The Fuads shall 6e heid in;an institution whose de asits are insured b a federnl a ea � =F��'
<br /> . :;..}}, •, . P Y 8 �Y. instrumentality. �or entity
<br /> � � (irtcludiag Lender,if�.ender�s such an insriwiion)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.i�ender shnll apply ihe Fuads tp pay the �:'"'
<br /> - � Esc�nw Itefns.Lender may not charge Bormwer for holding and applying the Fands,annually analyz�g the escrow acoopat,•or --- , _=
<br /> •� , ' '�. ��• � veriPying the Facrow Items,unless Lender pays Sornower int¢mst on the Funds and appli�6le law permits Lender to make s�ch �
<br /> �',..' . • . •
<br /> '�—� �' a ctuge.Howev�r.i,ender may require Borro�ver to pay a ar�time charge for an independen!real e�state tax r+eporteng service _ __
<br /> :�'4 '� used !�y Lender tn connection with this foan. untess applica5le law pmvides otherwise. Unless an agreement is made�ar ' �
<br /> �. ..;� `�'. :.'.'., .,
<br /> _ • ; applicable law requlres interest to be patd,Iender shall not be required to pay Horrbwer any inteirst ar eamings on the Funds.
<br /> Borru�ver and Lender may age�in writing,however,that interest sha11 be paid on ihe Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower,
<br /> without charge. su�annual accounting of the Funds,showing credits and debits to the Furtds and the purpose for e�;irictt eash ��f�
<br />�•;.::.;_,.,...: '' ° su
<br /> �r:. _
<br /> �''�`�"-��. debit to the Funds wa�made.'i'he Furtds ace pledged as additioma!securiry for aU sums secured by this Security Instr,�nt. . `
<br />- _ .:::�';���. � If the Funds hetd by Lender eacecd the amounts permitted to be held by applisabie law.i.ender shalt acwunt W Bo�'tnwet ,
<br /> '``'''``;.�'``�° for the excess Funds in accordanoe with the requirements of applicable law..If the�mount of the Fands hetd by Lender at airy
<br /> ;�:,.-: .r.•. ;��: ' time is qot sufficient to pay the Fssmw Itetns when due.l.ender may so notify Bortowe�in writing.and,in such rase Borrower . �---
<br /> a �;,;;�;�.�,� ,'��; sball pay to Lender tfte amount necessary to make up the.deficiency.Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no more than
<br />_��--, , � ; .�: tweive monthly payments,at I.ender's saIe discretton. ' �
<br />-��f='=='�'�'�''" Upon Qayment in�full o�all sums secured by this Secarity Instnimeut, Lendes shafl pmmptiy refui�d to Borrower any
<br /> ,:'r-�-:`'''�'�. —
<br /> n�:;��`::`-�:-. �urtds held by LRnder.If.under paragraph 21,Lender shall acquire,or seil the Property.Lendes.prior to the acqaisition or sale �
<br /> ,��� of the Prop�ty.shall appty any Funds held 6y I.ender at the time of acquisition�or sale as a credit against the sums secured by .
<br />_- ----==- - - Uiis Securi¢y LisL�nent: ' -- -_- . �- -_- -- --_ ---._-._-._
<br /> �:..,-_: �.Appltcatlon oi Payments.Unless appficable law pravides othera+lse.all payments amxeiveA by LRrtdw w�der paragraphs
<br />-'—�'°��.�-'��'M.�l f r•N �,�,nd Z shail6e app]led:first,to any prepayment charges due under thp Note:second.to�tounts payabte under paragraph.2;
<br /> -`�=='?{:-�-;>� , .tfi��rti;.to interest dae:fourth.to principal due:and tast.to any late cha�ges dae under the Nate. , ,
<br /> � "�•`:� d.Chatges;Liens.Bonawer shall pay all taaes.assessments.charges,fines and impositions attri6atable to the Praperty
<br /> a.;�a�,,r.•-:-t, _ - � �
<br /> .: , whic6 may.attain priartry over this.Secudty instrument, and leasehold payments or ground rerms. if any. Borrower sha11 pay
<br /> � : �� these�Ibligatiuns in the manner provtded in paragraph 2,or lf not paid in that manner.Burrc�wer ahail pa�y them on time directiy
<br />''`���.^'�' to the�pe�son owed paytnent.Borrower shatl pmmpiiy fumish to Lender atl notices of asrn�ts to be paid unde�this�aragraph. .
<br />